Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <description>
 /// Add a notification marker called<paramref name="" /> name at
 /// </description>
 /// <param name="name">Symbolic name for the marker that will be passed to the onMarkerPassed() callback.</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Playback position in seconds when the notification should trigger.  Note that this is a soft limit and there may be a delay between the play cursor actually passing the position and the callback being triggered.</param>
 /// <remarks> For looped sounds, the marker will trigger on each iteration.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <code>
 /// // Create a new source.
 /// $source = sfxCreateSource( AudioMusicLoop2D, "art/sound/backgroundMusic" );
 /// // Assign a class to the source.
 /// $source.class = "BackgroundMusic";
 /// // Add a playback marker at one minute into playback.
 /// $source.addMarker( "first", 60 );
 /// // Define the callback function.  This function will be called when the playback position passes the one minute mark.
 /// function BackgroundMusic::onMarkerPassed( %this, %markerName )
 /// {
 ///    if( %markerName $= "first" )
 ///       echo( "Playback has passed the 60 seconds mark." );
 /// }
 /// // Play the sound.
 /// $source.play();
 /// </code>
 public void AddMarker(string name, float pos)
     InternalUnsafeMethods.AddMarker__Args _args = new InternalUnsafeMethods.AddMarker__Args()
         name = name,
         pos  = pos,
     InternalUnsafeMethods.AddMarker()(ObjectPtr, _args);