Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a hash for the current key to determine what its child's hash should be, in order to verify a supposed parent matches a supposed child.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns a hash used as an extended key fingerprint.</returns>
        private byte[] GetChildFingerprint()
            // Obtain our public key (compressed).
            byte[] publicKeyCompressed = InternalKey.ToPublicKeyArray(true, false);

            // Compute RIPEMD160(SHA256(compressed public key)).
            Memory <byte> hash = RIPEMD160.ComputeHash(SHA256.ComputeHash(publicKeyCompressed));

            // Obtain our fingerprint from our hash.
            return(hash.Slice(0, FINGERPRINT_SIZE).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the public key for this current key instance (if private, derives public, if public, returns as is).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns this key if it is a public key, otherwise obtains the public key from this key.</returns>
        public ExtendedKey GetExtendedPublicKey()
            // If this is already a public key, return itself
            if (KeyType == EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Public)

            // This is a private key, so we derive our public key information
            // at this level from this private key.
            return(new ExtendedKey(
                       EthereumEcdsa.Create(InternalKey.ToPublicKeyArray(), EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Public),
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the child key and child chain code for a given child key/index relative from this extended key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The child key/index to derive a key/chain code for.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a key and chain code for a child relative from this extended key. Derives a key of the same type as this key.</returns>
        private (EthereumEcdsa childKey, byte[] childChainCode) GetChildKeyInternal(uint index)
            // Declare a hash we will obtain of our key.
            byte[] hash = null;

            // If this is a hardened directory/key/index
            if (KeyPath.CheckHardenedDirectoryIndex(index))
                // Verify we aren't trying to derive a hardened key from a public key (since private is required).
                if (KeyType == EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Public)
                    // Throw an exception because hardened keys mean we need the private key, but this is the public key.
                    throw new ArgumentException("Hierarchically deterministic child key cannot be derived from a public key when the child key index is hardened. Hardened keys can only be derived when the private key is known.");

                // Obtain the message to hash. (0x00 byte prefixing the private key to pad it to 33 bytes long).
                byte[] hashMessage = new byte[] { 0 }.Concat(InternalKey.ToPrivateKeyArray());

                // Next we hash our key data.
                hash = ComputeChildHash(index, hashMessage);
                // Compute the hash on our public key and index.
                hash = ComputeChildHash(index, InternalKey.ToPublicKeyArray(true, false));

            // Set the child key data as the first 32 bytes of "hash"
            byte[] childKeyData = new byte[EthereumEcdsa.PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE];
            Array.Copy(hash, 0, childKeyData, 0, childKeyData.Length);

            // Initialize the child chain code
            byte[] childChainCode = new byte[CHAIN_CODE_SIZE];

            // We derive the child chain code as the data immediately following key data.
            Array.Copy(hash, 32, childChainCode, 0, childChainCode.Length);

            // Convert the key data to an integer
            BigInteger childKeyInt = BigIntegerConverter.GetBigInteger(childKeyData, false, childChainCode.Length);

            // If the child key is above N
            if (childKeyInt >= Secp256k1Curve.N)
                throw new ArgumentException("Calculated child key value cannot exceed or equal N on the secp256k1 curve. Hierarchically deterministic child key cannot derive here. Try again.");

            // Define our resulting key to obtain
            EthereumEcdsa childKey = null;

            // Obtain our child key depending on type.;
            if (KeyType == EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Public)
                // Obtain our public key and add it to G * childKey
                var q = Secp256k1Curve.Parameters.Curve.DecodePoint(InternalKey.ToPublicKeyArray(true, false));
                q = Secp256k1Curve.Parameters.G.Multiply(childKeyInt.ToBouncyCastleBigInteger()).Add(q);
                if (q.IsInfinity)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Calculated child key value point is infinity. This is a very rare occurrence. Hierarchically deterministic child key cannot derive here.");

                // Normalize our point.
                q = q.Normalize();

                var p       = Secp256k1Curve.DomainParameters.Curve.CreatePoint(q.XCoord.ToBigInteger(), q.YCoord.ToBigInteger());
                var encoded = p.GetEncoded(compressed: true);
                // Derive our child data.
                childKey = EthereumEcdsa.Create(encoded, EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Public);
                // Add our private key to our parsed new key, mod N, to derive our new key.
                BigInteger computedChildKeyInt = (BigIntegerConverter.GetBigInteger(InternalKey.ToPrivateKeyArray()) + childKeyInt) % Secp256k1Curve.N;

                // Verify our computed child key is non-zero
                if (computedChildKeyInt == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Calculated child private key is zero. This is a very rare occurrence. Hierarchically deterministic child key cannot derive here.");

                // Obtain our new key from this
                byte[] computedChildKeyData = BigIntegerConverter.GetBytes(computedChildKeyInt, EthereumEcdsa.PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE);

                // Initialize our key
                childKey = EthereumEcdsa.Create(computedChildKeyData, EthereumEcdsaKeyType.Private);

            // Return our obtained data.
            return(childKey, childChainCode);