Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the component identifier by foreign key and ChannelId, and creates it if it doesn't exist.
        /// If foreignKey is blank, this will throw a <seealso cref="ArgumentNullException" />
        /// If creating a new InteractionComponent with this, componentName must be specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The foreign key.</param>
        /// <param name="interactionChannelId">The interaction channel identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="componentName">Name of the component.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">ForeignKey must be specified when using GetComponentIdByForeignKey</exception>
        public static int GetComponentIdByForeignKeyAndChannelId(string foreignKey, int interactionChannelId, string componentName)
            if (foreignKey.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ForeignKey must be specified when using GetComponentIdByForeignKey");

            var lookupKey = $"{foreignKey}|interactionChannelId:{interactionChannelId}";

            if (_interactionComponentIdLookupFromForeignKey.TryGetValue(lookupKey, out int channelId))

            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var interactionComponentService = new InteractionComponentService(rockContext);
                var interactionComponent        = interactionComponentService.Queryable()
                                                  .Where(a => a.ForeignKey == foreignKey && a.InteractionChannelId == interactionChannelId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (interactionComponent == null)
                    interactionComponent                      = new InteractionComponent();
                    interactionComponent.Name                 = componentName;
                    interactionComponent.ForeignKey           = foreignKey;
                    interactionComponent.InteractionChannelId = interactionChannelId;

                var interactionComponentId = Get(interactionComponent).Id;
                _interactionComponentIdLookupFromForeignKey.AddOrUpdate(lookupKey, interactionComponentId, (k, v) => interactionComponentId);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(List <MACPresence> presenceList)
            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var interactionChannel = new InteractionChannelService(rockContext).Get(Rock.SystemGuid.InteractionChannel.WIFI_PRESENCE.AsGuid());
                if (interactionChannel != null)
                    var interactionComponentIds = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                    var personalDeviceService       = new PersonalDeviceService(rockContext);
                    var interactionService          = new InteractionService(rockContext);
                    var interactionComponentService = new InteractionComponentService(rockContext);

                    // Can't set to local time here as it won't compute DST correctly later.
                    var epochTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                    foreach (var macPresence in presenceList.Where(l => l.Mac != null && l.Mac != ""))
                        var device = personalDeviceService.GetByMACAddress(macPresence.Mac);
                        if (device == null)
                            device            = new PersonalDevice();
                            device.MACAddress = macPresence.Mac;


                        if (macPresence.Presence != null && macPresence.Presence.Any())
                            foreach (var presence in macPresence.Presence)
                                // Calc data needed for new and existing data
                                DateTime interactionStart = epochTime.AddSeconds(presence.Arrive).ToLocalTime();
                                DateTime interactionEnd   = epochTime.AddSeconds(presence.Depart).ToLocalTime();
                                TimeSpan ts       = interactionEnd.Subtract(interactionStart);
                                string   duration = (ts.TotalMinutes >= 60 ? $"{ts:%h} hours and " : "") + $"{ts:%m} minutes";

                                Interaction interaction = interactionService.Queryable().Where(i => i.ForeignKey != null && i.ForeignKey == presence.SessionId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (interaction == null)
                                    if (!interactionComponentIds.ContainsKey(presence.Space))
                                        var component = interactionComponentService
                                                        .Where(c =>
                                                               c.InteractionChannelId == interactionChannel.Id &&
                                                               c.Name == presence.Space)
                                        if (component == null)
                                            component = new InteractionComponent();
                                            component.InteractionChannelId = interactionChannel.Id;
                                            component.Name = presence.Space;

                                        interactionComponentIds.Add(presence.Space, component.Id);

                                    interaction = new Interaction();
                                    interaction.InteractionDateTime    = interactionStart;
                                    interaction.InteractionEndDateTime = interactionEnd;
                                    interaction.Operation              = "Present";
                                    interaction.InteractionSummary     = $"Arrived at {presence.Space} on {interactionStart.ToShortDateTimeString()}. Stayed for {duration}.";
                                    interaction.InteractionComponentId = interactionComponentIds[presence.Space];
                                    interaction.InteractionData        = presence.ToJson();
                                    interaction.PersonalDeviceId       = device.Id;
                                    interaction.PersonAliasId          = device.PersonAliasId;
                                    interaction.ForeignKey             = presence.SessionId;

                                    // Update the existing interaction
                                    interaction.InteractionEndDateTime = interactionEnd;
                                    interaction.InteractionSummary     = $"Arrived at {presence.Space} on {interactionStart.ToShortDateTimeString()}. Stayed for {duration}.";
                                    interaction.InteractionData        = presence.ToJson();


                    var response = ControllerContext.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created);
                    var response = ControllerContext.Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "A WiFi Presense Interaction Channel Was Not Found!");
                    throw new HttpResponseException(response);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute method to write transaction to the database.
        /// </summary>
        public void Execute()
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )

                var userAgent = (this.UserAgent ?? string.Empty).Trim();
                if ( userAgent.Length > 450 )
                    userAgent = userAgent.Substring( 0, 450 ); // trim super long useragents to fit in pageViewUserAgent.UserAgent

                // get user agent info
                var clientType = PageViewUserAgent.GetClientType( userAgent );

                // don't log visits from crawlers
                if ( clientType != "Crawler" )
                    InteractionChannelService interactionChannelService = new InteractionChannelService( rockContext );
                    InteractionComponentService interactionComponentService = new InteractionComponentService( rockContext );
                    InteractionDeviceTypeService interactionDeviceTypeService = new InteractionDeviceTypeService( rockContext );
                    InteractionSessionService interactionSessionService = new InteractionSessionService( rockContext );
                    InteractionService interactionService = new InteractionService( rockContext );

                    ClientInfo client = uaParser.Parse( userAgent );
                    var clientOs = client.OS.ToString();
                    var clientBrowser = client.UserAgent.ToString();

                    // lookup the interactionDeviceType, and create it if it doesn't exist
                    var interactionDeviceType = interactionDeviceTypeService.Queryable().Where( a => a.Application == clientBrowser
                                                && a.OperatingSystem == clientOs && a.ClientType == clientType ).FirstOrDefault();

                    if ( interactionDeviceType == null )
                        interactionDeviceType = new InteractionDeviceType();
                        interactionDeviceType.DeviceTypeData = userAgent;
                        interactionDeviceType.ClientType = clientType;
                        interactionDeviceType.OperatingSystem = clientOs;
                        interactionDeviceType.Application = clientBrowser;
                        interactionDeviceType.Name = string.Format( "{0} - {1}", clientOs, clientBrowser );
                        interactionDeviceTypeService.Add( interactionDeviceType );

                    // lookup interactionSession, and create it if it doesn't exist
                    Guid sessionId = this.SessionId.AsGuid();
                    int? interactionSessionId = interactionSessionService.Queryable()
                                                        a => a.DeviceTypeId == interactionDeviceType.Id
                                                        && a.Guid == sessionId )
                                                    .Select( a => (int?)a.Id )

                    if ( !interactionSessionId.HasValue )
                        var interactionSession = new InteractionSession();
                        interactionSession.DeviceTypeId = interactionDeviceType.Id;
                        interactionSession.IpAddress = this.IPAddress;
                        interactionSession.Guid = sessionId;
                        interactionSessionService.Add( interactionSession );
                        interactionSessionId = interactionSession.Id;

                    int componentEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<Rock.Model.Page>().Id;
                    string siteName = SiteCache.Read( SiteId ?? 1 ).Name;

                    // lookup the interaction channel, and create it if it doesn't exist
                    int channelMediumTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( SystemGuid.DefinedValue.INTERACTIONCHANNELTYPE_WEBSITE.AsGuid() ).Id;

                    // check that the site exists as a channel
                    var interactionChannel = interactionChannelService.Queryable()
                                                        .Where( a =>
                                                            a.ChannelTypeMediumValueId == channelMediumTypeValueId
                                                            && a.ChannelEntityId == this.SiteId )
                    if ( interactionChannel == null )
                        interactionChannel = new InteractionChannel();
                        interactionChannel.Name = siteName;
                        interactionChannel.ChannelTypeMediumValueId = channelMediumTypeValueId;
                        interactionChannel.ChannelEntityId = this.SiteId;
                        interactionChannel.ComponentEntityTypeId = componentEntityTypeId;
                        interactionChannelService.Add( interactionChannel );

                    // check that the page exists as a component
                    var interactionComponent = interactionComponentService.Queryable()
                                                        .Where( a =>
                                                            a.EntityId == PageId
                                                            && a.ChannelId == interactionChannel.Id )
                    if ( interactionComponent == null )
                        interactionComponent = new InteractionComponent();
                        interactionComponent.Name = PageTitle;
                        interactionComponent.EntityId = PageId;
                        interactionComponent.ChannelId = interactionChannel.Id;
                        interactionComponentService.Add( interactionComponent );

                    // add the interaction
                    Interaction interaction = new Interaction();
                    interactionService.Add( interaction );

                    // obfuscate rock magic token
                    Regex rgx = new Regex( @"rckipid=([^&]*)" );
                    string cleanUrl = rgx.Replace( this.Url, "rckipid=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" );

                    interaction.InteractionData = cleanUrl;
                    interaction.Operation = "View";
                    interaction.PersonAliasId = this.PersonAliasId;
                    interaction.InteractionDateTime = this.DateViewed;
                    interaction.InteractionSessionId = interactionSessionId;
                    interaction.InteractionComponentId = interactionComponent.Id;