Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string FindNextParagraphSpeaker(IList <ICoreMap> paragraph, int paragraphOffset, Dictionaries dict)
            ICoreMap lastSent = paragraph[paragraph.Count - 1];
            string   speaker  = string.Empty;

            foreach (CoreLabel w in lastSent.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)))
                if (w.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation)).Equals("report") || w.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation)).Equals("say"))
                    string        word       = w.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation));
                    SemanticGraph dependency = lastSent.Get(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation));
                    IndexedWord   t          = dependency.GetNodeByWordPattern(word);
                    foreach (Pair <GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> child in dependency.ChildPairs(t))
                        if (child.First().GetShortName().Equals("nsubj"))
                            int subjectIndex = child.Second().Index();
                            // start from 1
                            IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2);
                            headPosition.Set(0, paragraph.Count - 1 + paragraphOffset);
                            headPosition.Set(1, subjectIndex - 1);
                            if (mentionheadPositions.Contains(headPosition) && mentionheadPositions[headPosition].nerString.StartsWith("PER"))
                                speaker = int.ToString(mentionheadPositions[headPosition].mentionID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public TempPouzitieModulu(int nIdModul, IntTuple nSur, String nId, String nMenoModulu)
     idModul    = nIdModul;
     sur        = nSur;
     id         = nId;
     menoModulu = nMenoModulu;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    static long Solve(long n, IntTuple g, IntTuple s, IntTuple b)
        if (g.Item1 >= g.Item2)
            return(Solve(n, s, b));
        if (s.Item1 >= s.Item2)
            return(Solve(n, g, b));
        if (b.Item1 >= b.Item2)
            return(Solve(n, g, s));
        long max           = 0;
        long currentEffort = 0;

        while (n >= 0)
            max            = Max(max, currentEffort + Solve(n, g, s));
            n             -= b.Item1;
            currentEffort += b.Item2;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        Objekt nacitajOp(String id)
            String   op  = popToken();
            IntTuple sur = getTagIntTuple();

            if (op == "index")
                return(new Index(sur.a, sur.b, id));
            if (op == "concat")
                return(new Zretazenie(sur.a, sur.b, id));
            if (op == "reverse")
                return(new OtocenieBitov(sur.a, sur.b, id));
            if (op == "inc" || op == "dec")
                return(new IncDecOperacia(sur.a, sur.b, id, op));
            if (op == "mod")
                return(new Modulo(sur.a, sur.b, id));
            if (op == "if")
                IntTuple sur2 = getIntTuple();
                return(new IfBlok(sur.a, sur.b, sur2.a, sur2.b, id));
            return(new Operacia(sur.a, sur.b, id, op));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>initialize positions and corefClusters (put each mention in each CorefCluster)</summary>
 private void InitializeCorefCluster()
     for (int i = 0; i < predictedOrderedMentionsBySentence.Count; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < predictedOrderedMentionsBySentence[i].Count; j++)
             Mention m = predictedOrderedMentionsBySentence[i][j];
             if (allPredictedMentions.Contains(m.mentionID))
                 SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.Warning("WARNING: Already contain mention " + m.mentionID);
                 Mention m1 = allPredictedMentions[m.mentionID];
                 SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.Warning("OLD mention: " + m1.SpanToString() + "[" + m1.startIndex + "," + m1.endIndex + "]");
                 SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.Warning("NEW mention: " + m.SpanToString() + "[" + m.startIndex + "," + m.endIndex + "]");
             //          SieveCoreferenceSystem.debugPrintMentions(System.err, "PREDICTED ORDERED", predictedOrderedMentionsBySentence);
             //          SieveCoreferenceSystem.debugPrintMentions(System.err, "GOLD ORDERED", goldOrderedMentionsBySentence);
             allPredictedMentions[m.mentionID] = m;
             IntTuple pos = new IntTuple(2);
             pos.Set(0, i);
             pos.Set(1, j);
             positions[m] = pos;
             m.sentNum    = i;
             corefClusters[m.mentionID] = new CorefCluster(m.mentionID, Generics.NewHashSet(Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(m)));
             m.corefClusterID           = m.mentionID;
             IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2);
             headPosition.Set(0, i);
             headPosition.Set(1, m.headIndex);
             mentionheadPositions[headPosition] = m;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 static long Solve(long n, IntTuple g)
     if (g.Item1 >= g.Item2)
     return(n % g.Item1 + (n / g.Item1) * g.Item2);
        /// <summary>the feature number of the original feature or -1 if this is for a prior</summary>
        internal virtual int FeatureOf(int index)
            IntTuple i = featureIndex.Get(index);

            if (i.Length() == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // for backward compatibility with a few old things
        // TODO: Aim to get rid of this entirely
        private static void AddObsoleteCoreferenceAnnotations(Annotation annotation, IList <IList <Mention> > orderedMentions, IDictionary <int, CorefChain> result)
            IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > links = SieveCoreferenceSystem.GetLinks(result);
            // save the coref output as CorefGraphAnnotation
            // cdm 2013: this block didn't seem to be doing anything needed....
            // List<List<CoreLabel>> sents = new ArrayList<List<CoreLabel>>();
            // for (CoreMap sentence: annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
            //   List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
            //   sents.add(tokens);
            // }
            // this graph is stored in CorefGraphAnnotation -- the raw links found by the coref system
            IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > graph = new List <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> >();

            foreach (Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> link in links)
                // Note: all offsets in the graph start at 1 (not at 0!)
                //       we do this for consistency reasons, as indices for syntactic dependencies start at 1
                int      srcSent = link.first.Get(0);
                int      srcTok  = orderedMentions[srcSent - 1][link.first.Get(1) - 1].headIndex + 1;
                int      dstSent = link.second.Get(0);
                int      dstTok  = orderedMentions[dstSent - 1][link.second.Get(1) - 1].headIndex + 1;
                IntTuple dst     = new IntTuple(2);
                dst.Set(0, dstSent);
                dst.Set(1, dstTok);
                IntTuple src = new IntTuple(2);
                src.Set(0, srcSent);
                src.Set(1, srcTok);
                graph.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, dst));
            annotation.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefGraphAnnotation), graph);
            foreach (CorefChain corefChain in result.Values)
                if (corefChain.GetMentionsInTextualOrder().Count < 2)
                ICollection <CoreLabel> coreferentTokens = Generics.NewHashSet();
                foreach (CorefChain.CorefMention mention in corefChain.GetMentionsInTextualOrder())
                    ICoreMap  sentence = annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation))[mention.sentNum - 1];
                    CoreLabel token    = sentence.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[mention.headIndex - 1];
                foreach (CoreLabel token_1 in coreferentTokens)
                    token_1.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefClusterAnnotation), coreferentTokens);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void setIntTuplesWithSwapsAndSignChange(IntTuple[] inputIntTuples, IntTupleEqualityComparer comparer)
     HashSet<IntTuple> container = new HashSet<IntTuple>(comparer);
     foreach (var intTuple in inputIntTuples)
         addOppositeElements(container, intTuple);
     this.intTuples = new IntTuple[container.Count];
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private bool FindSpeaker(int utterNum, int sentNum, IList <ICoreMap> sentences, int startIndex, int endIndex, Dictionaries dict)
            IList <CoreLabel> sent = sentences[sentNum].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation));

            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                if (sent[i].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation)) != 0)
                string lemma = sent[i].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation));
                string word  = sent[i].Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation));
                if (dict.reportVerb.Contains(lemma))
                    // find subject
                    SemanticGraph dependency = sentences[sentNum].Get(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation));
                    IndexedWord   w          = dependency.GetNodeByWordPattern(word);
                    if (w != null)
                        foreach (Pair <GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> child in dependency.ChildPairs(w))
                            if (child.First().GetShortName().Equals("nsubj"))
                                string subjectString = child.Second().Word();
                                int    subjectIndex  = child.Second().Index();
                                // start from 1
                                IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2);
                                headPosition.Set(0, sentNum);
                                headPosition.Set(1, subjectIndex - 1);
                                string speaker;
                                if (mentionheadPositions.Contains(headPosition))
                                    speaker = int.ToString(mentionheadPositions[headPosition].mentionID);
                                    speaker = subjectString;
                                speakers[utterNum] = speaker;
                        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.Warning("Cannot find node in dependency for word " + word);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void AnnotateOldFormat(IDictionary <int, CorefChain> result, Document corefDoc)
            IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > links = GetLinks(result);
            Annotation annotation = corefDoc.annotation;
            // save the coref output as CorefGraphAnnotation
            // this graph is stored in CorefGraphAnnotation -- the raw links found by the coref system
            IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > graph = new List <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> >();

            foreach (Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> link in links)
                // Note: all offsets in the graph start at 1 (not at 0!)
                //       we do this for consistency reasons, as indices for syntactic dependencies start at 1
                int      srcSent = link.first.Get(0);
                int      srcTok  = corefDoc.GetOrderedMentions()[srcSent - 1][link.first.Get(1) - 1].headIndex + 1;
                int      dstSent = link.second.Get(0);
                int      dstTok  = corefDoc.GetOrderedMentions()[dstSent - 1][link.second.Get(1) - 1].headIndex + 1;
                IntTuple dst     = new IntTuple(2);
                dst.Set(0, dstSent);
                dst.Set(1, dstTok);
                IntTuple src = new IntTuple(2);
                src.Set(0, srcSent);
                src.Set(1, srcTok);
                graph.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, dst));
            annotation.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefGraphAnnotation), graph);
            foreach (CorefChain corefChain in result.Values)
                if (corefChain.GetMentionsInTextualOrder().Count < 2)
                ICollection <CoreLabel> coreferentTokens = Generics.NewHashSet();
                foreach (CorefChain.CorefMention mention in corefChain.GetMentionsInTextualOrder())
                    ICoreMap  sentence = annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation))[mention.sentNum - 1];
                    CoreLabel token    = sentence.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[mention.headIndex - 1];
                foreach (CoreLabel token_1 in coreferentTokens)
                    token_1.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefClusterAnnotation), coreferentTokens);
 /// <summary>This constructor is used to recreate a CorefMention following serialization.</summary>
 public CorefMention(Dictionaries.MentionType mentionType, Dictionaries.Number number, Dictionaries.Gender gender, Dictionaries.Animacy animacy, int startIndex, int endIndex, int headIndex, int corefClusterID, int mentionID, int sentNum, IntTuple
                     position, string mentionSpan)
     this.mentionType    = mentionType;
     this.number         = number;
     this.gender         = gender;
     this.animacy        = animacy;
     this.startIndex     = startIndex;
     this.endIndex       = endIndex;
     this.headIndex      = headIndex;
     this.corefClusterID = corefClusterID;
     this.mentionID      = mentionID;
     this.sentNum        = sentNum;
     this.position       = position;
     this.mentionSpan    = mentionSpan;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// This method return such int tuple where the components of this tuple have ascending order.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="num"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IntTuple[] applyCornacchiaMethod(int num)
     IntTuple[] intTuples;
     if (num == 1)
         intTuples = new IntTuple[]
             new IntTuple() { Tuple = new int[] { 1, 0 } },
             new IntTuple() { Tuple = new int[] { 0, 1 } }
         List<IntTuple> intTuplesOfFactors = listSumOfSquaresOfFactors(num);
         intTuples = applyFibonacciIdentity(intTuplesOfFactors);
     return intTuples;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void addNumMultipleForLaterNum(int limit, List<IntTuple>[] dictOfSolutions, int num, 
     IntTuple[] currentTuples)
     foreach (var intTuple in currentTuples)
         int k = 2;
         while (num <= (double)limit / (double)(k * k))
             int laterNum = num * k * k;
             IntTuple tupleForLaterNum = new IntTuple()
                 Tuple = new int[] { intTuple.Tuple[0] * k, intTuple.Tuple[1] * k }
             updateTuplesOfLaterNum(dictOfSolutions, laterNum, tupleForLaterNum);
             laterNum = num * k * k;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private string FindParagraphSpeaker(IList <ICoreMap> paragraph, int paragraphUtterIndex, string nextParagraphSpeaker, int paragraphOffset, Dictionaries dict)
     if (!speakers.Contains(paragraphUtterIndex))
         if (!nextParagraphSpeaker.Equals(string.Empty))
             speakers[paragraphUtterIndex] = nextParagraphSpeaker;
             // find the speaker of this paragraph (John, nbc news)
             ICoreMap lastSent = paragraph[paragraph.Count - 1];
             string   speaker  = string.Empty;
             bool     hasVerb  = false;
             for (int i = 0; i < lastSent.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation)).Count; i++)
                 CoreLabel w   = lastSent.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation))[i];
                 string    pos = w.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation));
                 string    ner = w.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation));
                 if (pos.StartsWith("V"))
                     hasVerb = true;
                 if (ner.StartsWith("PER"))
                     IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2);
                     headPosition.Set(0, paragraph.Count - 1 + paragraphOffset);
                     headPosition.Set(1, i);
                     if (mentionheadPositions.Contains(headPosition))
                         speaker = int.ToString(mentionheadPositions[headPosition].mentionID);
             if (!hasVerb && !speaker.Equals(string.Empty))
                 speakers[paragraphUtterIndex] = speaker;
     return(FindNextParagraphSpeaker(paragraph, paragraphOffset, dict));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private void addOppositeElements(HashSet<IntTuple> tempIntTuples, IntTuple intTuple)
     int dim = intTuple.Tuple.Length;
     // The following loop iterates over the all sign-combinations of the original tuple components.
     // E.g. for (x,y) these are (-x,y),(x,-y),(-x,-y)
     for (int signDealingOut = 1; signDealingOut < Math.Pow(2, dim); signDealingOut++)
         int[] currentTuple = new int[dim];
         for (int idx = 0; idx < dim; idx++)
             int bit = (signDealingOut >> idx) & 1;
             if (bit == 0) // the bit 0 symbolizes '+'
                 currentTuple[idx] = intTuple.Tuple[idx];
             else // the bit 0 symbolizes '-'
                 currentTuple[idx] = -intTuple.Tuple[idx];
         tempIntTuples.Add(new IntTuple() { Tuple = currentTuple });
 /// <summary>This constructor builds the external CorefMention class from the internal Mention.</summary>
 public CorefMention(Mention m, IntTuple pos)
     mentionType    = m.mentionType;
     number         = m.number;
     gender         = m.gender;
     animacy        = m.animacy;
     startIndex     = m.startIndex + 1;
     endIndex       = m.endIndex + 1;
     headIndex      = m.headIndex + 1;
     corefClusterID = m.corefClusterID;
     sentNum        = m.sentNum + 1;
     mentionID      = m.mentionID;
     mentionSpan    = m.SpanToString();
     // index starts from 1
     position = new IntTuple(2);
     position.Set(0, pos.Get(0) + 1);
     position.Set(1, pos.Get(1) + 1);
     m.headWord.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefClusterIdAnnotation), corefClusterID);
 private IntTuple[] innerDecomposeByBacktracking(int num, int squaresNO)
     IntTuple[] intTuples;
     if (num == 0)
         int[] tuple = new int[squaresNO];
         for (int idx = 0; idx < squaresNO; idx++)
             tuple[idx] = 0;
         intTuples = new IntTuple[1] { new IntTuple() { Tuple = tuple } };
     else if (squaresNO == 2)
         intTuples = cornacchiaMethod.applyCornacchiaMethod(num);
         intTuples = innerDecomposeByBacktrackingWhenSquaresNOIsGreaterThanTwo(num, squaresNO);
     return intTuples;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    static long Solve(long n, IntTuple g, IntTuple s)
        if (g.Item1 >= g.Item2)
            Solve(n, s);
        if (s.Item1 >= s.Item2)
            Solve(n, g);
        long max           = 0;
        long currentEffort = 0;

        while (n >= 0)
            max            = Max(max, currentEffort + Solve(n, g));
            n             -= s.Item1;
            currentEffort += s.Item2;
 /// <summary>
 /// This method return such int tuple where the components of this tuple have ascending order.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="num"></param>
 /// <param name="squaresNO"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IntTuple[] decomposeByBacktracking(int num, int squaresNO)
     IntTuple[] decompositions;
     if (squaresNO == 1)
         int floorOfSquareOfN = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(num));
         if (floorOfSquareOfN * floorOfSquareOfN == num)
             decompositions = new IntTuple[1];
             decompositions[0] = new IntTuple() { Tuple = new int[] { floorOfSquareOfN } };
             decompositions = new IntTuple[0];
     else if (squaresNO >= 2)
         decompositions = innerDecomposeByBacktracking(num, squaresNO);
         decompositions = new IntTuple[0];
     return decompositions;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private void updateTuplesOfLaterNum(List<IntTuple>[] dictOfSolutions, int laterNum,
     IntTuple tupleForLaterNum)
     if (dictOfSolutions[laterNum] != null)
         dictOfSolutions[laterNum] = new List<IntTuple>();
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>Extract gold coref link information</summary>
        protected internal virtual void ExtractGoldLinks()
            //    List<List<Mention>> orderedMentionsBySentence = this.getOrderedMentions();
            IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > links = new List <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> >();
            // position of each mention in the input matrix, by id
            IDictionary <int, IntTuple> positions = Generics.NewHashMap();
            // positions of antecedents
            IDictionary <int, IList <IntTuple> > antecedents = Generics.NewHashMap();

            for (int i = 0; i < goldOrderedMentionsBySentence.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < goldOrderedMentionsBySentence[i].Count; j++)
                    Mention  m   = goldOrderedMentionsBySentence[i][j];
                    int      id  = m.mentionID;
                    IntTuple pos = new IntTuple(2);
                    pos.Set(0, i);
                    pos.Set(1, j);
                    positions[id]   = pos;
                    antecedents[id] = new List <IntTuple>();
            //    SieveCoreferenceSystem.debugPrintMentions(System.err, "", goldOrderedMentionsBySentence);
            foreach (IList <Mention> mentions in goldOrderedMentionsBySentence)
                foreach (Mention m in mentions)
                    int      id  = m.mentionID;
                    IntTuple src = positions[id];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((src != null));
                    if (m.originalRef >= 0)
                        IntTuple dst = positions[m.originalRef];
                        if (dst == null)
                            throw new Exception("Cannot find gold mention with ID=" + m.originalRef);
                        // to deal with cataphoric annotation
                        while (dst.Get(0) > src.Get(0) || (dst.Get(0) == src.Get(0) && dst.Get(1) > src.Get(1)))
                            Mention dstMention = goldOrderedMentionsBySentence[dst.Get(0)][dst.Get(1)];
                            m.originalRef          = dstMention.originalRef;
                            dstMention.originalRef = id;
                            if (m.originalRef < 0)
                            dst = positions[m.originalRef];
                        if (m.originalRef < 0)
                        // A B C: if A<-B, A<-C => make a link B<-C
                        for (int k = dst.Get(0); k <= src.Get(0); k++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < goldOrderedMentionsBySentence[k].Count; l++)
                                if (k == dst.Get(0) && l < dst.Get(1))
                                if (k == src.Get(0) && l > src.Get(1))
                                IntTuple missed = new IntTuple(2);
                                missed.Set(0, k);
                                missed.Set(1, l);
                                if (links.Contains(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(missed, dst)))
                                    links.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, missed));
                        links.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, dst));
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((antecedents[id] != null));
                        IList <IntTuple> ants = antecedents[m.originalRef];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((ants != null));
                        foreach (IntTuple ant in ants)
                            links.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, ant));
            goldLinks = links;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private static MapSquare ReadMapSquare(IntTuple tuple) =>
 tuple.Values.Length switch
     3 => new MapSquare(
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private static extern IntTuple flip_things_around(IntTuple t);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void nacitajDWKod()
            while (a.token != "")
                if (isToken("]"))
                if (isToken("def"))
                    String fMeno = popToken();
                    objekty  = new Dictionary <String, Objekt>();
                    registre = new List <RegisterInfo>();
                    vstupy   = new List <BodkaInfo>();
                    vystupy  = new List <BodkaInfo>();
                    Modul f = new Modul(fMeno, objekty, vstupy, vystupy, registre, poleBodiek, poleIndexov);
                    poleBodiek  = null;
                    poleIndexov = null;
                    if (f.meno != "main")
                        Projekt.DATABAZA[f.meno] = new ObjektInfo(f.meno, f.meno, vstupy, vystupy);
                else if (isToken("input"))
                    String   vstup = popToken();
                    IntTuple bit   = getTagIntTuple();
                    vstupy.Add(new BodkaInfo(vstup, bit.a, false, bit.b, false));
                else if (isToken("output"))
                    String   vystup = popToken();
                    IntTuple bit    = getTagIntTuple();
                    vystupy.Add(new BodkaInfo(vystup, bit.a, false, bit.b, false));
                else if (isToken("register"))
                    String   register = popToken();
                    IntTuple bit      = getTagIntTuple();
                    registre.Add(new RegisterInfo(register, bit.a, bit.b));
                else if (isToken("#"))
                    String id = popToken();

                    if (isToken("call") || isToken("use"))
                        String   menoModulu = popToken();
                        IntTuple sur        = getTagIntTuple();
                        volania.Add(new TempPouzitieModulu(moduly.Count, sur, id, menoModulu));
                    else if (isToken("const"))
                        List <String> values = new List <String>();
                        while (!isToken(")"))
                        IntTuple bit = getTagIntTuple();
                        IntTuple sur = getTagIntTuple();
                        objekty[id] = new Konst(sur.a, sur.b, id, "const", bit.a, bit.b, values.ToArray());

                    else if (isToken("in"))
                        String    io  = popToken();
                        IntTuple  sur = getTagIntTuple();
                        BodkaInfo b   = getVstup(io);
                        objekty[id] = new IoOperacia(sur.a, sur.b, id, "in", b);
                    else if (isToken("out"))
                        String    io  = popToken();
                        IntTuple  sur = getTagIntTuple();
                        BodkaInfo b   = getVystup(io);
                        objekty[id] = new IoOperacia(sur.a, sur.b, id, "out", b);
                    else if (isToken("regC"))
                        String       register = popToken();
                        IntTuple     sur      = getTagIntTuple();
                        RegisterInfo r        = getRegister(register);
                        objekty[id] = new RegisterC(sur.a, sur.b, id, r);
                    else if (isToken("regZ"))
                        String       register = popToken();
                        IntTuple     sur      = getTagIntTuple();
                        RegisterInfo r        = getRegister(register);
                        objekty[id] = new RegisterZ(sur.a, sur.b, id, r);
                    else if (isToken("regZ_index"))
                        String       register = popToken();
                        IntTuple     sur      = getTagIntTuple();
                        RegisterInfo r        = getRegister(register);
                        objekty[id] = new RegisterZIndex(sur.a, sur.b, id, r);

                    else if (isToken("change"))
                        IntTuple bit = getTagIntTuple();
                        IntTuple sur = getTagIntTuple();
                        objekty[id] = new ZmenaBitov(sur.a, sur.b, id, bit.a, bit.b);
                        objekty[id] = nacitajOp(id);
        /// <summary>Loads the CorefChain objects from the serialized buffer.</summary>
        /// <param name="reader">the buffer</param>
        /// <returns>A map from cluster id to clusters</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static IDictionary <int, CorefChain> LoadCorefChains(BufferedReader reader)
            string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();

            if (line.IsEmpty())
            int clusterCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(line);
            IDictionary <int, CorefChain> chains = Generics.NewHashMap();

            // read each cluster
            for (int c = 0; c < clusterCount; c++)
                line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
                string[] bits         = line.Split("\\s");
                int      cid          = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[0]);
                int      mentionCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[1]);
                IDictionary <IntPair, ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> > mentionMap = Generics.NewHashMap();
                CorefChain.CorefMention representative = null;
                // read each mention in this cluster
                for (int m = 0; m < mentionCount; m++)
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    bits = line.Split("\\s");
                    IntPair key = new IntPair(System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[0]), System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[1]));
                    bool    rep = bits[2].Equals("1");
                    Dictionaries.MentionType mentionType = ParseMentionType(bits[3]);
                    Dictionaries.Number      number      = ParseNumber(bits[4]);
                    Dictionaries.Gender      gender      = ParseGender(bits[5]);
                    Dictionaries.Animacy     animacy     = ParseAnimacy(bits[6]);
                    int   startIndex = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[7]);
                    int   endIndex   = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[8]);
                    int   headIndex  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[9]);
                    int   clusterID  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[10]);
                    int   mentionID  = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[11]);
                    int   sentNum    = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[12]);
                    int   posLen     = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[13]);
                    int[] posElems   = new int[posLen];
                    for (int i = 0; i < posLen; i++)
                        posElems[i] = System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[14 + i]);
                    IntTuple position = new IntTuple(posElems);
                    string   span     = UnescapeSpace(bits[14 + posLen]);
                    CorefChain.CorefMention mention = new CorefChain.CorefMention(mentionType, number, gender, animacy, startIndex, endIndex, headIndex, clusterID, mentionID, sentNum, position, span);
                    ICollection <CorefChain.CorefMention> mentionsWithThisHead = mentionMap[key];
                    if (mentionsWithThisHead == null)
                        mentionsWithThisHead = Generics.NewHashSet();
                        mentionMap[key]      = mentionsWithThisHead;
                    if (rep)
                        representative = mention;
                // construct the cluster
                CorefChain chain = new CorefChain(cid, mentionMap, representative);
                chains[cid] = chain;
Ejemplo n.º 27
    static void Main()
        int n = Read();
        int m = Read();

        IntTuple[] edges = new IntTuple[m];
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
            edges[i] = new IntTuple(Read() - 1, Read() - 1);
        IntTuple[]   currentColor = new IntTuple[n];
        IntTuple[][] colors       = new IntTuple[n][];
        IntTuple[][] nextColors   = new IntTuple[n][];

        for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
            colors[i]     = new IntTuple[11];
            nextColors[i] = new IntTuple[11];

        var q = Read();

        for (int i = 1; i <= q; i++)
            var v = Read() - 1;
            var d = Read();
            var c = Read();
            colors[v][d]    = new IntTuple(c, i);
            currentColor[v] = new IntTuple(c, i);

        for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < nextColors.Length; j++)
                nextColors[j] = new IntTuple[11 - i];

            for (int index = 0; index < edges.Length; index++)
                var edge = edges[index];
                for (int j = 0; j < nextColors[edge.Item1].Length; j++)
                    if (nextColors[edge.Item1][j].Item2 < colors[edge.Item2][j + 1].Item2)
                        nextColors[edge.Item1][j] = colors[edge.Item2][j + 1];
                    if (nextColors[edge.Item2][j].Item2 < colors[edge.Item1][j + 1].Item2)
                        nextColors[edge.Item2][j] = colors[edge.Item1][j + 1];

            var tmp = colors;
            colors     = nextColors;
            nextColors = tmp;

            for (int j = 0; j < colors.Length; j++)
                var currentNewest = new IntTuple();
                for (int k = 0; k < colors[j].Length; k++)
                    if (currentNewest.Item2 < colors[j][k].Item2)
                        currentNewest = colors[j][k];
                if (currentColor[j].Item2 < currentNewest.Item2)
                    currentColor[j] = currentNewest;
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", currentColor.Select(x => x.Item1)));
Ejemplo n.º 28
    private float FloodFill(int w,
                            int h,
                            bool[,] vsides,
                            bool[,] hsides,
                            List <Rect> drawRects,
                            int fillx1,
                            int filly1,
                            out bool containsBaddy,
                            Qix theQix)
        float            nArea = 0.0f;
        Queue <IntTuple> queue = new Queue <IntTuple>();

        bool[,] floodRects = new bool[w - 1, h - 1];
        queue.Enqueue(new IntTuple(fillx1, filly1));

        containsBaddy = false;

        while (queue.Count > 0)
            IntTuple tuple = queue.Dequeue();
            if (!floodRects[tuple.x, tuple.y])
                floodRects[tuple.x, tuple.y] = true;
                Rect rect = new Rect(xVector3s[tuple.x], yVector3s[tuple.y], xVector3s[tuple.x + 1] - xVector3s[tuple.x], yVector3s[tuple.y + 1] - yVector3s[tuple.y]);

                if (!containsBaddy && rect.Contains(theQix.position))
                    containsBaddy = true;

                nArea += ((xVector3s[tuple.x + 1] - xVector3s[tuple.x]) * (yVector3s[tuple.y + 1] - yVector3s[tuple.y]));

                if ((tuple.x > 0) && (!vsides[tuple.x - 1, tuple.y]))
                    // Can move left
                    JustLog("Left->(" + (tuple.x - 1) + "," + tuple.y + ")");
                    queue.Enqueue(new IntTuple(tuple.x - 1, tuple.y));

                if ((tuple.x < (w - 2)) && (!vsides[tuple.x, tuple.y]))
                    // Can move right
                    JustLog("Right->(" + (tuple.x + 1) + "," + tuple.y + ")");
                    queue.Enqueue(new IntTuple(tuple.x + 1, tuple.y));

                if ((tuple.y > 0) && (!hsides[tuple.x, tuple.y - 1]))
                    // Can move down
                    JustLog("Down->(" + tuple.x + "," + (tuple.y - 1) + ")");
                    queue.Enqueue(new IntTuple(tuple.x, tuple.y - 1));

                if ((tuple.y < (h - 2)) && (!hsides[tuple.x, tuple.y]))
                    // Can move up
                    JustLog("Up->(" + tuple.x + "," + (tuple.y + 1) + ")");
                    queue.Enqueue(new IntTuple(tuple.x, tuple.y + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private HashSet<IntTuple> applyFibonacciIdentity(HashSet<IntTuple> currentIntTuples, IntTuple newIntTuple)
     HashSet<IntTuple> result = new HashSet<IntTuple>(comparer);
     if (currentIntTuples.Count == 0)
         foreach (var currentIntTuple in currentIntTuples)
             int n1, n2;
             int a = currentIntTuple.Tuple[0];
             int b = currentIntTuple.Tuple[1];
             int c = newIntTuple.Tuple[0];
             int d = newIntTuple.Tuple[1];
             n1 = (int)Math.Abs(a * c - b * d);
             n2 = (int)Math.Abs(a * d + b * c);
             chooseOrderedIntTuple(result, n1, n2);
             n1 = (int)Math.Abs(a * c + b * d);
             n2 = (int)Math.Abs(a * d - b * c);
             chooseOrderedIntTuple(result, n1, n2);
     return result;
        internal virtual int ClassOf(int index)
            IntTuple i = featureIndex.Get(index);

        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override Pair <Annotation, InputStream> Read(InputStream @is)
            if (compress && !(@is is GZIPInputStream))
                @is = new GZIPInputStream(@is);
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(@is));
            Annotation     doc    = new Annotation(string.Empty);
            string         line;
            // read the coref graph (new format)
            IDictionary <int, CorefChain> chains = LoadCorefChains(reader);

            if (chains != null)
                doc.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefChainAnnotation), chains);
            // read the coref graph (old format)
            line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();
            if (line.Length > 0)
                string[] bits = line.Split(" ");
                if (bits.Length % 4 != 0)
                    throw new RuntimeIOException("ERROR: Incorrect format for the serialized coref graph: " + line);
                IList <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> > corefGraph = new List <Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i += 4)
                    IntTuple src = new IntTuple(2);
                    IntTuple dst = new IntTuple(2);
                    src.Set(0, System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[i]));
                    src.Set(1, System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[i + 1]));
                    dst.Set(0, System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[i + 2]));
                    dst.Set(1, System.Convert.ToInt32(bits[i + 3]));
                    corefGraph.Add(new Pair <IntTuple, IntTuple>(src, dst));
                doc.Set(typeof(CorefCoreAnnotations.CorefGraphAnnotation), corefGraph);
            // read individual sentences
            IList <ICoreMap> sentences = new List <ICoreMap>();

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                ICoreMap sentence = new Annotation(string.Empty);
                // first line is the parse tree. construct it with CoreLabels in Tree nodes
                Tree tree = new PennTreeReader(new StringReader(line), new LabeledScoredTreeFactory(CoreLabel.Factory())).ReadTree();
                sentence.Set(typeof(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation), tree);
                // read the dependency graphs
                AnnotationSerializer.IntermediateSemanticGraph intermCollapsedDeps   = LoadDependencyGraph(reader);
                AnnotationSerializer.IntermediateSemanticGraph intermUncollapsedDeps = LoadDependencyGraph(reader);
                AnnotationSerializer.IntermediateSemanticGraph intermCcDeps          = LoadDependencyGraph(reader);
                // the remaining lines until empty line are tokens
                IList <CoreLabel> tokens = new List <CoreLabel>();
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (line.Length == 0)
                    CoreLabel token = LoadToken(line, haveExplicitAntecedent);
                sentence.Set(typeof(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation), tokens);
                // convert the intermediate graph to an actual SemanticGraph
                SemanticGraph collapsedDeps = intermCollapsedDeps.ConvertIntermediateGraph(tokens);
                sentence.Set(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation), collapsedDeps);
                SemanticGraph uncollapsedDeps = intermUncollapsedDeps.ConvertIntermediateGraph(tokens);
                sentence.Set(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation), uncollapsedDeps);
                SemanticGraph ccDeps = intermCcDeps.ConvertIntermediateGraph(tokens);
                sentence.Set(typeof(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedCCProcessedDependenciesAnnotation), ccDeps);
            doc.Set(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation), sentences);
            return(Pair.MakePair(doc, @is));
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private IntTuple[] applyFibonacciIdentity(List<IntTuple> intTuplesOfFactors)
     HashSet<IntTuple> currentIntTuples = new HashSet<IntTuple>(comparer);
     foreach (var intTuple in intTuplesOfFactors)
         currentIntTuples = applyFibonacciIdentity(currentIntTuples, intTuple);
     IntTuple[] result = new IntTuple[currentIntTuples.Count];
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 private void addNumSquareForLaterNum(int limit, List<IntTuple>[] dictOfSolutions, int num)
     if (num <= Math.Sqrt(limit))
         int laterNum = num * num;
         IntTuple tupleForLaterNum = new IntTuple()
             Tuple = new int[] { 0, num }
         updateTuplesOfLaterNum(dictOfSolutions, laterNum, tupleForLaterNum);
Ejemplo n.º 34
 private static extern IntTuple flip_things_around(IntTuple t);