Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static double[] Smooth([NotNull] double[] spectrum, double cutOff, IntRegion region)
            if (spectrum == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("spectrum");
            if (cutOff <= 0) throw new ArgumentException("cutOff");

            var result = FFT_smoothing(spectrum, cutOff, region);
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void build(CGVMesh vmesh, CGVolume vol, IntRegion subset)
            // Because each Material ID forms a submesh
            // Do we need to calculate localU?
            if (GenerateUV)
                System.Array.Resize <Vector2>(ref vmesh.UV, vmesh.Count);
            // Prepare Submeshes
            prepareSubMeshes(vmesh, groupsByMatID, subset.Length, ref m_Material);
            //prepareSubMeshes(vmesh, groupsByMatID, vol.Count - 1, ref m_Material);

            SamplePointsMaterialGroupCollection col;
            SamplePointsMaterialGroup           grp;

            int vtIdx = 0;

            int[] triIdx = new int[groupsByMatID.Count]; // triIdx for each submesh
            // for all sample segments (except the last) along the path, create Triangles to the next segment
            for (int sample = subset.From; sample < subset.To; sample++)
                // for each submesh (collection)
                for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx < groupsByMatID.Count; subMeshIdx++)
                    col = groupsByMatID[subMeshIdx];
                    // create UV and triangles for all groups in submesh
                    for (int g = 0; g < col.Count; g++)
                        grp = col[g];
                        if (GenerateUV)
                            createMaterialGroupUV(ref vmesh, ref vol, ref grp, col.MaterialID, col.AspectCorrection, sample, vtIdx);
                        for (int p = 0; p < grp.Patches.Count; p++)
                            createPatchTriangles(ref vmesh.SubMeshes[subMeshIdx].Triangles, ref triIdx[subMeshIdx], vtIdx + grp.Patches[p].Start, grp.Patches[p].Count, vol.CrossSize, ReverseTriOrder);
                vtIdx += vol.CrossSize;

            // UV for last path segment
            if (GenerateUV)
                // for each submesh (collection)
                for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx < groupsByMatID.Count; subMeshIdx++)
                    col = groupsByMatID[subMeshIdx];
                    // create triangles
                    for (int g = 0; g < col.Count; g++)
                        grp = col[g];
                        createMaterialGroupUV(ref vmesh, ref vol, ref grp, col.MaterialID, col.AspectCorrection, subset.To, vtIdx);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static double[] FFT_smoothing([NotNull] double[] x, double cutOff, IntRegion tr)
            if (x == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("x");

            var n = tr.Width;
            var nn = GetNn(n);
            var chH = tr.Max;
            var chL = tr.Min;
            var br = new double[8192];
            var y = new double[x.Length];
            var window = GetWindow(nn, n);

            var offset = Convert.ToInt32((2*nn - chL - chH - 1)/2);
            var chLo = chL + offset;
            var chHo = chH + offset;

            //Extend Left side
            var points = from i in Enumerable.Range(chL, Convert.ToInt32(cutOff)) select new Point(i, x[i]);
            var func = Statistics.GetLeastSquaresLine(points).Function;

            for (var i = 0; i <= chLo - 1; i++)
                br[i] = func(i - offset)*window[i];

            //Spectrum Main Body
            for (var i = chLo; i <= chHo; i++)
                br[i] = x[i - offset]*window[i];

            //Extend Right side
            points = from i in Enumerable.Range(Convert.ToInt32(chH - cutOff + 1), Convert.ToInt32(cutOff))
                select new Point(i, x[i]);
            func = Statistics.GetLeastSquaresLine(points).Function;
            for (var i = chHo; i <= nn*2 - 1; i++)
                br[i] = func(i - offset)*window[i];

            var z = ArrayFactory.ByFunc(i => new Complex(br[i], 0), 4096);
            z = CalcFft(z, false);

            //High Frequency Cutoff
            var fc = Convert.ToInt32(nn*2/cutOff);
            var i0 = fc*2;
            for (var i = 1; i <= nn; i++) {
                var f = i > i0 ? 0 : (Math.Cos(Math.PI*i/fc/2) + 1)/2;
                z[i] = f*z[i];
                z[nn*2 - i] = f*z[nn*2 - i];

            z = CalcFft(z, true);
            var y1 = z.Select(Complex.Abs).ToArray();

            foreach (var i in tr)
                y[i] = y1[i + offset]/window[i + offset];

            return y;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static double[] Calculate([NotNull] double[] spectrum, [CanBeNull] double[] model, double param1,
            double param2, IntRegion target)
            if (spectrum == null) throw new ArgumentException("spectrum");

            model = model ?? ArrayFactory.Repeat(1.0, spectrum.Length);
            var background = ArrayFactory.Repeat(1.0, spectrum.Length);
            Calculate(spectrum, model, ref background, param1, param2, target);
            return background;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void Calculate([NotNull] double[] spectrumInCount, [NotNull] double[] model,
            [NotNull] ref double[] backGround, double bgParm1, double bgParm2, IntRegion tr)
            if (spectrumInCount == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("spectrumInCount");
            if (backGround == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("backGround");
            if (model == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("model");

            var buffer = new double[4096];
            var background0 = new double[4096];
            var statisticalError = new double[4096];

            double b1 = 0;
            var ch0 = model.FirstIndex(d => d > 0);

            for (var ch = ch0; ch <= Convert.ToInt32(ch0 + bgParm1); ch++) {
                if (spectrumInCount[ch] > b1 & !model[ch].IsZero())
                    b1 = spectrumInCount[ch]/model[ch];

            foreach (var ch in tr) {
                if (model[ch].IsZero()) {
                    backGround[ch] = b1;
                    statisticalError[ch] = 0;
                else {
                    backGround[ch] = spectrumInCount[ch]/model[ch];
                    statisticalError[ch] = Math.Sqrt(spectrumInCount[ch])/model[ch]*bgParm2;

            var count = 0;
            var stage = 1;
            double multiplier = 3;
            do {
                foreach (var ch in tr) background0[ch] = backGround[ch];

                foreach (var ch in tr) {
                    var x = spectrumInCount[ch]/model[ch];
                    var b = backGround[ch];
                    if (model[ch].IsZero() | x > b + (statisticalError[ch]*multiplier))
                        buffer[ch] = b;
                        buffer[ch] = x;

                backGround = Smoothing.FFT_smoothing(buffer, bgParm1, tr);
                var isConverged = false;
                foreach (var ch in tr.Where(ch => !background0[ch].IsZero())) {
                    if (backGround[ch].IsNear(background0[ch], background0[ch]*0.005))
                        isConverged = true;

                switch (stage) {
                    case 1:
                        if (count == 100 || !isConverged) {
                            stage = 2;
                            multiplier = 1;
                            count = 0;
                    case 2:
                        if (count == 100 || !isConverged)
                            stage = 0;
            } while (stage != 0);

            foreach (var ch in tr) backGround[ch] *= model[ch];
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void DoPeakFitting(double liveTime)
            if (Input == null) throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var region = new IntRegion((int) DataProcessRegion.X1, (int) DataProcessRegion.X2);
            Smoothed = Smoothing.Smooth(Input, SmoothingCutoffFrequency, region);
            Background = PeakFitting.Background.Calculate(
                Smoothed, null, BackgroundParameter0, BackgroundParameter1, region);

            var pf = new PeakFitting.PeakFitting {Calibration = Calibration, LineInfo = LineInfo};
            var result = pf.PeakFit(Input, Background, region, liveTime);

            Calibration = pf.Calibration;
            PeakFit = pf.PeakFitSpectrum;
            FittingResult = result.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static bool PeakFittingMain(
            [NotNull] IEnumerable<PeakCollection> peakGroups,
            [NotNull] double[] spectrum1,
            [NotNull] double[] spectrum2,
            [NotNull] double[] netSpectrum,
            IntRegion tr)
            if (peakGroups == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("peakGroups");
            if (spectrum1 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("spectrum1");
            if (spectrum2 == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("spectrum2");
            if (netSpectrum == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("netSpectrum");

            var pg = peakGroups.ToArray();
            var paramCount = pg.Length;
            if (paramCount >= tr.Width) return false;

            try {
                foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 20)) {
                    var a = new double[paramCount, paramCount];
                    var b = new double[paramCount];

                    foreach (var ch in tr) {
                        // ピークを重ねあわせて、スペクトルを作る。
                        spectrum2[ch] = 0;
                        var da = new double[paramCount];
                        foreach (var l in Enumerable.Range(0, paramCount)) {
                            da[l] = PeaksForSingleElement(ch, pg[l]);

                            spectrum2[ch] += pg[l].Height*da[l];

                        foreach (var l in Enumerable.Range(0, paramCount)) {
                            for (var m = l; m <= paramCount - 1; m++)
                                a[l, m] += da[l]*da[m];
                            b[l] += da[l]*(netSpectrum[ch] - spectrum2[ch]);

                    a = a.Synmetric();
                    var ans = Matrix.GaussJordanMethod(a, b);

                    foreach (var l in Enumerable.Range(0, paramCount)) pg[l].Height += ans[l];

                    var canContinue = Enumerable.Range(0, paramCount).Any(l => Math.Abs(ans[l]) > pg[l].Height*0.0001);

                    if (!canContinue) break;

                foreach (var ch in tr) spectrum2[ch] += spectrum1[ch];
                return true;
            catch (Exception) {
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public IEnumerable<LineIntensity> PeakFit(
            [NotNull] double[] input,
            [NotNull] double[] background,
            IntRegion targetRegion,
            double liveTime)
            if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (background == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("background");
            if (Calibration == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Calibration is null");
            if (LineInfo == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("LineInfo is null");

            var net = new double[input.Length];
            foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, Math.Min(input.Length, background.Length)))
                net[i] = input[i] - background[i];

            var peakCollections = ToPeakCollections(LineInfo, Calibration, net);
            var result = PeakFittingMain(peakCollections, input, background, net, targetRegion);

            var list = new List<LineIntensity>();
            if (result) {
                foreach (var p in peakCollections) {
                    var ph = p.Height > 0 ? p.Height : 0;
                    var pii = ph > 0 ? ph*Math.Sqrt(Math.PI/p.First().Height) : 0;
                    var lic = LineInfo.First(li => li.Name == p.Name);
                    list.Add(new LineIntensity(lic, pii/liveTime));

            PeakFitSpectrum = background;
            return list;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void build(CGVMesh vmesh, CGVolume vol, IntRegion subset)

            // Because each Material ID forms a submesh
            // Do we need to calculate localU?
            if (GenerateUV)
                System.Array.Resize<Vector2>(ref vmesh.UV, vmesh.Count);

            // Prepare Submeshes
            prepareSubMeshes(vmesh, groupsByMatID, subset.Length, ref m_Material);
            //prepareSubMeshes(vmesh, groupsByMatID, vol.Count - 1, ref m_Material);

            SamplePointsMaterialGroupCollection col;
            SamplePointsMaterialGroup grp;

            int vtIdx = 0;
            int[] triIdx = new int[groupsByMatID.Count]; // triIdx for each submesh
            // for all sample segments (except the last) along the path, create Triangles to the next segment 
            for (int sample = subset.From; sample < subset.To; sample++)
                // for each submesh (collection)
                for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx < groupsByMatID.Count; subMeshIdx++)
                    col = groupsByMatID[subMeshIdx];
                    // create UV and triangles for all groups in submesh
                    for (int g = 0; g < col.Count; g++)
                        grp = col[g];
                        if (GenerateUV)
                            createMaterialGroupUV(ref vmesh, ref vol, ref grp, col.MaterialID, col.AspectCorrection, sample, vtIdx);
                        for (int p = 0; p < grp.Patches.Count; p++)
                            createPatchTriangles(ref vmesh.SubMeshes[subMeshIdx].Triangles, ref triIdx[subMeshIdx], vtIdx+grp.Patches[p].Start, grp.Patches[p].Count, vol.CrossSize, ReverseTriOrder);

                vtIdx += vol.CrossSize;

            // UV for last path segment
            if (GenerateUV)
                // for each submesh (collection)
                for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx < groupsByMatID.Count; subMeshIdx++)
                    col = groupsByMatID[subMeshIdx];
                    // create triangles
                    for (int g = 0; g < col.Count; g++)
                        grp = col[g];
                        createMaterialGroupUV(ref vmesh, ref vol, ref grp, col.MaterialID, col.AspectCorrection, subset.To, vtIdx);