Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void InsulateAccessoryWithDummyInsulation(Document doc, Element e, DataTable insPar, DataTable insSet, Parameter insulationProjectedPar)
            #region Initialization
            //Get the visibility parameter
            Parameter insulationVisibilityPar = e.LookupParameter("Dummy Insulation Visible");

            //Read common configuration values
            string sysAbbr = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_ABBREVIATION_PARAM).AsString();

            //Declare insulation thickness vars
            #region Retrieve accessory diameter
            var    cons = mp.GetConnectors(e);
            double dia  = (cons.Primary.Radius * 2).FtToMm().Round(0);

            #region Delete any existing built-in insulation

            //Retrieve insulation type parameter and see if the accessory is already insulated
            Parameter parInsTypeCheck = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_TYPE);
            if (parInsTypeCheck.HasValue)
                //If not allowed (false is read) negate the false to true to trigger the following if
                //Delete any existing insulation and return
                doc.Delete(InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id));


            #region Read specified Insulation Thickness

            double specifiedInsulationThickness;

            //This try/catch is introduced to catch exceptions where the specified diameter is not
            //listed in the insulation excel table
                specifiedInsulationThickness = ReadThickness(sysAbbr, insPar, dia); //In feet
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception($"Element {e.Id.ToString()} has diameter not listen in Insulation excel file!");


            //See if the accessory is in the settings list, else return no action done
            if (insSet.AsEnumerable().Any(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType")
                                          == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString()))
                //See if element is not allowed to be insulated
                var query = insSet.AsEnumerable()
                            .Where(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType") == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString())
                            .Select(row => row.Field <string>("AddInsulation"));
                bool insulationAllowed = bool.Parse(query.FirstOrDefault());

                //Commense insulating if not and checking existing insulation for correctness
                double existingInsulationThickness = insulationProjectedPar.AsDouble();

                //Case: Insulation allowed
                if (insulationAllowed)
                    if (existingInsulationThickness.Equalz(specifiedInsulationThickness, 1.0e-6))
                        //Case: Existing insulation thickness equals specified
                        if (insulationVisibilityPar.AsInteger() == 0 && specifiedInsulationThickness > 1.0e-6)
                        else if (insulationVisibilityPar.AsInteger() == 1 && specifiedInsulationThickness < 1.0e-6)
                        //Case: Existing insulation does not equal specified
                        //Subcase: Specified insulation is 0
                        if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(0, 1.0e-6))
                            if (insulationVisibilityPar.AsInteger() == 1)
                //Case: Insulation disallowed
                    if (existingInsulationThickness > 1.0e-6)

                    if (insulationVisibilityPar.AsInteger() == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void InsulateFitting(Document doc, Element e, DataTable insPar, DataTable insSet)
            #region Initialization
            //Read configuration data
            //var insPar = GetInsulationParameters();

            //Read common configuration values
            string sysAbbr = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_ABBREVIATION_PARAM).AsString();

            //Declare insulation thickness vars
            #region Retrieve fitting diameter
            double dia;

            //See if the fittings is in the settings list, else return no action done
            if (insSet.AsEnumerable().Any(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType")
                                          == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString()))
                //See if element is not allowed to be insulated
                var query = insSet.AsEnumerable()
                            .Where(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType") == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString())
                            .Select(row => row.Field <string>("AddInsulation"));
                bool insulationAllowed = bool.Parse(query.FirstOrDefault());

                #region DiameterRead
                //Retrieve specified insulation thickness
                var mf = ((FamilyInstance)e).MEPModel as MechanicalFitting;
                //Case: Reducer
                if (mf.PartType.ToString() == "Transition")
                    //Retrieve connector dimensions
                    var cons = mp.GetConnectors(e);

                    //Insulate after the larger diameter
                    double primDia = (cons.Primary.Radius * 2).FtToMm().Round(0);
                    double secDia  = (cons.Secondary.Radius * 2).FtToMm().Round(0);

                    dia = primDia > secDia ? primDia : secDia;
                //Case: Other fitting
                    //Retrieve connector dimensions
                    var cons = mp.GetConnectors(e);
                    dia = (cons.Primary.Radius * 2).FtToMm().Round(0);


                #region Read specified Insulation Thickness
                double specifiedInsulationThickness = ReadThickness(sysAbbr, insPar, dia); //In feet

                //Retrieve insulation type parameter and see if the fitting is already insulated
                Parameter parInsTypeCheck = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_TYPE);
                if (parInsTypeCheck.HasValue)
                    //Case Tee: If the element is a tee, delete any existing insulation
                    //Or it should not have insulation
                    if (mf.PartType.ToString() == "Tee" || insulationAllowed == false)
                        doc.Delete(InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id));
                        if (mf.PartType.ToString() == "Tee")

                    //Case: If the fitting is already insulated, check to see if insulation is correct
                    Parameter parInsThickness             = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_THICKNESS);
                    double    existingInsulationThickness = parInsThickness.AsDouble(); //In feet

                    //Test if existing thickness is as specified
                    //If ok -> do nothing, if not -> fix it
                    if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(existingInsulationThickness, 1.0e-9) == false)
                        //Case: specifiedInsulationThickness is 0
                        if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(0, 1.0e-9))
                            doc.Delete(InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id));

                        ElementId id = InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (id == null)
                        PipeInsulation insulation = doc.GetElement(id) as PipeInsulation;
                        if (insulation == null)
                        //Can cause exception if specifiedInsulation = 0
                        //This can happen if the PipingSystem Type Abbreviation does not exist in the
                        //Insulation.xlsx file and ReadThickness returns 0
                        //TODO: Write a general fix for this
                        insulation.Thickness = specifiedInsulationThickness;
                    if (mf.PartType.ToString() == "Tee" && insulationAllowed == true)

                    if (insulationAllowed && specifiedInsulationThickness > 1.0e-6) //Insulate only if insulation is allowed and insulation thickness is above 0
                        //Case: If no insulation -> add insulation
                        //Read pipeinsulation type and get the type
                        string pipeInsulationName = dh.ReadParameterFromDataTable(sysAbbr, insPar, "Type");
                        if (pipeInsulationName == null)
                        PipeInsulationType pipeInsulationType =
                            fi.GetElements <PipeInsulationType, BuiltInParameter>(doc, BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME, pipeInsulationName).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (pipeInsulationType == null)
                            throw new Exception($"No pipe insulation type named {pipeInsulationName}!");

                        //Create insulation
                        PipeInsulation.Create(doc, e.Id, pipeInsulationType.Id, specifiedInsulationThickness);

                //Local method to insulate Tees
                void InsulateTee()
                    Parameter par1 = e.LookupParameter("Insulation Projected");
                    Parameter par2 = e.LookupParameter("Dummy Insulation Visible");

                    if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(0, Extensions._epx))
                        //Set insulation
                        if (par1 == null)

                        //Make invisible if not
                        if (par2 == null)
                        if (par2.AsInteger() == 1)

                    //Set insulation
                    if (par1 == null)

                    //Make visible if not
                    if (par2 == null)
                    if (par2.AsInteger() == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void InsulateAccessory(Document doc, Element e, DataTable insPar, DataTable insSet)
            #region Initialization

            //Read common configuration values
            string sysAbbr = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_ABBREVIATION_PARAM).AsString();

            //Declare insulation thickness vars
            #region Retrieve accessory diameter
            var    cons = mp.GetConnectors(e);
            double dia  = (cons.Primary.Radius * 2).FtToMm().Round(0);

            #region Read specified Insulation Thickness

            double specifiedInsulationThickness;

            //This try/catch is introduced to catch exceptions where the specified diameter is not
            //listed in the insulation excel table
                specifiedInsulationThickness = ReadThickness(sysAbbr, insPar, dia); //In feet
            catch (Exception)
                //This is to handle non standard valves -- usually small bore stuff for air venting and alike
                specifiedInsulationThickness = 0;


            //See if the accessory is in the settings list, else return no action done
            if (insSet.AsEnumerable().Any(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType")
                                          == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString()))
                //See if element is not allowed to be insulated
                var query = insSet.AsEnumerable()
                            .Where(row => row.Field <string>("FamilyAndType") == e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_AND_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString())
                            .Select(row => row.Field <string>("AddInsulation"));
                bool insulationAllowed = bool.Parse(query.FirstOrDefault());

                //Retrieve insulation type parameter and see if the accessory is already insulated
                Parameter parInsTypeCheck = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_TYPE);
                if (parInsTypeCheck.HasValue)
                    //If not allowed (false is read) negate the false to true to trigger the following if
                    //Delete any existing insulation and return
                    if (!insulationAllowed)
                        doc.Delete(InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id));

                    //Case: If the accessory is already insulated, check to see if insulation is correct
                    Parameter parInsThickness             = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_THICKNESS);
                    double    existingInsulationThickness = parInsThickness.AsDouble(); //In feet

                    //Test if existing thickness is as specified
                    //If ok -> do nothing, if not -> fix it
                    if (!specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(existingInsulationThickness, 1.0e-9))
                        ElementId id = InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (id == null)
                        PipeInsulation insulation = doc.GetElement(id) as PipeInsulation;
                        if (insulation == null)
                        insulation.Thickness = specifiedInsulationThickness;
                    //Case: If no insulation -> add insulation if allowed
                    if (!insulationAllowed)

                    //Read pipeinsulation type and get the type
                    string pipeInsulationName = dh.ReadParameterFromDataTable(sysAbbr, insPar, "Type");
                    if (pipeInsulationName == null)
                    PipeInsulationType pipeInsulationType =
                        fi.GetElements <PipeInsulationType, BuiltInParameter>(doc, BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME, pipeInsulationName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (pipeInsulationType == null)
                        throw new Exception($"No pipe insulation type named {pipeInsulationName}!");

                    //Create insulation
                    PipeInsulation.Create(doc, e.Id, pipeInsulationType.Id, specifiedInsulationThickness);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void InsulatePipe(Document doc, Element e, DataTable insPar)
            #region Initialization
            //Read common configuration values
            string sysAbbr = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_DUCT_PIPE_SYSTEM_ABBREVIATION_PARAM).AsString();

            //Declare insulation thickness vars
            var    dia = ((Pipe)e).Diameter.FtToMm().Round(0);
            double specifiedInsulationThickness = ReadThickness(sysAbbr, insPar, dia); //In feet already

            //Retrieve insulation type parameter and see if the pipe is already insulated
            Parameter parInsTypeCheck = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_TYPE);
            if (parInsTypeCheck.HasValue)
                //Case: If the pipe is already insulated, check to see if insulation is correct
                Parameter parInsThickness             = e.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_REFERENCE_INSULATION_THICKNESS);
                double    existingInsulationThickness = parInsThickness.AsDouble(); //In feet

                //Test if existing thickness is as specified
                //If ok -> do nothing, if not -> fix it
                if (!specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(existingInsulationThickness, 1.0e-9))
                    ElementId id = InsulationLiningBase.GetInsulationIds(doc, e.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (id == null)
                    if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(0, Extensions._epx))
                        doc.Delete(id); return;
                    PipeInsulation insulation = doc.GetElement(id) as PipeInsulation;
                    if (insulation == null)
                    insulation.Thickness = specifiedInsulationThickness;
                //Case: If no insulation -> add insulation
                //Read pipeinsulation type and get the type
                string pipeInsulationName = dh.ReadParameterFromDataTable(sysAbbr, insPar, "Type");
                if (pipeInsulationName == null)
                PipeInsulationType pipeInsulationType =
                    fi.GetElements <PipeInsulationType, BuiltInParameter>(doc, BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME, pipeInsulationName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pipeInsulationType == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No pipe insulation type named {pipeInsulationName}!");

                //Test to see if the specified insulation is 0
                if (specifiedInsulationThickness.Equalz(0, Extensions._epx))

                //Create insulation
                PipeInsulation.Create(doc, e.Id, pipeInsulationType.Id, specifiedInsulationThickness);