Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parallel Computing Setup for Code to Execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointCloud">ByRef PointCloud to Execute Code on.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute(ref PointCloud pointCloud)
            //Set Global Variables
            LastPercentReported = 0;
            PointCounter        = 0;

            Dict_Utils.CastDictionary_ToArrayDouble(ref pointCloud);
            GlobalCloud = pointCloud;
            NewCloud    = (PointCloud)pointCloud.Duplicate();

            Array.Resize(ref Distances, pointCloud.Count);
            Array.Resize(ref ApproachAngle, pointCloud.Count);

            double halfpi = Math.PI / 2;

            // Setup the cancellation mechanism.
            po.CancellationToken = cts.Token;

            //Create Partitions for multithreading.
            var rangePartitioner = System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.Create(0, GlobalCloud.Count, (int)Math.Ceiling((double)GlobalCloud.Count / ProcCount));

            //Run MultiThreaded Loop.
            Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, po, (rng, loopState) =>
                //Initialize Local Variables.
                /// Get Index for Processor to be able to merge clouds in ProcesserIndex order in the end.
                int MyIndex = (int)(rng.Item1 / Math.Ceiling(((double)GlobalCloud.Count / ProcCount)));
                /// Initialize Partial PointCloud
                PointCloud MyCloud = new PointCloud();
                /// Get Total Count Fraction to calculate Operation Percentage.
                double totc = (double)1 / GlobalCloud.Count;

                //Loop over individual RangePartitions per processor.
                for (int i = rng.Item1; i < rng.Item2; i++)
                    //Operation Percentage Report
                    ///Safe Counter Increment.
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref PointCounter);
                    ///Calculate and Report Percentage.
                    if (LastPercentReported < ((PointCounter * totc) * 100))
                        LastPercentReported = (int)(5 * Math.Ceiling((double)(PointCounter * totc) * 20));
                        this.ReportPercent  = LastPercentReported;

                    PointCloudItem GlobalCloudItem = GlobalCloud[i];
                    Point3d p3  = GlobalCloudItem.Location;
                    Point3d pm  = new Point3d();
                    Vector3d pv = new Vector3d();

                    insV_Mesh.ClosestPoint(p3, out pm, out pv, 0);
                    double d = p3.DistanceTo(pm);

                    if (Vector3d.VectorAngle(pv, new Vector3d(pm - p3)) < halfpi)
                        d = -d;
                    Distances[i] = d;

                    if (insV_ApproachAngle)
                        Point3d pos      = (Point3d)insV_PositionPt;
                        Vector3d scanVec = new Vector3d(p3 - pos);
                        double appA      = Math.Abs(halfpi - Vector3d.VectorAngle(pv, scanVec));

                        ApproachAngle[i] = appA;

                //Enable Parrallel Computing Cancellation

            //Dispose of Global Clouds.

            //Set OutputCloud
            NewCloud.UserDictionary.Set(insV_Key, Distances);
            NewCloud.UserDictionary.Set(insV_AngleKey, ApproachAngle);
            if (insV_Colorize)
                List <double> colorValues = Color_Utils.ColorValues_Std_negpos(NewCloud, insV_Key);
                List <Color>  Colors      = Color_Utils.ColorGradient_Std_BtoR();

                Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color col = new Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color(insV_Key, colorValues, Colors, -1, 0.00);
                Boolean ColResult = col.Execute(ref NewCloud);

                //Set ColorGradient UserData
                Color_Utils.Set_ColorGradient_Dict(ref NewCloud, Colors, colorValues);

            pointCloud = (PointCloud)NewCloud.Duplicate();

            //Dispose of PointCloud Pieces and NewCloud.

            //Return True on Finish
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            //Initialize Input Variables, Persistent in ComponentChange.
            List <double> pars = new List <double>();
            List <Color>  cols = new List <Color>();

            string strdc  = null;
            double colPct = 0.00;
            double step   = 0.0;

            if (!DA.GetData("Key", ref strdc))
            if (!DA.GetDataList("Values", pars))
            if (!DA.GetDataList("Colors", cols))
            if (!DA.GetData("BlendPct", ref colPct))
            DA.GetData("StepSize", ref step);

            if (colPct > 1.00)
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Color Blending Percentage cannot be above 1.00.");

            //Excute Instruction
            ///If Component is set as Instruction.
            if (isInstruction)
                DA.SetData("Instr", new Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color(strdc, pars, cols, step, colPct));
            ///If Component is set to StandAlone.
                ///Initialize PointCloud Input Variable.
                GH_Cloud pointCloud = null;
                if (!DA.GetData("Cloud", ref pointCloud))
                ///Duplicate GH Cloud.
                GH_Cloud   newGHCloud = pointCloud.DuplicateCloud();
                PointCloud newCloud   = newGHCloud.Value;
                ///Execute Instruction.
                Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color inst = new Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color(strdc, pars, cols, step, colPct);
                Boolean Result = inst.Execute(ref newCloud);

                ///Set New Output Cloud
                newGHCloud.Value = newCloud;
                DA.SetData("Cloud", newGHCloud);

                //Add RuntimeMessage: ComponentChange.
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, "'Right Click' to Switch between StandAlone and Instruction Component.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parallel Computing Setup for Code to Execute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointCloud">ByRef PointCloud to Execute Code on.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute(ref PointCloud pointCloud)
            //Set Global Variables
            LastPercentReported = 0;
            PointCounter        = 0;

            Dict_Utils.CastDictionary_ToArrayDouble(ref pointCloud);
            GlobalCloud = pointCloud;
            NewCloud    = (PointCloud)pointCloud.Duplicate();

            tree    = insV_KDTree.Value.Item1;
            cloudTo = insV_KDTree.Value.Item2.Value;
            pts     = pointCloud.GetPoints();
            Array.Resize(ref Distances, pointCloud.Count);

            // Setup the cancellation mechanism.
            po.CancellationToken = cts.Token;

            //Create Partitions for multithreading.
            var rangePartitioner = System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.Create(0, GlobalCloud.Count, (int)Math.Ceiling((double)GlobalCloud.Count / ProcCount));

            //Run MultiThreaded Loop.
            Parallel.ForEach(rangePartitioner, po, (rng, loopState) =>
                //Initialize Local Variables.
                /// Get Index for Processor to be able to merge clouds in ProcesserIndex order in the end.
                int MyIndex = (int)(rng.Item1 / Math.Ceiling(((double)GlobalCloud.Count / ProcCount)));
                /// Initialize Partial PointCloud
                PointCloud MyCloud = new PointCloud();
                /// Get Total Count Fraction to calculate Operation Percentage.
                double totc = (double)1 / GlobalCloud.Count;

                //Loop over individual RangePartitions per processor.
                for (int i = rng.Item1; i < rng.Item2; i++)
                    //Point to measure From
                    var p = pts[i];
                    var r = Double.MaxValue;
                    //Get one Nearest Neighbor (Part of KDTree.dll)
                    var ns = tree.NearestNeighbors(new double[] { p.X, p.Y, p.Z }, insV_Amount, r);
                    //The index of the Nearest Point in the PointCloud to Measure To.
                    var indList = ns.ToList();

                    double D = 0.0;
                    foreach (int idx in indList)
                        //Distance between Point measured From to Point meassured To.
                        //Point meassured From.
                        Point3d P2 = cloudTo[idx].Location;
                        //Distance betwen Points
                        //double D = fastDist(p, P2);
                        //Cumulative Distance
                        D = D + p.DistanceTo(P2);
                    //Average distances
                    double aveD = D / indList.Count;
                    //Add Distances to Array.
                    Distances[i] = aveD;

                //Enable Parrallel Computing Cancellation

            //Dispose of Global Clouds.

            //Set OutputCloud
            NewCloud.UserDictionary.Set(insV_Key, Distances);
            if (insV_Colorize)
                List <double> colorValues = Color_Utils.ColorValues_Std_pos(NewCloud, insV_Key);
                List <Color>  Colors      = Color_Utils.ColorGradient_Std_GtoR();

                Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color col = new Instruction.Instr_Dict_Color(insV_Key, colorValues, Colors, -1, 0.00);
                Boolean ColResult = col.Execute(ref NewCloud);

                //Set ColorGradient UserData
                Color_Utils.Set_ColorGradient_Dict(ref NewCloud, Colors, colorValues);

            pointCloud = (PointCloud)NewCloud.Duplicate();

            //Dispose of PointCloud Pieces and NewCloud.

            //Return True on Finish