         * List of validations as requested in task detail:
         * Mandatory Fields => PID, Contract Number, Product Id, MfrPN, Mfr Name, Vendor Name, Vendor PN, Cost, Short Description
         * - contract number => User XXXX for all products
         * - Coo => If empty use default value ‘TW’
         * - Long Description => If not present use Short Description
         * - UOM => If not present use ‘EA’
        public ValidatorResponse validateRow(InputDataXlsx inputData)
            ValidatorResponse response = new ValidatorResponse();
            int    status  = 0;
            string message = "";

            // . required fields
            string requiredFieldResult = validateRequiredFields(inputData);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredFieldResult))
                message = resourceMgr.GetString("ErrorRequiredField") + " " + requiredFieldResult;
                // . validate attribute length
                string errorFields = validateAttributeLength(inputData);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorFields))
                    message = resourceMgr.GetString("ErrorInvalidField") + " " + errorFields;
                    status  = 1;
                    message = resourceMgr.GetString("SuccessValidation");

            response.Status  = status;
            response.Message = message;
        public string validateRequiredFields(InputDataXlsx inputData)
            string requiredFields = "";

            if (inputData.PID == 0)
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "PID, ";
            if (inputData.Cost == 0)
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Cost, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.ContractNumber.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Contract Number, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.ProductId.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Product Id, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.MfrPN.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Mfr PN, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.MfrName.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Mfr Name, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.VendorName.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Vendor Name, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.VendorPN.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Vendor PN, ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputData.ShortDescription.Trim()))
                requiredFields = requiredFields + "Short Description";

        public static ValidatorResponse convertXlsxToCsv(string filePath, ProgressBar progressBar, ListBox errorBox)
            // standard response to return from each sub function
            ValidatorResponse response = new ValidatorResponse();

            try {
                // get executable directory path so that we can use it to create files
                string executablePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
                // this is our directory where we are going to create ProductList.csv and error.xlsx
                string uploadDirectory = executablePath + "\\uploads\\" + Util.getCurrentTimestamp();
                // as mentioned in task detail maximum number of rows allowed per csv
                const int maxRowsPerCsv = Constants.maxRowsPerCsv;
                // gonna use this to switch file names while saving when record count crosses max allowed
                int rowCounter = 0;
                // default file name as requested in task detail
                string fileNameCsv = Constants.fileNameCsv;
                // get csv seperator from constants, so that we can change it easily in future (if needed)
                string csvSeparator = Constants.csvSeparator;
                // get header row titles from constants and join them by the separator
                var csvHeaderRow = String.Join(csvSeparator, Constants.headerTitleCsv);
                // gonna use this variable to identify when to insert header row for each new file
                bool flagInsertHeaderRow = true;

                 * I have used NPOI for excel operations because Interop requires actual Excel application to be installed on server, which is not always a good idea ar may even be not possible at all (i.e. if you are using Azure Web Apps). NPOI works directly with Excel files. It is much faster than Interop.
                XSSFWorkbook xssfworkbook;

                using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    xssfworkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
                // read data
                XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)xssfworkbook.GetSheetAt(0);

                IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);

                Validator validator = new Validator();
                // validate header row as per given details in the task description
                response = validator.validateHeaderRow(headerRow);

                if (response.Status == 1)
                    var csvData = new StringBuilder();

                    progressBar.Maximum = (sheet.LastRowNum - 1);

                    // create a new workbook, as we need to store failed records in error.xlsx
                    IWorkbook errorWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
                    // create new sheet to add failed records
                    ISheet errorSheet = errorWorkbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");

                    if (sheet.LastRowNum > maxRowsPerCsv)
                        // as per requirement if supplied number of rows count exceed the max (i. e 10,000), then all file names should be different
                        fileNameCsv = Util.getCurrentTimestamp() + ".csv";

                    // loop through rows
                    for (int i = 1; i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
                        string errorMessage = "";

                        // create new directory, as we are going to save both error.xlsx and csv files in this folder.

                        if (sheet.GetRow(i) != null) //null is when the row only contains empty cells
                            IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);

                            int cellCount = row.LastCellNum;

                            if (cellCount >= 11)
                                int    pId;
                                Double salesPrice = 0;
                                Double cost;

                                Int32.TryParse(row.GetCell(0).ToString(), out pId);
                                Double.TryParse(row.GetCell(6).ToString(), out cost);

                                if (13 <= (cellCount - 1))
                                    Double.TryParse(row.GetCell(13).ToString(), out salesPrice);

                                var ProductId = row.GetCell(1) != null?row.GetCell(1).ToString() : "";

                                var MfrName = row.GetCell(2) != null?row.GetCell(2).ToString() : "";

                                var VendorName = row.GetCell(3) != null?row.GetCell(3).ToString() : "";

                                var MfrPN = row.GetCell(4) != null?row.GetCell(4).ToString() : "";

                                var VendorPN = row.GetCell(5) != null?row.GetCell(5).ToString() : "";

                                var Coo = row.GetCell(7) != null?row.GetCell(7).ToString() : "";

                                var ShortDescription = row.GetCell(8) != null?row.GetCell(8).ToString() : "";

                                var UPC = (cellCount - 1) >= 9 && row.GetCell(9) != null?row.GetCell(9).ToString() : "";

                                var UOM = (cellCount - 1) >= 10 && row.GetCell(10) != null?row.GetCell(10).ToString() : "";

                                var SaleStartDate = (cellCount - 1) >= 11 && row.GetCell(11) != null?row.GetCell(11).ToString() : "";

                                var SaleEndDate = (cellCount - 1) >= 12 && row.GetCell(12) != null?row.GetCell(12).ToString() : "";

                                // note: we dont have any field for large description in the given template
                                var LongDescription = ShortDescription;
                                // Price Should be 20 % more than cost
                                var Price = cost + ((cost * 20) / 100);

                                // Coo => If empty use default value ‘TW’
                                Coo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Coo) ? "TW" : Coo;

                                // UOM => If not present use ‘EA’
                                UOM = string.IsNullOrEmpty(UOM) ? "EA" : UOM;

                                // i like building objects, as it is difficult to identify/ remember values by index 0,1, etc
                                InputDataXlsx inputData = new InputDataXlsx
                                    PID              = pId,
                                    ProductId        = ProductId,
                                    MfrName          = MfrName,
                                    VendorName       = VendorName,
                                    MfrPN            = MfrPN,
                                    VendorPN         = VendorPN,
                                    Coo              = Coo,
                                    ShortDescription = ShortDescription,
                                    LongDescription  = LongDescription,
                                    UPC              = UPC,
                                    UOM              = UOM,
                                    SaleStartDate    = SaleStartDate,
                                    SaleEndDate      = SaleEndDate,
                                    SalesPrice       = salesPrice,
                                    Cost             = Price,
                                response = validator.validateRow(inputData);

                                if (response.Status == 1)
                                    if (flagInsertHeaderRow)
                                        // this flag true means, the file is new and we need to insert new header row on top
                                        // set this flag to false, so that it doesnt insert title in eah row
                                        flagInsertHeaderRow = false;

                                    var newLine = $"{inputData.PID.ToString()}{csvSeparator}{inputData.ContractNumber}{csvSeparator}{inputData.ProductId}{csvSeparator}{inputData.MfrPN}{csvSeparator}{inputData.MfrName}{csvSeparator}{inputData.VendorName}{csvSeparator}{inputData.VendorPN}{csvSeparator}{inputData.Cost}{csvSeparator}{inputData.Coo}{csvSeparator}{inputData.ShortDescription}{csvSeparator}{inputData.LongDescription}{csvSeparator}{inputData.UPC}{csvSeparator}{inputData.UOM}{csvSeparator}{inputData.SaleStartDate}{csvSeparator}{inputData.SaleEndDate}{csvSeparator}{inputData.SalesPrice}";


                                    progressBar.Value = i;
                                    rowCounter        = rowCounter + 1;

                                    // if rows counter is greater than equal to or the index reaches at the last, then we need to generate the csv
                                    if (rowCounter >= maxRowsPerCsv || i == (sheet.LastRowNum - 1))
                                        // create and save data in csv file
                                        File.AppendAllText(uploadDirectory + "\\" + fileNameCsv, csvData.ToString());

                                        // after each csv generation we need to set a new name for csv file
                                        fileNameCsv = Util.getCurrentTimestamp() + ".csv";
                                        // reset these values for new file
                                        csvData             = new StringBuilder();
                                        flagInsertHeaderRow = true;
                                        rowCounter          = 0;
                                    errorMessage = $"Error at row {i + 1}:  {response.Message}";
                                errorMessage = $"Error at row {i + 1}: Invaid number of columns";
                            errorMessage = $"Error at row {i + 1}: Invaid number of columns";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                             * log failed records in error.xlsx file
                            // add row titles on top
                            if (errorBox.Items.Count == 0)
                                // create title row
                                IRow errorRowTitle = errorSheet.CreateRow(0);

                                for (int k = 0; k < Constants.headerTitleXlsx.Length; k++)
                                    // get title names from the constant and insert in top row for error file
                                    ICell cellTitle = errorRowTitle.CreateCell(k);

                                // add a column to state the error detail, so that user dont have to find out whats wrong for each row
                                ICell cellTitleDetail = errorRowTitle.CreateCell(Constants.headerTitleXlsx.Length);
                                cellTitleDetail.SetCellValue("Error Detail");

                            // for each new error create a new row and replicate the failed row to this one
                            IRow errorRow = errorSheet.CreateRow(errorBox.Items.Count + 1);
                            for (int j = 0; j < sheet.GetRow(i).LastCellNum; j++)
                                ICell   cell      = errorRow.CreateCell(j);
                                dynamic cellValue = sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(j) != null?sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(j).ToString() : "";


                            ICell cellError = errorRow.CreateCell(sheet.GetRow(i).LastCellNum);

                            // add message to the error list in windows form for user readability

                    if (errorBox.Items.Count > 0)
                        // if there are errors in the uploaded file, generate error.xlsx and push failed records in it
                        using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(uploadDirectory + "\\" + "error.xlsx", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    errorBox.Items.Add("Error: " + response.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Message = ex.Message;
        public string validateAttributeLength(InputDataXlsx inputData)
            string errorFields = "";

            if (inputData.PID.ToString().Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "PID, ";
            if (inputData.ContractNumber.Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Contract Number, ";
            if (inputData.ProductId.Length > 50)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Product Id, ";
            if (inputData.MfrPN.Length > 50)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Mfr PN, ";
            if (inputData.MfrName.Length > 50)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Mfr Name, ";
            if (inputData.VendorName.Length > 50)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Vendor Name, ";
            if (inputData.VendorPN.Length > 50)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Vendor PN, ";
            if (inputData.Cost.ToString().Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Cost, ";
            if (inputData.Coo.Length > 2)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Coo, ";
            if (inputData.ShortDescription.Length > 300)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Short Description, ";
            if (inputData.LongDescription.Length > 3000)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Long Description, ";
            if (inputData.UPC.Length > 12)
                errorFields = errorFields + "UPC, ";
            if (inputData.UOM.Length > 2)
                errorFields = errorFields + "UOM, ";
            if (inputData.SaleStartDate.Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Sale Start Date, ";
            if (inputData.SaleEndDate.Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Sale End Date, ";
            if (inputData.SalesPrice.ToString().Length > 20)
                errorFields = errorFields + "Sales Price, ";
