Ejemplo n.º 1
    private Vector2 CreateMovementInput(out bool running)
        Vector2 controllerForce = Vector2.zero;

        //The Diagram states that there is no transition from any state to runnning except Walking
        float runToggle = ControllerState == PlayerControllerState.Walking || ControllerState == PlayerControllerState.Running ? RunToggle.GetActivation() : 0;

        running = Math.Abs(runToggle) > 0.0001f;
        //Based on the information wether we are running or not we are selecting the right Speed Values.
        float mSpeedLeft  = running ? RunSpeedLeft : WalkSpeedLeft;
        float mSpeedRight = running ? RunSpeedRight : WalkSpeedRight;

        //Get the Input from the InputBindings.
        float inputLeft  = Left.GetActivation();  //Range [0, 1]
        float inputRight = Right.GetActivation(); //Range [0, 1]

        if (ControllerState == PlayerControllerState.Falling)
            inputRight = inputLeft = 0;

        controllerForce.x  = -mSpeedLeft * inputLeft;  //Move to the Reft
        controllerForce.x += mSpeedRight * inputRight; //Move to the Right
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private Vector2 CreateJumpInput(Vector2 baseInput, out bool jumped)
        jumped = false;
        float jump = Jump.GetActivation() * (IsGrounded ? 1 : 0); //Multiply by 0 if grounded(No jump while not grounded).

        if (Math.Abs(jump) > 0.0001f)
            jumped       = true;
            baseInput.x *= ForwardJumpForce * jump; //Possibility to add a bit of extra Horizontal Velocity when jumping
            baseInput.y  = UpwardJumpForce * jump;  //Upwards Motion
