public void InfluxTag_CanParse_MultiFromStringArray()
     // string[] array
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags("key1", "key2").Should().BeEmpty();
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags("key1=value1", "key2=value2").Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key1", "value1"), new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags("key1", "key2=value2", "key3", "key4").Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"));
 public void InfluxTag_CanParse_FromMultiMetricTags()
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags(new MetricTags("key1", "key2"), new MetricTags("key3", "key4")).Should().BeEmpty();
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags(new MetricTags("key1=value1", "key2"), new MetricTags("key3=value3", "key4")).Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key1", "value1"), new InfluxTag("key3", "value3"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags(new MetricTags("key1", "key2=value2"), new MetricTags("key3", "key4=value4")).Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"), new InfluxTag("key4", "value4"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags(new MetricTags("key1=value1", "key2=value2"), new MetricTags("key3=value3", "key4=value4")).Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key1", "value1"), new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"), new InfluxTag("key3", "value3"), new InfluxTag("key4", "value4"));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the field value in the appropriate line protocol format based on the type of the value object.
        /// The value type must be a string, boolean, or integral or floating-point type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The field value to format.</param>
        /// <returns>The field value formatted as a string used in the line protocol format.</returns>
        private static JsonValue FormatValue(Object value)
            Type type = value?.GetType();

            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            if (!InfluxUtils.IsValidValueType(type))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value), $"Value is not one of the supported types: {type} - Valid types: {String.Join(", ", InfluxUtils.ValidValueTypes.Select(t => t.Name))}");

            if (InfluxUtils.IsIntegralType(type))
            if (InfluxUtils.IsFloatingPointType(type))
            if (value is String)
            if (value is Char)
 public void InfluxTag_CanParse_MultiFromCommaSeparatedString()
     // comma-separated single string
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags("key1=value1,key2=value2").Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key1", "value1"), new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTags("key1,key2=value2,key3,key4").Should().BeEquivalentTo(new InfluxTag("key2", "value2"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="InfluxRecord"/> from the specified name, item name, tags, and fields.
        /// This uses the timestamp defined on this metrics converter instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The measurement or series name. This value is required and cannot be null or empty.</param>
        /// <param name="itemName">The set item name. Can contain comma-separated key/value pairs.</param>
        /// <param name="tags">The optional tags to associate with this record.</param>
        /// <param name="fields">The <see cref="InfluxField"/> values for the output fields.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="InfluxRecord"/> from the specified name, tags, and fields.</returns>
        public InfluxRecord GetRecord(String name, String itemName, MetricTags tags, IEnumerable <InfluxField> fields)
            var jtags  = InfluxUtils.JoinTags(itemName, GlobalTags, tags);            // global tags must be first so they can get overridden
            var record = new InfluxRecord(name, jtags, fields, Timestamp);

 public void InfluxTag_CanParse_SingleFromString()
     // valid input strings
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key=value").Should().Be(new InfluxTag("key", "value"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key with spaces=value with spaces").Should().Be(new InfluxTag("key with spaces", "value with spaces"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key,with,commas=value,with,commas").Should().Be(new InfluxTag("key,with,commas", "value,with,commas"));
     InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key\"with\"quot=value\"with\"quot").Should().Be(new InfluxTag("key\"with\"quot", "value\"with\"quot"));
        public void InfluxField_SupportsValidValueTypes()
            var validTypes = InfluxUtils.ValidValueTypes;

            foreach (var type in validTypes)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the metric name using the <see cref="MetricNameFormatter"/> if it is set, otherwise returns null.
        /// This will apply lowercasing and replace space characters if it is configured on this <see cref="InfluxdbFormatter"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The metrics context name.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The metric name.</param>
        /// <param name="unit">The metric units.</param>
        /// <param name="tags">The metric tags.</param>
        /// <returns>The metric name after applying the formatters and transformations, or null if the <see cref="MetricNameFormatter"/> is not set.</returns>
        public virtual String FormatMetricName(String context, String name, Unit unit, String[] tags)
            String value = MetricNameFormatter?.Invoke(context, name, unit, tags);

            if (value == null)
                return(null);                           // return null so that caller knows that it can call its own default implementation if it has one
            return(InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(value, LowercaseNames, ReplaceSpaceChar));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the context name using the <see cref="ContextNameFormatter"/> if it is set, otherwise returns null.
        /// This will apply lowercasing and replace space characters if it is configured on this <see cref="InfluxdbFormatter"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contextStack">The list of parent context names.</param>
        /// <param name="contextName">The current context name.</param>
        /// <returns>The context name after applying the formatters and transformations, or null if the <see cref="ContextNameFormatter"/> is not set.</returns>
        public virtual String FormatContextName(IEnumerable <String> contextStack, String contextName)
            String value = ContextNameFormatter?.Invoke(contextStack, contextName);

            if (value == null)
                return(null);                           // return null so that caller knows that it can call its own default implementation if it has one
            return(InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(value, LowercaseNames, ReplaceSpaceChar));
        public void InfluxTag_CanParse_InvalidValueReturnsEmpty()
            // invalid input strings
            InfluxTag empty      = InfluxTag.Empty;
            String    nullReason = "Because the input string should contain a single key and value separated by an equals sign.";

            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key=").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("=value").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key=value1=value2").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key,value").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("key==").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
            InfluxUtils.ToInfluxTag("==val").Should().Be(empty, nullReason);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new <see cref="InfluxRecord"/> instances for each HealthCheck result in the specified <paramref name="status"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status">The health status.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IEnumerable <InfluxRecord> GetRecords(HealthStatus status)
     foreach (var result in status.Results)
         //var name = InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(result.Name);
         //var nameWithTags = Regex.IsMatch(result.Name, "^[Nn]ame=") ? result.Name : $"Name={result.Name}";
         var split = Regex.Split(result.Name, @"(?<!\\)[,]").Select(t => t.Trim()).Where(t => t.Length > 0).ToArray();
         if (!Regex.IsMatch(split[0], "^[Nn]ame="))
             split[0] = $"Name={InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(split[0])}";
         var name = String.Join(",", split);
         yield return(GetRecord("Health Checks", name, new[] {
             new InfluxField("IsHealthy", result.Check.IsHealthy),
             new InfluxField("Message", result.Check.Message),
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an HTTP URI for InfluxDB using the values specified in the <see cref="InfluxConfig"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration object to get the relevant fields to build the HTTP URI from.</param>
        /// <returns>A new InfluxDB URI using the configuration specified in the <paramref name="config"/> parameter.</returns>
        protected static Uri FormatInfluxUri(InfluxConfig config)
            UInt16 port = (config.Port ?? 0) > 0 ? config.Port.Value : InfluxConfig.Default.PortHttp;

            return(InfluxUtils.FormatInfluxUri(InfluxUtils.SchemeHttp, config.Hostname, port, config.Database, config.Username, config.Password, config.RetentionPolicy, config.Precision));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the field key name using the <see cref="FieldKeyFormatter"/> if it is set, otherwise uses the unmodified key value.
        /// This will apply lowercasing and replace space characters if it is configured on this <see cref="InfluxdbFormatter"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldKey">The <see cref="InfluxField.Key"/> string value to format.</param>
        /// <returns>The field key name after applying the formatters and transformations.</returns>
        public virtual String FormatFieldKey(String fieldKey)
            String value = FieldKeyFormatter?.Invoke(fieldKey) ?? fieldKey;

            return(InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(value, LowercaseNames, ReplaceSpaceChar));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the tag key name using the <see cref="TagKeyFormatter"/> if it is set, otherwise uses the unmodified key value.
        /// This will apply lowercasing and replace space characters if it is configured on this <see cref="InfluxdbFormatter"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tagKey">The <see cref="InfluxTag.Key"/> string value to format.</param>
        /// <returns>The tag key name after applying the formatters and transformations.</returns>
        public virtual String FormatTagKey(String tagKey)
            String value = TagKeyFormatter?.Invoke(tagKey) ?? tagKey;

            return(InfluxUtils.LowerAndReplaceSpaces(value, LowercaseNames, ReplaceSpaceChar));