public static void MakePatches()
        // TODO Calculate here the area that needs to be clear of trees etc, and pass xmin xmax, zmin z max to Patchs

        foreach (TerrainInfo tI in patchList)
            for (int i = 0; i < terrainPatchRes; i++)
                patchQueue.Enqueue(new TerrainPatch(tI.globalX, tI.globalZ, tI.terrain,
                                                    InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize * i / terrainPatchRes, InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize * (i + 1) / terrainPatchRes, tI.newPosition, tI));

        foreach (TerrainInfo tI in patchList)
            for (int i = 0; i < splatDetailPatchRes; i++)
                patchQueue.Enqueue(new SplatDetailPatch(tI.globalX, tI.globalZ, tI.terrain,
                                                        InfiniteTerrain.m_alphaMapSize * i / splatDetailPatchRes, InfiniteTerrain.m_alphaMapSize * (i + 1) / splatDetailPatchRes, tI));

        foreach (TerrainInfo tI in patchList)
            // todo reconsider if this shoul be done in one go for each terrain, not inside foreach loop three times
            AreaData aData = InfiniteTerrain.GetAreaData(tI.globalX, tI.globalZ);

            for (int i = 0; i < treePatchRes; i++)
                patchQueue.Enqueue(new TreePatch(tI.globalX, tI.globalZ, tI.terrain,
                                                 InfiniteTerrain.numOfTreesPerTerrain * i / treePatchRes, InfiniteTerrain.numOfTreesPerTerrain * (i + 1) / treePatchRes, tI));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //	METHODS

        //	PUBLIC

        public void UpdateTerrainChunk()
            if (!mapDataRequested)
                if (InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().GetTerrainChunk(coordinates + Vector2.up).mapDataRecieved&& InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().GetTerrainChunk(coordinates + Vector2.down).mapDataRecieved&& InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().GetTerrainChunk(coordinates + Vector2.left).mapDataRecieved&& InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().GetTerrainChunk(coordinates + Vector2.right).mapDataRecieved)
                    mapGenerator.RequestMapData(OnMapDataRecieved, coordinates);
                    mapDataRequested = true;

            float viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge = Mathf.Sqrt(bounds.SqrDistance(viewerPosition));

            if (colliders.Count != 0 && !collidable && viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge <= maxColliderDistance)
                foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders)
                    collider.enabled = true;
                collidable = true;
            if (colliders.Count != 0 && collidable && viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge > maxColliderDistance)
                foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders)
                    collider.enabled = false;
                collidable = false;
            bool visible = viewerDistanceFromNearestEdge <= maxViewDistance;

Ejemplo n.º 3
    public IEnumerator placeSavedRessource()
        Vector2 viewerPos = InfiniteTerrain._viewerPos;

        InfiniteTerrain terrainManager = FindObjectOfType <InfiniteTerrain> ();

        for (int i = 0; terrainManager == null && i < 10; i++)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));

            terrainManager = FindObjectOfType <InfiniteTerrain> ();
        Debug.Log($"list save {listSavedRessource.Count}");
        foreach (var item in listSavedRessource)
            InfiniteTerrain.TerrainChunk chunk = terrainManager.getChunkOfPoint(item.pos);
            for (int i = 0; chunk == null && i < 10; i++)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.1f));

                chunk = terrainManager.getChunkOfPoint(item.pos);
            if (savableRessourceOfChunk.ContainsKey(chunk))
                savableRessourceOfChunk.Add(chunk, new Queue <SavableRessource> ());
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //	SETTERS

    //	FACTORY


    void Awake()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
        else if (instance != this)
        public int landmassTypes;          //  1,2,4,8...

        public TerrainInfo(int globX, int globZ, Terrain ter, Vector3 newPos)
            newPosition = newPos;
            globalX     = globX;
            globalZ     = globZ;
            terrain     = ter;
            string key = globalX.ToString() + "_" + globalZ.ToString();

            landmassTypes = InfiniteTerrain.GetOrAssignLandMassTypes(key);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public PlayScene(Game game,
                         SpriteBatch spriteBatch) : base(game)
            this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch;

            var tempTerrain = new Terrain(
                Game, spriteBatch,
                GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width / 3f, 50,
                80, 1, 0,
                ColourSchemes.normRed, new Vector2(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height * 0.75f));

            terrain = new InfiniteTerrain(Game, spriteBatch, tempTerrain, 3, 3);

Ejemplo n.º 7
    public static int HasLandmassType(string key, int typeInt)
        int  massType = InfiniteTerrain.GetOrAssignLandMassTypes(key);
        bool is1      = false;

        switch (typeInt)
        case 1:
            if (((massType & 1) > 0))                     // hills
                is1 = true;

        case 2:
            if (((massType & 2) > 0))                     // mountains
                is1 = true;

        case 4:
            if (((massType & 4) > 0))                     // ridged mountains
                is1 = true;

        case 8:
            if (((massType & 8) > 0))                     /// plains
                is1 = true;

        if (is1 == true)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void UpdateTile(Vector2 coords)
            int x             = (int)coords.X;
            int y             = (int)coords.Y;
            int configuration = GetConfiguration(coords);

            GameObject temp = tiles[x, y];

            temp.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().tiles[configuration];
            if (configuration != 15)
                if (temp.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>() == null)
                    colliders.Add(temp.AddComponent <EdgeCollider2D>());
                    ((EdgeCollider2D)colliders[colliders.Count - 1]).points = GenerateEdgeCollider2DPoints(configuration);
                temp.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().points = GenerateEdgeCollider2DPoints(configuration);;
                // ((EdgeCollider2D)colliders[colliders.Count-1]);
                // colliders[colliders.Count-1].enabled = false;
    void Start()
        Bump0 = Resources.Load("Textures/" + "rock_2048-norm") as Texture2D;

        InfiniteTerrain infTerrain = (InfiniteTerrain)GetComponent(typeof(InfiniteTerrain));

        if (Bump0)
            Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BumpMap0", Bump0);

        if (Bump1)
            Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BumpMap1", Bump1);

        if (Bump2)
            Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BumpMap2", Bump2);

        if (Bump3)
            Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BumpMap3", Bump3);

        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Tile0", Tile0);
        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Tile1", Tile1);
        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Tile2", Tile2);
        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_Tile3", Tile3);

        terrainSizeX = InfiniteLandscape.m_landScapeSize;
        terrainSizeZ = InfiniteLandscape.m_landScapeSize;

        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("multiplier", 4f);

        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_TerrainX", terrainSizeX);
        Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_TerrainZ", terrainSizeZ);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public MapChunk(Vector2 coordinates, int size, InfiniteTerrain infTerrain, Material material)
        Size            = size;
        Coordinates     = coordinates;
        Position        = coordinates * size;
        InfiniteTerrain = infTerrain;

        Bounds = new Bounds(Position, * Size);

        MeshObject = new GameObject("Map Chunk");
        MeshObject.transform.parent   = InfiniteTerrain.transform;
        MeshObject.transform.position = new Vector3(Position.x, 0, Position.y);

        MeshRenderer = MeshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        MeshFilter   = MeshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        MeshRenderer.material = material;


Ejemplo n.º 11
        GameObject CreateTile(Vector2 coords)
            int configuration = 0;
            int x             = (int)coords.X;
            int y             = (int)coords.Y;

            if (x == 0 || mapData.cellMap[x - 1, y] != 0)
                configuration += 8;
            if (y == mapData.cellMap.GetLength(1) - 1 || mapData.cellMap[x, y + 1] != 0)
                configuration += 4;
            if (x == mapData.cellMap.GetLength(0) - 1 || mapData.cellMap[x + 1, y] != 0)
                configuration += 2;
            if (y == 0 || mapData.cellMap[x, y - 1] != 0)
                configuration += 1;

            GameObject temp = new GameObject(x + "/" + y);

            temp.tag = "Tile";
            temp.transform.parent        = chunkObject.transform;
            temp.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x - size / 2, y - size / 2, 0);
            temp.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = InfiniteTerrain.GetInstance().tiles[configuration];
            if (configuration != 15)
                colliders.Add(temp.AddComponent <EdgeCollider2D>());
                ((EdgeCollider2D)colliders[colliders.Count - 1]).points = GenerateEdgeCollider2DPoints(configuration);
                colliders[colliders.Count - 1].enabled = false;
 void OnEnable()
     infiniteTerrain = (InfiniteTerrain)target;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    private void FillTerrainPatch()
        int   hRes  = InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize;
        float ratio = (float)InfiniteTerrain.m_landScapeSize / (float)hRes;
        float z0    = (InfiniteLandscape.initialGlobalIndexZ * (InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize - 1)) * ratio;
        float z1    = (InfiniteLandscape.initialGlobalIndexZ * (InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize - 1)) * ratio + hRes * ratio;
        float y0    = 0.0f;
        float y1    = 1.0f;

        bool plainsExist          = false;
        bool hillsExist           = false;
        bool mountainsExist       = false;
        bool ridgedMountainsExist = false;

        string key      = globalTileX.ToString() + "_" + globalTileZ.ToString();
        int    massType = InfiniteTerrain.GetOrAssignLandMassTypes(key);

        if ((massType & 1) > 0)
            hillsExist = true;
        if ((massType & 2) > 0)
            mountainsExist = true;
        if ((massType & 4) > 0)
            ridgedMountainsExist = true;
        if ((massType & 8) > 0)
            plainsExist = true;

        for (int z = h0; z < h1; z++)
            float worldPosZ = (z + globalTileZ * (InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize - 1)) * ratio;
            float hx        = Mathf.Clamp((y1 - y0) / (z1 - z0) * (worldPosZ - z0) + y1, -4, 8);

            for (int x = 0; x < hRes; x++)
                float worldPosX = (x + globalTileX * (InfiniteTerrain.m_heightMapSize - 1)) * ratio;
                float sum       = 0;

                /* // very small hills
                 * if (hillsExist)
                 * {
                 *      //float hills = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 1, 100, 0.02f) + 0.01f; // good small bumpy thing
                 *      // makes "brain" bumps, that look odd from top
                 *      //float hills = -(m_mountainNoiseRidged.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 1, 100, 0.01f)) + 0.005f; // flipped small ridge
                 *      float hills = -(m_mountainNoiseRidged.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 6, 250, 0.015f)); // flipped small ridge
                 *      //hills = 0.2f; // for testing falloff map ignore noise
                 *      hills = BlendLandmass(hills, x, z, key, 1);
                 *      sum += hills;
                 * }

                // TEST - unnaturally steep transition, otherwise cool

                 * if (hillsExist)
                 * {
                 *      float hills = -(m_mountainNoiseRidged.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 6, 250, 0.015f)); // flipped small ridge
                 *      if(hills < testMin ) testMin = hills;
                 *      if (hills > testMax) testMax = hills;
                 *      // varies somewhere  between -20 and 10 when x 1000
                 *      if (hills*1000 < 0f)
                 *      {
                 *              hills = -20f/1000f;
                 *      }
                 *      hills = BlendLandmass(hills, x, z, key, 1);
                 *      sum += hills;
                 * }

                // produces "fjord" like valleys with  plateau tops
                if (hillsExist)
                    float hills = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 1, 500, 1);
                    //if (hills < testMin) testMin = hills;
                    //if (hills > testMax) testMax = hills;

                    hills  = InfiniteTerrain.StaticTestCurve.Evaluate(hills);
                    hills /= 10;
                    hills += 0.01f;                     // to rse it somewhat above sea level

                    // small bumps
                    float hills2 = -(m_mountainNoiseRidged.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 6, 100, 0.002f));                     // flipped small ridge
                    hills += hills2;
                    hills  = BlendLandmass(hills, x, z, key, 1);

                    sum += hills;

                // exiting but unrealistic maze like formation
                // effect depend on the  animation curve

                 * if (hillsExist)
                 * {
                 *      float hills = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 1, 100, 1);
                 *      if (hills < testMin) testMin = hills;
                 *      if (hills > testMax) testMax = hills;
                 *      hills = InfiniteTerrain.StaticTestCurve.Evaluate(hills);
                 *      hills /= 20;
                 *      hills = BlendLandmass(hills, x, z, key, 1);
                 *      sum += hills;
                 * }

                if (mountainsExist)
                    float mountainsPerlin = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 4, 3000, 0.4f);
                    //mountainsPerlin = 0.2f; // for testing falloff map ignore noise
                    mountainsPerlin = BlendLandmass(mountainsPerlin, x, z, key, 2);
                    sum            += mountainsPerlin;

                if (ridgedMountainsExist)
                    float mountainsRidged = m_mountainNoiseRidged.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 4, 3000, 0.2f);
                    //mountainsRidged = 0.2f; // for testing falloff map ignore noise
                    float accentHills = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 1, 100, 0.005f);                     // good small bumpy thing
                    //accentHills = 0f; // for testing falloff map ignore noise
                    mountainsRidged += accentHills;
                    mountainsRidged  = BlendLandmass(mountainsRidged, x, z, key, 4);
                    sum             += mountainsRidged;

                if (plainsExist)
                    float plains = m_mountainNoise.FractalNoise2D(worldPosX, worldPosZ, 4, 9000, 0.1f) + 0.05f; //

                    plains = 0.01f;                                                                             // for testing falloff map ignore noise

                    plains = BlendLandmass(plains, x, z, key, 8);
                    sum   += plains;

                // for debugging textures, create flat surfacce
                //sum = 0.04f;

                float height = (sum) + 0.003f * hx;
                InfiniteTerrain.m_terrainHeights[z, x] = height;

        //Debug.Log( testMin + " - " + testMax );
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the GameScene scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Current game reference</param>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">spriteBatch to draw scene</param>
        public GameScene(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) : base(game)
            this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch;

            inputNameString = new KbInputString(Game, spriteBatch,
                                                new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2f,
                                                            GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2f + resources.MonoFont.LineSpacing * 2),

            // Add the infinite terrain (which also does gas cans)
            var tempTerrain = new Terrain(Game, spriteBatch,
                                          GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width / 3f, 50,
                                          80, 1, 0, 4,
                                          ColourSchemes.brown, new Vector2(0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Height * 0.75f));

            Components.Add(terrain = new InfiniteTerrain(Game, spriteBatch, tempTerrain, 3, 3));
            // Add our UFO
            this.Components.Add(ufo = new UFO(Game, spriteBatch,
                                              new Vector2(50, terrain.ExtremeHeightAt(25, 50, false))));

            // Add distance string
                distance = new SimpleString(game, spriteBatch,
                                            new Vector2(20, 20),
                                            "Distance: 0",

            // Create Speed meter & string
                meterSpeed = new MeterBar(
                    new SimpleString(game, spriteBatch,
                                     new Vector2(215, 70),
                                     "", Color.Black,
                    new Rectangle(20, 70, 200, resources.RegularFont.LineSpacing),
                    0, ufo.MaxVelocity));
            Components.Add(new SimpleString(game, spriteBatch,
                                            new Vector2(25, 70),
                                            "Speed", Color.Black));

            // Create Gas meter & string
                meterGas = new MeterBar(
                    new SimpleString(game, spriteBatch,
                                     new Vector2(215, 120),
                                     "", Color.Black,
                    new Rectangle(20, 120, 200, resources.RegularFont.LineSpacing),
                    0, ufo.Gas));
            Components.Add(new SimpleString(game, spriteBatch,
                                            new Vector2(25, 120),
                                            "Gas: ", Color.Black));

            // Create collision manager
            Components.Add(collisionManager = new CollisionManager(Game));

            // Create explosion
            explosion = new Explosion(game, spriteBatch, resources.Explosion, Vector2.Zero, 3);

            // Death sound
            deathSouthIns        = resources.deathSound.CreateInstance();
            deathSouthIns.Volume = .2f;
    protected override void Update()

         * //-------Just debugging--------
         * if(updateRound)
         * {
         *      // previous was updateRound
         *      float executionTime = Time.time - StartTime;
         *      //Debug.Log(updatecounter + ": ----------------------------------------> Execution time " + executionTime);
         *      updateRound = false;
         * }
         * updateRound = updateLandscape;
         * StartTime = Time.deltaTime;
         * //--------Just debugging ends -------

        if (updateLandscape == true)
            m_terrainGrid[curCyclicIndexX, curCyclicIndexZ].GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true;        //Slow operation

            // for displaying data in UI:
            Terrain current = m_terrainGrid[curCyclicIndexX, curCyclicIndexZ];
            //Debug.Log("-------> entering " +;

            terrainName.text =;
            int massType = InfiniteTerrain.GetOrAssignLandMassTypes(;

            hillsValue.text           = (massType & 1) > 0 ? "yes": "no";
            mountainsValue.text       = (massType & 2) > 0 ? "yes": "no";
            ridgedMountainsValue.text = (massType & 4) > 0 ? "yes" : "no";
            plainsValue.text          = (massType & 8) > 0 ? "yes" : "no";

            m_terrainGrid[prevCyclicIndexX, prevCyclicIndexZ].GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;


        if (PatchManager.patchQueue.Count != 0)
            terrainIsFlushed = false;
            if (patchIsFilling == false)
                patchToBeFilled = PatchManager.patchQueue.Dequeue();
            if (patchToBeFilled != null)
                //float execTime = Time.time - oneUpdateTime;

                 * if(patchToBeFilled is TerrainPatch)
                 * Debug.Log( execTime + "     Executed TerrainPatch...");
                 * if (patchToBeFilled is SplatDetailPatch)
                 * Debug.Log(execTime + "     Executed SplatDetailPatch...");
                 * if (patchToBeFilled is TreePatch)
                 * Debug.Log(execTime + "     Execute TreePatch...");

                 * if(execTime > 0.1f)
                 * {
                 * Debug.Log(Time.time +  "------------------> exec time " + execTime);
                 * }

                //for debugging
                //oneUpdateTime = Time.time;

                patchToBeFilled = null;
        else if (PatchManager.patchQueue.Count == 0 && terrainIsFlushed == false)
            terrainIsFlushed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void Start()
     mapGenerator    = FindObjectOfType <MapGenerator> ();
     infiniteTerrain = FindObjectOfType <InfiniteTerrain> ();
     shift           = false;