protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlSourceServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlSourceServer",
                ShowGroups    = false,
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ddlTargetServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlTargetServer",
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ctlSourcePath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlSourceServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.ctlTargetPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlTargetServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.chkDelete = new CheckBox
                ID      = "chkDelete",
                Checked = true,
                Text    = "Delete files/directories not present in source"

            this.txtIncludeFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 4,
                Text     = "*"

                new SlimFormField("From server:", this.ddlSourceServer),
                new SlimFormField("From directory:", this.ctlSourcePath),
                new SlimFormField("To server:", this.ddlTargetServer),
                new SlimFormField("To directory:", this.ctlTargetPath),
                new SlimFormField("File/directory mask:", this.txtIncludeFileMasks)
                HelpText = "Files and folders matching the specified masks (entered one per line) will be transferred. "
                           + "For example, if you want to transfer all files except *.src files, enter the following lines "
                           + "(without quotes): \"*\" and \"!*.src\""
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkDelete)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true, Required = true

                new SlimFormField("Zip file path:", this.txtFileName)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public AzureActionWithConfigBaseEditor()
     this.txtConfigText = new TextBox()
         TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Width = 300, Rows = 4
     this.ffpConfigFilePath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox()
         Width = 300, ServerId = 1
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                DefaultText  = "$CurrentDirectory\\"

                new SlimFormField("To file:", this.txtFileName)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public AzureConfigurerEditor()
            this.sdkPath    = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox();
            this.sdkPath.ID = "sdkPath";

            this.txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = 300
            this.txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = 300
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtWorkingDirectory = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = false, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory"
            this.txtExePath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true, Required = true,
            this.txtArguments           = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.chkFailOnStandardError = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Fail if any text is written to standard error"
            this.chkUseExitCode = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Succeed only when exit code is..."
            this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Import BuildMaster variables to environment"

            this.ddlExitCode = new DropDownList
                Items =
                    new ListItem("0",           CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Zero.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Positive",    CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Positive.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Nonnegative", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonNegative.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Nonzero",     CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonZero.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Negative",    CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Negative.ToString())

            var ctlExitCode = new Div(this.ddlExitCode);

                new SlimFormField("Executable file:", this.txtExePath),
                new SlimFormField("Process working directory:", this.txtWorkingDirectory),
                new SlimFormField("Arguments:", this.txtArguments),
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Error conditions:",
                    new Div(this.chkFailOnStandardError),
                    new Div(this.chkUseExitCode),
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseExitCode, ctlExitCode);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtInstallPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText  = "$CurrentDirectory\\packages",
                IncludeFiles = false

                new SlimFormField("To:", this.txtInstallPath)
                HelpText = "By default, packages will be installed to the <i>packages</i> folder at the solution level. If you have multiple solutions in the specified path or need to override this behavior, you may set the path explicitly here."
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                Required     = true

            this.txtFileContents = new TextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Wrap     = false,
                Rows     = 20

                new SlimFormField("File path:", this.txtFileName),
                new SlimFormField("File Contents:", this.txtFileContents)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     chkStartDeployment = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     txtStorageAccountName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, Required = true
     txtStorageAccessKey = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, Required = true
     ffpPackageFile = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox()
         ServerId = 1
     txtPackageFileStorageLocation = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     chkDeleteFromStorage = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
         new SlimFormField("Label:", txtLabel),
         new SlimFormField("Start deployment:", chkStartDeployment),
         new SlimFormField("Blob Storage account name:", txtStorageAccountName),
         new SlimFormField("Blob Storage access key:", txtStorageAccessKey),
         new SlimFormField("Package file disk location:", ffpPackageFile),
         new SlimFormField("Package file blob location:", txtPackageFileStorageLocation),
         new SlimFormField("Delete staged package from Blob Storage when complete", chkDeleteFromStorage)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtNuspecFile = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                IncludeFiles = true,
                Required     = true

            this.txtVersions = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows     = 3

                new SlimFormField("Nuspec file:", this.txtNuspecFile),
                new SlimFormField("Dependencies:", this.txtVersions)
                HelpText = "Provide a list of dependency versions to write to the .nuspec file in the format <i>Id=Version</i> (one per line). For example:<br/><i>jQuery=[1.9.1]<br/>Internal.Library=[$ReleaseName]</i>"
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtTo = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 5

            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox
                MaxLength = 255,
                Required  = true

            this.txtBody = new TextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 10

            this.txtAttachment = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                DefaultText  = "no attachment"

            this.ddlServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "bm-action-server-id",
                ClientIDMode  = ClientIDMode.Static,
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId,
                ServerId      = this.ServerId

            this.chkAttachFile = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Attach file..."

            this.chkIsBodyHtml = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Send as HTML"

            var ctlAttachmentContainer = new Div(
                new Div("From server:"),
                new Div("From file:"),

                new SlimFormField("To address(es):", this.txtTo)
                HelpText = "Multiple recipients should be separated with a semicolon or newline."
                new SlimFormField("Subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Body text:", new Div(this.txtBody), new Div(this.chkIsBodyHtml)),
                new SlimFormField("Attachment:", chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // this is all non-canonical
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ffpServiceDefinition = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox() { ID = "serviceDefinition", IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = 1 };
            this.txtWebRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.ffpWebRoleBinDir = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox() { ID = "ffpWebRoleBinDir", ServerId = 1 };
            this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtWorkerRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox() { ID = "ffpWorkerRoleBinDir", ServerId = 1 };
            this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.ffpPropertiesFile = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox() { ID = "ffpPropertiesFile", IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = 1 };
            this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, Text = "Use CTP Package Format", Checked = true };
            this.ffpOutput = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox() { ID = "ffpOutput", IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = 1 };
            this.chkCopyOnly = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, Text = "Copy Only" };
            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
                new FormFieldGroup("Service Definition",
                    "Provide the path to the default service definition file (ServiceDefinition.csdef) or the explicit file name.",
                    new StandardFormField("Path:", this.ffpServiceDefinition)
                new FormFieldGroup("Web Role",
                    "Specify the name of the web role, the path to the \\bin directory of the web application output, and optionally, the " +
                    "file name of the assembly that contains the web role. If there is no web role for this project, leave these " +
                    "fields blank. If more than 1 web role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                    new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleName),
                    new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:", this.ffpWebRoleBinDir),
                    new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:",this.txtWebRoleAssemblyName)
                new FormFieldGroup("Site",
                    "Specify a site name for the web role, and a virtual to physical path mapping. If more than 1 mapping is required, " +
                    "use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                    new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWebRoleSiteRoleName),
                    new StandardFormField("Virtual Path:", this.txtWebRoleSiteVirtualPath),
                    new StandardFormField("Physical Path:",this.txtWebRoleSitePhysicaPath)
                new FormFieldGroup("Worker Role",
                    "Specify the name of the worker role, the path to the \\bin directory of the project output, and the assembly " +
                    "that contains the entry point for the worker role. If there is no worker role for this project, leave these " + 
                    "fields blank. If more than 1 worker role exists, use the additional arguments section with the format: <br /><br />" +
                    new StandardFormField("Role Name:", this.txtWorkerRoleName),
                    new StandardFormField("Bin Directory:",this.ffpWorkerRoleBinDir),
                    new StandardFormField("Assembly Name:",this.txtWorkerRoleAssemblyName)
                new FormFieldGroup("Role Properties",
                    "Role properties file information.",
                    new StandardFormField("Role Name:",this.txtRolePropertiesFileRoleName),
                    new StandardFormField("Path:",ffpPropertiesFile)
                new FormFieldGroup("Options",
                    "Specify whether the new package format should be used, and whether to create a directory layout for the role " +
                    "binaries in order to run the service locally. To create a .cspkg, leave Copy Only unchecked.",
                    new StandardFormField("",this.chkUseCTPPackageFormat),
                    new StandardFormField("",this.chkCopyOnly)
                new FormFieldGroup("Additional Arguments",
                    "Specify any additional arguments to pass to cspack.exe.",
                    new StandardFormField("Additional Arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
                new FormFieldGroup("Output",
                    "Specify the file name of the package output (if Copy Only is unchecked), or the output directory for the role binaries.",
                    new StandardFormField("Path:",this.ffpOutput)