Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void Postfix(IndoorPot __instance, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha)
     if (drawingConnectedPot && gardenPotspriteSheet is not null)
         Vector2 scaleFactor = __instance.getScale();
         scaleFactor *= 4f;
         Vector2   position     = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2(x * 64, y * 64 - 64));
         Rectangle destination  = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - scaleFactor.X / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(position.Y - scaleFactor.Y / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(64f + scaleFactor.X), (int)(128f + scaleFactor.Y / 2f));
         Rectangle destination1 = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - scaleFactor.X / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(position.Y - scaleFactor.Y / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(64f + scaleFactor.X), (int)(128f + scaleFactor.Y / 2f) / 2);
         Rectangle destination2 = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - scaleFactor.X / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(position.Y - scaleFactor.Y / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0) + 64, (int)(64f + scaleFactor.X), (int)(128f + scaleFactor.Y / 2f) / 2);
         if (topIndex >= 0)
             spriteBatch.Draw(gardenPotspriteSheet, destination1, new Rectangle(topIndex * 16, 32, 16, 16), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, ((y + 1) * 64 - 24) / 10000f) + x * 1E-05f);
         if (leftIndex >= 0)
             spriteBatch.Draw(gardenPotspriteSheet, destination2, new Rectangle(leftIndex * 16, 48, 16, 16), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, ((y + 1) * 64 - 24) / 10000f) + x * 1E-05f + 1 / 10000f);
         if (rightIndex >= 0)
             spriteBatch.Draw(gardenPotspriteSheet, destination2, new Rectangle(rightIndex * 16, 64, 16, 16), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, ((y + 1) * 64 - 24) / 10000f) + x * 1E-05f + 1 / 10000f);
         drawingConnectedPot = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void SetupHoeDirtListeners(HoeDirt hoeDirt, IndoorPot pot = null)
         var netCrop = Helper.Reflection.GetField <NetRef <Crop> >(hoeDirt, "netCrop", true).GetValue();
         if (netCrop.Value != null)
             TrackAndWater(hoeDirt, pot);
         netCrop.fieldChangeVisibleEvent += (_, __, crop) =>
             if (crop != null)
                 TrackAndWater(hoeDirt, pot);
                 RemoveTrack(hoeDirt, pot);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Monitor.Log($"Could not read crop data on dirt; possible new game version?\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static Texture2D GetSpriteSheet(IndoorPot __instance)
     if (!Config.EnableMod || __instance.modData.ContainsKey("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset") || !IsConnectedPot(__instance))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 ** Private methods
 /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="IndoorPot.performObjectDropInAction"/>.</summary>
 /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
 private static bool Before_PerformObjectDropInAction(IndoorPot __instance, Item dropInItem, bool probe, Farmer who, ref bool __result)
     if (dropInItem is CustomObject obj && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Data.Plants))
         __result = IndoorPotPatcher.Impl(__instance, obj, probe, who);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Update the indoor pot state on load for automation.</summary>
        /// <param name="indoorPot">The indoor pot to update.</param>
        /// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to private code.</param>
        /// <remarks>Derived from <see cref="IndoorPot.updateWhenCurrentLocation"/>. When an indoor pot is loaded from the save file, the bush it contains isn't updated immediately. Instead it's marked dirty and will call <see cref="Bush.loadSprite"/> when the player first enters the location. For Automate, that means a bush that's already harvested may reset and produce a new harvest for the day.</remarks>
        private void UpdateIndoorPotOnLoad(IndoorPot indoorPot, IReflectionHelper reflection)
            NetBool bushLoadDirty = reflection.GetField <NetBool>(indoorPot, "bushLoadDirty").GetValue();

            if (bushLoadDirty.Value)
                bushLoadDirty.Value = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static bool Impl(IndoorPot this_, CustomObject dropInItem, bool probe, Farmer who)
     if (who != null && dropInItem != null && this_.bush.Value == null && dropInItem.CanPlantThisSeedHere(this_.hoeDirt.Value, (int)this_.tileLocation.X, (int)this_.tileLocation.Y, dropInItem.Category == -19))
         //if ((int)dropInItem.parentSheetIndex == 805)
         //    if (!probe)
         //    {
         //        Game1.showRedMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:Object.cs.13053"));
         //    }
         //    return false;
         //if ((int)dropInItem.parentSheetIndex == 499)
         //    if (!probe)
         //    {
         //        Game1.playSound("cancel");
         //        Game1.showGlobalMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\Objects:AncientFruitPot"));
         //    }
         //    return false;
         if (!probe)
             if (!dropInItem.Plant(this_.hoeDirt.Value, (int)this_.tileLocation.X, (int)this_.tileLocation.Y, who, dropInItem.Category == -19, who.currentLocation))
             this_.heldObject.Value = new StardewValley.Object();
     //if (who != null && dropInItem != null && this_.hoeDirt.Value.crop == null && this_.bush.Value == null && dropInItem is StardewValley.Object && !(dropInItem as StardewValley.Object).bigCraftable && (int)dropInItem.parentSheetIndex == 251)
     //    if (probe)
     //    {
     //        this_.heldObject.Value = new StardewValley.Object();
     //    }
     //    else
     //    {
     //        this_.bush.Value = new Bush(this_.tileLocation, 3, who.currentLocation);
     //        if (!who.currentLocation.IsOutdoors)
     //        {
     //            this_.bush.Value.greenhouseBush.Value = true;
     //            this_.bush.Value.loadSprite();
     //            Game1.playSound("coin");
     //        }
     //    }
     //    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a waterable target from the corresponding collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tilledDirt">Tilled dirt plot to untrack</param>
 /// <param name="indoorPot">Garden pot to untrack</param>
 private void RemoveTrack(HoeDirt tilledDirt, IndoorPot indoorPot = null)
     if (indoorPot != null)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void RemoveTrack(HoeDirt hoeDirt, IndoorPot indoorPot = null)
     if (indoorPot != null)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void TrackAndWater(HoeDirt hoeDirt, IndoorPot indoorPot = null)
     if (indoorPot != null)
     Water(hoeDirt, indoorPot);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a waterable target to the corresponding collection, and then waters that target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tilledDirt">Tilled dirt plot to track and water</param>
        /// <param name="indoorPot">Garden pot to track and water</param>
        private void TrackAndWater(HoeDirt tilledDirt, IndoorPot indoorPot = null)
            if (indoorPot != null)

            Water(tilledDirt, indoorPot);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private static void Postfix(IndoorPot __instance, Item?dropInItem, bool probe)
     if (probe)
     if (dropInItem?.modData?.GetBool(CanPlaceHandler.Organic) == true &&
         __instance.hoeDirt?.Value?.fertilizer?.Value is HoeDirt.noFertilizer &&
         ModEntry.OrganicFertilizerID != -1)
         __instance.hoeDirt.Value.fertilizer.Value = ModEntry.OrganicFertilizerID;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static bool DrawPrefix(IndoorPot __instance, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, float alpha = 1f)
            if (__instance.modData.ContainsKey("AlternativeTextureName"))
                var textureModel = AlternativeTextures.textureManager.GetSpecificTextureModel(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureName"]);
                if (textureModel is null)

                var textureVariation = Int32.Parse(__instance.modData["AlternativeTextureVariation"]);
                if (textureVariation == -1 || AlternativeTextures.modConfig.IsTextureVariationDisabled(textureModel.GetId(), textureVariation))
                var textureOffset = textureModel.GetTextureOffset(textureVariation);

                Vector2 scaleFactor = __instance.getScale();
                scaleFactor *= 4f;
                Vector2   position    = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2(x * 64, y * 64 - 64));
                Rectangle destination = new Rectangle((int)(position.X - scaleFactor.X / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(position.Y - scaleFactor.Y / 2f) + ((__instance.shakeTimer > 0) ? Game1.random.Next(-1, 2) : 0), (int)(64f + scaleFactor.X), (int)(128f + scaleFactor.Y / 2f));
                spriteBatch.Draw(textureModel.GetTexture(textureVariation), destination, new Rectangle((__instance.showNextIndex ? 1 : 0) * textureModel.TextureWidth, textureOffset, 16, 32), Color.White * alpha, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, Math.Max(0f, (float)((y + 1) * 64 - 24) / 10000f) + (((int)__instance.parentSheetIndex == 105) ? 0.0035f : 0f) + (float)x * 1E-05f);

                if ((int)__instance.hoeDirt.Value.fertilizer != 0)
                    Rectangle fertilizer_rect = __instance.hoeDirt.Value.GetFertilizerSourceRect(__instance.hoeDirt.Value.fertilizer);
                    fertilizer_rect.Width  = 13;
                    fertilizer_rect.Height = 13;
                    spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, new Vector2(__instance.tileLocation.X * 64f + 4f, __instance.tileLocation.Y * 64f - 12f)), fertilizer_rect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (__instance.tileLocation.Y + 0.65f) * 64f / 10000f + (float)x * 1E-05f);
                if (__instance.hoeDirt.Value.crop != null)
                    __instance.hoeDirt.Value.crop.drawWithOffset(spriteBatch, __instance.tileLocation, ((int)__instance.hoeDirt.Value.state == 1 && (int)__instance.hoeDirt.Value.crop.currentPhase == 0 && !__instance.hoeDirt.Value.crop.raisedSeeds) ? (new Color(180, 100, 200) * 1f) : Color.White, __instance.hoeDirt.Value.getShakeRotation(), new Vector2(32f, 8f));
                if (__instance.heldObject.Value != null)
                    __instance.heldObject.Value.draw(spriteBatch, x * 64, y * 64 - 48, (__instance.tileLocation.Y + 0.66f) * 64f / 10000f + (float)x * 1E-05f, 1f);
                if (__instance.bush.Value != null)
                    __instance.bush.Value.draw(spriteBatch, new Vector2(x, y), -24f);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void Water(HoeDirt hoeDirt, IndoorPot pot = null)
            if (!_config.Enabled || !_shouldWaterToday)

            hoeDirt.state.Value = HoeDirt.watered;
            if (_config.Fertilizer.HasValue)
                hoeDirt.fertilizer.Value = _config.Fertilizer.Value;
            if (pot != null)
                pot.showNextIndex.Value = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Waters either a plot of tilled dirt or a garden pot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tilledDirt">Tilled dirt plot to water</param>
        /// <param name="indoorPot">Garden pot to water</param>
        private void Water(HoeDirt tilledDirt, IndoorPot indoorPot = null)
            if (!_shouldWaterToday)

            tilledDirt.state.Value = HoeDirt.watered;

            if (_config.Fertilizer.HasValue)
                tilledDirt.fertilizer.Value = _config.Fertilizer.Value;
            if (indoorPot != null)
                indoorPot.showNextIndex.Value = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static void Prefix(IndoorPot __instance, int x, int y)
     if (!Config.EnableMod || !typeof(DecoratableLocation).IsAssignableFrom(Game1.currentLocation.GetType()) || !(Game1.currentLocation as DecoratableLocation).isTileOnWall(x, y))
     if (!__instance.modData.TryGetValue("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset", out string offsetString))
         __instance.modData["aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset"] = Config.OffsetY + "";
     if (!__instance.modData.TryGetValue("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/innerOffset", out string innerOffsetString))
         __instance.modData["aedenthorn.WallPlanter/innerOffset"] = Config.InnerOffsetY + "";
     drawingWallPotOffset      = int.Parse(__instance.modData["aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset"]);
     drawingWallPotInnerOffset = int.Parse(__instance.modData["aedenthorn.WallPlanter/innerOffset"]);
     drawingWallPot            = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private static bool IsConnectedPot(IndoorPot instance)
            Vector2 tile = instance.TileLocation;

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    if (Game1.currentLocation.objects.TryGetValue(tile + new Vector2(x - 1, y - 1), out Object obj) && obj is IndoorPot && !obj.modData.ContainsKey("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset"))
                        int i = 3 * y + x;
                        if (i % 2 == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private static Rectangle GetSourceRect(int index, IndoorPot __instance)
            if (!Config.EnableMod || __instance.modData.ContainsKey("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset") || !IsConnectedPot(__instance))

            drawingConnectedPot = false;

            bool[]  potTiles = new bool[9];
            Vector2 tile     = __instance.TileLocation;

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    int i = 3 * y + x;
                    potTiles[i] = Game1.currentLocation.objects.TryGetValue(tile + new Vector2(x - 1, y - 1), out Object obj) && obj is IndoorPot && !obj.modData.ContainsKey("aedenthorn.WallPlanter/offset");
            topIndex            = -2;
            leftIndex           = -2;
            rightIndex          = -2;
            drawingConnectedPot = true;

            if (!potTiles[1])         // none top
                if (!potTiles[3])     // none left
                    if (!potTiles[5]) // pot below
                        topIndex = 6;
                        potIndex = 0;
                    else if (!potTiles[7]) // pot right
                        topIndex = 0;
                        potIndex = 2;
                    else // pot right pot below
                        topIndex = 0;
                        potIndex = 0;
                else if (!potTiles[5]) // pot left none right
                    if (!potTiles[7])  // pot left
                        topIndex = 4;
                        potIndex = 6;
                    else // pot left pot below
                        topIndex = 4;
                        potIndex = 0;
                else if (!potTiles[7]) // pot left pot right
                    topIndex = 2;
                    potIndex = 4;
                else // pot left pot right pot below
                    topIndex = 2;
                    potIndex = 0;
            else // pot top
                if (!potTiles[3]) // none left
                    if (!potTiles[5])     // none right
                        if (!potTiles[7]) // pot top
                            potIndex = 8;
                        else // pot top pot bottom
                            potIndex = 0;
                    else // pot right
                        if (!potTiles[7]) // pot top pot right
                            potIndex = 2;
                        else // pot top pot right pot bottom
                            potIndex = 0;
                else if (!potTiles[5]) // pot left none right
                    if (!potTiles[7])  // pot top pot left
                        potIndex = 6;
                    else // pot top pot left pot below
                        potIndex = 0;
                else if (!potTiles[7]) // pot top pot left pot right
                    potIndex = 4;
                else // pot top pot left pot right pot below
                    potIndex = 0;
            if (potIndex == 0)
                if (!potTiles[3])
                    leftIndex = potTiles[6] ? 2 : 0;
                else if (!potTiles[6])
                    leftIndex = 4;
                if (!potTiles[5])
                    rightIndex = potTiles[8] ? 2 : 0;
                else if (!potTiles[8])
                    rightIndex = 4;
            if (__instance.showNextIndex.Value)

            return(new Rectangle(potIndex * 16, 0, 16, 32));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private void SetupIndoorPotListeners(IndoorPot indoorPot)
     SetupHoeDirtListeners(indoorPot.hoeDirt.Value, indoorPot);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>Get the tilled dirt for a tile, if any.</summary>
        /// <param name="tileFeature">The feature on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileObj">The object on the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="dirt">The tilled dirt found, if any.</param>
        /// <param name="isCoveredByObj">Whether there's an object placed over the tilled dirt.</param>
        /// <param name="pot">The indoor pot containing the dirt, if applicable.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether tilled dirt was found.</returns>
        protected bool TryGetHoeDirt(TerrainFeature tileFeature, SObject tileObj, out HoeDirt dirt, out bool isCoveredByObj, out IndoorPot pot)
            // garden pot
            if (tileObj is IndoorPot _pot)
                pot            = _pot;
                dirt           = pot.hoeDirt.Value;
                isCoveredByObj = false;

            // regular dirt
            if ((dirt = tileFeature as HoeDirt) != null)
                pot            = null;
                isCoveredByObj = tileObj != null;

            // none found
            pot            = null;
            dirt           = null;
            isCoveredByObj = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
 /// <param name="indoorPot">The indoor pot containing the bush.</param>
 /// <param name="indoorPotTile">The tile coordinate of the indoor pot containing this bush.</param>
 /// <param name="location">The machine's in-game location.</param>
 /// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to private code.</param>
 public BushMachine(IndoorPot indoorPot, Vector2 indoorPotTile, GameLocation location, IReflectionHelper reflection)
     : this(indoorPot.bush.Value, location, GetTileAreaFor(indoorPotTile))
     this.UpdateIndoorPotOnLoad(indoorPot, reflection);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private static void DrawIndoorPot(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture, Rectangle destinationRectangle, Rectangle?sourceRectangle, Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth, IndoorPot pot)
            if (texture is null || pot is null)
            int x = (destinationRectangle.X + Game1.viewport.X) / 64;
            int y = (destinationRectangle.Y + Game1.viewport.Y) / 64 + 1;

            if (!Config.EnableMod || !drawingWallPot)
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangle, sourceRectangle, color, rotation, origin, effects, layerDepth);
                texture = pot.showNextIndex.Value ? wallPotTextureWet : (pot.bush.Value != null && pot.hoeDirt.Value.state.Value == 1 ? wallPotTextureWet : wallPotTexture);
                if (texture is null)
                destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(destinationRectangle.Location - new Point(0, drawingWallPotOffset), destinationRectangle.Size);
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangle, null, color, rotation, origin, effects, layerDepth);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void SearchForIndoorPots(GameLocation location)
            // Search for IndoorPots with crops
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, Object> tileToIndoorPot in location.objects.Pairs.Where(p => p.Value is IndoorPot))
                if (!HasRoomForHarvest())
                    isFull = true;

                Vector2   tile    = tileToIndoorPot.Key;
                IndoorPot pot     = tileToIndoorPot.Value as IndoorPot;
                HoeDirt   hoeDirt = pot.hoeDirt.Value;

                // HoeDirt seems to be missing its currentLocation when coming from IndoorPots, which is problematic for Crop.harvest()
                if (hoeDirt.currentLocation is null)
                    hoeDirt.currentLocation = location;

                if (hoeDirt.readyForHarvest())
                    if (!doJunimosHarvestFromFlowers && new Object(tile, hoeDirt.crop.indexOfHarvest, 0).Category == -80)
                        // Crop is flower and config has been set to skip them

                    hoeDirt.crop.harvest((int)tile.X, (int)tile.Y, hoeDirt, null);
                    harvestedToday = true;

                    // Clear any non-renewing crop
                    if (hoeDirt.crop.regrowAfterHarvest == -1)
                        int seedIndex = hoeDirt.crop.netSeedIndex;
                        hoeDirt.crop = null;

                        // Attempt to replant, if it is enabled and has valid seed
                        if (doJunimosSowSeedsAfterHarvest)
                            AttemptSowSeed(seedIndex, hoeDirt, tile);

            // Search for IndoorPots with forage items
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector2, Object> tileToIndoorPot in location.objects.Pairs.Where(p => p.Value is IndoorPot))
                if (!HasRoomForHarvest())
                    isFull = true;

                Vector2   tile = tileToIndoorPot.Key;
                IndoorPot pot  = tileToIndoorPot.Value as IndoorPot;

                if (pot.heldObject.Value != null && pot.heldObject.Value.isForage(location))
                    if (chest.addItem(pot.heldObject.Value.getOne()) != null)
                        chest.modData[ModEntry.ateCropsFlag] = true.ToString();

                    pot.heldObject.Value = null;
                    harvestedToday       = true;