Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Increments the enumeration to the next element.  True if one exists. </summary>
        public bool Next()
            //System.out.println("  ste setPrev=" + prev() + " this=" + this);

            if (position++ >= size - 1)
                //System.out.println("    EOF");

            termBuffer.Read(input, fieldInfos);
            newSuffixStart = termBuffer.newSuffixStart;

            termInfo.DocFreq      = input.ReadVInt32(); // read doc freq
            termInfo.FreqPointer += input.ReadVInt64(); // read freq pointer
            termInfo.ProxPointer += input.ReadVInt64(); // read prox pointer

            if (termInfo.DocFreq >= skipInterval)
                termInfo.SkipOffset = input.ReadVInt32();

            if (isIndex)
                indexPointer += input.ReadVInt64(); // read index pointer

            //System.out.println("  ste ret term=" + term());
Ejemplo n.º 2
            internal TermsReader(FSTOrdTermsReader outerInstance, FieldInfo fieldInfo, IndexInput blockIn, long numTerms, long sumTotalTermFreq, long sumDocFreq, int docCount, int longsSize, FST <long?> index)
                this.outerInstance    = outerInstance;
                this.fieldInfo        = fieldInfo;
                this.numTerms         = numTerms;
                this.sumTotalTermFreq = sumTotalTermFreq;
                this.sumDocFreq       = sumDocFreq;
                this.docCount         = docCount;
                this.longsSize        = longsSize;
                this.index            = index;

                Debug.Assert((numTerms & (~0xffffffffL)) == 0);
                int numBlocks = (int)(numTerms + INTERVAL - 1) / INTERVAL;

                this.numSkipInfo    = longsSize + 3;
                this.skipInfo       = new long[numBlocks * numSkipInfo];
                this.statsBlock     = new byte[(int)blockIn.ReadVInt64()];
                this.metaLongsBlock = new byte[(int)blockIn.ReadVInt64()];
                this.metaBytesBlock = new byte[(int)blockIn.ReadVInt64()];

                int last = 0, next = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
                    next = numSkipInfo * i;
                    for (int j = 0; j < numSkipInfo; j++)
                        skipInfo[next + j] = skipInfo[last + j] + blockIn.ReadVInt64();
                    last = next;
                blockIn.ReadBytes(statsBlock, 0, statsBlock.Length);
                blockIn.ReadBytes(metaLongsBlock, 0, metaLongsBlock.Length);
                blockIn.ReadBytes(metaBytesBlock, 0, metaBytesBlock.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public FSTTermsReader(SegmentReadState state, PostingsReaderBase postingsReader)
            string termsFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.SegmentSuffix, FSTTermsWriter.TERMS_EXTENSION);

            this.postingsReader = postingsReader;
            IndexInput @in = state.Directory.OpenInput(termsFileName, state.Context);

            bool success = false;

                version = ReadHeader(@in);
                if (version >= FSTTermsWriter.TERMS_VERSION_CHECKSUM)

                FieldInfos fieldInfos = state.FieldInfos;
                int        numFields  = @in.ReadVInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
                    int         fieldNumber      = @in.ReadVInt32();
                    FieldInfo   fieldInfo        = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);
                    long        numTerms         = @in.ReadVInt64();
                    long        sumTotalTermFreq = fieldInfo.IndexOptions == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY ? -1 : @in.ReadVInt64();
                    long        sumDocFreq       = @in.ReadVInt64();
                    int         docCount         = @in.ReadVInt32();
                    int         longsSize        = @in.ReadVInt32();
                    TermsReader current          = new TermsReader(this, fieldInfo, @in, numTerms, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount, longsSize);
                    TermsReader previous;
                    // LUCENENET NOTE: This simulates a put operation in Java,
                    // getting the prior value first before setting it.
                    fields.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.Name, out previous);
                    fields[fieldInfo.Name] = current;
                    CheckFieldSummary(state.SegmentInfo, @in, current, previous);
                success = true;
                if (success)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal static BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta)
            BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();

            entry.format        = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.missingOffset = meta.ReadInt64();
            entry.minLength     = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.maxLength     = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.Count         = meta.ReadVInt64();
            entry.offset        = meta.ReadInt64();
            switch (entry.format)
            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_FIXED_UNCOMPRESSED:

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_PREFIX_COMPRESSED:
                entry.AddressInterval     = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.AddressesOffset     = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_VARIABLE_UNCOMPRESSED:
                entry.AddressesOffset     = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();

                throw new Exception("Unknown format: " + entry.format + ", input=" + meta);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //private readonly string segment; // LUCENENET: Not used

        public VariableGapTermsIndexReader(Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, string segment, int indexDivisor,
                                           string segmentSuffix, IOContext context)
            input = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segment, segmentSuffix, VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION), new IOContext(context, true));
            //this.segment = segment; // LUCENENET: Not used
            bool success = false;

            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(indexDivisor == -1 || indexDivisor > 0);

                version           = ReadHeader(input);
                this.indexDivisor = indexDivisor;

                if (version >= VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.VERSION_CHECKSUM)

                SeekDir(input, dirOffset);

                // Read directory
                int numFields = input.ReadVInt32();
                if (numFields < 0)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid numFields: " + numFields + " (resource=" + input + ")");

                for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
                    int            field      = input.ReadVInt32();
                    long           indexStart = input.ReadVInt64();
                    FieldInfo      fieldInfo  = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                    FieldIndexData previous   = fields.Put(fieldInfo, new FieldIndexData(this, /* fieldInfo, // LUCENENET: Not referenced */ indexStart));
                    if (previous != null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("duplicate field: " + fieldInfo.Name + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                success = true;
                if (indexDivisor > 0)
                    input = null;
                    if (success)
                        indexLoaded = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public TermsReader(FieldInfos fieldInfos, IndexInput @in, int termCount)
                this.termCount = termCount;
                int fieldNumber = @in.ReadVInt32();

                field = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);
                if (field.IndexOptions != IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY)
                    sumTotalTermFreq = @in.ReadVInt64();
                    sumTotalTermFreq = -1;
                sumDocFreq = @in.ReadVInt64();
                docCount   = @in.ReadVInt32();

                fst = new FST <BytesRef>(@in, outputs);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static NumericEntry ReadNumericEntry(IndexInput meta)
            NumericEntry entry = new NumericEntry();

            entry.format              = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.missingOffset       = meta.ReadInt64();
            entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.Offset              = meta.ReadInt64();
            entry.Count     = meta.ReadVInt64();
            entry.BlockSize = meta.ReadVInt32();
            switch (entry.format)
            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.GCD_COMPRESSED:
                entry.minValue = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.gcd      = meta.ReadInt64();

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                if (entry.Count > int.MaxValue)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot use TABLE_COMPRESSED with more than MAX_VALUE values, input=" + meta);
                int uniqueValues = meta.ReadVInt32();
                if (uniqueValues > 256)
                    throw new Exception("TABLE_COMPRESSED cannot have more than 256 distinct values, input=" + meta);
                entry.table = new long[uniqueValues];
                for (int i = 0; i < uniqueValues; ++i)
                    entry.table[i] = meta.ReadInt64();

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.DELTA_COMPRESSED:

                throw new Exception("Unknown format: " + entry.format + ", input=" + meta);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sole constructor. </summary>
        public MonotonicBlockPackedReader(IndexInput @in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount, bool direct)
            this.valueCount = valueCount;
            blockShift      = PackedInt32s.CheckBlockSize(blockSize, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE);
            blockMask       = blockSize - 1;
            int numBlocks = PackedInt32s.NumBlocks(valueCount, blockSize);

            minValues  = new long[numBlocks];
            averages   = new float[numBlocks];
            subReaders = new PackedInt32s.Reader[numBlocks];
            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i)
                minValues[i] = @in.ReadVInt64();
                averages[i]  = J2N.BitConversion.Int32BitsToSingle(@in.ReadInt32());
                int bitsPerValue = @in.ReadVInt32();
                if (bitsPerValue > 64)
                    throw new Exception("Corrupted");
                if (bitsPerValue == 0)
                    subReaders[i] = new PackedInt32s.NullReader(blockSize);
                    int size = (int)Math.Min(blockSize, valueCount - (long)i * blockSize);
                    if (direct)
                        long pointer = @in.GetFilePointer();
                        subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue);
                        @in.Seek(pointer + PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue));
                        subReaders[i] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(@in, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, size, bitsPerValue);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBytesVarStraight(FieldInfo field)
            string     dataName  = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name + "_" + Convert.ToString(field.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), segmentSuffix, "dat");
            string     indexName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name + "_" + Convert.ToString(field.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), segmentSuffix, "idx");
            IndexInput data      = null;
            IndexInput index     = null;
            bool       success   = false;

                data = dir.OpenInput(dataName, state.Context);
                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(data, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_CODEC_NAME_DAT, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_VERSION_START, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_VERSION_CURRENT);
                index = dir.OpenInput(indexName, state.Context);
                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(index, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_CODEC_NAME_IDX, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_VERSION_START, Lucene40DocValuesFormat.BYTES_VAR_STRAIGHT_VERSION_CURRENT);
                long       totalBytes = index.ReadVInt64();
                PagedBytes bytes      = new PagedBytes(16);
                bytes.Copy(data, totalBytes);
                PagedBytes.Reader   bytesReader = bytes.Freeze(true);
                PackedInt32s.Reader reader      = PackedInt32s.GetReader(index);
                success = true;
                ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(bytes.RamBytesUsed() + reader.RamBytesUsed());
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousClass2(bytesReader, reader));
                if (success)
                    IOUtils.Dispose(data, index);
                    IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(data, index);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // private string segment;

        public BlockTermsReader(TermsIndexReaderBase indexReader, Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, SegmentInfo info,
                                PostingsReaderBase postingsReader, IOContext context,
                                string segmentSuffix)
            this.postingsReader = postingsReader;

            // this.segment = segment;
            input = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(info.Name, segmentSuffix, BlockTermsWriter.TERMS_EXTENSION),

            bool success = false;

                version = ReadHeader(input);

                // Have PostingsReader init itself

                // Read per-field details
                SeekDir(input, dirOffset);

                int numFields = input.ReadVInt32();
                if (numFields < 0)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid number of fields: " + numFields + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
                    int  field    = input.ReadVInt32();
                    long numTerms = input.ReadVInt64();
                    Debug.Assert(numTerms >= 0);
                    long      termsStartPointer = input.ReadVInt64();
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo         = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                    long      sumTotalTermFreq  = fieldInfo.IndexOptions == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY ? -1 : input.ReadVInt64();
                    long      sumDocFreq        = input.ReadVInt64();
                    int       docCount          = input.ReadVInt32();
                    int       longsSize         = version >= BlockTermsWriter.VERSION_META_ARRAY ? input.ReadVInt32() : 0;
                    if (docCount < 0 || docCount > info.DocCount)
                    { // #docs with field must be <= #docs
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid docCount: " + docCount + " maxDoc: " + info.DocCount + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                    if (sumDocFreq < docCount)
                    {  // #postings must be >= #docs with field
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid sumDocFreq: " + sumDocFreq + " docCount: " + docCount + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                    if (sumTotalTermFreq != -1 && sumTotalTermFreq < sumDocFreq)
                    { // #positions must be >= #postings
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid sumTotalTermFreq: " + sumTotalTermFreq + " sumDocFreq: " + sumDocFreq + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                    FieldReader previous = fields.Put(fieldInfo.Name, new FieldReader(this, fieldInfo, numTerms, termsStartPointer, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount, longsSize));
                    if (previous != null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("duplicate fields: " + fieldInfo.Name + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                success = true;
                if (!success)

            this.indexReader = indexReader;
        private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
            int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();

            while (fieldNumber != -1)
                // check should be: infos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber) != null, which incorporates negative check
                // but docvalues updates are currently buggy here (loading extra stuff, etc): LUCENE-5616
                if (fieldNumber < 0)
                    // trickier to validate more: because we re-use for norms, because we use multiple entries
                    // for "composite" types like sortedset, etc.
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Invalid field number: " + fieldNumber + ", input=" + meta);
                int fieldType = meta.ReadByte();
                if (fieldType == NUMBER)
                    var entry = new NumericEntry();
                    entry.Offset = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.Format = (sbyte)meta.ReadByte();
                    switch (entry.Format)
                    case DELTA_COMPRESSED:
                    case TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                    case GCD_COMPRESSED:
                    case UNCOMPRESSED:

                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format: " + entry.Format + ", input=" + meta);
                    if (entry.Format != UNCOMPRESSED)
                        entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    numerics[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == BYTES)
                    BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();
                    entry.Offset    = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.NumBytes  = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.MinLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    entry.MaxLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    if (entry.MinLength != entry.MaxLength)
                        entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                        entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    binaries[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == FST)
                    FSTEntry entry = new FSTEntry();
                    entry.Offset      = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.NumOrds     = meta.ReadVInt64();
                    fsts[fieldNumber] = entry;
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid entry type: " + fieldType + ", input=" + meta);
                fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal readonly PackedInt32s.Reader[] startPointersDeltas; // delta from the avg

        // It is the responsibility of the caller to close fieldsIndexIn after this constructor
        // has been called
        internal CompressingStoredFieldsIndexReader(IndexInput fieldsIndexIn, SegmentInfo si)
            maxDoc = si.DocCount;
            int[]  docBases      = new int[16];
            long[] startPointers = new long[16];
            int[]  avgChunkDocs  = new int[16];
            long[] avgChunkSizes = new long[16];
            PackedInt32s.Reader[] docBasesDeltas      = new PackedInt32s.Reader[16];
            PackedInt32s.Reader[] startPointersDeltas = new PackedInt32s.Reader[16];

            int packedIntsVersion = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();

            int blockCount = 0;

            for (; ;)
                int numChunks = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
                if (numChunks == 0)
                if (blockCount == docBases.Length)
                    int newSize = ArrayUtil.Oversize(blockCount + 1, 8);
                    docBases            = Arrays.CopyOf(docBases, newSize);
                    startPointers       = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointers, newSize);
                    avgChunkDocs        = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkDocs, newSize);
                    avgChunkSizes       = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkSizes, newSize);
                    docBasesDeltas      = Arrays.CopyOf(docBasesDeltas, newSize);
                    startPointersDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointersDeltas, newSize);

                // doc bases
                docBases[blockCount]     = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
                avgChunkDocs[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
                int bitsPerDocBase = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
                if (bitsPerDocBase > 32)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted bitsPerDocBase (resource=" + fieldsIndexIn + ")");
                docBasesDeltas[blockCount] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(fieldsIndexIn, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, numChunks, bitsPerDocBase);

                // start pointers
                startPointers[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt64();
                avgChunkSizes[blockCount] = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt64();
                int bitsPerStartPointer = fieldsIndexIn.ReadVInt32();
                if (bitsPerStartPointer > 64)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted bitsPerStartPointer (resource=" + fieldsIndexIn + ")");
                startPointersDeltas[blockCount] = PackedInt32s.GetReaderNoHeader(fieldsIndexIn, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, numChunks, bitsPerStartPointer);


            this.docBases            = Arrays.CopyOf(docBases, blockCount);
            this.startPointers       = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointers, blockCount);
            this.avgChunkDocs        = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkDocs, blockCount);
            this.avgChunkSizes       = Arrays.CopyOf(avgChunkSizes, blockCount);
            this.docBasesDeltas      = Arrays.CopyOf(docBasesDeltas, blockCount);
            this.startPointersDeltas = Arrays.CopyOf(startPointersDeltas, blockCount);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
            int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();

            while (fieldNumber != -1)
                int fieldType = meta.ReadByte();
                if (fieldType == NUMBER)
                    var entry = new NumericEntry {
                        offset = meta.ReadInt64(), missingOffset = meta.ReadInt64()
                    if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                        entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadInt64();
                        entry.missingBytes = 0;
                    entry.format = meta.ReadByte();
                    switch (entry.format)
                    case DELTA_COMPRESSED:
                    case TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                    case GCD_COMPRESSED:
                    case UNCOMPRESSED:

                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format: " + entry.format + ", input=" + meta);
                    if (entry.format != UNCOMPRESSED)
                        entry.packedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    numerics[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == BYTES)
                    var entry = new BinaryEntry
                        offset        = meta.ReadInt64(),
                        numBytes      = meta.ReadInt64(),
                        missingOffset = meta.ReadInt64()
                    if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                        entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadInt64();
                        entry.missingBytes = 0;
                    entry.minLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    entry.maxLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    if (entry.minLength != entry.maxLength)
                        entry.packedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                        entry.blockSize         = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    binaries[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == FST)
                    var entry = new FSTEntry {
                        offset = meta.ReadInt64(), numOrds = meta.ReadVInt64()
                    fsts[fieldNumber] = entry;
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid entry type: " + fieldType + ", input=" + meta);
                fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private readonly int version; // LUCENENET: marked readonly
        //static final boolean TEST = false;

        public FSTOrdTermsReader(SegmentReadState state, PostingsReaderBase postingsReader)
            string termsIndexFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.SegmentSuffix, FSTOrdTermsWriter.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
            string termsBlockFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(state.SegmentInfo.Name, state.SegmentSuffix, FSTOrdTermsWriter.TERMS_BLOCK_EXTENSION);

            this.postingsReader = postingsReader;
            ChecksumIndexInput indexIn = null;
            IndexInput         blockIn = null;
            bool success = false;

                indexIn = state.Directory.OpenChecksumInput(termsIndexFileName, state.Context);
                blockIn = state.Directory.OpenInput(termsBlockFileName, state.Context);
                version = ReadHeader(indexIn);
                if (version >= FSTOrdTermsWriter.TERMS_VERSION_CHECKSUM)


                FieldInfos fieldInfos = state.FieldInfos;
                int        numFields  = blockIn.ReadVInt32();
                for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo        = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(blockIn.ReadVInt32());
                    bool      hasFreq          = fieldInfo.IndexOptions != IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY;
                    long      numTerms         = blockIn.ReadVInt64();
                    long      sumTotalTermFreq = hasFreq ? blockIn.ReadVInt64() : -1;
                    long      sumDocFreq       = blockIn.ReadVInt64();
                    int       docCount         = blockIn.ReadVInt32();
                    int       longsSize        = blockIn.ReadVInt32();
                    var       index            = new FST <long?>(indexIn, PositiveInt32Outputs.Singleton);

                    var current = new TermsReader(this, fieldInfo, blockIn, numTerms, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount, longsSize, index);
                    // LUCENENET NOTE: This simulates a put operation in Java,
                    // getting the prior value first before setting it.
                    fields.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.Name, out TermsReader previous);
                    fields[fieldInfo.Name] = current;
                    CheckFieldSummary(state.SegmentInfo, indexIn, blockIn, current, previous);
                if (version >= FSTOrdTermsWriter.TERMS_VERSION_CHECKSUM)
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
#pragma warning restore 612, 618
                success = true;
                if (success)
                    IOUtils.Dispose(indexIn, blockIn);
                    IOUtils.DisposeWhileHandlingException(indexIn, blockIn);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the snapshots information from the given <seealso cref="Directory"/>. this
        /// method can be used if the snapshots information is needed, however you
        /// cannot instantiate the deletion policy (because e.g., some other process
        /// keeps a lock on the snapshots directory).
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadPriorSnapshots()
            lock (this)
                long           genLoaded     = -1;
                IOException    ioe           = null;
                IList <string> snapshotFiles = new List <string>();
                foreach (string file in dir.ListAll())
                    if (file.StartsWith(SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        long gen = Convert.ToInt64(file.Substring(SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX.Length));
                        if (genLoaded == -1 || gen > genLoaded)
                            IDictionary <long, int> m = new Dictionary <long, int>();
                            IndexInput @in            = dir.OpenInput(file, IOContext.DEFAULT);
                                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(@in, CODEC_NAME, VERSION_START, VERSION_START);
                                int count = @in.ReadVInt32();
                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    long commitGen = @in.ReadVInt64();
                                    int  refCount  = @in.ReadVInt32();
                                    m[commitGen] = refCount;
                            catch (IOException ioe2)
                                // Save first exception & throw in the end
                                if (ioe == null)
                                    ioe = ioe2;

                            genLoaded = gen;

                if (genLoaded == -1)
                    // Nothing was loaded...
                    if (ioe != null)
                        // ... not for lack of trying:
                        throw ioe;
                    if (snapshotFiles.Count > 1)
                        // Remove any broken / old snapshot files:
                        string curFileName = SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + genLoaded;
                        foreach (string file in snapshotFiles)
                            if (!curFileName.Equals(file, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    nextWriteGen = 1 + genLoaded;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public FixedGapTermsIndexReader(Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, string segment, int indexDivisor,
                                        IComparer <BytesRef> termComp, string segmentSuffix, IOContext context)
            this.termComp = termComp;

            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(indexDivisor == -1 || indexDivisor > 0);

            input = dir.OpenInput(IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(segment, segmentSuffix, FixedGapTermsIndexWriter.TERMS_INDEX_EXTENSION), context);

            bool success = false;

                version = ReadHeader(input);

                if (version >= FixedGapTermsIndexWriter.VERSION_CHECKSUM)

                indexInterval = input.ReadInt32();
                if (indexInterval < 1)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid indexInterval: " + indexInterval + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                this.indexDivisor = indexDivisor;

                if (indexDivisor < 0)
                    totalIndexInterval = indexInterval;
                    // In case terms index gets loaded, later, on demand
                    totalIndexInterval = indexInterval * indexDivisor;
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    Debugging.Assert(totalIndexInterval > 0);

                SeekDir(input, dirOffset);

                // Read directory
                int numFields = input.ReadVInt32();
                if (numFields < 0)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid numFields: " + numFields + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                //System.out.println("FGR: init seg=" + segment + " div=" + indexDivisor + " nF=" + numFields);
                for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
                    int field         = input.ReadVInt32();
                    int numIndexTerms = input.ReadVInt32();
                    if (numIndexTerms < 0)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid numIndexTerms: " + numIndexTerms + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                    long termsStart         = input.ReadVInt64();
                    long indexStart         = input.ReadVInt64();
                    long packedIndexStart   = input.ReadVInt64();
                    long packedOffsetsStart = input.ReadVInt64();
                    if (packedIndexStart < indexStart)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid packedIndexStart: " + packedIndexStart + " indexStart: " + indexStart + "numIndexTerms: " + numIndexTerms + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                    FieldInfo      fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(field);
                    FieldIndexData previous  = fields.Put(fieldInfo, new FieldIndexData(this, /* fieldInfo, // LUCENENET: Not referenced */
                                                                                        numIndexTerms, indexStart, termsStart, packedIndexStart, packedOffsetsStart));
                    if (previous != null)
                        throw new CorruptIndexException("duplicate field: " + fieldInfo.Name + " (resource=" + input + ")");
                success = true;
                if (!success)
                if (indexDivisor > 0)
                    input = null;
                    if (success)
                        indexLoaded = true;
                    termBytesReader = termBytes.Freeze(true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the snapshots information from the given <see cref="Directory"/>. This
        /// method can be used if the snapshots information is needed, however you
        /// cannot instantiate the deletion policy (because e.g., some other process
        /// keeps a lock on the snapshots directory).
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadPriorSnapshots()
                long           genLoaded     = -1;
                Exception      ioe           = null; // LUCENENET: No need to cast to IOExcpetion
                IList <string> snapshotFiles = new JCG.List <string>();
                foreach (string file in dir.ListAll())
                    if (file.StartsWith(SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // LUCENENET: Optimized to not allocate a substring during the parse
                        long gen = Long.Parse(file, SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX.Length, file.Length - SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX.Length, radix: 10);
                        if (genLoaded == -1 || gen > genLoaded)
                            IDictionary <long, int> m = new Dictionary <long, int>();
                            IndexInput @in            = dir.OpenInput(file, IOContext.DEFAULT);
                                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(@in, CODEC_NAME, VERSION_START, VERSION_START);
                                int count = @in.ReadVInt32();
                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    long commitGen = @in.ReadVInt64();
                                    int  refCount  = @in.ReadVInt32();
                                    m[commitGen] = refCount;
                            catch (Exception ioe2) when(ioe2.IsIOException())
                                // Save first exception & throw in the end
                                if (ioe == null)
                                    ioe = ioe2;

                            genLoaded = gen;

                if (genLoaded == -1)
                    // Nothing was loaded...
                    if (ioe != null)
                        // ... not for lack of trying:
                        ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ioe).Throw(); // LUCENENET: Rethrow to preserve stack details from the original throw
                    if (snapshotFiles.Count > 1)
                        // Remove any broken / old snapshot files:
                        string curFileName = SNAPSHOTS_PREFIX + genLoaded;
                        foreach (string file in snapshotFiles)
                            if (!curFileName.Equals(file, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    nextWriteGen = 1 + genLoaded;