Ejemplo n.º 1
    public override void abilityDescription()
        int BaseEDamage = EDamage + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55);

        Qdesc = "Nic throws his hook, latching onto and stunning the first enemy hit for 6 seconds, and dealing " + QDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.75) + ")</color> magic damage."
                + "\nWhile the enemy is stunned, Nic can reactivate this ability to slam it into the ground, dealing the same damage again to all nearby units, and knocking them up for 1 second.";
        Wdesc = "TICCOLAS: Every 8 seconds, Nic tics, empowering his next auto attack to deal an additional " + WDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.65) + ")</color> magic damage." +
                "\nTHICCOLAS: Nic shields himself for " + shieldDMG + "<color=red> (+" + (int)(maxHealth * maxHPShield) + ")</color> damage for 7 seconds.";
        Edesc = "Nic spins his hook in a circle, knocking back all hit enemy units and dealing " + EDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.4) + ")</color> magic damage. If an enemy is currently hooked, "
                + "this attack deals additional damage equal to 7% of the hooked enemy's maximum health.";
        Rdesc = "Nicolas summons Monica, vanquisher of the devil, to his aid. Monica has " + monicaHealth + " <color=red>(+" + (int)(maxHealth * 0.15) + ")</color> health, and her attacks deal " + RDamage +
                " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.1) + ")</color> magic damage. \n \nWhile monica is alive, you can recast R to change her position";
        IndQ.abilityDescription.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize = 48;
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Grab of Death");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Ticcolas/Thiccolas");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Flayer");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Summon: Monica");
        string Pdesc = "Every enemy defeated via auto attack has a chance to spawn a soul. Walking over a soul absorbs it, permanently increasing Nic's armor and ability power by 1. \n\n\nCurrent souls: " + passiveStacks;

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Soul Collection");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void abilityDescription()
     Qdesc = "Flying Chicken Nugget summons dark energy, turning it into a projectile dealing "
             + QDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.45) + ")</color> magic damage. Hitting an enemy with this ability will increase its max damage by 1, up to 500.";
     Wdesc = "Flying Chicken Nugget casts a rune on the ground, which explodes upward with dark energy, knocking enemies up and dealing <color=white>" + WDamage + "</color> <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.7f) + ")</color> "
             + "<color=orange>(+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.2f) + ")</color> magic damage, and also slows enemies by " + slowPotentcy + "%.";
     Edesc = "Flying Chicken Nugget winds up, then dashes a long distance, dealing " + EDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.3f) + ")</color> <color=orange>(+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.5f) + ")</color> physical damage.";
     Rdesc = "Channeling his true form, Billy Bob Joe, King of the Flying Chicken Nuggets, deals " + RDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.3f) + ")</color> magic damage in a large circle."
             + "Then, for the next 20 seconds, Flying Chicken Nugget has an AoE field around him dealing 40 magic damage every half second.";
     IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Dark Ball");
     IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Dark Rune");
     IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Slash n' Dash");
     IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Final Form");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "DIO throws 5 knives in a cone, dealing " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.35) + ")</color> physcial damage per knife. \n\nIf time is stopped, the knives will remain stationary.";
        Wdesc = "DIO fires two laser beams from his eyes in a small line, dealing " + WDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.9f) + ")</color> magic damage to all hit enemies.";
        Edesc = "DIO summons his stand to punch rapidly in front of him, dealing " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.1) + ")</color> physical damage per half-second for 8 seconds. \nYou can move at two-thirds speed while this ability is being used.";
        Rdesc = "DIO stops time for " + RDamage + " seconds.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Knife Throw");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Eye Lasers");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Muda Rush");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) The World");
        string Pdesc = "DIO Regenerates 2 health every 3 seconds.";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Vampiric Regeneration");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "Jack places three points nearby, induvidually. Upon placing the third point, projectiles converge between them, dealing " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.6) + ")</color> physical damage to enemies caught.";
        Wdesc = "Periodically, Jack enters an enraged state, in which his next 4 auto attacks will come out quickly, with the final attack dealing " + WDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 1.45) + ")</color> damage to the enemy struck.";
        Edesc = "Jack rolls in the target direction, becoming invincible for some of the duration. If Jack were to be hit while he is invincible, this ability's cooldown is set to 1 second.";
        Rdesc = "Jack summons his deepest power, launching waves of nonsense. Enemies who are in the nonsense radius will take " + RDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.3) + ")</color> damage every half second.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Trigonometry");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Are You Kidding Me?");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Dodge Roll");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Unyielding Voice");
        string Pdesc = "Jack Bonney is immune to sound-based damage";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Yielding Ear");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "Steven empowers his next basic attack, dealing an additional " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.2) + ")</color> (+" + extraQDamage + ") damage. Killing a unit with this ability permanently increases its damage by 4.";
        Wdesc = "Steven jumps to a target location, dealing " + WDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.7f) + ")</color> magic damage to enemies hit when he lands.";
        Edesc = "Steven uppercuts in front of him, knocking enemies hit upwards for 1.3 seconds and dealing " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.8) + ")</color> physical damage as well.";
        Rdesc = "Steven channels the inner gorilla, ascending to new power. For 15 seconds, he deals " + RDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.2f) + ")</color> magic damage to nearby enemies, and heals 100% of the damage he deals with auto attacks.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Gorilla Slamma");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Gorilla Jump");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Supreme Uppercut");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Ascended Gorilla");
        string Pdesc = "Steven's basic attacks deal extra damage based on his missing health, up to 120 extra damage at 1% health.";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Gorilla Rage");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "Alex spins blades around him, dealing " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.45) + ")</color> physical damage to all nearby enemies";
        Wdesc = "Alex throws ligger on the ground, dealing " + WDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.8) + ")</color> magic damage to enemies hit, and leaving behind a puddle "
                + "that slows by 70% for 3 seconds.";
        Edesc = "Alex runs up and kicks a target enemy, knocking them back and dealing " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 1.1) + ")</color> damage to the enemy.";
        Rdesc = "Alex swings his sword in a cone, dealing " + RDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.6) + ")</color> physical damage. \n\nIf the enemies hit are currently slowed, they are stunned for 2 seconds as well.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Dance of the Blades");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Pass the Ligger");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Cross-Country Kick");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Gay Strike");
        string Pdesc = "After every autoattack, Alex gains 60% bonus movespeed for 4 seconds";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Fresh Pair of Yeezy's");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "Exband punches forward, expanding their arm. Enemies hit are pushed back and are dealt " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.8) + ")</color> physical damage.";
        Wdesc = "Exband greatly increases the density in their body, reducing all damage taken by " + WDamage + "<color=red> (+" + (int)(maxHealth * 0.001) + ")</color>% for 5 seconds. "
                + "While this effect is active, Exband's movespeed is reduced by 150.";
        Edesc = "After a small delay, Exband dashes forwards, dealing " + EDamage + " <color=orange>(+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.6) + ")</color> physical damage, and stunning for 1.5 seconds. "
                + "Afterwards, Exband slams the ground, knocking all enemies up for 1 second and dealing " + (int)(EDamage * 1.5) + " <color=orange>(+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.9f) +
                ")</color> magic damage.";
        Rdesc = "Exband stretches their arm out and spins, hitting all enemies in a large circle, and knocking them back. This attack deals " + RDamage + " <color=orange>(+"
                + (int)(AttackDamage * 1.2) + ")</color> physical damage.";

        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Stretchy Punch");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Densify");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Heroic Dash");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Arm of Protection");
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public override void abilityDescription()
        int BaseEDamage = EDamage + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55);

        Qdesc = "Phil launches Flex Seal out of his bucket, spraying all enemies hit. The spray deals " + QDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" +
                (int)(AbilityPower * 0.5) + ")</color> magic damage.";
        Wdesc = "Phil throws out some Flex Seal on the ground, slowing all enemies in an area by " + WDamage + "%.";
        Edesc = "Phil does a lotta damage with his next 3 auto attacks. The first attack deals " + EDamage + " <color=orange>(+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55) + ")</color> damage, the second one"
                + " does twice of that (" + (BaseEDamage * 2) + "), and the final attack does double the damage of the second (" + (BaseEDamage * 4) + ").";
        Rdesc = "Phil saws a boat in half, sending it forwards. The boat deals " + RDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.4) + ")</color> damage, and knocks enemies up for 2 seconds.";

        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Flex Spray");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Sticky Flex");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) A LOTTA DAMAGE");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Boat in Halves");
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public override void abilityDescription()
        Qdesc = "Nate summons an ice explosion on the cursor, exploding after a short delay for " + QDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.55) + ")</color> magic damage. Enemies hit are slowed by " + QSlow + "% for 3 seconds.";
        Wdesc = "Nate empowers his next auto attack to deal an additional " + WDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * .5) + ")</color> magic damage, as well as creating an AoE around the enemy struck which deals half as much damage and slows for 30% for 3 seconds.";
        Edesc = "Nate sends a disc sanding wheel forwards, dealing " + EDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.35) + ")</color> magic damage." +
                "\nThe wheel implants itself into the ground, and for the next 6 seconds, Nate can recast this ability to come back to him, dealing the same amount of damage again and also rooting all targets struck for 2 seconds.";
        Rdesc = "Enemies hit by spells are marked for 8 seconds. Casting this spell causes all marks to be detonated, stunning enemies for 1.5 seconds and dealing "
                + RDamage + " <color=#32fb93>(" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.4) + ")</color> magic damage.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Ice Explosion");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Frozen Fingers");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Sanding Accident");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Mark of the Creator");
        string Pdesc = "I couldn't think of a passive so I don't have one.";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("I'm overpowered anyways.");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public override void abilityDescription()
        int BaseEDamage = EDamage + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55);

        Qdesc = "Every third attack, Gavin deals an additional " + QDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" +
                (int)(AbilityPower * 0.35) + ")</color> magic damage.";
        Wdesc = "Gavin empowers his next attack, dealing an additional " + WDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.45) + ")</color> <color=orange>(+" +
                (int)(AttackDamage * 0.8) + ")</color> physical damage.";
        Edesc = "Gavin dashes in a direction, dealing " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55) + ")</color> physical damage.";
        Rdesc = "Gavin takes reduced damaged based on his missing health, up to " + RDamage + "% damage reduction.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) 3-Hit Passive");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Spinny Strike");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Beyblade Dash");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Unkillable");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Public Embarrasment");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    public override void abilityDescription()
        CritChance = 25 + (3 * level);
        Qdesc      = "Samson activates his Sharingan, gaining " + QDamage + "% additional attack damage for the next 6 seconds.";
        Wdesc      = "Samson's auto attacks passively climb the crescendo. Every eigth attack deals" +
                     "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 2) + ")</color> plus <color=red>" + WDamage + "%</color> of the enemy's max health as physical damage.";
        Edesc = "Samson dashes in a direction, then shoots beams out of both hands perpendicular to his dash. These beams deal " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.5) +
                ")</color> <color=#32fb93>(+" + AbilityPower + ")</color> magic damage.";
        Rdesc = "Samson drinks some Blood Rush, gaining " + RDamage + "% bonus movement speed and attack speed";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Sharingan");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Piano Man");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) Beamdash");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) BLOOD RUSH!");
        string Pdesc = "Samson's auto attacks have a " + CritChance + "% chance to critically strike, dealing 50% increased damage. This cannot apply to his final shot of Piano Man.";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Natural Precision");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public override void abilityDescription()
        int BaseEDamage = EDamage + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.55);

        Qdesc = "Kent throws a football forwards, dealing " + QDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.75) + ")</color> physical damage to all enemies it passes through";
        Wdesc = "Kent switches to his gun, or back to melee. His bullets deal"
                + "<color=orange> (" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.9) + ")</color> damage instead, but slow the enemy by 60%. If Kent has 8 bullets, he consumes them all, and instead fires a massive"
                + " bullet that passes through enemies and deals " + WDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 1.4) + ")</color> physical damage.";
        Edesc = "Kent charges forwards, dealing " + EDamage + "<color=orange> (+" + (int)(AttackDamage * 0.7) + ")</color> physical damage, and knocking back all enemies hit. At the end of the dash, " +
                "Kent knocks up all enemies hit, dealing " + (int)(EDamage * 1.25) + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 1.2) + ")</color> magic damage.";
        Rdesc = "Kent changes into swimming form, gaining movespeed and dealing " + RDamage + "<color=#32fb93> (+" + (int)(AbilityPower * 0.05) + ")</color> magic damage every half second to nearby enemies. \n\nKent cannot attack while this is active.";
        IndQ.updateAbilityName("(Q) Firey Football");
        IndW.updateAbilityName("(W) Nerf or Nothing");
        IndE.updateAbilityName("(E) All-Star Dash");
        IndR.updateAbilityName("(R) Feat of the Swimmer");
        string Pdesc = "Kent Bonney is immune to sound-based damage";

        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityName("Yielding Ear");
        passiveDesc.GetComponentInParent <AbilityIndicator>().updateAbilityDescription(Pdesc);