Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void RunAssertionQueryPlan3Stream(EPServiceProvider epService)
            var epl = "select * from S0 as s0 unidirectional, S1#keepall, S2#keepall ";

            // 3-stream join with in-multiindex directional
            var planInMidx = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanMultiIdx(
                0, 1, GetIndexKeys("i1a", "i1b"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNode("P00"));
                epService, epl + " where P00 in (P10, P11)",
                    .AddIndexHashSingleNonUnique(1, "i1a", "P10")
                    .AddIndexHashSingleNonUnique(1, "i1b", "P11")
                    .SetIndexFullTableScan(2, "i2")
                        0, "s0", new[]
                            new LookupInstructionPlan(
                                0, "s0", new[] {1},
                                new TableLookupPlan[] {planInMidx}, null, new bool[3]),
                            new LookupInstructionPlan(
                                0, "s0", new[] {2},
                                new TableLookupPlan[] {new FullTableScanLookupPlan(1, 2, GetIndexKey("i2"))}, null,
                                new bool[3])

            var planInMidxMulitiSrc = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanMultiIdx(
                0, 1, GetIndexKeys("i1", "i2"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNode("P00"));

                epService, epl + " where P00 in (P10, P20)",
                    .SetIndexFullTableScan(1, "i1")
                    .SetIndexFullTableScan(2, "i2")
                        0, "s0", new[]
                            new LookupInstructionPlan(
                                0, "s0", new[] {1},
                                new TableLookupPlan[] {new FullTableScanLookupPlan(0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1"))}, null,
                                new bool[3]),
                            new LookupInstructionPlan(
                                0, "s0", new[] {2},
                                new TableLookupPlan[] {new FullTableScanLookupPlan(1, 2, GetIndexKey("i2"))}, null,
                                new bool[3])

            // 3-stream join with in-singleindex directional
            var planInSidx = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx(
                0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNodes("P00", "P01"));
            TryAssertion(epService, epl + " where P10 in (P00, P01)", GetSingleIndexPlan(planInSidx));

            // 3-stream join with in-singleindex multi-sourced
            var planInSingleMultiSrc = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx(
                0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNodes("P00"));
            TryAssertion(epService, epl + " where P10 in (P00, P20)", GetSingleIndexPlan(planInSingleMultiSrc));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private QueryPlan GetSingleIndexPlan(InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx plan)
            .AddIndexHashSingleNonUnique(1, "i1", "p10")
            .SetIndexFullTableScan(2, "i2")
            .SetLookupPlanInstruction(0, "s0", new LookupInstructionPlan[] {
         new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 1 },
                                   new TableLookupPlan[] { plan }, null, new bool[3]),
         new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 2 },
                                   new TableLookupPlan[] { new FullTableScanLookupPlan(1, 2, GetIndexKey("i2")) }, null, new bool[3])
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestQueryPlan3Stream()
            var epl = "select * from S0 as s0 unidirectional, S1.win:keepall(), S2.win:keepall() ";

            // 3-stream join with in-multiindex directional
            var planInMidx = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanMultiIdx(0, 1, GetIndexKeys("i1a", "i1b"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNode("p00"));

            RunAssertion(epl + " where p00 in (p10, p11)",
                         .AddIndexHashSingleNonUnique(1, "i1a", "p10")
                         .AddIndexHashSingleNonUnique(1, "i1b", "p11")
                         .SetIndexFullTableScan(2, "i2")
                         .SetLookupPlanInstruction(0, "s0", new LookupInstructionPlan[] {
                new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 1 },
                                          new TableLookupPlan[] { planInMidx }, null, new bool[3]),
                new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 2 },
                                          new TableLookupPlan[] { new FullTableScanLookupPlan(1, 2, GetIndexKey("i2")) }, null, new bool[3])

            var planInMidxMulitiSrc = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanMultiIdx(0, 1, GetIndexKeys("i1", "i2"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNode("p00"));

            RunAssertion(epl + " where p00 in (p10, p20)",
                         .SetIndexFullTableScan(1, "i1")
                         .SetIndexFullTableScan(2, "i2")
                         .SetLookupPlanInstruction(0, "s0", new LookupInstructionPlan[] {
                new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 1 },
                                          new TableLookupPlan[] { new FullTableScanLookupPlan(0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1")) }, null, new bool[3]),
                new LookupInstructionPlan(0, "s0", new int[] { 2 },
                                          new TableLookupPlan[] { new FullTableScanLookupPlan(1, 2, GetIndexKey("i2")) }, null, new bool[3])

            // 3-stream join with in-singleindex directional
            var planInSidx = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx(0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNodes("p00", "p01"));

            RunAssertion(epl + " where p10 in (p00, p01)", GetSingleIndexPlan(planInSidx));

            // 3-stream join with in-singleindex multi-sourced
            var planInSingleMultiSrc = new InKeywordTableLookupPlanSingleIdx(0, 1, GetIndexKey("i1"), SupportExprNodeFactory.MakeIdentExprNodes("p00"));

            RunAssertion(epl + " where p10 in (p00, p20)", GetSingleIndexPlan(planInSingleMultiSrc));