public HeavyGameEventData(
     Faction sourceFaction        = null,
     Faction targetFaction        = null,
     GameObject targetObject      = null,
     GridCell sourceCell          = null,
     GridCell targetCell          = null,
     InGameResource resourceValue = null,
     Recipe recipeValue           = null,
     int intValue                    = 0,
     bool boolValue                  = false,
     float floatValue                = 0.0f,
     string stringValue              = "",
     Selectable targetSelectable     = null,
     SelectableActionType actionType = SelectableActionType.None
     this.SourceFaction    = sourceFaction;
     this.TargetFaction    = targetFaction;
     this.TargetObject     = targetObject;
     this.SourceCell       = sourceCell;
     this.TargetCell       = targetCell;
     this.ResourceValue    = resourceValue;
     this.RecipeValue      = recipeValue;
     this.IntValue         = intValue;
     this.BoolValue        = boolValue;
     this.FloatValue       = floatValue;
     this.StringValue      = stringValue;
     this.ActionType       = actionType;
     this.targetSelectable = targetSelectable;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Awake()
        if (_instance != null && _instance != this)
            throw new System.Exception("Multiple GameData instances are present. There should only be one instance of a Singleton.");
            _instance = this;

        // Load Resources
        nameToResource = new Dictionary <string, InGameResource>();
        baseResources  = new List <InGameResource>();
        using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(resourceFile.text))
            string[] headers         = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
            string[] expectedHeaders = { "Name", "Is Base" };
            CheckFileHeaders("resources", expectedHeaders, headers);

            while (reader.Peek() != -1)
                string[]       fields   = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                InGameResource resource = new InGameResource(name: fields[0], isBaseResource: bool.Parse(fields[1]));

                nameToResource[resource.Name] = resource;
                if (resource.IsBaseResource)

        // Load Units
        mainBaseUnitInfo = null;
        nameToUnitInfo   = new Dictionary <string, UnitInfo>();
        using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(unitsFile.text))
            string[] headers         = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
            string[] expectedHeaders = { "Name", "MoveRange", "Health", "CloseDefense", "LongDefense", "CloseAttack", "LongAttack", "AttackRange", "Extra" };
            CheckFileHeaders("units", expectedHeaders, headers);

            while (reader.Peek() != -1)
                string[] fields = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');

                Unit unitPrefab = Resources.Load <Unit>("UnitPrefabs/" + fields[0]);

                if (unitPrefab == null)
                    throw new System.Exception("Failed to load unit in Resources/UnitPrefabs: " + fields[0]);

                UnitInfo unitInfo = new UnitInfo(name: fields[0],
                                                 maxMoveRange: int.Parse(fields[1]),
                                                 health: int.Parse(fields[2]),
                                                 closeDefense: int.Parse(fields[3]),
                                                 longDefense: int.Parse(fields[4]),
                                                 closeAttack: int.Parse(fields[5]),
                                                 longAttack: int.Parse(fields[6]),
                                                 attackRange: int.Parse(fields[7]),
                                                 extra: fields[8],
                                                 unitPrefab: unitPrefab);

                nameToUnitInfo[fields[0]] = unitInfo;
                if (mainBaseUnitInfo != null)
                    mainBaseUnitInfo = unitInfo;

        // Load Recipes
        nameToRecipes = new Dictionary <string, Recipe>();
        using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(recipesFile.text))
            string[] headers         = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');
            string[] expectedHeaders = { "Recipe Name", "Output", "Output Quantity", "Max Stack", "Input Item", "Input Quantity" };
            CheckFileHeaders("recipes", expectedHeaders, headers);

            Recipe recipe = null;
            while (reader.Peek() != -1)
                string[] fields = reader.ReadLine().Split(',');

                // Starting a new recipe
                if (fields[0] != "")
                    // recipe will be null in the first iteration
                    if (recipe != null)

                    // Check whether the recipe creates a resource or a unit
                    if (nameToResource.ContainsKey(fields[1]))
                        recipe = new ResourceRecipe(recipeName: fields[0],
                                                    outputName: fields[1],
                                                    outputQuantity: int.Parse(fields[2]),
                                                    maxStack: int.Parse(fields[3]));
                    else if (nameToUnitInfo.ContainsKey(fields[1]))
                        recipe = new UnitRecipe(
                            recipeName: fields[0],
                            outputName: fields[1]);
                        throw new System.Exception($"The provided output {fields[1]} does not exist as a Resource or as a Unit");
                    recipe.AddInput(nameToResource[fields[4]], int.Parse(fields[5]));
