Ejemplo n.º 1
        public unsafe bool PreReadAsysnchonous()
            cBufs    = new byte[CyConst.SINGLE_XFER_LEN + IsoPktBlockSize + ((InEndpoint.XferMode == XMODE.BUFFERED) ? BufSz : 0)];
            xBufs    = new byte[BufSz];
            oLaps    = new byte[20];
            pktsInfo = new ISO_PKT_INFO[PPX];
            fixed(byte *tL0 = oLaps, tc0 = cBufs, tb0 = xBufs)
                OVERLAPPED *ovLapStatus = (OVERLAPPED *)tL0;

                ovLapStatus->hEvent = (IntPtr)PInvoke.CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0);
                // Pre-load the queue with a request
                int len = BufSz;

                if (InEndpoint.BeginDataXfer(ref cBufs, ref xBufs, ref len, ref oLaps) == false)
                    LogHelper.GetLogger <USB>().Debug("Begin data xfer failure");
                if (!InEndpoint.WaitForXfer(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500))
                    PInvoke.WaitForSingleObject(ovLapStatus->hEvent, 500);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void ReadAsysnchonous()
     if (InEndpoint.Attributes == 1)
         CyIsocEndPoint isoc = InEndpoint as CyIsocEndPoint;
         // FinishDataXfer
         if (isoc.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs, ref xBufs, ref BufSz, ref oLaps, ref pktsInfo))
             LogHelper.GetLogger <USB>().Debug("isoc finish data xfer: ");
             if (InEndpoint.FinishDataXfer(ref cBufs, ref xBufs, ref BufSz, ref oLaps))
                 LogHelper.GetLogger <USB>().Debug("finish data xfer: ");