Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void OnPathChanged()
            ProgressBarData.Progress = 0;
            string       path   = tbGameDir.Text;
            ImportStatus result = _importService.CanImport(path);

            btnImport.IsEnabled = result == ImportStatus.CAN_IMPORT;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async void btnImport_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string       dir    = tbGameDir.Text;
            ImportStatus result = _importService.CanImport(dir);

            if (result == ImportStatus.ALREADY_EXISTS)
                MessageWindow updateWindow = new MessageWindow("Update", "This version is already imported. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\nUse this feature only if you want to save a newer build of the same version.", MessageWindowButtons.YesNo);
                if (updateWindow.Result != MessageWindowResult.Yes)

            btnImport.IsEnabled     = false;
            tbGameDir.IsEnabled     = false;
            btnBrowse.IsEnabled     = false;
            chbImportMods.IsEnabled = false;
            _isImportInProgress     = true;
            btnImportText.Text      = "Importing...";
            Taskbar.ProgressState   = TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal;
            Taskbar.ProgressValue   = 0;
            Progress <int> progress = new Progress <int>(percent =>
                ProgressBarData.Progress = percent;
                Taskbar.ProgressValue    = percent / 100.0;

            bool importMods = chbImportMods.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false);
            await Task.Run(() => _importService.Import(dir, importMods, progress));

            tbGameDir.IsEnabled     = true;
            btnBrowse.IsEnabled     = true;
            chbImportMods.IsEnabled = true;
            btnImportText.Text      = "Import";
            new MessageWindow("Finished", "Import successfully finished!\nYou can now play replays from this version through the Replays tab.\nAfter you make sure everything works, you can delete the original game directory.", MessageWindowButtons.OK).ShowDialog();
            _isImportInProgress = false;
            Taskbar.ProgressState = TaskbarItemProgressState.None;