Ejemplo n.º 1
        public TransactionImport(TransactionImportContext transactionImportContext, Account source)
            _context = transactionImportContext;
            Credit = source;

            Result = new ImportResult();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected static ImportResult ImportPaypal(string contents)
            string[] lines = contents.Split('\n');
            ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
            List<ImportedRow> rows = new List<ImportedRow>();

            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[] parts = line.Split('\t');

                if (parts.Length < 30)

                if (StripQuotes(parts[6]) != "SEK")
                    continue; // HACK: Need to fix currency support at some time

                // Get current balance from the first line in the file

                if (result.CurrentBalance == 0.0)
                    result.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[34]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                ImportedRow row = new ImportedRow();

                // DEBUG -- REMOVE WHEN DEPLOYING

                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Console.WriteLine("New Row -----");

                    Console.WriteLine("- SuppliedTxId: {0}", parts[12]);
                    Console.WriteLine("- Comment:      {0}", parts[4]);
                    Console.WriteLine("- DateTime:     {0} {1}", parts[0], parts[1]);
                    Console.WriteLine("- AmountGross:  {0}", parts[7]);
                    Console.WriteLine("- Fee:          {0}", parts[8]);
                    Console.WriteLine("- AmountNet:    {0}", parts[9]);

                row.SuppliedTransactionId = StripQuotes(parts[12]);
                row.Comment = StripQuotes(parts[4]);
                row.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[0]) + " " + StripQuotes(parts[1]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                row.AmountCentsGross = Int64.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[7]).Replace(".", "").Replace(",",""));
                row.FeeCents = Int64.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[8]).Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""));
                row.AmountCentsNet = Int64.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[9]).Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""));


            result.Rows = rows;
            return result;
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

              // The trackpoints
              List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
              bool lastTrackpointWasInvalid = false;
              bool thisTrackpointIsInvalid = false;
              RouteSegment rs = new RouteSegment();
              int current = 0;
              int total = sessionToImport.Trackpoints.Count;
              foreach (D303_Trk_Point_Type tp in sessionToImport.Trackpoints)
            Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint();
            waypoint.Time = tp.TimeAsDateTime;
            waypoint.LongLat = new LongLat(tp.Position.LongitudeAsDegrees, tp.Position.LatitudeAsDegrees);
            waypoint.Altitude = (double)tp.Altitude;
            waypoint.HeartRate = (double)tp.HeartRate;

            thisTrackpointIsInvalid = (tp.Position.Latitude == 2147483647 && tp.Position.Longitude == 2147483647);
            if (!thisTrackpointIsInvalid) rs.Waypoints.Add(waypoint);
            if (thisTrackpointIsInvalid && lastTrackpointWasInvalid && rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
              rs = new RouteSegment();
            lastTrackpointWasInvalid = thisTrackpointIsInvalid;
            if (WorkProgress != null && current % 10 == 0)
              WorkProgress(this, new WorkProgressEventArgs((double)current / total));
              if (rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)

              // The laps
              List<double> elapsedTimes = new List<double>();
              double elapsedTime = 0;
              DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
              foreach (D1001_Lap_Type xLap in sessionToImport.Laps)
            if (startTime == DateTime.MinValue) startTime = xLap.StartTimeAsDateTime;
            elapsedTime += (double)xLap.TotalTime / 100;
              LapCollection laps = RouteImporterUtil.CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(startTime, elapsedTimes, routeSegments);

              importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);
              importResult.Laps = laps;
              importResult.Succeeded = true;
              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void AddImportedFile_AddsFileResult()
            var result = new ImportResult();
            var file = new ImportFileResult("1.txt", 123);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Files.Count(), "Expected 1 file in Files" );
            Assert.That(result.Files.Any(f => f == file), "Expected file not found");
 public void Import()
     ImportResult = new ImportResult();
       var tcxImporter = new TCXImporter
                     FileName = itemToImport.FileInfo.FullName,
                     IdToImport = DateTime.Parse(itemToImport.Id).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
       ImportResult = tcxImporter.ImportResult;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public CreateImportTests(ImportRepository repository)
            _repository = repository;
            var import = new ImportResult { Date = DateTime.Now, ImportType = "", Name = "Import", };
            var transaction = new Transaction { Date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), Amount = 100, Reference = "ABCD", Description = "Transaction" };
            transaction.Credit.Add(new Amount(TestData.Bank, EntryType.Credit, 100));
            transaction.Debit.Add(new Amount(TestData.Expenses, EntryType.Debit, 100));

            var transactions = new[] { transaction };
            _repository.Save(import, transactions);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void AddImportedFile_ThrowsForNullFile()
            var result = new ImportResult();

            catch (ArgumentNullException exception)
                Assert.AreEqual("file", exception.ParamName);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void Import()
     ImportResult = new ImportResult();
       var document = Document.Open(FileName);
       if (document != null && document.Sessions.Count > 0)
     ImportResult.Succeeded = true;
     ImportResult.Route = document.Sessions[0].Route;
     ImportResult.Laps = document.Sessions[0].Laps;
     ImportResult.Succeeded = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public int Save(ImportResult result, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
            using (var session = _repository.DocumentStore.OpenSession())
                var document = _mappingEngine.Map<Documents.ImportResult>(result);
                document.Transactions =
                        from t in transactions
                        select _mappingEngine.Map<ImportedTransaction>(t)


                return result.Id;
        public void Import()
            _importResult = new ImportResult();
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

              // The trackpoints
              var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
              var rs = new RouteSegment();
              var current = 0;
              var total = _trackToImport.GetTrackInfo().NumbetOfTrackPoints;
              var elapsedTimes = new List<double>();
              DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
              foreach (var tp in _trackToImport.GetTrackPoints())
            var waypoint = new Waypoint
                             Time = tp.Time,
                             LongLat = new LongLat((double)tp.Longitude, (double)tp.Latitude),
                             Altitude = tp.Altitude

            if (tp.HasMark(RegSEPointType.WayPoint))
              elapsedTimes.Add((tp.Time - startTime).TotalSeconds);

            if (WorkProgress != null && current % 10 == 0)
              WorkProgress(this, new WorkProgressEventArgs((double)current / total));
              if (rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
              _importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

              // create one lap (from start to finish)
              LapCollection laps = RouteImporterUtil.CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(startTime, elapsedTimes, routeSegments);
              _importResult.Laps = laps;

              _importResult.Succeeded = true;
              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
        public HmacImportDataController()
            var result = new ImportResult(66412, "Invalid start date");
            var bookingResults = new ImportResult(55827, "Invalid start date");
            bookingResults.InnerResults = new ImportResult[]
                new ImportResult(1223, "Missing Insertion Rate for Bill / Pay"),
                new ImportResult(1224),
                new ImportResult(1225),
                new ImportResult(1226),
                new ImportResult(1227),
                new ImportResult(1228, "Missing Insertion Rate for Bill / Pay")
            result.InnerResults = new []{bookingResults};

            exceptionToThrow.ImportResult = result;
        public void Import()
            _importResult = new ImportResult();
            if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

            // The trackpoints
            var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
            var rs = new RouteSegment();
            var current = 0;
            var total = _trackToImport.TrackPointsCount;
            var track = _gsGH615MReader.GetTrack(_trackToImport);

            foreach (var tp in track.GetTrackPoints())
                var waypoint = new Waypoint
                       Time = tp.Time,
                       LongLat = new LongLat((double) tp.Longitude, (double) tp.Latitude),
                       Altitude = tp.Altitude,
                       HeartRate = tp.Pulse

                if (WorkProgress != null && current % 10 == 0)
                    WorkProgress(this, new WorkProgressEventArgs((double)current / total));
            if (rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
            _importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

            // create one lap (from start to finish)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
            LapCollection laps = RouteImporterUtil.CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(startTime, new List<double>(), routeSegments);
            _importResult.Laps = laps;

            _importResult.Succeeded = true;
            if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public int Save(ImportResult result, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
            using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
                var model = result.Map<Models.ImportResult>();
                var transactionRecords = new List<Models.Transaction>();
                var transactionComponents = new List<Models.TransactionComponent>();

                foreach (var item in transactions)
                    var record = item.Map<Models.Transaction>();
                    transactionComponents.AddRange(item.Credit.Select(amount => amount.Map(new Models.TransactionComponent {TransactionId = record.Id, EntryTypeName = EntryType.Credit.ToString() })));
                    transactionComponents.AddRange(item.Debit.Select(amount => amount.Map(new Models.TransactionComponent {TransactionId = record.Id, EntryTypeName = EntryType.Debit.ToString() })));

                    @"INSERT INTO [Transaction] (Id, Date, Amount, Reference, Description)
                        VALUES (@id, @date, @amount, @reference, @description)",

                    @"INSERT INTO [TransactionComponent] (TransactionId, AccountId, EntryTypeName, Amount, Annotation, AppliedByRuleId)
                        VALUES (@transactionId, @accountId, @entryTypeName, @amount, ISNULL(@annotation, ''), @appliedByRuleId)",

                var importId = _database.ExecuteScalar<int>(
                    @"INSERT INTO ImportResult (Name, ImportTypeName, Date)
                        OUTPUT inserted.id
                        VALUES (@name, @importType, @date)", model);

                    @"INSERT INTO ImportedTransaction (Id, ImportId, Unclassified, Amount)
                        VALUES (@id, @importId, @unclassified, @amount)",
                        .Select(t => new {t.Id, importId, t.Unclassified, t.Amount}));

                return importId;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected static ImportStats ProcessImportedData(ImportResult import, Organization organization, Person importingPerson)
            FinancialAccount payPalAccount = organization.FinancialAccounts.AssetsPaypal;
            FinancialAccount bankFees = organization.FinancialAccounts.CostsBankFees;
            FinancialAccount donations = organization.FinancialAccounts.IncomeDonations;

            int autoDepositLimit = 1000;   // TODO: Get from organization parameters
            int autoWithdrawalLimit = 0;

            ImportStats result = new ImportStats();

            foreach (ImportedRow row in import.Rows)
                // Each row is at least a stub, probably more.

                // If too old, ignore.

                if (row.DateTime < new DateTime(2008, 12, 4))

                string importKey = row.SuppliedTransactionId;

                // If importKey is empty, construct a hash from the data fields.

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importKey))
                    string hashKey = row.HashBase + row.Comment + (row.AmountCentsNet / 100.0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + row.CurrentBalance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                    importKey = SHA1.Hash(hashKey).Replace(" ", "");

                if (importKey.Length > 30)
                    importKey = importKey.Substring(0, 30);

                Int64 amountCents = row.AmountCentsNet;

                if (amountCents == 0)
                    amountCents = row.AmountCentsGross;

                Dictionary<int, long> nominalTransaction = new Dictionary<int, long>();

                FinancialTransaction transaction = null;

                    transaction = FinancialTransaction.FromImportKey(organization, importKey);

                catch (Exception)
                    // if we get here, that means the transaction did not yet exist

                    transaction = FinancialTransaction.ImportWithStub(organization.Identity, row.DateTime,
                                                                   payPalAccount.Identity, amountCents,
                                                                   row.Comment, importKey,

                    if (transaction == null)
                        // No transaction was created. This is an error condition as it should have been created if it didn't
                        // exist, and the "exist" case is handled in the FromImportKey attempt above. Abort with error.
                        // Throw new exception?



                nominalTransaction[payPalAccount.Identity] = amountCents;

                // The transaction was created. Examine if the autobook criteria are true.

                if (amountCents < 0)
                    if ((-amountCents) < autoWithdrawalLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoWithdrawal account.

                        nominalTransaction[bankFees.Identity] = -amountCents;
                else if (amountCents > 0)
                    if (row.FeeCents < 0)
                        // This is always an autodeposit, if there is a fee (which is never > 0.0)

                        nominalTransaction[bankFees.Identity] = -row.FeeCents;
                        nominalTransaction[donations.Identity] = -row.AmountCentsGross;
                    else if (amountCents < autoDepositLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoDeposit account.

                        nominalTransaction[donations.Identity] = -amountCents;

                if (transaction.Rows.AmountCentsTotal != 0) // If transaction is unbalanced, balance it
                    if (transaction.RecalculateTransaction(nominalTransaction, importingPerson))

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Import products from XLSX file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream</param>
        public virtual ImportResult ImportProductsFromExcel(
            Stream stream,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            IProgress <ImportProgressInfo> progress = null)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(() => stream);

            var result = new ImportResult();
            int saved  = 0;

            if (progress != null)
                progress.Report(new ImportProgressInfo {
                    ElapsedTime = TimeSpan.Zero

            using (var scope = new DbContextScope(ctx: _rsProduct.Context, autoDetectChanges: false, proxyCreation: false, validateOnSave: false))
                try {
                    using (var segmenter = new DataSegmenter <Product>(stream))
                        result.TotalRecords = segmenter.TotalRows;

                        while (segmenter.ReadNextBatch() && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            var batch = segmenter.CurrentBatch;

                            // Perf: detach all entities

                            // Update progress for calling thread
                            if (progress != null)
                                progress.Report(new ImportProgressInfo
                                    TotalRecords    = result.TotalRecords,
                                    TotalProcessed  = segmenter.CurrentSegmentFirstRowIndex - 1,
                                    NewRecords      = result.NewRecords,
                                    ModifiedRecords = result.ModifiedRecords,
                                    ElapsedTime     = DateTime.UtcNow - result.StartDateUtc,
                                    TotalWarnings   = result.Messages.Count(x => x.MessageType == ImportMessageType.Warning),
                                    TotalErrors     = result.Messages.Count(x => x.MessageType == ImportMessageType.Error),

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 1.) Import products
                            // ===========================================================================
                                saved = ProcessProducts(batch, result);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessProducts");

                            // reduce batch to saved (valid) products.
                            // No need to perform import operations on errored products.
                            batch = batch.Where(x => x.Entity != null && !x.IsTransient).AsReadOnly();

                            // update result object
                            result.NewRecords      += batch.Count(x => x.IsNew && !x.IsTransient);
                            result.ModifiedRecords += batch.Count(x => !x.IsNew && !x.IsTransient);

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 2.) Import SEO Slugs
                            // IMPORTANT: Unlike with Products AutoCommitEnabled must be TRUE,
                            //            as Slugs are going to be validated against existing ones in DB.
                            // ===========================================================================
                            if (batch.Any(x => x.IsNew || (x.ContainsKey("SeName") || x.NameChanged)))
                                    _rsProduct.Context.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
                                    ProcessSlugs(batch, result);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessSeoSlugs");
                                    _rsProduct.Context.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 3.) Import Localizations
                            // ===========================================================================
                                ProcessLocalizations(batch, result);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessLocalizations");

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 4.) Import product category mappings
                            // ===========================================================================
                            if (batch.Any(x => x.ContainsKey("CategoryIds")))
                                    ProcessProductCategories(batch, result);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessProductCategories");

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 5.) Import product manufacturer mappings
                            // ===========================================================================
                            if (batch.Any(x => x.ContainsKey("ManufacturerIds")))
                                    ProcessProductManufacturers(batch, result);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessProductManufacturers");

                            // ===========================================================================
                            // 6.) Import product picture mappings
                            // ===========================================================================
                            if (batch.Any(x => x.ContainsKey("Picture1") || x.ContainsKey("Picture2") || x.ContainsKey("Picture3")))
                                    ProcessProductPictures(batch, result);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    result.AddError(ex, segmenter.CurrentSegment, "ProcessProductPictures");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.AddError(ex, null, "ReadFile");

            result.EndDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                result.Cancelled = true;
                result.AddInfo("Import task was cancelled by user");

        public ImportResult Import(GLTFAccessor.ImportResult[] accessors, GLTFNode.ImportResult[] nodes, ImportSettings importSettings)
            bool multiRoots = nodes.Where(x => x.IsRoot).Count() > 1;

            ImportResult result = new ImportResult();

            result.clip      = new AnimationClip();
            result.clip.name = name;

            result.clip.legacy = importSettings.useLegacyClips;

            for (int i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++)
                Channel channel = channels[i];
                if (samplers.Length <= channel.sampler)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"GLTFUtility: Animation channel points to sampler at index {channel.sampler} which doesn't exist. Skipping animation clip.");
                Sampler sampler = samplers[channel.sampler];

                // Get interpolation mode
                InterpolationMode interpolationMode = importSettings.interpolationMode;
                if (interpolationMode == InterpolationMode.ImportFromFile)
                    interpolationMode = sampler.interpolation;
                if (interpolationMode == InterpolationMode.CUBICSPLINE)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Animation interpolation mode CUBICSPLINE not fully supported, result might look different.");

                string relativePath = "";

                GLTFNode.ImportResult node = nodes[channel.target.node.Value];
                while (node != null && !node.IsRoot)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                        relativePath = node.transform.name;
                        relativePath = node.transform.name + "/" + relativePath;

                    if (node.parent.HasValue)
                        node = nodes[node.parent.Value];
                        node = null;

                // If file has multiple root nodes, a new parent will be created for them as a final step of the import process. This parent f***s up the curve relative paths.
                // Add node.transform.name to path if there are multiple roots. This is not the most elegant fix but it works.
                // See GLTFNodeExtensions.GetRoot
                if (multiRoots)
                    relativePath = node.transform.name + "/" + relativePath;

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                float[] keyframeInput = accessors[sampler.input].ReadFloat().ToArray();
                switch (channel.target.path)
                case "translation":
                    Vector3[]      pos  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve posX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        posX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => - x.x, interpolationMode));
                        posY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => x.y, interpolationMode));
                        posZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => x.z, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", posX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", posY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", posZ);

                case "rotation":
                    Vector4[]      rot  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec4().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve rotX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotW = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        // The Animation window in Unity shows keyframes incorrectly converted to euler. This is only to deceive you. The quaternions underneath work correctly
                        rotX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => x.x, interpolationMode));
                        rotY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => - x.y, interpolationMode));
                        rotZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => - x.z, interpolationMode));
                        rotW.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => x.w, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", rotX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", rotY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", rotZ);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", rotW);

                case "scale":
                    Vector3[]      scale  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve scaleX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        scaleX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.x, interpolationMode));
                        scaleY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.y, interpolationMode));
                        scaleZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.z, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", scaleX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", scaleY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", scaleZ);

                case "weights":
                    Debug.LogWarning("GLTFUtility: Morph weights in animation is not supported");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        //private void CreatePointDataset(string tableName)
        //    Workspace workspace = new Workspace();
        //    DatasourceConnectionInfo info = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();
        //    Datasource datasource = GetDbDatasource(workspace, info);
        //    var datasetVector = (DatasetVector)datasource.Datasets[tableName];
        //    if (datasetVector == null)
        //    {
        //        CreateDataset(datasource, DatasetType.Point, tableName);
        //    }
        //    //只取了数据结构,没有取数据
        //    var recordset = datasetVector.GetRecordset(true, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic);
        //    recordset.Edit();
        //    recordset.fi

        private void InsertRecordSetToDb(string shapeFieldName, string tableName)
            Workspace workspace           = new Workspace();
            DatasourceConnectionInfo info = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();
            var filePath = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
            var files    = new List <string> {
                $"{filePath}.udb", $"{filePath}.udd"

            Datasource datasource = GetDbDatasource(workspace, info);

            if (datasource != null)
                DatasourceConnectionInfo tempInfo = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();
                tempInfo.EngineType = EngineType.UDB;
                tempInfo.Alias      = tableName;

                tempInfo.Server = filePath;
                // 创建/打开数据库数据源
                Datasource tempDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Create(tempInfo);
                Recordset  recordset = null, tempRecordset = null;
                if (tempDatasource != null)
                    ImportResult result = ImportShpToTemp(shapeFieldName, tempDatasource, tableName);
                    if (result.FailedSettings.Length == 0)
                            for (int index = 0; index < tempDatasource.Datasets.Count; index++)
                                DatasetVector tempDatasetVector = (DatasetVector)tempDatasource.Datasets[index];
                                tempRecordset = tempDatasetVector.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic);
                                if (tempRecordset.RecordCount == 0)
                                var tempFieldInfos = tempDatasetVector.FieldInfos;
                                var datasetVector = (DatasetVector)datasource.Datasets[tableName];
                                if (datasetVector == null)
                                    CreateDataset(datasource, DatasetType.Point, tableName);
                                    //throw new Exception($"不存在数据集名称为{tableName}的数据集!");
                                //datasetVector.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic).DeleteAll();
                                recordset = datasetVector.GetRecordset(true, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic);
                                // 设置批量更新的限度为5000,注意一定要在开始批量更新前设置MaxRecordCount!
                                recordset.Batch.MaxRecordCount = 500;
                                // 开始批量更新,当添加到设置的MaxRecordCount的下一条记录时,将会将MaxRecordCount条记录自动提交到数据库中。

                                for (Int32 i = 0; i < tempRecordset.RecordCount; i++)
                                    SuperMap.Data.Geometry geoPoint = tempRecordset.GetGeometry();
                                    //SeekID:在记录中搜索指定 ID 号的记录,并定位该记录为当前记录。
                                    foreach (SuperMap.Data.FieldInfo fileInfo in tempFieldInfos)
                                        if (!fileInfo.IsSystemField && IsHaveField(datasetVector.FieldInfos, fileInfo.Name))
                                            recordset.SetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name, tempRecordset.GetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name));
                                            Object valueID = recordset.GetFieldValue(fileInfo.Name);




                                // 使用批量更新的Update,提交没有自动提交的记录
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw ex;
                            if (recordset != null)
                            if (tempRecordset != null)
                        throw new Exception($"导入{shapeFieldName}失败!");
                    throw new Exception($"创建临时数据源{filePath}失败!");

            // 释放工作空间资源

            foreach (var file in files)
                if (File.Exists(file))

Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void ImportGPX10()
          if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

          NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
          nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
          XmlTextReader sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
          XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx10Type));
          gpx10Type gpx = (gpx10Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
          XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
          nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");

          importResult = new ImportResult();

          // route
          List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
          foreach (gpxTrk trk in gpx.trk)
        for (int i = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(0); i <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
          RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          for (int j = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(1); j <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
            gpxTrkTrksegTrkpt wpt = trk.trkseg[i][j];
            double lat = (double)wpt.lat;
            double lon = (double)wpt.lon;
            DateTime time = wpt.time;
            double? heartRate = null;
            double? altitude = null;
            routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate));
          importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

          // laps
          LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
          importResult.Laps = laps;

          if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
        private void ImportGPX11()
            ImportResult = new ImportResult();
              var isGPX10 = (GPXUtil.GetGPXVersion(fileName) == GPXVersion.GPX10);
              string gpx10convertedFileName = null;
              string polarConvertedFileName = null;
              var originalFileName = fileName;
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

              // check if the file is in gpx 1.0 format and convert it to gpx 1.1 if necessary
              if (isGPX10)
            gpx10convertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            GPXUtil.ConvertGPX10ToGPX11(fileName, gpx10convertedFileName);
            fileName = gpx10convertedFileName;

              // check if the file is an invalid Polar ProTrainer file and correct if necessary
              if (PolarProTrainerUtil.IsPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName))
            polarConvertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            PolarProTrainerUtil.CorrectPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName, polarConvertedFileName);
            fileName = polarConvertedFileName;

              var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
              var sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
              var xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
              var gpx11 = (gpx11Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
              var nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
              // add namespace for split times and heart rates (from SportsTracks software)
              nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");
              // add namespace for map reading information (QuickRoute native)
              nsManager.AddNamespace("mr", "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading");

              // pre-store heart rates in dictionary (if present)
              var heartRates = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
              // pre-store map-readings in map reading collection (if present)
              var mapReadings = new List<DateTime>();
              if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
            foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
              if (element.Name == "st:activity")
            var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:heartRateTrack/st:heartRate[@time and @bpm]", nsManager);
            if (nodes != null)
              foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                DateTime time;
                double bpm;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, out time) &&
                    double.TryParse(node.Attributes["bpm"].Value, NumberStyles.Any, nfi, out bpm))
                  time = time.ToUniversalTime();
                  if(!heartRates.ContainsKey(time)) heartRates.Add(time, bpm);
              if(element.Name == "mr:map-reading")
            DateTime start, end;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["start"].Value, out start) &&
                DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["end"].Value, out end))
              mapReadings = FilterMapReadings(mapReadings);

              // QuickRoute route
              var noOfWaypoints = 0;
              var noOfWaypointsWithTimes = 0;
              var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();

              // first use GPX track
              if (gpx11.trk != null)
            foreach (var trk in gpx11.trk)
              // Garmin Training Center exports each lap as a separate trkseg with end time of trkseg n equal to start time of trkseg n+1
              // handle this issue

              foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            wptType lastWpt = null;
            if (trkseg.trkpt != null)
              foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                if (lastWpt == null || wpt.time != lastWpt.time)
                  if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any != null && wpt.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
                    // new route segment ahead
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                    routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                    var lat = (double)wpt.lat;
                    var lon = (double)wpt.lon;
                    double? heartRate = null;
                    double? altitude = null;
                    // check for heartrate in SportsTracks extensions
                    if (heartRates.ContainsKey(wpt.time)) heartRate = heartRates[wpt.time];
                    // check for heartrate in Garmin Trackpoint Extensions
                    heartRate = GetGarminHeartRateFromWaypoint(wpt) ?? heartRate;

                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                      altitude = (double?)wpt.ele;
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified)
                      routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(wpt.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
                      lastWpt = wpt;
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

              // if no GPX track - use GPX route
              if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0 && gpx11.rte != null)
            foreach (var route in gpx11.rte)
              var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              foreach (var rtept in route.rtept)
            if (rtept.extensions != null && rtept.extensions.Any != null && rtept.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
              // new route segment ahead
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
              routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              var lat = (double) rtept.lat;
              var lon = (double) rtept.lon;
              double? heartRate = null;
              double? altitude = null;
              if (heartRates.ContainsKey(rtept.time)) heartRate = heartRates[rtept.time];
              if (rtept.eleSpecified)
                altitude = (double?) rtept.ele;
              if (rtept.timeSpecified)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(rtept.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

              // add map reading waypoints
              routeSegments = Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(routeSegments, mapReadings);

              // concat route segments if they are close enough (oddly enough, Garmin Training Center v2 seems to create a trkseg for each lap)
              var lapsFromConcatenatedRouteSegments = new List<Lap>();
              if (routeSegments.Count > 0)
            var concatenatedRouteSegments = new List<RouteSegment>() { routeSegments[0] };
            for (var i = 1; i < routeSegments.Count; i++)
              if (concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].LastWaypoint.Time.AddSeconds(10) > routeSegments[i].FirstWaypoint.Time)
            lapsFromConcatenatedRouteSegments.Add(new Lap(concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Lap));
            concatenatedRouteSegments[concatenatedRouteSegments.Count - 1].Waypoints.AddRange(routeSegments[i].Waypoints);
            routeSegments = concatenatedRouteSegments;

              importResult.Succeeded = (noOfWaypointsWithTimes > 0);

              if (ImportResult.Succeeded)
            importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

            // laps
            var laps = new LapCollection();
            var startTime = ImportResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;

            // from GPX st:split
            if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
              foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
            if (element.Name == "st:activity")
              var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:splits/st:split[@time]", nsManager);
              if (nodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                  var elapsedTime = double.Parse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, nfi);
                  var lap = new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTime), LapType.Lap);

            // from GPX waypoints
            if (gpx11.wpt != null && laps.Count == 0)
              foreach (var waypoint in gpx11.wpt)
            if (waypoint.timeSpecified)
              laps.Add(new Lap(waypoint.time, LapType.Lap));


            foreach (var rs in routeSegments)
              laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
              laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));
            importResult.Laps = laps;
            if (noOfWaypoints == 0)
              importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;
            else if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0)
              importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypointTimes;

              if (gpx10convertedFileName != null)
            fileName = originalFileName;

              if (polarConvertedFileName != null)
            fileName = originalFileName;

              // import Polar HRM file with same base file name as the gpx file, if existing
              var extension = new FileInfo(fileName).Extension;
              if(extension != "")
            string hrmFileName = new FileInfo(fileName).FullName.Replace(extension, ".hrm");
              new PolarHRMImporter().AddLapsAndHRData(hrmFileName, importResult);

              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
    protected ImportResult ImportPaypal (string contents)
        string[] lines = contents.Split('\n');
        ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
        List<ImportedRow> rows = new List<ImportedRow>();

        foreach (string line in lines)
            string[] parts = line.Split('\t');

            if (parts.Length < 30)

            if (StripQuotes(parts[6]) != "SEK")
                continue; // HACK: Need to fix currency support at some time

            // Get current balance from the first line in the file

            if (result.CurrentBalance == 0.0)
                result.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[34]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            ImportedRow row = new ImportedRow();

            row.SuppliedTransactionId = StripQuotes(parts[12]);
            row.Comment = StripQuotes(parts[4]);
            row.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[0]) + " " + StripQuotes(parts[1]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            row.AmountCentsGross = Int64.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[7]).Replace(".", ""));
            row.Fee = Double.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[8]), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            row.AmountCentsNet = Int64.Parse(StripQuotes(parts[9]).Replace(".", ""));


        result.Rows = rows;
        return result;
        public void WhenTheFolderIsImported()
            var factory = new MusicFolderFactory(_fileSystem);

            _result = factory.Import(_path);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public ImportResult ImportApp()
            var result = new ImportResult();

            var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;

            //var appId   = int.Parse(request["AppId"]);
            var zoneId  = int.Parse(request["ZoneId"]);
            if (request.Files.Count > 0)
                var zipImport = new ZipImport(zoneId, null, PortalSettings.UserInfo.IsSuperUser);
                result.Succeeded = zipImport.ImportApp(request.Files[0].InputStream, HttpContext.Current.Server, PortalSettings, result.Messages);
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    private void ImportGPX10()
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();
      nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator = ".";
      XmlTextReader sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      XmlSerializer xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx10Type));
      gpx10Type gpx = (gpx10Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");

      importResult = new ImportResult();

      // route
      List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
      foreach (gpxTrk trk in gpx.trk)
        for (int i = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(0); i <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
          RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          for (int j = trk.trkseg.GetLowerBound(1); j <= trk.trkseg.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
            gpxTrkTrksegTrkpt wpt = trk.trkseg[i][j];
            double lat = (double)wpt.lat;
            double lon = (double)wpt.lon;
            DateTime time = wpt.time;
            double? heartRate = null;
            double? altitude = null;
            routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate));
      importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

      // laps
      LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
      importResult.Laps = laps;

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());

    private void ImportGPX11()
      ImportResult = new ImportResult();
      var isGPX10 = (GPXUtil.GetGPXVersion(fileName) == GPXVersion.GPX10);
      string gpx10convertedFileName = null;
      string polarConvertedFileName = null;
      var originalFileName = fileName;
      if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

      // check if the file is in gpx 1.0 format and convert it to gpx 1.1 if necessary
      if (isGPX10)
        gpx10convertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        GPXUtil.ConvertGPX10ToGPX11(fileName, gpx10convertedFileName);
        fileName = gpx10convertedFileName;

      // check if the file is an invalid Polar ProTrainer file and correct if necessary
      if (PolarProTrainerUtil.IsPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName))
        polarConvertedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
        PolarProTrainerUtil.CorrectPolarProTrainerGPXFile(fileName, polarConvertedFileName);
        fileName = polarConvertedFileName;

      var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo { NumberDecimalSeparator = "." };
      var sr = new XmlTextReader(fileName);
      var xSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpx11Type));
      var gpx11 = (gpx11Type)xSerializer.Deserialize(sr);
      var nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(sr.NameTable);
      // add namespace for split times and heart rates (from SportsTracks software)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("st", "urn:uuid:D0EB2ED5-49B6-44e3-B13C-CF15BE7DD7DD");
      // add namespace for map reading information (QuickRoute native)
      nsManager.AddNamespace("mr", "http://www.matstroeng.se/quickroute/map-reading");

      // pre-store heart rates in dictionary (if present)
      var heartRates = new Dictionary<DateTime, double>();
      // pre-store map-readings in map reading collection (if present)
      var mapReadings = new List<DateTime>();
      if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
        foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
          if (element.Name == "st:activity")
            var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:heartRateTrack/st:heartRate[@time and @bpm]", nsManager);
            if (nodes != null)
              foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                DateTime time;
                double bpm;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, out time) &&
                    double.TryParse(node.Attributes["bpm"].Value, NumberStyles.Any, nfi, out bpm))
                  time = time.ToUniversalTime();
                  if(!heartRates.ContainsKey(time)) heartRates.Add(time, bpm);
          if(element.Name == "mr:map-reading")
            DateTime start, end;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["start"].Value, out start) &&
                DateTime.TryParse(element.Attributes["end"].Value, out end))
      mapReadings = FilterMapReadings(mapReadings);

      // QuickRoute route
      var noOfWaypoints = 0;
      var noOfWaypointsWithTimes = 0;
      var routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();

      // first use GPX track
      if (gpx11.trk != null)
        foreach (var trk in gpx11.trk)
          foreach (var trkseg in trk.trkseg)
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            wptType lastWpt = null;
            if (trkseg.trkpt != null)
              foreach (var wpt in trkseg.trkpt)
                if (lastWpt == null || wpt.time != lastWpt.time)
                  if (wpt.extensions != null && wpt.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
                    // new route segment ahead
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                    routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                    var lat = (double)wpt.lat;
                    var lon = (double)wpt.lon;
                    double? heartRate = null;
                    double? altitude = null;
                    if (heartRates.ContainsKey(wpt.time)) heartRate = heartRates[wpt.time];
                    if (wpt.eleSpecified)
                      altitude = (double?)wpt.ele;
                    if (wpt.timeSpecified)
                      routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(wpt.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
                      lastWpt = wpt;
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // if no GPX track - use GPX route
      if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0 && gpx11.rte != null)
        foreach (var route in gpx11.rte)
          var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
          foreach (var rtept in route.rtept)
            if (rtept.extensions != null && rtept.extensions.Any[0].LocalName == "timerPaused")
              // new route segment ahead
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
              routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              var lat = (double) rtept.lat;
              var lon = (double) rtept.lon;
              double? heartRate = null;
              double? altitude = null;
              if (heartRates.ContainsKey(rtept.time)) heartRate = heartRates[rtept.time];
              if (rtept.eleSpecified)
                altitude = (double?) rtept.ele;
              if (rtept.timeSpecified)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(rtept.time, new LongLat(lon, lat), altitude, heartRate, null));
          if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 0) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

      // add map reading waypoints
      routeSegments = Route.AddMapReadingWaypoints(routeSegments, mapReadings);

      importResult.Succeeded = (noOfWaypointsWithTimes > 0);

      if (ImportResult.Succeeded)
        importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);

        // laps
        var laps = new LapCollection();
        var startTime = ImportResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;

        // from GPX st:split
        if (gpx11.extensions != null && gpx11.extensions.Any != null)
          foreach (var element in gpx11.extensions.Any)
            if (element.Name == "st:activity")
              var nodes = element.SelectNodes("st:splits/st:split[@time]", nsManager);
              if (nodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                  var elapsedTime = double.Parse(node.Attributes["time"].Value, nfi);
                  var lap = new Lap(startTime.AddSeconds(elapsedTime), LapType.Lap);

        // from GPX waypoints
        if (gpx11.wpt != null && laps.Count == 0)
          foreach (var waypoint in gpx11.wpt)
            if (waypoint.timeSpecified)
              laps.Add(new Lap(waypoint.time, LapType.Lap));

        foreach (var rs in routeSegments)
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
          laps.Add(new Lap(rs.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));
        importResult.Laps = laps;
        if (noOfWaypoints == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;
        else if (noOfWaypointsWithTimes == 0)
          importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypointTimes;

      if (gpx10convertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      if (polarConvertedFileName != null)
        fileName = originalFileName;

      // import Polar HRM file with same base file name as the gpx file, if existing
      string hrmFileName = new FileInfo(fileName).FullName.Replace(new FileInfo(fileName).Extension, ".hrm");
        new PolarHRMImporter().AddLapsAndHRData(hrmFileName, importResult);

      if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void ImportResultsToFile(ImportResult result)
     Serializer.WriteToFile(result.Ignored, IGNORED_ITEMS_FILENAME);
     Serializer.WriteToFile(result.Failed, FAILED_ITEMS_FILENAME);
     Serializer.WriteToFile(result.Imported, IMPORTED_ITEMS_FILENAME);
    protected ImportResult ImportSeb (string contents)
        string patternRows =
            @"<tr class=""[a-z]+?"">\s*<td style=""white-space: nowrap;"">(?<datetime>[0-9\-]+)</td>\s*<td style=""white-space: nowrap;"">[0-9\-]+</td>\s*<td>(?<transactionid>.+?)</td>\s*<td>(?<comment>.*?)</td>\s*<td class=""numeric"">(?<linkdummy><a href="".*?"">)?.*?(?<amount>[0-9\.,\-]+).*?</td>\s*<td class=""numeric"">(?<balance>[0-9\.,\-]+)</td>\s*</tr>";
        string patternBalance =
            @"<tbody>\s*<tr class=""[a-z]+"">\s*<td>[0-9\s]+</td>\s*<td class=""numeric"">(?<balance>[0-9\.\-,]+)</td>\s*<td class=""numeric"">[0-9\.\-,]+</td>\s*<td class=""numeric"">[0-9\.\-,]+</td>\s*</tr>\s*</tbody>";

        List<ImportedRow> rows = new List<ImportedRow>();
        ImportResult result = new ImportResult();

        Regex regexBalance = new Regex(patternBalance, RegexOptions.Singleline);
        Regex regexRows = new Regex(patternRows, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        Match matchBalance = regexBalance.Match(contents);
        if (!matchBalance.Success)
            throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find balance");

        string stringBalance = matchBalance.Groups["balance"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".");
        result.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(stringBalance, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        Match matchRow = regexRows.Match(contents);
        while (matchRow.Success)
            string amountString = matchRow.Groups["amount"].Value;
            amountString = amountString.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "");

            ImportedRow row = new ImportedRow();
            row.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(matchRow.Groups["datetime"].Value);
            row.Comment = StripHtml(matchRow.Groups["comment"].Value);
            row.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(matchRow.Groups["balance"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "."), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            row.AmountCentsNet = Int64.Parse(amountString);
            row.HashBase = matchRow.Groups["transactionid"].Value;


            matchRow = matchRow.NextMatch();

        result.Rows = rows;

        if (rows.Count < 20 && rows.Count > 0)
            // A serious error has occurred. Dev assistance is necessary.

            Person.FromIdentity(1).SendNotice("Contents for bank parsing (I see " + rows.Count.ToString() + " rows)", contents, 1);

            Person.FromIdentity(1).SendPhoneMessage("Bank import failed - " + rows.Count.ToString() + " rows parsed - see mail");

            throw new ArgumentException("PirateWeb is unable to parse the page. Developer assistance has been called in.");
        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();

            if (BeginWork != null)
                BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

            XmlTextReader       reader    = new XmlTextReader(FileName);
            XPathDocument       doc       = new XPathDocument(reader);
            XPathNavigator      nav       = doc.CreateNavigator();
            XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);

            nsManager.AddNamespace("ns", "http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrainingCenterDatabase/v2");
            XPathNodeIterator activities = nav.Select("//ns:Activity", nsManager);

            while (activities.MoveNext())
                XPathNavigator id = activities.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Id", nsManager);
                if (id != null && DateTime.Parse(id.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") == IdToImport)
                    // the activity was found

                    // the laps
                    XPathNodeIterator   lapNodes      = activities.Current.Select("ns:Lap", nsManager);
                    List <RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List <RouteSegment>();
                    RouteSegment        routeSegment  = new RouteSegment();
                    while (lapNodes.MoveNext())
                        // the tracks
                        XPathNodeIterator trackNodes = lapNodes.Current.Select("ns:Track", nsManager);
                        int trackCount = 0;
                        while (trackNodes.MoveNext())
                            if (trackCount > 0)
                                if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1)
                                routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
                            XPathNodeIterator trackpointNodes = trackNodes.Current.Select("ns:Trackpoint", nsManager);
                            DateTime          lastTime        = DateTime.MinValue;
                            LongLat           lastLongLat     = null;
                            int trackpointCount = 0;
                            while (trackpointNodes.MoveNext())
                                Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint();
                                waypoint.Time = DateTime.Parse(trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Time", nsManager).Value).ToUniversalTime();
                                XPathNavigator position = trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Position", nsManager);
                                if (position != null)
                                    waypoint.LongLat = new LongLat(
                                        position.SelectSingleNode("ns:LongitudeDegrees", nsManager).ValueAsDouble,
                                        position.SelectSingleNode("ns:LatitudeDegrees", nsManager).ValueAsDouble);
                                if (trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:AltitudeMeters", nsManager) != null)
                                    waypoint.Altitude =
                                        trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:AltitudeMeters", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;
                                if (trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:HeartRateBpm/ns:Value", nsManager) != null)
                                    waypoint.HeartRate =
                                        trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:HeartRateBpm/ns:Value", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;

                                // do not add waypoint if it has the same location or time as the previous one
                                if (waypoint.LongLat != null && !waypoint.LongLat.Equals(lastLongLat) && waypoint.Time != lastTime)
                                    // special handling for positionless trackpoint in the beginning, use its time together with next position
                                    if (trackpointCount == 1 && lastLongLat == null && routeSegment.Waypoints.Count == 0)
                                        waypoint.Time = lastTime;
                                lastLongLat = waypoint.LongLat;
                                lastTime    = waypoint.Time;
                            if (lastLongLat == null && routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1)
                                // special handling for positionless trackpoint in the end, use its time together with previous position
                                routeSegment.Waypoints[routeSegment.Waypoints.Count - 1].Time = lastTime;

                    // add last route segment
                    if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1)

                    // set position of all start and end waypoints of the route segments if they are null
                    foreach (RouteSegment rs in routeSegments)
                        if (rs.FirstWaypoint.LongLat == null && rs.Waypoints.Count > 1)
                            rs.Waypoints[1] = rs.Waypoints[1].Clone();
                        if (rs.LastWaypoint.LongLat == null && rs.Waypoints.Count > 1)
                            rs.Waypoints[rs.Waypoints.Count - 1] = rs.Waypoints[rs.Waypoints.Count - 2].Clone();

                    // the laps
                    lapNodes = activities.Current.Select("ns:Lap", nsManager);
                    // first store all elapsed times
                    List <double> elapsedTimes = new List <double>();
                    LapCollection laps         = new LapCollection();
                    if (lapNodes.MoveNext())
                        DateTime startTime   = DateTime.Parse(lapNodes.Current.GetAttribute("StartTime", ""));
                        double   elapsedTime = 0;
                            elapsedTime += lapNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:TotalTimeSeconds", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;
                        } while (lapNodes.MoveNext());

                        laps = RouteImporterUtil.CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(startTime, elapsedTimes, routeSegments);

                    importResult.Route     = new Route(routeSegments);
                    importResult.Laps      = laps;
                    importResult.Succeeded = importResult.Route.Segments.Count > 0;
                    if (importResult.Route.Segments.Count == 0)
                        importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;

            if (EndWork != null)
                EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public virtual void Import()

            MDataRow excelInfo = null;
            int      index = 0, headCrossRowNum = 0;
            string   sheetName = null;

                excelInfo = ExcelConfig.GetExcelRow(ObjName);
                if (excelInfo != null)
                    index           = excelInfo.Get <int>(Config_Excel.StartIndex, 0);
                    headCrossRowNum = excelInfo.Get <int>(Config_Excel.HeadCrossRowNum, 0);
                    sheetName       = excelInfo.Get <string>(Config_Excel.Description);
            catch (Exception err)
            MDataTable dt = ExcelHelper.ReadExcel(null, sheetName, index, headCrossRowNum, excelInfo != null);

            if (!dt.Columns.Contains(LangConst.ErrorInfo))
                dt.Columns.Add(LangConst.ErrorInfo, System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar);
            dt.TableName = excelInfo != null ? ObjName : TableName;
            bool         result  = false;
            string       msg     = string.Empty;
            ImportResult iResult = BeforeImport(dt, excelInfo, out msg);

            if (iResult == ImportResult.Continue)
                result = FormatExcel(dt, excelInfo);
                if (result)
                    result = ExcelConfig.AcceptChanges(dt, excelInfo, ObjName);// dt.AcceptChanges(AcceptOp.Auto);
                result = iResult == ImportResult.True;
            if (!result)
                if (dt.DynamicData != null && dt.DynamicData is Exception)
                    msg  = ((Exception)dt.DynamicData).Message;
                    msg += LangConst.ImportTemplateNotMatch;
                if (excelStream == null)
                    excelStream = ExcelHelper.SetError(dt);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                    msg = LangConst.ImportError + (excelStream != null ? LangConst.ImportCheckErrorInfo : LangConst.ImportCheckTemplateIsRight);
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                msg = LangConst.ImportSuccess;
            dt.DynamicData = null;
            dt             = null;

            jsonResult = JsonHelper.OutResult(result, msg);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private int ProcessProductManufacturers(ICollection <ImportRow <Product> > batch, ImportResult result)
            _rsProductManufacturer.AutoCommitEnabled = false;

            ProductManufacturer lastInserted = null;

            foreach (var row in batch)
                string manufacturerIds = row.GetValue <string>("ManufacturerIds");
                if (manufacturerIds.HasValue())
                        foreach (var id in manufacturerIds.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim())))
                            if (_rsProductManufacturer.TableUntracked.Where(x => x.ProductId == row.Entity.Id && x.ManufacturerId == id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                                // ensure that manufacturer exists
                                var manufacturer = _manufacturerService.GetManufacturerById(id);
                                if (manufacturer != null)
                                    var productManufacturer = new ProductManufacturer()
                                        ProductId         = row.Entity.Id,
                                        ManufacturerId    = manufacturer.Id,
                                        IsFeaturedProduct = false,
                                        DisplayOrder      = 1
                                    lastInserted = productManufacturer;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result.AddWarning(ex.Message, row.GetRowInfo(), "ManufacturerIds");

            // commit whole batch at once
            var num = _rsProductManufacturer.Context.SaveChanges();

            // Perf: notify only about LAST insertion and update
            if (lastInserted != null)

Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Funzione per la restituzione del report
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ResultsContainer GetReport()
            // Viene risvegliato il thread

            // Numero di documenti non importati ed importati con
            // warning
            int importedWithWarningOrNotImported = 0;

            // Calcolo del numero di documenti importati con warning
            importedWithWarningOrNotImported += this.report.Attachment != null?
                                                this.report.Attachment.Where(e => e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings || e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.KO).Count() :

            importedWithWarningOrNotImported += this.report.GrayDocument != null?
                                                this.report.GrayDocument.Where(e => e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings || e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.KO).Count() :

            importedWithWarningOrNotImported += this.report.InDocument != null?
                                                this.report.InDocument.Where(e => e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings || e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.KO).Count() :

            importedWithWarningOrNotImported += this.report.OutDocument != null?
                                                this.report.OutDocument.Where(e => e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings || e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.KO).Count() :

            importedWithWarningOrNotImported += this.report.OwnDocument != null?
                                                this.report.OwnDocument.Where(e => e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings || e.Outcome == OutcomeEnumeration.KO).Count() :

            ImportResult importResult = new ImportResult();

            // Aggiunta di un messaggio nel report generale
            // Se non ci sono documenti importati con warning o non importati,
            // viene aggiunto un messaggio positivo altrimenti viene aggiunto un
            // messaggio di warning
            if (this.totalNumberOfDocumentToImport == 0)
                importResult.Outcome = OutcomeEnumeration.Warnings;
                importResult.Message = "Non è stato rilevato nessun documento da importare.";
            if (importedWithWarningOrNotImported == 0)
                importResult.Message = "Nessun messaggio generale da mostrare.";
                importResult.Message = String.Format("Attenzione! {0} documenti hanno presentato problemi durante l'importazione. Controllare gli altri tab per maggiori informazioni.",
                importResult.Outcome = OutcomeEnumeration.KO;

            this.report.General = new ImportResult[] {

            // Viene restituito il report
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public async Task <ImportResult> Import(DocumentsOperationContext context, Stream stream, Action <IOperationProgress> onProgress = null)
            var result   = new ImportResult();
            var progress = new IndeterminateProgress();
            var state    = new JsonParserState();

            JsonOperationContext.ManagedPinnedBuffer buffer;
            using (context.GetManagedBuffer(out buffer))
                using (var parser = new UnmanagedJsonParser(context, state, "fileName"))
                    var operateOnType = "__top_start_object";
                    var buildVersion  = 0L;
                    var identities    = new Dictionary <string, long>();
                    VersioningStorage versioningStorage = null;

                    while (true)
                        if (parser.Read() == false)
                            var read = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.Buffer.Array, buffer.Buffer.Offset, buffer.Length);

                            if (read == 0)
                                if (state.CurrentTokenType != JsonParserToken.EndObject)
                                    throw new EndOfStreamException("Stream ended without reaching end of json content");
                            parser.SetBuffer(buffer, read);

                        switch (state.CurrentTokenType)
                        case JsonParserToken.String:
                                operateOnType =
                                    new LazyStringValue(null, state.StringBuffer, state.StringSize, context).ToString();

                        case JsonParserToken.Integer:
                            switch (operateOnType)
                            case "BuildVersion":
                                buildVersion = state.Long;

                        case JsonParserToken.StartObject:
                            if (operateOnType == "__top_start_object")
                                operateOnType = null;
                            var builder = new BlittableJsonDocumentBuilder(_batchPutCommand.Context, BlittableJsonDocumentBuilder.UsageMode.ToDisk, "ImportObject", parser, state);
                            while (builder.Read() == false)
                                var read = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.Buffer.Array, buffer.Buffer.Offset, buffer.Length);

                                if (read == 0)
                                    throw new EndOfStreamException("Stream ended without reaching end of json content");
                                parser.SetBuffer(buffer, read);

                            if (operateOnType == "Docs" && Options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Documents))
                                progress.Progress = "Importing Documents";
                                PatchDocument patch        = null;
                                PatchRequest  patchRequest = null;
                                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Options.TransformScript) == false)
                                    patch        = new PatchDocument(context.DocumentDatabase);
                                    patchRequest = new PatchRequest
                                        Script = Options.TransformScript

                                var reader   = builder.CreateReader();
                                var document = new Document
                                    Data = reader,

                                if (Options.IncludeExpired == false && document.Expired(_database.Time.GetUtcNow()))

                                TransformScriptOrDisableVersioningIfNeeded(context, patch, reader, document,


                                if (result.DocumentsCount % 1000 == 0)
                                    progress.Progress = $"Imported {result.DocumentsCount} documents";

                                await HandleBatchOfDocuments(context, parser, buildVersion).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            else if (operateOnType == "RevisionDocuments" &&
                                if (versioningStorage == null)

                                var reader = builder.CreateReader();
                                await HandleBatchOfDocuments(context, parser, buildVersion).ConfigureAwait(false);;
                                using (builder)
                                    switch (operateOnType)
                                    case "Attachments":
                                        result.Warnings.Add("Attachments are not supported anymore. Use RavenFS isntead. Skipping.");

                                    case "Indexes":
                                        if (Options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Indexes) == false)

                                        progress.Progress = "importing Indexes";
                                            IndexProcessor.Import(builder, _database, buildVersion, Options.RemoveAnalyzers);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            result.Warnings.Add($"Could not import index. Message: {e.Message}");


                                    case "Transformers":
                                        if (Options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Transformers) == false)

                                        progress.Progress = "Importing Transformers";

                                            TransformerProcessor.Import(builder, _database, buildVersion);
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            result.Warnings.Add($"Could not import transformer. Message: {e.Message}");

                                    case "Identities":
                                        if (Options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Identities))
                                            progress.Progress = "Importing Identities";

                                            using (var reader = builder.CreateReader())
                                                    string identityKey, identityValueString;
                                                    long   identityValue;
                                                    if (reader.TryGet("Key", out identityKey) == false || reader.TryGet("Value", out identityValueString) == false || long.TryParse(identityValueString, out identityValue) == false)
                                                        result.Warnings.Add($"Cannot import the following identity: '{reader}'. Skipping.");
                                                        identities[identityKey] = identityValue;
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    result.Warnings.Add($"Cannot import the following identity: '{reader}'. Error: {e}. Skipping.");

                                            $"The following type is not recognized: '{operateOnType}'. Skipping.");

                        case JsonParserToken.StartArray:
                            switch (operateOnType)
                            case "RevisionDocuments":
                                // We are taking a reference here since the documents import can activate or disable the versioning.
                                // We hold a local copy because the user can disable the bundle during the import process, exteranly.
                                // In this case we want to continue to import the revisions documents.
                                versioningStorage           = _database.BundleLoader.VersioningStorage;
                                _batchPutCommand.IsRevision = true;

                        case JsonParserToken.EndArray:
                            switch (operateOnType)
                            case "Docs":
                                await FinishBatchOfDocuments();

                                _batchPutCommand = new MergedBatchPutCommand(_database, buildVersion);

                            case "RevisionDocuments":
                                await FinishBatchOfDocuments();


                            case "Identities":
                                if (identities.Count > 0)
                                    using (var tx = context.OpenWriteTransaction())
                                        _database.DocumentsStorage.UpdateIdentities(context, identities);
                                identities = null;

Ejemplo n.º 30
        private void InitializeHandlers()
            OutputErrorLog = (path, errorInfo, sourceFilePath) => {
                var exists = File.Exists(path);
                using (var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding(932)))
                        if (exists)
                        var now = DateTime.Now;
                        writer.WriteLine($"{now:yyyy年MM月dd日 HH時mm分ss秒}");
                        foreach (var error in errorInfo)

            ImportCustomerAsync = async(InsertList, UpdateList, DeleteList) => {
                ImportResult result = null;
                    await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync <CustomerMasterClient>(async client
                                                                             => result = await client.ImportAsync(SessionKey,
                                                                                                                  InsertList.ToArray(), UpdateList.ToArray(), DeleteList.ToArray()));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    NLogHandler.WriteErrorLog(this, ex, SessionKey);
                return(result ?? new ImportResult());

            GetCollectCategoryAsync = async() => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (CategoryMasterClient client) => {
                var result = await client.GetItemsAsync(SessionKey,
                                                        new CategorySearch
                    CompanyId    = CompanyId,
                    CategoryType = CollectCategoryType,
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)
                return(new List <Category>());

            GetStaffAsync = async() => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (StaffMasterClient client) => {
                var result = await client.GetItemsAsync(SessionKey, new StaffSearch {
                    CompanyId = CompanyId
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)
                return(new List <Staff>());

            GetCustomerAsync = async() => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (CustomerMasterClient client) =>
                var result = await client.GetItemsAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, new CustomerSearch {
                    CompanyId = CompanyId
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)
                return(new List <Customer>());

            GetLeagalPersonaritiesAsync = async() => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (JuridicalPersonalityMasterClient client) => {
                var result = await client.GetItemsAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId);
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)
                    return(result.JuridicalPersonalities.Select(x => x.Kana));
                return(Enumerable.Empty <string>());

            GetImporterSettingAsync = async(int formatId, string code) => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (ImporterSettingServiceClient client) => {
                var result = await client.GetHeaderByCodeAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, formatId, code);
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)

            GetImporterSettingDetailAsync = async(int formatId, string code) => await ServiceProxyFactory.DoAsync(async (ImporterSettingServiceClient client) => {
                var result = await client.GetDetailByCodeAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, formatId, code);
                if (result.ProcessResult.Result)
                return(new List <ImporterSettingDetail>());

            GetRoundingTypeAsync = async() => {
                var res = await Util.GetGeneralSettingAsync(Login, "取込時端数処理");

                if (!Enum.TryParse(res.Value, out roundingType))
                    throw new Exception("取込時端数処理");

            GetMasterDataForCustomerGroupParentAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                                       => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                                   => await client.GetImportItemsForCustomerGroupParentAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            GetMasterDataForCustomerGroupChildAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                                      => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                                  => await client.GetImportItemsForCustomerGroupChildAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            GetMasterDataForKanaHistoryAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                               => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                           => await client.GetImportItemsForKanaHistoryAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            GetMasterDataForBillingAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                           => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                       => await client.GetImportItemsForBillingAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            GetMasterDataForReceiptAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                           => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                       => await client.GetImportItemsForReceiptAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            GetMasterDataForNettingAsync = async(string[] codes)
                                           => await GetMasterDataAsync(async client
                                                                       => await client.GetImportItemsForNettingAsync(SessionKey, CompanyId, codes));

            LogError = ex => NLogHandler.WriteErrorLog(this, ex, SessionKey);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void Import()

            MDataRow excelInfo = null;
            int      index = 0, headCrossRowNum = 0;
            string   sheetName = null;

                excelInfo = ExcelConfig.GetExcelRow(ObjName);
                if (excelInfo != null)
                    index           = excelInfo.Get <int>(Config_Excel.StartIndex, 0);
                    headCrossRowNum = excelInfo.Get <int>(Config_Excel.HeadCrossRowNum, 0);
                    sheetName       = excelInfo.Get <string>(Config_Excel.Description);
            catch (Exception err)
            MDataTable dt = ExcelHelper.ReadExcel(null, sheetName, index, headCrossRowNum, excelInfo != null);

            if (!dt.Columns.Contains("错误信息"))
                dt.Columns.Add("错误信息", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar);
            dt.TableName = excelInfo != null ? ObjName : TableName;
            bool         result  = false;
            string       msg     = string.Empty;
            ImportResult iResult = BeforeImport(dt, excelInfo, out msg);

            if (iResult == ImportResult.Continue)
                result = FormatExcel(dt, excelInfo);
                if (result)
                    result = ExcelConfig.AcceptChanges(dt, excelInfo, ObjName);// dt.AcceptChanges(AcceptOp.Auto);
                result = iResult == ImportResult.True;
            if (!result)
                if (dt.DynamicData != null && dt.DynamicData is Exception)
                    msg  = ((Exception)dt.DynamicData).Message;
                    msg += "(PS:可能模板不匹配)";
                if (excelStream == null)
                    excelStream = ExcelHelper.SetError(dt);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                    msg = "导入失败" + (excelStream != null ? "(请查看输出的Excel错误信息)" : "(请检测是否模板错误)");
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                msg = "导入成功";
            dt.DynamicData = null;
            dt             = null;

            jsonResult = JsonHelper.OutResult(result, msg);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public async Task <IActionResult> Reimport(Guid commissionStatementId, [FromQuery] Guid commissionStatementTemplateId, [FromQuery] Guid?userId)
            var scope = AuthenticationService.GetScope(User);

            var statement = await CommissionStatementService.GetCommissionStatement(scope, commissionStatementId);

            if (statement == null)

            var path         = new CommissionStatementDirectoryPath(scope.OrganisationId, commissionStatementId);
            var fileInfoList = await FileStorageService.GetFileInfoListAsync(path);

            if (!fileInfoList.Any())
                return(this.BadRequestMessage("Reimport failed as there are no existing statement files."));

            var queryOptions = new CommissionStatementTemplateQueryOptions("", "", 0, 0);

            queryOptions.Date = statement.Date;

            var templates = (await CommissionStatementTemplateService.GetTemplates(queryOptions)).Items;

            if (!templates.Any(t => t.Id == commissionStatementTemplateId))
                return(this.BadRequestMessage("Reimport failed as the commissionStatementTemplateId is not valid."));

            var template = await CommissionStatementTemplateService.GetTemplate(commissionStatementTemplateId);

            string brokerFullName = null;

            if (template.BrokerSpecific)
                if (!userId.HasValue)
                    return(this.BadRequestMessage("UserId required for broker specific templates."));

                var user = await UserService.GetUser(scope, userId.Value);

                if (user == null)
                    return(this.BadRequestMessage("Invalid UserId."));

                brokerFullName = $"{user.FirstName} {user.LastName}";

            await CommissionStatementService.DeleteCommissions(scope, commissionStatementId);

            var result = new ImportResult();

            foreach (var fileInfo in fileInfoList)
                using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                    await FileStorageService.GetFile(fileInfo.Url, stream);

                    var vatRate = await DirectoryLookupService.GetVATRate(statement.Date ?? DateTime.Now);

                    var reader = new CommissionImportReader(template.Config, vatRate, brokerFullName);
                    var items  = reader.Read(stream);

                    result = await CommissionImportService.ImportCommissions(scope, commissionStatementId, items);

                    if (result.UnknownCommissionTypeValues.Any())
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        using (var copy = new MemoryStream())
                            await stream.CopyToAsync(copy);

                            copy.Position = 0;

                            var attachment = GetEmailAttachmentFromCloud(fileInfo, copy);
                            await SendUnkownCommissionTypesEmail(result, scope, commissionStatementId, template, attachment);

                    if (!result.Results.Any(r => r.Success))
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        using (var copy = new MemoryStream())
                            await stream.CopyToAsync(copy);

                            copy.Position = 0;

                            var attachment = GetEmailAttachmentFromCloud(fileInfo, copy);
                            await SendZeroEntriesEmail(scope, commissionStatementId, template, attachment);

Ejemplo n.º 33
        public void Constructor_DefaultsImportedFilesToEmptyArray()
            var result = new ImportResult();

Ejemplo n.º 34
        public async Task <IActionResult> Import(Guid commissionStatementId, [FromQuery] Guid commissionStatementTemplateId, [FromQuery] Guid?userId)
            var scope = AuthenticationService.GetScope(User);

            var file = Request.Form.Files.FirstOrDefault();

            if (file == null)

            var statement = await CommissionStatementService.GetCommissionStatement(scope, commissionStatementId);

            var template = await CommissionStatementTemplateService.GetTemplate(commissionStatementTemplateId);

            string brokerFullName = null;

            if (template.BrokerSpecific)
                if (!userId.HasValue)
                    return(this.BadRequestMessage("UserId required for broker specific templates."));

                var user = await UserService.GetUser(scope, userId.Value);

                if (user == null)
                    return(this.BadRequestMessage("Invalid UserId."));

                brokerFullName = $"{user.FirstName} {user.LastName}";

            var config = template.Config;

            var result = new ImportResult();

            using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                var vatRate = await DirectoryLookupService.GetVATRate(statement.Date ?? DateTime.Now);

                var reader = new CommissionImportReader(config, vatRate, brokerFullName);
                var items  = reader.Read(stream);

                result = await CommissionImportService.ImportCommissions(scope, commissionStatementId, items);

            if (result.UnknownCommissionTypeValues.Any())
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var attachment = GetEmailAttachment(file, stream);
                    await SendUnkownCommissionTypesEmail(result, scope, commissionStatementId, template, attachment);

            if (!result.Results.Any(r => r.Success))
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var attachment = GetEmailAttachment(file, stream);
                    await SendZeroEntriesEmail(scope, commissionStatementId, template, attachment);

            if (result.Results.Any())
                using (var stream = file.OpenReadStream())
                    var path = new CommissionStatementFilePath(scope.OrganisationId, commissionStatementId, file.FileName);
                    await FileStorageService.AddFileAsync(path, stream);

Ejemplo n.º 35
        public void Import()
            ImportResult = new ImportResult();
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

            using (var stream = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
              using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
            var header = new Header(reader);
            var data = new Data(reader, header.DataSize);

            // route
            var routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
            foreach(var w in data.Waypoints)
              if(routeSegment.Waypoints.Count == 0 || routeSegment.LastWaypoint.Time < w.Time)
                routeSegment.Waypoints.Add(new Waypoint(w.Time, new LongLat(w.Longitude, w.Latitude), w.Altitude, w.HeartRate, null, w.Cadence, w.Power));
            ImportResult.Route = new Route(new List<RouteSegment>() { routeSegment });

            // laps
            if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1)
              ImportResult.Laps = new LapCollection();
              ImportResult.Laps.Add(new Lap(routeSegment.FirstWaypoint.Time, LapType.Start));
              foreach (var l in data.Laps)
                if (l.Time > routeSegment.FirstWaypoint.Time && l.Time < routeSegment.LastWaypoint.Time)
                ImportResult.Laps.Add(new Lap(l.Time, LapType.Lap));
              ImportResult.Laps.Add(new Lap(routeSegment.LastWaypoint.Time, LapType.Stop));

            ImportResult.Succeeded = true;
              catch (Exception ex)
            ImportResult.Exception = ex;
              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();

              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());

              XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(FileName);
              XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(reader);
              XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
              XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);
              nsManager.AddNamespace("ns", "http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrainingCenterDatabase/v2");
              XPathNodeIterator activities = nav.Select("//ns:Activity", nsManager);

              while (activities.MoveNext())
            XPathNavigator id = activities.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Id", nsManager);
            if (id != null && DateTime.Parse(id.Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") == IdToImport)
              // the activity was found

              // the laps
              XPathNodeIterator lapNodes = activities.Current.Select("ns:Lap", nsManager);
              List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
              RouteSegment routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              while (lapNodes.MoveNext())
            // the tracks
            XPathNodeIterator trackNodes = lapNodes.Current.Select("ns:Track", nsManager);
            int trackCount = 0;
            while (trackNodes.MoveNext())
              if (trackCount > 0)
                if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);
                routeSegment = new RouteSegment();
              XPathNodeIterator trackpointNodes = trackNodes.Current.Select("ns:Trackpoint", nsManager);
              DateTime lastTime = DateTime.MinValue;
              LongLat lastLongLat = null;
              int trackpointCount = 0;
              while (trackpointNodes.MoveNext())
                Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint();
                waypoint.Time = DateTime.Parse(trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Time", nsManager).Value).ToUniversalTime();
                XPathNavigator position = trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:Position", nsManager);
                if (position != null)
                  waypoint.LongLat = new LongLat(
                    position.SelectSingleNode("ns:LongitudeDegrees", nsManager).ValueAsDouble,
                    position.SelectSingleNode("ns:LatitudeDegrees", nsManager).ValueAsDouble);
                if (trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:AltitudeMeters", nsManager) != null)
                  waypoint.Altitude = trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:AltitudeMeters", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;
                if (trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:HeartRateBpm/ns:Value", nsManager) != null)
                  waypoint.HeartRate = trackpointNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:HeartRateBpm/ns:Value", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;
                if (waypoint.HeartRate == null && routeSegment.LastWaypoint != null)
                  // sometimes heart rates are only present at some nodes, so use last valid heart rate
                  waypoint.HeartRate = routeSegment.LastWaypoint.HeartRate;
                // do not add waypoint if it has the same location or time as the previous one
                if (waypoint.LongLat != null && !waypoint.LongLat.Equals(lastLongLat) && waypoint.Time != lastTime)
                  // special handling for positionless trackpoint in the beginning, use its time together with next position
                  if (trackpointCount == 1 && lastLongLat == null && routeSegment.Waypoints.Count == 0)
                    waypoint.Time = lastTime;
                lastLongLat = waypoint.LongLat;
                lastTime = waypoint.Time;
              if (lastLongLat == null && routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1)
                // special handling for positionless trackpoint in the end, use its time together with previous position
                routeSegment.Waypoints[routeSegment.Waypoints.Count - 1].Time = lastTime;

              // add last route segment
              if (routeSegment.Waypoints.Count > 1) routeSegments.Add(routeSegment);

              // set position of all start and end waypoints of the route segments if they are null
              foreach (RouteSegment rs in routeSegments)
            if (rs.FirstWaypoint.LongLat == null && rs.Waypoints.Count > 1) rs.Waypoints[1] = rs.Waypoints[1].Clone();
            if (rs.LastWaypoint.LongLat == null && rs.Waypoints.Count > 1)
              rs.Waypoints[rs.Waypoints.Count - 1] = rs.Waypoints[rs.Waypoints.Count - 2].Clone();

              // the laps
              lapNodes = activities.Current.Select("ns:Lap", nsManager);
              // first store all elapsed times
              List<double> elapsedTimes = new List<double>();
              LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
              if (lapNodes.MoveNext())
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse(lapNodes.Current.GetAttribute("StartTime", "")).ToUniversalTime();
            double elapsedTime = 0;
              elapsedTime += lapNodes.Current.SelectSingleNode("ns:TotalTimeSeconds", nsManager).ValueAsDouble;
            } while (lapNodes.MoveNext());

            laps = RouteImporterUtil.CreateLapsFromElapsedTimes(startTime, elapsedTimes, routeSegments);

              importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);
              importResult.Laps = laps;
              importResult.Succeeded = importResult.Route.Segments.Count > 0;
              if(importResult.Route.Segments.Count == 0) importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;

              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public ImportResult Import(Guid account, dynamic rows, bool execute)
            List <ReceiptOrPayment> existingPayments = GetPayments();
            //List<BankReceipt> existingReceipts=GetReceipts();
            ImportResult importResult = new ImportResult {
                exists = 0, done = 0, failed = 0

            List <Manager.Model.Object> newObjs = new List <Manager.Model.Object>();

            foreach (dynamic row in rows)
                Decimal  amount;
                DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
                if (!Decimal.TryParse(row.Amount, out amount) ||
                    !DateTime.TryParse(row.Date, out dateTime)
                String description = row.Description;
                if (hasTransaction(account, existingPayments,
                                   dateTime, amount, description) != null)
                Manager.Model.Object mObj;

                 *              if(amount > 0) {
                 *                      BankReceipt receipt = new BankReceipt() {
                 *                              Date = dateTime,
                 *                              Description = description,
                 *                              BankAccount=account
                 *                      };
                 *                      //receipt.DebitAccount;
                 *                      //receipt.Description;
                 *                      //Amount = 0 - amount;
                 *                      TransactionLine line = new TransactionLine() {
                 *                              Amount = amount
                 *                      };
                 *                      receipt.Lines = new TransactionLine[1] { line };
                 *                      mObj = receipt;
                 *              } else {
                ReceiptOrPayment payment = new ReceiptOrPayment()
                    Date        = dateTime,
                    BankAccount = account,
                    Description = description
                TransactionLine line = new TransactionLine()
                    Amount = amount
                payment.Lines = new TransactionLine[1] {
                mObj = payment;

                mObj.Key = Guid.NewGuid();
            if (execute)
                foreach (var obj in newObjs)
Ejemplo n.º 38
        public ImportResult Import(GLTFAccessor.ImportResult[] accessors, GLTFNode.ImportResult[] nodes, ImportSettings importSettings)
            ImportResult result = new ImportResult();

            result.clip      = new AnimationClip();
            result.clip.name = name;

            if (importSettings.useLegacyClips)
                result.clip.legacy = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++)
                Channel channel = channels[i];
                if (samplers.Length <= channel.sampler)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Animation channel points to sampler at index " + channel.sampler + " which doesn't exist. Skipping animation clip.");
                Sampler sampler = samplers[channel.sampler];

                string relativePath = "";

                GLTFNode.ImportResult node = nodes[channel.target.node.Value];
                while (node != null && !node.IsRoot)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                        relativePath = node.transform.name;
                        relativePath = node.transform.name + "/" + relativePath;

                    if (node.parent.HasValue)
                        node = nodes[node.parent.Value];
                        node = null;

                float[] keyframeInput = accessors[sampler.input].ReadFloat().ToArray();
                switch (channel.target.path)
                case "translation":
                    Vector3[]      pos  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve posX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        posX.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], pos[k].x);
                        posY.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], pos[k].y);
                        posZ.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], -pos[k].z);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", posX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", posY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", posZ);

                case "rotation":
                    Vector4[]      rot  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec4().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve rotX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotW = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        rotX.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], rot[k].x);
                        rotY.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], rot[k].y);
                        rotZ.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], -rot[k].z);
                        rotW.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], -rot[k].w);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", rotX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", rotY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", rotZ);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", rotW);

                case "scale":
                    Vector3[]      scale  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve scaleX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        scaleX.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], scale[k].x);
                        scaleY.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], scale[k].y);
                        scaleZ.AddKey(keyframeInput[k], scale[k].z);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", scaleX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", scaleY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", scaleZ);

                case "weights":
                    Debug.LogWarning("morph weights in animation is not supported");
Ejemplo n.º 39
        private void ImportShpByMemory(string filePath)


            Workspace workspace           = new Workspace();
            DatasourceConnectionInfo info = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();

            info.EngineType = EngineType.MySQL;
            info.Server        = server;
            info.Database      = database;
            info.User          = userName;
            info.Password      = password;
            info.Driver        = driver;
            info.IsAutoConnect = true;
            info.Alias         = "MySQL"; //不能为空
                                          // 打开数据库数据源
            Datasource datasource = workspace.Datasources.Open(info);
            //DatasourceConnectionInfo udbInfo = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();
            //udbInfo.EngineType = EngineType.UDB;
            //udbInfo.Server = @"D:\MicroDesktop\Temp\test";
            //// 创建/打开数据库数据源
            //Datasource udbDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Create(udbInfo);
            //Datasource udbDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Open(udbInfo);

            DatasourceConnectionInfo memInfo = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();

            memInfo.EngineType = EngineType.Memory;
            memInfo.Alias      = "fdgdfgd";
            memInfo.Server     = "tyjyutjyu";
            // 创建/打开数据库数据源
            Datasource memDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Create(memInfo);

            //DatasourceConnectionInfo scvInfo = new DatasourceConnectionInfo();
            //scvInfo.EngineType = EngineType.VectorFile;
            //scvInfo.Server = @"D:\MicroDesktop\Temp\test2";
            //// 创建/打开数据库数据源
            //Datasource scvDatasource = workspace.Datasources.Create(scvInfo);

            if (datasource != null)
                ImportResult result = ImportShpToMemory(filePath, memDatasource);
                if (result.FailedSettings.Length == 0)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < memDatasource.Datasets.Count; i++)
                    //    DatasetVector datasetVector = (DatasetVector)memDatasource.Datasets[i];
                    //    Dataset newDataset = datasource.CopyDataset(datasetVector, datasetVector.Name, EncodeType.None);

                    DatasetVector datasetVector = (DatasetVector)memDatasource.Datasets[0];
                    //datasource.Datasets.CreateFromTemplate(datasetVector.Name, datasetVector);
                    //var t1=datasource.Datasets.CreateFromTemplate(datasetVector.Name, memDatasource.Datasets[0]);
                    //var t2= datasource.CopyDataset(datasetVector, datasetVector.Name, EncodeType.None);

                    var re = datasetVector.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic);

                    var v3 = datasource.Datasets.CreateAndAppendWithSmid(targetTableName, re);
                    var v4 = datasource.Datasets.CreateFromTemplate(targetTableName, memDatasource.Datasets[0]);
                    var v5 = datasource.CopyDataset(datasetVector, targetTableName, datasetVector.EncodeType);
                    var dataset = datasource.Datasets[targetTableName];
                    var ve      = dataset as DatasetVector;
                    var record  = ve?.GetRecordset(false, SuperMap.Data.CursorType.Dynamic);
                    //var v2= datasource.RecordsetToDataset(re, targetTableName);

                    //String name = datasource.Datasets.GetAvailableDatasetName(targetTableName);
                    // 设置矢量数据集的信息
                    //DatasetVectorInfo datasetVectorInfo = new DatasetVectorInfo();
                    //datasetVectorInfo.Type = DatasetType.Line;
                    //datasetVectorInfo.IsFileCache = true;
                    //datasetVectorInfo.Name = name;
                    //datasetVectorInfo.Bounds = new Rectangle2D(new Point2D(0, 0), new Point2D(10, 10));
                    //Console.WriteLine("矢量数据集的信息为:" + datasetVectorInfo.ToString());

                    //// 创建矢量数据集

                    //var d2= datasource.CopyDatasetWithSmID(udbDatasource.Datasets[0], targetTableName, EncodeType.None);
                    //var d = datasource.CopyDataset(udbDatasource.Datasets[0], targetTableName, EncodeType.None);

            // 释放工作空间资源
Ejemplo n.º 40
        public ExcelModule()
            : base("Excel")
            Post["/GridExport"] = r =>
                string excelParam = Request.Form["excelParam"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(excelParam))

                ExcelInfo info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExcelInfo>(excelParam);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.FileName))
                    info.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ".xls";
                    if (!info.FileName.EndsWith(".xls"))
                        info.FileName = info.FileName + ".xls";
                MemoryStream ms     = info.ExportExeclStream();
                byte[]       msbyte = ms.GetBuffer();
                ms = null;

                return(new Response()
                    Contents = stream => { stream.Write(msbyte, 0, msbyte.Length); },
                    ContentType = "application/msexcel",
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                    Headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(info.FileName)) },
                        { "Content-Length", msbyte.Length.ToString() }

            /// <summary>
            /// 导出Excel模版
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="type">业务类型</param>
            /// <param name="FunctionCode">对应功能模块Code</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            Get["/DownLoadTemplate"] = r =>
                if (AllImports == null)
                    AllImports = MefConfig.ResolveMany <ExcelImport>();
                string          strType = Request.Query["type"];
                ExcelImportType type    = EnumHelper.StringToEnum <ExcelImportType>(strType);
                var             handler = AllImports.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type == type);
                if (handler == null)
                    throw new Exception("未找到“" + type.ToString() + "”相应处理模块");

                string path = ExcelImporMapper.GetTemplatePath(type);
                if (File.Exists(path))
                        string FileName = Path.GetFileName(path);

                        return(new Response()
                            Contents = stream => { handler.GetExportTemplate(path, stream); },
                            ContentType = MimeHelper.GetMineType(path),
                            StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                            Headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(FileName)) }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
                    throw new Exception("未找到“" + type.ToString() + "”对应模版文件");

            /// <summary>
            /// 导入Excel模版
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            Post["/ImportTemplate"] = r =>
                ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
                    if (AllImports == null)
                        AllImports = MefConfig.ResolveMany <ExcelImport>();
                    string ywType = Request.Query["type"];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ywType))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("ywType");
                    ExcelImportType type = EnumHelper.StringToEnum <ExcelImportType>(ywType);

                    HttpFile file = Request.Files.First();

                    var handler = AllImports.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Type == type);
                    if (handler == null)
                        throw new Exception("未找到“" + type.ToString() + "”相应处理模块");

                    result = handler.ImportTemplate(file.Value, file.Name, null);
                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        //是否获取详细数据,决定后台是否返回 result.ExtraInfo
                        string ReturnDetailData = Request.Query["ReturnDetailData"];
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnDetailData) || ReturnDetailData != "1")
                            result.ExtraInfo = null;
                        result.Message = Request.Url.SiteBase + result.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.IsSuccess = false;
                    result.Message   = ex.Message;
                    LogHelper.Error("Excel导入异常", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public ImportResult ImportContent()
            var result = new ImportResult();

            var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;

            var allowSystemChanges = UserInfo.IsSuperUser;

            var appId = int.Parse(request["AppId"]);
            var zoneId = int.Parse(request["ZoneId"]);
            if (request.Files.Count > 0)
                var file = request.Files[0];
                if (file.FileName.EndsWith(".zip"))
                {   // ZIP
                    var zipImport = new ZipImport(zoneId, appId, PortalSettings.UserInfo.IsSuperUser);
                    result.Succeeded = zipImport.ImportZip(file.InputStream, HttpContext.Current.Server, PortalSettings, result.Messages);
                {   // XML
                    using (var fileStreamReader = new StreamReader(file.InputStream))
                        var xmlImport = new XmlImport(PortalSettings.DefaultLanguage, UserIdentity.CurrentUserIdentityToken, allowSystemChanges);
                        var xmlDocument = XDocument.Parse(fileStreamReader.ReadToEnd());
                        result.Succeeded = xmlImport.ImportXml(zoneId, appId, xmlDocument);
                        result.Messages = xmlImport.ImportLog;
            return result;
    protected void ProcessImportedData (ImportResult import)

        FinancialAccount assetAccount = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(this.DropAssetAccount.SelectedValue));
        FinancialAccount autoDepositAccount =
        FinancialAccount autoWithdrawalAccount =
        int autoDepositLimit = Int32.Parse(this.TextDepositLimit.Text);
        int autoWithdrawalLimit = Int32.Parse(this.TextWithdrawalLimit.Text);
        int organizationId = Int32.Parse(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue);
        Organization organization = Organization.FromIdentity(organizationId);

        int importedTransactionCount = 0;

        foreach (ImportedRow row in import.Rows)
            // Each row is at least a stub, probably more.

            // If too old, ignore.

            if (row.DateTime < new DateTime(2008, 12, 4))

            string importKey = row.SuppliedTransactionId;

            // If importKey is empty, construct a hash from the data fields.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importKey))
                string hashKey = row.HashBase + row.Comment + (row.AmountCentsNet/100.0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + row.CurrentBalance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +

                importKey = SHA1.Hash(hashKey).Replace(" ", "");

            if (importKey.Length > 30)
                importKey = importKey.Substring(0, 30);

            Int64 amountCents = row.AmountCentsNet;

            if (amountCents == 0)
                amountCents = row.AmountCentsGross;

            FinancialTransaction transaction = FinancialTransaction.ImportWithStub(organizationId, row.DateTime,
                                                                                   assetAccount.Identity, amountCents,
                                                                                   row.Comment, importKey,

            if (transaction != null)
                // The transaction was created. Examine if the autobook criteria are true.


                FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.FromBankTransactionTag(row.Comment);

                if (accounts.Count == 1)
                    // This is a labelled local donation.

                    Geography geography = accounts[0].AssignedGeography;
                    FinancialAccount localAccount = accounts[0];

                    transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.IncomeDonations, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                                       amountCents, _currentUser);
                    transaction.AddRow(localAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);

                    Activizr.Logic.Support.PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.LocalDonationReceived,
                                                                 _currentUser.Identity, organizationId,
                                                                 geography.Identity, 0,
                                                                 transaction.Identity, localAccount.Identity.ToString());
                else if (row.Comment.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("bg 451-0061 "))   // TODO: Organization.Parameters.FinancialTrackedTransactionPrefix
                    // Check for previously imported payment group

                    PaymentGroup group = PaymentGroup.FromTag(organization,
                                                              "SEBGM" + DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() +   // TODO: Get tagging from org

                    if (group != null)
                        // There was a previously imported and not yet closed payment group matching this transaction
                        // Close the payment group and match the transaction against accounts receivable

                        transaction.Dependency = group;
                        group.Open = false;
                        transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.AssetsOutboundInvoices, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                else if (amountCents < 0)
                    if ((-amountCents) < autoWithdrawalLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoWithdrawal account.
                        transaction.AddRow(autoWithdrawalAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);
                else if (amountCents > 0)
                    if (row.Fee < 0)
                        // This is always an autodeposit, if there is a fee (which is never > 0.0)

                        transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.CostsBankFees, -row.Fee, _currentUser);
                        transaction.AddRow(autoDepositAccount, -row.AmountCentsGross, _currentUser);
                    else if (amountCents < autoDepositLimit * 100)
                        // Book against autoDeposit account.

                        transaction.AddRow(autoDepositAccount, -amountCents, _currentUser);

        // Import complete. Examine if we expect more transactions -- if the imported balance differs from
        // the database balance:

        double databaseAccountBalance = assetAccount.BalanceTotal;

        bool mismatch = false;

        if (databaseAccountBalance != import.CurrentBalance)
            mismatch = true;

        string message = importedTransactionCount.ToString() + " transactions were imported.";

        if (importedTransactionCount == 0)
            message = "No transactions were imported. ";
        else if (importedTransactionCount == 1)
            message = "One transaction was imported. ";

        if (import.CurrentBalance > 0)
            if (mismatch)
                message += " Transactions are missing from the database. Import more transactions.";
                message += " The account balance is up to date. No further import is necessary.";

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, Page.GetType(), "alldone",
                                                    "alert ('The account balance is up to date. No further import is necessary.');",

                // Auto-match open payouts against new transactions


        this.LabelImportResultText.Text = message;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        private int ProcessProducts(ICollection <ImportRow <Product> > batch, ImportResult result)
            _rsProduct.AutoCommitEnabled = true;

            Product lastInserted = null;
            Product lastUpdated  = null;

            foreach (var row in batch)
                if (row.Count == 0)

                Product product = null;

                object key;

                // try get by int ID
                if (row.TryGetValue("Id", out key) && key.ToString().ToInt() > 0)
                    product = _productService.GetProductById(key.ToString().ToInt());

                // try get by SKU
                if (product == null && row.TryGetValue("SKU", out key))
                    product = _productService.GetProductBySku(key.ToString());

                // try get by GTIN
                if (product == null && row.TryGetValue("Gtin", out key))
                    product = _productService.GetProductByGtin(key.ToString());

                if (product == null)
                    // a Name is required with new products.
                    if (!row.ContainsKey("Name"))
                        result.AddError("The 'Name' field is required for new products. Skipping row.", row.GetRowInfo(), "Name");
                    product = new Product();

                row.Initialize(product, row["Name"].ToString());

                if (!row.IsNew)
                    if (!product.Name.Equals(row["Name"].ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        // Perf: use this later for SeName updates.
                        row.NameChanged = true;

                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Sku);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Gtin);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ManufacturerPartNumber);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ProductTypeId, (int)ProductType.SimpleProduct);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ParentGroupedProductId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.VisibleIndividually, true);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Name);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ShortDescription);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.FullDescription);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ProductTemplateId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ShowOnHomePage);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MetaKeywords);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MetaDescription);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MetaTitle);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AllowCustomerReviews, true);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Published, true);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsGiftCard);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.GiftCardTypeId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.RequireOtherProducts);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.RequiredProductIds);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AutomaticallyAddRequiredProducts);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsDownload);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DownloadId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.UnlimitedDownloads, true);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MaxNumberOfDownloads, 10);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DownloadActivationTypeId, 1);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.HasSampleDownload);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.SampleDownloadId, (int?)null, ZeroToNull);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.HasUserAgreement);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.UserAgreementText);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsRecurring);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.RecurringCycleLength, 100);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.RecurringCyclePeriodId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.RecurringTotalCycles, 10);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsShipEnabled, true);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsFreeShipping);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AdditionalShippingCharge);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsEsd);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.IsTaxExempt);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.TaxCategoryId, 1);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ManageInventoryMethodId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.StockQuantity, 10000);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DisplayStockAvailability);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DisplayStockQuantity);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MinStockQuantity);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.LowStockActivityId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow, 1);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BackorderModeId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AllowBackInStockSubscriptions);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.OrderMinimumQuantity, 1);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.OrderMaximumQuantity, 10000);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AllowedQuantities);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DisableBuyButton);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DisableWishlistButton);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AvailableForPreOrder);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.CallForPrice);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Price);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.OldPrice);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.ProductCost);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.SpecialPrice);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc, null, OADateToUtcDate);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc, null, OADateToUtcDate);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.CustomerEntersPrice);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice, 1000);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Weight);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Length);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Width);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.Height);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.DeliveryTimeId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.QuantityUnitId);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BasePriceEnabled);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BasePriceMeasureUnit);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BasePriceAmount);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BasePriceBaseAmount);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BundlePerItemPricing);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BundlePerItemShipping);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BundlePerItemShoppingCart);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.BundleTitleText);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AvailableStartDateTimeUtc, null, OADateToUtcDate);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.AvailableEndDateTimeUtc, null, OADateToUtcDate);
                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.LimitedToStores);

                string storeIds = row.GetValue <string>("StoreIds");
                if (storeIds.HasValue())
                                                           .Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Trim())).ToArray());

                row.SetProperty(result, product, (x) => x.CreatedOnUtc, DateTime.UtcNow, OADateToUtcDate);

                product.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (row.IsTransient)
                    lastInserted = product;
                    lastUpdated = product;

            // commit whole batch at once
            var num = _rsProduct.Context.SaveChanges();

            // Perf: notify only about LAST insertion and update
            if (lastInserted != null)
            if (lastUpdated != null)

		public void RunImportJob(string jobId, string csvFileName)
			ImportJob job = ImportJobs.First(x => x.ImportJobId == jobId);

			if (job != null)
				ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
				_importResults[jobId] = result;

				using (var data = GetCsvContent(csvFileName))
					result.Length = data.BaseStream.Length;
					CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(data, job.ColumnDelimiter);
						result.IsRunning = true;
						result.Started = DateTime.Now;

						Import(job, csvReader, result);
						result.Stopped = DateTime.Now;
						result.IsRunning = false;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        private void ProcessProductPictures(ICollection <ImportRow <Product> > batch, ImportResult result)
            // true, cause pictures must be saved and assigned an id
            // prior adding a mapping.
            _rsProductPicture.AutoCommitEnabled = true;

            ProductPicture lastInserted   = null;
            int            equalPictureId = 0;

            foreach (var row in batch)
                var pictures = new string[]
                    row.GetValue <string>("Picture1"),
                    row.GetValue <string>("Picture2"),
                    row.GetValue <string>("Picture3")

                int i = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < pictures.Length; i++)
                        var picture = pictures[i];

                        if (picture.IsEmpty() || !File.Exists(picture))

                        var currentPictures = _rsProductPicture.TableUntracked.Expand(x => x.Picture).Where(x => x.ProductId == row.Entity.Id).Select(x => x.Picture).ToList();
                        var pictureBinary   = _pictureService.FindEqualPicture(picture, currentPictures, out equalPictureId);

                        if (pictureBinary != null && pictureBinary.Length > 0)
                            // no equal picture found in sequence
                            var newPicture = _pictureService.InsertPicture(pictureBinary, "image/jpeg", _pictureService.GetPictureSeName(row.EntityDisplayName), true, true);
                            if (newPicture != null)
                                var mapping = new ProductPicture()
                                    ProductId    = row.Entity.Id,
                                    PictureId    = newPicture.Id,
                                    DisplayOrder = 1,
                                lastInserted = mapping;
                            result.AddInfo("Found equal picture in data store. Skipping field.", row.GetRowInfo(), "Picture" + (i + 1).ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.AddWarning(ex.Message, row.GetRowInfo(), "Picture" + (i + 1).ToString());

            // Perf: notify only about LAST insertion and update
            if (lastInserted != null)
Ejemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds laps and heart rate and altitude data from a Polar HRM file. GPS locations and other data are split into two files, GPX and HRM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The file name of the HRM file</param>
        /// <param name="importResult">The object where e g the route and laps collection are stored</param>
        public void AddLapsAndHRData(string fileName, ImportResult importResult)
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
            HRMSection currentSection = HRMSection.None;
            DateTime startTime = importResult.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time;
            List<double> heartRates = new List<double>();
            List<double> altitudes = new List<double>();
            int intTimesRowCount = 0;

            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
              string line = sr.ReadLine();

              if (line.StartsWith("["))
            // new section of file
            currentSection = StringToHRMSection(line);
            string[] atoms;
            switch (currentSection)
              case HRMSection.IntTimes:
                if (line != "")
                  atoms = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());
                  if (intTimesRowCount % 5 == 0 && atoms.Length == 5)
                    double lapTimeInSeconds = TimeStringToSeconds(atoms[0]);
                    DateTime lapTime = startTime.AddSeconds(lapTimeInSeconds);
                    // only add lap if it is within the time span of the session
                    if (lapTimeInSeconds != 0 &&
                        lapTime > importResult.Laps[0].Time &&
                        lapTime < importResult.Laps[importResult.Laps.Count - 1].Time)
                      importResult.Laps.Add(new Lap(lapTime, LapType.Lap));
                  intTimesRowCount += 1;

              case HRMSection.HRData:
                atoms = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());
                if (atoms.Length == 3)

            // add heart rates and altitudes
            int count = 0;
            foreach (var segment in importResult.Route.Segments)
              foreach (var waypoint in segment.Waypoints)
            if (count < heartRates.Count)
              waypoint.HeartRate = heartRates[count];
              waypoint.Altitude = altitudes[count];

Ejemplo n.º 47
        public ImportResult ImportData(string codeFile)
            ImportResult result2;

                string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(codeFile, ToolUtil.GetEncoding());
                if (strArray.Length == 0)
                    throw new CustomException("此文件没有内容");
                string str   = "";
                int    index = 0;
                bool   flag  = true;
                while (flag)
                    if (strArray[index].StartsWith("{销货单位编码}") || strArray[index].StartsWith("{发货人编码}"))
                        string str2 = strArray[index];
                        if (!str2.Contains("\""))
                            throw new CustomException("此文件首行销货单位编码没有指定分隔符,分隔符使用双引号标注");
                        str  = str2.Substring(str2.IndexOf("\"")).Trim().Trim(new char[] { '"' });
                        flag = false;
                        if (index == strArray.Length)
                            throw new CustomException("此文件不符合销货单位编码文本格式");
                ImportResult     result = new ImportResult();
                Stack <lastBMJG> stack  = new Stack <lastBMJG>();
                string           str4   = this.TuiJianBM("");
                string           str5   = "";
                bool             flag2  = false;
                for (int i = index; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    BMXHDWModel model;
                    string      lineText = strArray[i].Trim();
                    if (((lineText.Length == 0) || lineText.StartsWith("//")) || !lineText.Contains(str))
                    string[] strArray2 = GetSafeData.Split(lineText, str);
                    if (strArray2.Length < 3)
                        throw new CustomException("文本首行指定的分隔符与实际分隔符不一致,\n格式不正确等原因导致不能导入此文件!");
                    model = new BMXHDWModel {
                        BM = strArray2[0],
                        MC = strArray2[1],
                        JM = strArray2[2],
                    model.KJM = CommonFunc.GenerateKJM(model.MC);
                    string     str7 = "";
                    string     str8 = "";
                    ResultType none = ResultType.None;
                    if (strArray2.Length > 3)
                        if (strArray2.Length < 7)
                        model.SH = strArray2[3].ToUpper();
                        model.WJ = 1;
                        string str9 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str9 = strArray2[4].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str9 = strArray2[4].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str9 = strArray2[4];
                        model.DZDH = str9;
                        string str10 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str10 = strArray2[5].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str10 = strArray2[5].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str10 = strArray2[5];
                        model.YHZH = str10;
                        string str11 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str11 = strArray2[6].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str11 = strArray2[6].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str11 = strArray2[6];
                        model.YZBM = str11;
                    while (stack.Count > 0)
                        flag2 = false;
                        if (model.BM.Length > stack.Peek().BM.Length)
                            if (!model.BM.StartsWith(stack.Peek().BM))
                                goto Label_0430;
                            model.SJBM = stack.Peek().BM;
                            if (stack.Peek().Result == ResultType.Invalid)
                                str7 = "无效";
                                str8 = "上级编码无效";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                            else if (stack.Peek().Result == ResultType.Failed)
                                str7 = "失败";
                                str8 = "上级编码失败";
                                none = ResultType.Failed;
                                if (stack.Peek().Result != ResultType.Duplicated)
                                    goto Label_0430;
                                str5 = this.TuiJianBM(stack.Peek().BM);
                                if (model.BM.Length == str5.Length)
                                    goto Label_0430;
                                str7 = "无效";
                                str8 = "编码长度必须与原有同级编码长度一致";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                            goto Label_06AF;
                    flag2 = true;
                    if ((flag2 && (str4 != "001")) && (model.BM.Length != str4.Length))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码长度必须与原有同级编码长度一致";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if ("0" != this.CheckCustomer(model))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码或名称为空";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if (!Regex.IsMatch(model.BM, "^[0-9a-z]{1,16}$"))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码需小于16位,且仅由数字和小写字母组成";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    if (this.bmsfhrDAL.ExistCusMC(model.BM, model.MC, model.SJBM))
                        str7 = "失败";
                        str8 = "同级同族已存在同名销货单位" + model.SH;
                        none = ResultType.Failed;
                    else if (this.bmsfhrDAL.ExistCustomer(model))
                        if (str7.Length == 0)
                            str7 = "重复";
                        if (str8.Length == 0)
                            str8 = "编码重复";
                            none = ResultType.Duplicated;
                            str8 = str8 + "且编码重复";
                            none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if (((model.SH != null) && (model.SH.Length != 0)) && (((model.SH.Length < 6) || (model.SH.Length > 20)) || (((model.WJ == 1) && (model.SH.Length != 0)) && ("0000" != this.jyCustomer.CheckTaxCode(model.SH, (FPLX)12)))))
                        str7 = "失败";
                        str8 = "销货单位税号错误" + model.SH;
                        none = ResultType.Failed;
                        string[] spellCode = StringUtils.GetSpellCode(model.MC);
                        for (int j = 0; j < spellCode.Length; j++)
                            string text1 = spellCode[j];
                        if (this.bmsfhrDAL.AddCustomer(model) == "0")
                            str7 = "正确传入";
                            none = ResultType.Correct;
                            str7 = "失败";
                            none = ResultType.Failed;
                    Label_06AF :;
                    result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { model.BM, model.MC, str7, str8 });
                    stack.Push(new lastBMJG(model.BM, none));
                result.ImportTable = "销货单位编码.DB";
                result2            = result;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        public ImportResult ImportGoodsTax(string codeFile)
            ImportResult result2;

                string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(codeFile, ToolUtil.GetEncoding());
                if (strArray.Length == 0)
                    throw new CustomException("此文件没有内容");
                string str   = "";
                int    index = 0;
                bool   flag  = true;
                while (flag)
                    if (strArray[index].StartsWith("{商品税目编码}"))
                        string str2 = strArray[index];
                        if (!str2.Contains("\""))
                            throw new CustomException("此文件首行商品税目编码没有指定分隔符,分隔符使用双引号标注");
                        str  = str2.Substring(str2.IndexOf("\"")).Trim().Trim(new char[] { '"' });
                        flag = false;
                        if (index == strArray.Length)
                            throw new CustomException("此文件不符合商品税目编码文本格式");
                ImportResult     result = new ImportResult();
                Stack <lastBMJG> stack  = new Stack <lastBMJG>();
                for (int i = index; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    string lineText = strArray[i].Trim();
                    if (((lineText.Length != 0) && !lineText.StartsWith("//")) && lineText.Contains(str))
                        string[] strArray2 = GetSafeData.Split(lineText, str);
                        if (strArray2.Length < 3)
                            throw new CustomException("文本首行指定的分隔符与实际分隔符不一致,\n格式不正确等原因导致不能导入此文件!");
                        string      str5       = "";
                        string      str6       = "";
                        ResultType  none       = ResultType.None;
                        BMSPSMModel spsmEntity = new BMSPSMModel {
                            SZ = strArray2[0],
                            BM = strArray2[1],
                            MC = strArray2[2]
                        double num3 = 0.0;
                        if (!double.TryParse(strArray2[3], out num3))
                            throw new CustomException(string.Format("第{0}行数据格式不正确", i));
                        spsmEntity.SLV = num3;
                        if (!double.TryParse(strArray2[4], out num3))
                            throw new CustomException(string.Format("第{0}行数据格式不正确", i));
                        spsmEntity.ZSL  = num3;
                        spsmEntity.SLJS = (strArray2[5] == "false") ? byte.Parse("0") : byte.Parse("1");
                        spsmEntity.JSDW = strArray2[6];
                        double num4 = 0.0;
                        if (!double.TryParse(strArray2[7], out num4))
                            throw new CustomException(string.Format("第{0}行数据格式不正确", i));
                        spsmEntity.SE = num4;
                        bool flag3 = false;
                        if (!bool.TryParse(strArray2[8], out flag3))
                            throw new CustomException(string.Format("第{0}行数据格式不正确", i));
                        spsmEntity.FHDBZ = flag3;
                        if (this.bmkhDAL.ExistGoodsTax(spsmEntity))
                            if (str5.Length == 0)
                                str5 = "重复";
                            if (str6.Length == 0)
                                str6 = "编码重复";
                                none = ResultType.Duplicated;
                                str6 = str6 + "且编码重复";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                        else if (this.bmkhDAL.AddGoodsTax(spsmEntity) == "0")
                            str5 = "正确传入";
                            none = ResultType.Correct;
                            str5 = "失败";
                            none = ResultType.Failed;
                        result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { spsmEntity.BM, spsmEntity.MC, str5, str6 });
                        stack.Push(new lastBMJG(spsmEntity.BM, none));
                result.ImportTable = "SPSMBM.DB";
                result2            = result;
Ejemplo n.º 49
        protected static ImportResult ImportPayson(string contents)
            string regexPattern = @"<tr>\s+<td>\s*(?<datetime>[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})\s*</td><td>(?<comment1>[^<]*)</td><td>[^>]*</td><td>(?<txid>[0-9]+)</td>\s*<td>(?<from>[^<]+)</td>\s*<td>(?<to>[^<]+)</td><td class=\""tal\"">(?<gross>[\-0-9,]+)</td><td class=\""tal\"">(?<fee>[\-0-9,]+)</td><td class=\""tal\"">(?<vat>[\-0-9,]+)</td><td class=\""tal\"">(?<net>[\-0-9,]+)</td><td class=\""tal\"">(?<balance>[\-0-9,]+)</td><td>(?<currency>[^<]+)</td><td>(?<reference>[^<]+)</td><td[^>]+?>(?<comment2>[^<]+)</td>";

            Regex regex = new Regex(regexPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match match = regex.Match(contents);

            ImportResult result = new ImportResult();
            List<ImportedRow> rows = new List<ImportedRow>();

            while (match.Success)
                if (match.Groups["currency"].Value != "SEK")
                    continue; // HACK: Need to fix currency support at some time

                // Get current balance from the first line in the file

                if (result.CurrentBalance == 0.0)
                    result.CurrentBalance = Int64.Parse(match.Groups["balance"].Value.Replace(",", ""))/10000.0;

                ImportedRow row = new ImportedRow();

                // DEBUG -- REMOVE WHEN DEPLOYING

                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Console.WriteLine("New Row -----");

                    Console.WriteLine("- SuppliedTxId: {0}", match.Groups["txid"].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("- Comment:      {0}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups["comment2"].Value));
                    Console.WriteLine("- DateTime:     {0}", match.Groups["datetime"].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("- AmountGross:  {0}", match.Groups["gross"].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("- Fee:          {0}", match.Groups["fee"].Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("- AmountNet:    {0}", match.Groups["net"].Value);

                string comment = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups["comment2"].Value.Trim());
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    comment = match.Groups["comment1"].Value.Trim();

                row.SuppliedTransactionId = "Payson-" + match.Groups["txid"].Value;
                row.Comment = comment;
                row.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(match.Groups["datetime"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                row.AmountCentsGross = Int64.Parse(match.Groups["gross"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""))/100;
                row.FeeCents = Int64.Parse(match.Groups["fee"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""))/100;
                row.AmountCentsNet = Int64.Parse(match.Groups["net"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ""))/100;


                match = match.NextMatch();

            result.Rows = rows;
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 50
        public ImportResult ImportDistrict(string codeFile)
            ImportResult result2;

                string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(codeFile, ToolUtil.GetEncoding());
                if (strArray.Length == 0)
                    throw new CustomException("此文件没有内容");
                string str   = "";
                int    index = 0;
                bool   flag  = true;
                while (flag)
                    if (strArray[index].StartsWith("{行政区编码}"))
                        string str2 = strArray[index];
                        if (!str2.Contains("\""))
                            throw new CustomException("此文件首行行政区编码没有指定分隔符,分隔符使用双引号标注");
                        str  = str2.Substring(str2.IndexOf("\"")).Trim().Trim(new char[] { '"' });
                        flag = false;
                        if (index == strArray.Length)
                            throw new CustomException("此文件不符合行政区编码文本格式");
                ImportResult     result = new ImportResult();
                Stack <lastBMJG> stack  = new Stack <lastBMJG>();
                for (int i = index; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    string lineText = strArray[i].Trim();
                    if (((lineText.Length != 0) && !lineText.StartsWith("//")) && lineText.Contains(str))
                        string[] strArray2 = GetSafeData.Split(lineText, str);
                        if (strArray2.Length < 3)
                            throw new CustomException("文本首行指定的分隔符与实际分隔符不一致,\n格式不正确等原因导致不能导入此文件!");
                        string      str5      = "";
                        string      str6      = "";
                        ResultType  none      = ResultType.None;
                        BMXZQYModel xzqEntity = new BMXZQYModel {
                            BM = strArray2[0],
                            MC = strArray2[1]
                        if (this.bmkhDAL.ExistDistrict(xzqEntity))
                            if (str5.Length == 0)
                                str5 = "重复";
                            if (str6.Length == 0)
                                str6 = "编码重复";
                                none = ResultType.Duplicated;
                                str6 = str6 + "且编码重复";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                        else if (this.bmkhDAL.AddDistrict(xzqEntity) == "0")
                            str5 = "正确传入";
                            none = ResultType.Correct;
                            str5 = "失败";
                            none = ResultType.Failed;
                        result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { xzqEntity.BM, xzqEntity.MC, str5, str6 });
                        stack.Push(new lastBMJG(xzqEntity.BM, none));
                result.ImportTable = "XZQBM";
                result2            = result;
Ejemplo n.º 51
        // GET: /amiimport/pois
        public ActionResult Pois(string jsonFile)
            const string basePath        = "~/Modules/Laser.Orchard.Maps/Contents/Ami/";
            Regex        contactsPattern = new Regex("(?<address>.+)Tel:(?<phone>.+)Email:(?<email>.+)Web:(?<website>.+)");

            Dictionary <int, int> OutdoorCategoryDictionary = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> SitiCategoryDictionary    = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(1, 17);      // Patrimonio Industriale
            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(2, 16);      // Arte e storia
            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(3, 124);     // Parchi e aree naturalistiche
            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(4, 121);     // Archeologia
            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(5, 122);     // Beni religiosi
            SitiCategoryDictionary.Add(6, 123);     // Cultura materiale

            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(7, 132);  // Sport montani
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(8, 130);  // Sport acquatici
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(9, 128);  // Equitazione
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(10, 126); // Ciclismo
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(11, 129); // Escursionismo
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(12, 125); // Altri sport
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(13, 127); // Corsa
            OutdoorCategoryDictionary.Add(14, 131); // Sport invernali

            object objPois = DeserializzaDaFileSystemJson(typeof(PoiRootObject), Server.MapPath(basePath + jsonFile));

            PoiRootObject pois = (PoiRootObject)objPois;

            int numContent  = 0;
            int newContent  = 0;
            int totContents = 0;

            foreach (Point singlePoint in pois.points)

                    // Verifico se il POI esiste già. Se esiste lo aggiorno, altrimenti lo creo.
                    var contentId = 0;
                    contentId = _fieldIndexRecord.Fetch(
                        f => f.DecimalFieldIndexRecords.Any <DecimalFieldIndexRecord>(
                            r =>
                            r.PropertyName == "POI.ImportId." &&
                            r.Value == numContent + 1
                        ).Select(c => c.Id).LastOrDefault();

                    ContentItem content = null;
                    content = _contentManager.Get(contentId);

                    if (content == null)
                        content = _contentManager.New("POI");
                        _contentManager.Create(content, VersionOptions.Latest);

                    // Inserisco i dati di base
                    ((dynamic)content).TitlePart.Title      = singlePoint.title;
                    ((dynamic)content).MapPart.Longitude    = (float)singlePoint.longitude;
                    ((dynamic)content).MapPart.Latitude     = (float)singlePoint.latitude;
                    ((dynamic)content).MapPart.LocationInfo = singlePoint.title;

                    string description = "";
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(singlePoint.description))
                        description = description + singlePoint.description.Replace("\n", "<br>");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(singlePoint.timePrices))
                        if (description.Length > 0)
                            description = description + "<br>";
                        description = description + singlePoint.timePrices.Replace("\n", "<br>");

                    ((dynamic)content).BodyPart.Text   = description;
                    ((dynamic)content).POI.Sport.Value = singlePoint.sport;

                    // Genero alias autoroute
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((dynamic)content).AutoroutePart.DisplayAlias))
                        ((dynamic)content).AutoroutePart.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(((dynamic)content).AutoroutePart);

                    // Assegno ImportId e lo indicizzo (necessario per eseguire ricerche su di esso)
                    ((dynamic)content).POI.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                    _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)content).FieldIndexPart, "POI", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                    // Aggiungo le categorie e le foto
                    int             termId;
                    List <TermPart> termList  = new List <TermPart>();
                    string          subFolder = "";

                    foreach (int category in singlePoint.categories)
                        termId = 0;
                        if (OutdoorCategoryDictionary.TryGetValue(category, out termId))
                            subFolder = "\\Outdoor";
                        else if (SitiCategoryDictionary.TryGetValue(category, out termId))
                            subFolder = "\\Siti";

                        if (termId != 0)
                            termList.Add(_contentManager.Get <TermPart>(termId));
                    _taxonomyService.UpdateTerms(content, termList, "Categoria");

                    List <Int32> photoIds = new List <Int32>();
                    foreach (var photo in singlePoint.photos)
                        byte[] imageBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath(basePath + "Foto/" + photo));
                        var    mediaPart  = _mediaLibraryService.ImportMedia(new MemoryStream(imageBytes), "POI" + subFolder, photo.Replace(" ", ""));
                    ((dynamic)content).POI.Gallery.Ids = photoIds.ToArray();

                    // Aggiungo contatti
                    var contactContentId = 0;
                    contactContentId = _fieldIndexRecord.Fetch(
                        f => f.DecimalFieldIndexRecords.Any <DecimalFieldIndexRecord>(
                            r =>
                            r.PropertyName == "Contatto.ImportId." &&
                            r.Value == numContent + 1
                        ).Select(c => c.Id).LastOrDefault();

                    ContentItem contacts = null;
                    contacts = _contentManager.Get(contactContentId);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(singlePoint.contacts))
                        Match match = contactsPattern.Match(singlePoint.contacts.Replace("\n", " "));
                        if (match.Success)
                            if (contacts == null)
                                contacts = _contentManager.New("Contatto");
                                _contentManager.Create(contacts, VersionOptions.Latest);

                                ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                                _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)contacts).FieldIndexPart, "Contatto", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                            ((dynamic)contacts).TitlePart.Title          = singlePoint.title;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Indirizzo.Value = (match.Groups["address"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Telefono.Value  = (match.Groups["phone"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Email.Value     = (match.Groups["email"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Note.Value      = "";

                            string websiteUrl = (match.Groups["website"].Value).Trim();
                            if (!websiteUrl.StartsWith("http://"))
                                websiteUrl = "http://" + websiteUrl;

                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.SitoWeb.Value = websiteUrl;

                            ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] { contacts.Id };
                        else if (singlePoint.contacts.ToLower().StartsWith("per informazion"))
                            if (contacts == null)
                                contacts = _contentManager.New("Contatto");
                                _contentManager.Create(contacts, VersionOptions.Latest);

                                ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                                _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)contacts).FieldIndexPart, "Contatto", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                            ((dynamic)contacts).TitlePart.Title          = singlePoint.title;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Indirizzo.Value = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Telefono.Value  = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Email.Value     = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Note.Value      = singlePoint.contacts;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.SitoWeb.Value   = "";

                            ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] { contacts.Id };
                        else if (Regex.Match(singlePoint.contacts.Replace("\n", " "), "(?<address>.+)Tel:(?<phone>.+)").Success)
                            match = Regex.Match(singlePoint.contacts.Replace("\n", " "), "(?<address>.+)Tel:(?<phone>.+)");

                            if (contacts == null)
                                contacts = _contentManager.New("Contatto");
                                _contentManager.Create(contacts, VersionOptions.Latest);

                                ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                                _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)contacts).FieldIndexPart, "Contatto", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                            ((dynamic)contacts).TitlePart.Title          = singlePoint.title;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Indirizzo.Value = (match.Groups["address"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Telefono.Value  = (match.Groups["phone"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Email.Value     = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Note.Value      = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.SitoWeb.Value   = "";

                            ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] { contacts.Id };
                        else if (Regex.Match(singlePoint.contacts.Replace("\n", " "), "(?<address>.+)Email:(?<email>.+)").Success)
                            match = Regex.Match(singlePoint.contacts.Replace("\n", " "), "(?<address>.+)Email:(?<email>.+)");

                            if (contacts == null)
                                contacts = _contentManager.New("Contatto");
                                _contentManager.Create(contacts, VersionOptions.Latest);

                                ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                                _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)contacts).FieldIndexPart, "Contatto", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                            ((dynamic)contacts).TitlePart.Title          = singlePoint.title;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Indirizzo.Value = (match.Groups["address"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Telefono.Value  = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Email.Value     = (match.Groups["email"].Value).Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Note.Value      = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.SitoWeb.Value   = "";

                            ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] { contacts.Id };
                            if (contacts == null)
                                contacts = _contentManager.New("Contatto");
                                _contentManager.Create(contacts, VersionOptions.Latest);

                                ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.ImportId.Value = (Decimal)numContent + 1;
                                _fieldIndexService.Set(((dynamic)contacts).FieldIndexPart, "Contatto", "ImportId", "", (Decimal)numContent + 1, typeof(Decimal));

                            ((dynamic)contacts).TitlePart.Title          = singlePoint.title;
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Indirizzo.Value = singlePoint.contacts.Trim();
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Telefono.Value  = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Email.Value     = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.Note.Value      = "";
                            ((dynamic)contacts).Contatto.SitoWeb.Value   = "";

                            ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] { contacts.Id };
                    else if (contacts != null)
                        ((dynamic)content).POI.Contatti.Ids = new Int32[] {};

                catch (Exception ex2)
                    Log.Error(ex2, "Object Title: " + singlePoint.title);
                    pois = null;

            pois = null;

            var model = new ImportResult {
                TotContents = totContents, NewContents = newContent, ElaboratedContents = numContent

Ejemplo n.º 52
            public override IEnumerator OnCoroutine(Action <float> onProgress = null)
                // No nodes
                if (nodes == null)
                    if (onProgress != null)
                    IsCompleted = true;
                    yield break;

                Result = new ImportResult[nodes.Count];

                // Initialize transforms
                for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                    Result[i]                = new GLTFNode.ImportResult();
                    Result[i].transform      = new GameObject().transform;
                    Result[i].transform.name = nodes[i].name;
                // Set up hierarchy
                for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                    if (nodes[i].children != null)
                        int[] children = nodes[i].children;
                        Result[i].children = children;
                        for (int k = 0; k < children.Length; k++)
                            int childIndex = children[k];
                            Result[childIndex].parent           = i;
                            Result[childIndex].transform.parent = Result[i].transform;
                // Apply TRS
                for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                // Setup components
                for (int i = 0; i < Result.Length; i++)
                    // Setup mesh
                    if (nodes[i].mesh.HasValue)
                        GLTFMesh.ImportResult meshResult = meshTask.Result[nodes[i].mesh.Value];
                        if (meshResult == null)

                        Mesh     mesh = meshResult.mesh;
                        Renderer renderer;
                        if (nodes[i].skin.HasValue)
                            GLTFSkin.ImportResult skin = skinTask.Result[nodes[i].skin.Value];
                            renderer = skin.SetupSkinnedRenderer(Result[i].transform.gameObject, mesh, Result);
                        else if (mesh.blendShapeCount > 0)
                            // Blend shapes require skinned mesh renderer
                            SkinnedMeshRenderer mr = Result[i].transform.gameObject.AddComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
                            mr.sharedMesh = mesh;
                            renderer      = mr;
                            MeshRenderer mr = Result[i].transform.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                            MeshFilter   mf = Result[i].transform.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                            renderer      = mr;
                            mf.sharedMesh = mesh;
                        renderer.materials = meshResult.materials;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[i].transform.name))
                            Result[i].transform.name = "node" + i;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Result[i].transform.name))
                            Result[i].transform.name = "node" + i;

                    // Setup camera
                    if (nodes[i].camera.HasValue)
                        GLTFCamera cameraData = cameras[nodes[i].camera.Value];
                        Camera     camera     = Result[i].transform.gameObject.AddComponent <Camera>();
                        Result[i].transform.localRotation = Result[i].transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0);
                        if (cameraData.type == CameraType.orthographic)
                            camera.orthographic     = true;
                            camera.nearClipPlane    = cameraData.orthographic.znear;
                            camera.farClipPlane     = cameraData.orthographic.zfar;
                            camera.orthographicSize = cameraData.orthographic.ymag;
                            camera.orthographic  = false;
                            camera.nearClipPlane = cameraData.perspective.znear;
                            if (cameraData.perspective.zfar.HasValue)
                                camera.farClipPlane = cameraData.perspective.zfar.Value;
                            if (cameraData.perspective.aspectRatio.HasValue)
                                camera.aspect = cameraData.perspective.aspectRatio.Value;
                            camera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Rad2Deg * cameraData.perspective.yfov;
                IsCompleted = true;
Ejemplo n.º 53
        public void Import()
            importResult = new ImportResult();
              if (BeginWork != null) BeginWork(this, new EventArgs());
              StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(FileName);
              RouteSegment rs = new RouteSegment();
              LapCollection laps = new LapCollection();
              int i;
              string[] atoms;
              string line;

              for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) reader.ReadLine();

              // start time
              atoms = reader.ReadLine().Split("\t".ToCharArray());
              DateTime startTime = DateTime.MinValue;
              int firstColonPosition = atoms[1].IndexOf(":");
              int lastColonPosition = atoms[1].LastIndexOf(":");
              int length = lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1;
              if (length > 0)
            if(DateTime.TryParse(atoms[1].Substring(firstColonPosition - 2, lastColonPosition + 2 - firstColonPosition + 2 + 1), out startTime))
              startTime = startTime.ToUniversalTime();

              // go to start of coordinates
              i = 0;
              while (i < 5 && !reader.EndOfStream)
            line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line == "") i++;

              // read all coordinates
              while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (line == "") break;
            atoms = line.Split("\t".ToCharArray());
            Waypoint w = new Waypoint();
            w.Time = startTime.AddSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(atoms[0]));
            w.LongLat = new LongLat(ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[5]), ParseFRWDLongLatString(atoms[4]));
            double altitude;
            double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[6]), out altitude);
            w.Altitude = altitude;
            double heartRate;
            double.TryParse(LocalizeDecimalString(atoms[9]), out heartRate);
            w.HeartRate = heartRate;

            if (atoms[1] != "")
              // lap
              Lap lap = new Lap();
              lap.LapType = LapType.Lap;
              lap.Time = w.Time;

              if (laps.Count > 0) laps[0].LapType = LapType.Start;
              if (laps.Count > 1) laps[laps.Count - 1].LapType = LapType.Stop;

              importResult.Laps = laps;
              List<RouteSegment> routeSegments = new List<RouteSegment>();
              if(rs.Waypoints.Count > 0)
            importResult.Route = new Route(routeSegments);
            importResult.Succeeded = true;
            importResult.Succeeded = false;
            importResult.Error = ImportError.NoWaypoints;

              if (EndWork != null) EndWork(this, new EventArgs());
Ejemplo n.º 54
        public ImportResult Import(GLTFAccessor.ImportResult[] accessors, GLTFNode.ImportResult[] nodes, ImportSettings importSettings)
            bool multiRoots = nodes.Where(x => x.IsRoot).Count() > 1;

            ImportResult result = new ImportResult();

            result.clip           = new AnimationClip();
            result.clip.name      = name;
            result.clip.frameRate = importSettings.animationSettings.frameRate;

            result.clip.legacy = importSettings.animationSettings.useLegacyClips;

            if (result.clip.legacy && importSettings.animationSettings.looping)
                result.clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

            for (int i = 0; i < channels.Length; i++)
                Channel channel = channels[i];
                if (samplers.Length <= channel.sampler)
                    Debug.LogWarning($"GLTFUtility: Animation channel points to sampler at index {channel.sampler} which doesn't exist. Skipping animation clip.");
                Sampler sampler = samplers[channel.sampler];

                // Get interpolation mode
                InterpolationMode interpolationMode = importSettings.animationSettings.interpolationMode;
                if (interpolationMode == InterpolationMode.ImportFromFile)
                    interpolationMode = sampler.interpolation;
                if (interpolationMode == InterpolationMode.CUBICSPLINE)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Animation interpolation mode CUBICSPLINE not fully supported, result might look different.");

                string relativePath = "";

                GLTFNode.ImportResult node = nodes[channel.target.node.Value];
                while (node != null && !node.IsRoot)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativePath))
                        relativePath = node.transform.name;
                        relativePath = node.transform.name + "/" + relativePath;

                    if (node.parent.HasValue)
                        node = nodes[node.parent.Value];
                        node = null;

                // If file has multiple root nodes, a new parent will be created for them as a final step of the import process. This parent f***s up the curve relative paths.
                // Add node.transform.name to path if there are multiple roots. This is not the most elegant fix but it works.
                // See GLTFNodeExtensions.GetRoot
                if (multiRoots)
                    relativePath = node.transform.name + "/" + relativePath;

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                float[] keyframeInput = accessors[sampler.input].ReadFloat().ToArray();
                switch (channel.target.path)
                case "translation":
                    Vector3[]      pos  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve posX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve posZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        posX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => - x.x, interpolationMode));
                        posY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => x.y, interpolationMode));
                        posZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, pos, x => x.z, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", posX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", posY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", posZ);

                case "rotation":
                    Vector4[]      rot  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec4().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve rotX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve rotW = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        // The Animation window in Unity shows keyframes incorrectly converted to euler. This is only to deceive you. The quaternions underneath work correctly
                        rotX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => x.x, interpolationMode));
                        rotY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => - x.y, interpolationMode));
                        rotZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => - x.z, interpolationMode));
                        rotW.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, rot, x => x.w, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", rotX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", rotY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", rotZ);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", rotW);

                case "scale":
                    Vector3[]      scale  = accessors[sampler.output].ReadVec3().ToArray();
                    AnimationCurve scaleX = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleY = new AnimationCurve();
                    AnimationCurve scaleZ = new AnimationCurve();
                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; k++)
                        scaleX.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.x, interpolationMode));
                        scaleY.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.y, interpolationMode));
                        scaleZ.AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, scale, x => x.z, interpolationMode));
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.x", scaleX);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.y", scaleY);
                    result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localScale.z", scaleZ);

                case "weights":
                    GLTFNode.ImportResult skinnedMeshNode     = nodes[channel.target.node.Value];
                    SkinnedMeshRenderer   skinnedMeshRenderer = skinnedMeshNode.transform.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

                    int numberOfBlendShapes           = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh.blendShapeCount;
                    AnimationCurve[] blendShapeCurves = new AnimationCurve[numberOfBlendShapes];
                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBlendShapes; ++j)
                        blendShapeCurves[j] = new AnimationCurve();

                    float[] weights      = accessors[sampler.output].ReadFloat().ToArray();
                    float[] weightValues = new float[keyframeInput.Length];

                    float[] previouslyKeyedValues = new float[numberOfBlendShapes];

                    // Reference for my future self:
                    // keyframeInput.Length = number of keyframes
                    // keyframeInput[ k ] = timestamp of keyframe
                    // weights.Length = number of keyframes * number of blendshapes
                    // weights[ j ] = actual animated weight of a specific blend shape
                    // (index into weights[] array accounts for keyframe index and blend shape index)

                    for (int k = 0; k < keyframeInput.Length; ++k)
                        for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBlendShapes; ++j)
                            int weightIndex = (k * numberOfBlendShapes) + j;
                            weightValues[k] = weights[weightIndex];

                            bool addKey = true;
                            if (importSettings.animationSettings.compressBlendShapeKeyFrames)
                                if (k == 0 || !Mathf.Approximately(weightValues[k], previouslyKeyedValues[j]))
                                    if (k > 0)
                                        weightValues[k - 1] = previouslyKeyedValues[j];
                                        blendShapeCurves[j].AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k - 1, keyframeInput, weightValues, x => x, interpolationMode));
                                    addKey = true;
                                    previouslyKeyedValues[j] = weightValues[k];
                                    addKey = false;

                            if (addKey)
                                blendShapeCurves[j].AddKey(CreateKeyframe(k, keyframeInput, weightValues, x => x, interpolationMode));

                    for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBlendShapes; ++j)
                        string propertyName = "blendShape." + skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeName(j);
                        result.clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer), propertyName, blendShapeCurves[j]);
Ejemplo n.º 55
        public ImportResult ImportData(string codeFile)
            ImportResult result2;

                string[] strArray = File.ReadAllLines(codeFile, ToolUtil.GetEncoding());
                if (strArray.Length == 0)
                    throw new CustomException("此文件没有内容");
                string str   = "";
                int    index = 0;
                bool   flag  = true;
                while (flag)
                    if (strArray[index].StartsWith("{车辆编码}"))
                        string str2 = strArray[index];
                        if (!str2.Contains("\""))
                            throw new CustomException("此文件首行车辆编码没有指定分隔符,分隔符使用双引号标注");
                        str  = str2.Substring(str2.IndexOf("\"")).Trim().Trim(new char[] { '"' });
                        flag = false;
                        if (index == strArray.Length)
                            throw new CustomException("此文件不符合车辆编码文本格式");
                ImportResult     result = new ImportResult();
                Stack <lastBMJG> stack  = new Stack <lastBMJG>();
                string           str4   = this.TuiJianBM("");
                string           str5   = "";
                bool             flag2  = false;
                for (int i = index; i < strArray.Length; i++)
                    BMCLModel model;
                    string    lineText = strArray[i].Trim();
                    if (((lineText.Length == 0) || lineText.StartsWith("//")) || !lineText.Contains(str))
                    string[] strArray2 = GetSafeData.Split(lineText, str);
                    if (strArray2.Length < 3)
                        throw new CustomException("文本首行指定的分隔符与实际分隔符不一致,\n格式不正确等原因导致不能导入此文件!");
                    model = new BMCLModel {
                        BM = strArray2[0],
                        MC = strArray2[1],
                        JM = strArray2[2],
                    model.KJM = CommonFunc.GenerateKJM(model.MC);
                    string     str7 = "";
                    string     str8 = "";
                    ResultType none = ResultType.None;
                    if (strArray2.Length > 3)
                        if (strArray2.Length < 6)
                            throw new CustomException(string.Format("第{0}行数据不全", i));
                        model.WJ = 1;
                        string str9 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str9 = strArray2[3].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str9 = strArray2[3].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str9 = strArray2[3];
                        model.CPXH = str9;
                        string str10 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str10 = strArray2[4].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str10 = strArray2[4].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str10 = strArray2[4];
                        model.CD = str10;
                        string str11 = "";
                        if (str == "~~")
                            str11 = strArray2[5].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                        else if (str == " ")
                            str11 = strArray2[5].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            str11 = strArray2[5];
                        model.SCCJMC = str11;
                        if (Flbm.IsYM() && (strArray2.Length > 6))
                            DAL.BMSPFLManager manager = new DAL.BMSPFLManager();
                            string            bm      = "";
                            if (str == "~~")
                                bm = strArray2[6].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                            else if (str == " ")
                                bm = strArray2[6].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                                bm = strArray2[6];
                            if (strArray2.Length > 7)
                                string str13 = "";
                                if (str == "~~")
                                    str13 = strArray2[7].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                                else if (str == " ")
                                    str13 = strArray2[7].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                                    str13 = strArray2[7];
                                if (manager.CanUseThisSPFLBM(bm, false, false))
                                    model.SPFL   = bm;
                                    model.SPFLMC = manager.GetSPFLMCBYBM(bm);
                                    if (manager.CanUseThisYHZC(bm))
                                        if ((str13.Trim() == "是") || (str13.Trim() == "否"))
                                            model.YHZC = str13;
                                            if (model.YHZC == "否")
                                                model.YHZCMC = "";
                                            model.YHZC   = "否";
                                            model.YHZCMC = "";
                                        if (strArray2.Length > 9)
                                            bool flag3 = false;
                                            if (str13.Trim() == "是")
                                                object[] objArray = ServiceFactory.InvokePubService("Aisino.Fwkp.Bmgl.GetSLV_BY_BM", new object[] { model.SPFL });
                                                if ((objArray != null) && (objArray.Length > 0))
                                                    string[] strArray3 = (objArray[0] as DataTable).Rows[0]["ZZSTSGL"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',', '、', ';', ',', ';' });
                                                    if (strArray3.Length > 0)
                                                        foreach (string str14 in strArray3)
                                                            if (strArray2[9].Trim() == str14)
                                                                model.YHZC = "是";
                                                                string str15 = "";
                                                                if (str == "~~")
                                                                    str15 = strArray2[9].Replace(",", "\r\n").Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                                                                else if (str == " ")
                                                                    str15 = strArray2[9].Replace("#|#", "\r\n");
                                                                    str15 = strArray2[9];
                                                                model.YHZCMC = str15;
                                                                flag3        = true;
                                                            if (!Flbm.IsDK() && strArray2[9].Trim().Contains("1.5%"))
                                                                model.YHZC   = "否";
                                                                model.YHZCMC = "";
                                                if (!flag3)
                                                    model.YHZC   = "否";
                                                    model.YHZCMC = "";
                                            else if (str13.Trim() == "否")
                                                model.YHZC   = "否";
                                                model.YHZCMC = "";
                                                model.YHZC   = "否";
                                                model.YHZCMC = "";
                                        model.YHZC   = "否";
                                        model.YHZCMC = "";
                    while (stack.Count > 0)
                        flag2 = false;
                        if (model.BM.Length > stack.Peek().BM.Length)
                            if (!model.BM.StartsWith(stack.Peek().BM))
                                goto Label_07AE;
                            model.SJBM = stack.Peek().BM;
                            if (stack.Peek().Result == ResultType.Invalid)
                                str7 = "无效";
                                str8 = "上级编码无效";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                            else if (stack.Peek().Result == ResultType.Failed)
                                str7 = "失败";
                                str8 = "上级编码失败";
                                none = ResultType.Failed;
                                if (stack.Peek().Result != ResultType.Duplicated)
                                    goto Label_07AE;
                                str5 = this.TuiJianBM(stack.Peek().BM);
                                if (model.BM.Length == str5.Length)
                                    goto Label_07AE;
                                str7 = "无效";
                                str8 = "编码长度必须与原有同级编码长度一致";
                                none = ResultType.Invalid;
                            goto Label_0940;
                    flag2 = true;
                    if ((flag2 && (str4 != "001")) && (model.BM.Length != str4.Length))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码长度必须与原有同级编码长度一致";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if ("0" != this.CheckCustomer(model))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码或名称为空";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if (!Regex.IsMatch(model.BM, "^[0-9a-z]{1,16}$"))
                        str7 = "无效";
                        str8 = "编码需小于16位,且仅由数字和小写字母组成";
                        none = ResultType.Invalid;
                    else if (this.bmclDAL.ExistCustomer(model))
                        if (str7.Length == 0)
                            str7 = "重复";
                        if (str8.Length == 0)
                            str8 = "编码重复";
                            none = ResultType.Duplicated;
                            str8 = str8 + "且编码重复";
                            none = ResultType.Invalid;
                        string[] spellCode = StringUtils.GetSpellCode(model.MC);
                        for (int j = 0; j < spellCode.Length; j++)
                            string text1 = spellCode[j];
                        if (this.bmclDAL.AddCustomer(model) == "0")
                            str7 = "正确传入";
                            none = ResultType.Correct;
                            str7 = "失败";
                            none = ResultType.Failed;
                    Label_0940 :;
                    result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { model.BM, model.MC, str7, str8 });
                    stack.Push(new lastBMJG(model.BM, none));
                result.ImportTable = "车辆编码.DB";
                result2            = result;
    protected ImportResult ImportSebText(string contents)
        string patternRows =
        string patternBalance =

        List<ImportedRow> rows = new List<ImportedRow>();
        ImportResult result = new ImportResult();

        Regex regexBalance = new Regex(patternBalance, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
        Regex regexRows = new Regex(patternRows, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);

        Match matchBalance = regexBalance.Match(contents);
        if (!matchBalance.Success)
            throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find balance");

        string stringBalance = matchBalance.Groups["balance"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", ".");
        result.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(stringBalance, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        Match matchRow = regexRows.Match(contents);
        while (matchRow.Success)
            string amountString = matchRow.Groups["amount"].Value;
            amountString = amountString.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "");

            ImportedRow row = new ImportedRow();
            row.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(matchRow.Groups["datetime"].Value);
            row.Comment = matchRow.Groups["comment"].Value.Trim();
            row.CurrentBalance = Double.Parse(matchRow.Groups["balance"].Value.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "."), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            row.AmountCentsNet = Int64.Parse(amountString);
            row.HashBase = matchRow.Groups["transactionid"].Value;


            matchRow = matchRow.NextMatch();

        result.Rows = rows;

        if (rows.Count < 100 && rows.Count > 0)
            // A serious error has occurred. Dev assistance is necessary.

            Person.FromIdentity(1).SendNotice("Contents for bank parsing (I see " + rows.Count.ToString() + " rows)\r\n\r\n", contents, 1);

            Person.FromIdentity(1).SendPhoneMessage("Bank import failed - " + rows.Count.ToString() + " rows parsed - see mail");

            throw new ArgumentException("PirateWeb is unable to parse the page. Developer assistance has been called in.");
        return result;
		private void Import(ImportJob job, CsvReader reader, ImportResult result)
			Dictionary<string, int> csvNames = GetCsvNamesAndIndexes(reader);

			ColumnMapping columnMapping = ColumnMappings.First(x => x.ColumnMappingId == job.ColumnMappingId);
			IEntityImporter importer = _entityImporters.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == job.EntityImporter);

			while (true)
					string[] csvValues = reader.ReadRow();

					if (csvValues == null)

					var systemValues = MapColumns(columnMapping.SystemPropertiesMap, csvNames, csvValues);					
					var customValues = MapColumns(columnMapping.CustomPropertiesMap, csvNames, csvValues);

					importer.Import(job.ContainerId, columnMapping.PropertySetId, systemValues, customValues, _catalogRepository);
					result.CurrentProgress = reader.CurrentPosition;
				catch(Exception e)
					if (result.Errors == null)
						result.Errors = new List<string>();

					//check if errors amount reached the allowed errors limit if yes do not save made changes.
					if (result.ErrorsCount >= job.MaxErrorsCount)

			if (result.ErrorsCount < job.MaxErrorsCount)
Ejemplo n.º 58
        public ImportResult ImportDataZC(string codeFile)
            new Dictionary <string, object>();
            ImportResult result   = new ImportResult();
            XmlDocument  document = new XmlDocument();

                    throw new Exception("不符合机动车编码格式");
                XmlNode documentElement = document.DocumentElement;
                    if (documentElement.Attributes["TYPE"].Value != "JDCBIANMA")
                        throw new Exception("不符合机动车编码格式");
                    throw new Exception("不符合机动车编码格式");
                XmlNodeList list = null;
                list = documentElement.SelectNodes("/Data/CLXX/Row");
                List <Dictionary <string, string> > list2 = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                foreach (XmlNode node2 in list)
                    Dictionary <string, string> item = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    if (Flbm.IsYM())
                        if (node2.Attributes["SPFLBM"] == null)
                            item.Add("SPFLBM", "");
                            item.Add(node2.Attributes["SPFLBM"].Name, node2.Attributes["SPFLBM"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["SCQYMC"].Name, node2.Attributes["SCQYMC"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["DJ"].Name, node2.Attributes["DJ"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["CDMC"].Name, node2.Attributes["CDMC"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["CPXH"].Name, node2.Attributes["CPXH"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["CLLXMC"].Name, node2.Attributes["CLLXMC"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["CLDLMC"].Name, node2.Attributes["CLDLMC"].Value);
                    item.Add(node2.Attributes["CPBM"].Name, node2.Attributes["CPBM"].Value);
                DAL.BMSPFLManager manager = new DAL.BMSPFLManager();
                foreach (Dictionary <string, string> dictionary2 in list2)
                    BMCLModel car      = new BMCLModel();
                    string    searchid = "";
                    searchid   = this.bmclDAL.AutoNodeLogic(dictionary2["CLDLMC"]);
                    car.SJBM   = searchid;
                    car.BM     = this.TuiJianBM(searchid);
                    car.MC     = dictionary2["CLLXMC"];
                    car.SCCJMC = dictionary2["SCQYMC"];
                    car.CPXH   = dictionary2["CPXH"];
                    car.CD     = dictionary2["CDMC"];
                    if (Flbm.IsYM() && manager.CanUseThisSPFLBM(dictionary2["SPFLBM"], false, false))
                        car.SPFL   = dictionary2["SPFLBM"];
                        car.SPFLMC = manager.GetSPFLMCBYBM(car.SPFL);
                        if (!manager.CanUseThisYHZC(car.SPFL))
                            car.YHZC   = "否";
                            car.YHZCMC = "";
                    car.KJM = CommonFunc.GenerateKJM(car.MC);
                    car.WJ  = 1;
                    string str2 = this.AddCustomerToAuto(car, car.SJBM);
                    if ("OverWrite" == str2)
                        result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { car.BM, car.MC, "正确传入", "覆盖记录:" + car.BM });
                    else if ("Insert" == str2)
                        result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { car.BM, car.MC, "正确传入", "插入成功:" + car.BM });
                        result.DtResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { car.BM, car.MC, "失败", "数据库读写错误" });
            result.ImportTable = "车辆编码.DB";
Ejemplo n.º 59
        public int Save(ImportResult result, IEnumerable<Transaction> transactions)
            _imports.Add(new Tuple<ImportResult, ImportedTransaction[]>(result, transactions.Select(_mappingEngine.Map<ImportedTransaction>).ToArray()));
            result.Id = _imports.Count;

            return result.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 60
        [HttpPost("import"), RequestSizeLimit(5 * 1024 * 1024)] // 5MB
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult <ImportResult> > Import([FromQuery] ImportArguments args)
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            Stopwatch watch2 = new Stopwatch();

            decimal parsingToEntitiesForSave    = 0;
            decimal attributeValidationInCSharp = 0;
            decimal validatingAndSaving         = 0;

            return(await ControllerUtilities.InvokeActionImpl(async() =>
                // Parse the file into Entities + map back to row numbers (The way source code is compiled into machine code + symbols file)
                var(entities, rowNumberFromErrorKeyMap) = await ParseImplAsync(args);  // This should check for primary code consistency!
                parsingToEntitiesForSave = Math.Round(((decimal)watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000, 1);

                // Validation
                ObjectValidator.Validate(ControllerContext, null, null, entities);
                attributeValidationInCSharp = Math.Round(((decimal)watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000, 1);

                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    var mappedModelState = MapModelState(ModelState, rowNumberFromErrorKeyMap);
                    throw new UnprocessableEntityException(mappedModelState);

                // Saving
                    await SaveImplAsync(entities, new SaveArguments {
                        ReturnEntities = false
                    validatingAndSaving = Math.Round(((decimal)watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000, 1);
                catch (UnprocessableEntityException ex)
                    var mappedModelState = MapModelState(ex.ModelState, rowNumberFromErrorKeyMap);
                    throw new UnprocessableEntityException(mappedModelState);

                var result = new ImportResult
                    Inserted = entities.Count(e => e.Id?.Equals(default(TKey)) ?? false),
                    Updated = entities.Count(e => !(e.Id?.Equals(default(TKey)) ?? false)),

                // Record the time
                var elapsed = Math.Round(((decimal)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds) / 1000, 1);
                result.Seconds = elapsed;
                result.ParsingToDtosForSave = parsingToEntitiesForSave;
                result.AttributeValidationInCSharp = attributeValidationInCSharp;
                result.ValidatingAndSaving = validatingAndSaving;

                return Ok(result);
            }, _logger));