Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ReadCashFlows()
            cashFlows = new ObservableCollection <ImportCashFlow>();

            // set Culture to en-Us as the csv file is formatted in en-Us

            CultureInfo currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileInfo.FullName))
                    while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                        var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                        var values = line.Split(';');

                        ImportCashFlow cashFlow = GetCashFlow(values);
                        if (cashFlow != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConfirmationRequest.Raise(new Confirmation()
                    Title   = ApplicationNames.NotificationTitle,
                    Content = ex.Message
                }, OnConfirmTryAgain);
                // ensure that Culture is set back to original culture
                CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = currentCulture;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private ImportCashFlow GetCashFlow(string[] values)
            double   amount         = 0;
            int      identification = 0;
            DateTime myDate         = DateTime.Now;
            double   capitalCall    = 0;
            double   distribution   = 0;

            string pfnr = values[(int)ImportColumns.pfnr];
            string wkn  = values[(int)ImportColumns.wkn];

            ImportCashFlow cf = new ImportCashFlow();

            cf.PeFundNumber   = wkn;
            cf.InvestorNumber = pfnr;

            if (int.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trxId], out identification))
                cf.PsPlusId = identification;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.flowFund], out amount))
                cf.AmountPeFundCurrency = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.flowInvestor], out amount))
                cf.AmountInvestorCurrency = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50021CapitalGainFund], out amount))
                cf.CapitalGain = amount;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.effectiveDate], out myDate))
                cf.CashFlowDate = myDate.Date;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50020IncomeFund], out amount))
                cf.Dividends = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50021ReturnOfCapitalFund], out amount))
                cf.ReturnOfCapital = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50020TaxesFund], out amount))
                cf.WithholdingTax = amount;
            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50023CancellRecallableFund], out amount))
                cf.RecallableAmount = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50032RecallableFund], out amount))
                cf.RecallableAmount = amount;

            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50020IncomeFund], out amount))
                cf.Dividends = amount;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trxInputDate], out myDate))
                cf.InputDate = myDate.Date;
            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50000CallFund], out capitalCall))
            if (double.TryParse(values[(int)ImportColumns.trx50021DistributionFund], out distribution))
            cf.ExchangeRate = Math.Round(cf.AmountPeFundCurrency / cf.AmountInvestorCurrency, 6);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InsertCashFlowsAsync()
            //the first item of cashFlows is read
            //select all cashFlows with the same porfolionumber and investornumber
            //remove all selected records from cashFlows
            //  try to find commitment in commitments
            //  if found:
            //  read all InvestorCashFlows from the Database
            int counter         = 0;
            int previousCounter = 0;

            while (cashFlows.Count > 0)
                ImportCashFlow        cf = cashFlows.ElementAt(0);
                List <ImportCashFlow> specificCashFlows = cashFlows.Where(c => c.InvestorNumber == cf.InvestorNumber && c.PeFundNumber == cf.PeFundNumber).ToList();
                DateTime lastCashFlowDate  = specificCashFlows.Max(c => c.CashFlowDate);
                DateTime firstCashFlowDate = specificCashFlows.Min(c => c.CashFlowDate);

                for (int i = 0; i < specificCashFlows.Count; i++)
                counter += specificCashFlows.Count;
                if (counter - previousCounter > 100)
                    CurrentNumberOfRecords = $"Es wurden {counter:n0} Datensätze verarbeitet.";
                    previousCounter        = counter;

                eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportInformationEvent>().Publish(new ImportInformation()
                    ImportName  = "Cashflows",
                    Information = $"Der Import der Cashflows ist gestartet"

                List <InvestorCashFlow> dbCashFlows = new List <InvestorCashFlow>();
                ImportCommitment        commitment  = commitments.FirstOrDefault(c => c.InvestorNumber == cf.InvestorNumber && c.PeFundNumber == cf.PeFundNumber);
                if (commitment != null)
                    if (commitment.InvestorCommitmentId == 0)
                        continue;                                           // InvestorCommitmentId =0 if commitment is not in the database
                    // => no CashFlows are inserted
                    dbCashFlows = investorAccess.GetCashFlowsForCommitment(commitment.InvestorCommitmentId);
                    continue;       // if commitment is not found leave database unchanged
                foreach (ImportCashFlow import in specificCashFlows)
                    if (import.PsPlusId == 0)
                        import.PsPlusId = 1;                        // there is no PSPlusId for transaction before client starts with HQTrust; default Id =1
                    InvestorCashFlow foundCf = dbCashFlows.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PsPlusId == import.PsPlusId);

                    //if a cashflow with a corresponding PsPlusId is found ==> read next Cashflow
                    if (foundCf != null)

                    // if not found try to find a cashFlow with the same Date (+- 3 days)
                    InvestorCashFlow selectedCashFlow = null;
                    foreach (InvestorCashFlow icf in dbCashFlows)
                        TimeSpan span = icf.EffectiveDate.Subtract(import.CashFlowDate);
                        if (Math.Abs(span.Days) > 3)
                        if (icf.CashFlowAmount == import.AmountPeFundCurrency)
                            icf.PsPlusId     = import.PsPlusId;
                            selectedCashFlow = icf;
                    if (selectedCashFlow != null)
                        //update CashFlow
                        // remove CashFlow from dbCashFlows
                        selectedCashFlow.PsPlusId       = import.PsPlusId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CapitalGain    = import.CapitalGain;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount = import.AmountPeFundCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmountInInvestorCurrency = import.AmountInvestorCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.Dividends           = import.Dividends;
                        selectedCashFlow.EffectiveDate       = import.CashFlowDate;
                        selectedCashFlow.PartnershipExpenses = import.PartnershipExpenses;
                        selectedCashFlow.RecallableAmount    = import.RecallableAmount;
                        selectedCashFlow.ReturnOfCapital     = import.ReturnOfCapital;
                        selectedCashFlow.WithholdingTax      = import.WithholdingTax;

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportEvent>().Publish($"Fehler beim Ändern eines CashFlows: {ex.Message}");
                        //in der Datenbank wurde kein CashFlow gefunden => neuen CashFlow eintragen
                        selectedCashFlow = new InvestorCashFlow();
                        selectedCashFlow.InvestorCommitmentId             = commitment.InvestorCommitmentId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CommitmentAmount                 = commitment.Commitment;
                        selectedCashFlow.PsPlusId                         = import.PsPlusId;
                        selectedCashFlow.CapitalGain                      = import.CapitalGain;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount                   = import.AmountPeFundCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmountInInvestorCurrency = import.AmountInvestorCurrency;
                        selectedCashFlow.Dividends                        = import.Dividends;
                        selectedCashFlow.EffectiveDate                    = import.CashFlowDate;
                        selectedCashFlow.PartnershipExpenses              = import.PartnershipExpenses;
                        selectedCashFlow.RecallableAmount                 = import.RecallableAmount;
                        selectedCashFlow.ReturnOfCapital                  = import.ReturnOfCapital;
                        selectedCashFlow.WithholdingTax                   = import.WithholdingTax;
                        if (selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount < 0)
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowDescription = "Capital Call";
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowDescription = "Distribution";
                        if (selectedCashFlow.CashFlowAmount < 0)
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowType = "Capital Call";
                            selectedCashFlow.CashFlowType = "Distribution";

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportEvent>().Publish($"Fehler beim Einfügen eines CashFlows: {ex.Message}");

                // the remaining InvestorCashFlows in dbCashFlows are either after maxDate or need to be removed
                foreach (InvestorCashFlow icf in dbCashFlows)
                    if (icf.EffectiveDate > lastCashFlowDate)
                    // remove CashFlow from database
                eventAggregator.GetEvent <ImportInformationEvent>().Publish(new ImportInformation()
                    ImportName  = "CashFlows",
                    Information = $"Es sind noch {cashFlows.Count.ToString()} Cashflows zu verarbeiten"
            CurrentNumberOfRecords = $"Es wurden alle Datensätze verarbeitet.";