Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Share the image with another sprite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spriteToCopy">The original sprite</param>
        /// <param name="newSprite">The sprite that will get the same image as the sprite that is being copied</param>
        public bool CopyTexture(Impl.Sprite spriteToCopy, Impl.Sprite newSprite)
            // Ignore null pointers
            if (spriteToCopy.texture == null)
                newSprite.texture = null;

            // Loop all our textures to check if we already have this one
            foreach (var pair in m_ImageMap)
                ImageMapData data = pair.Value;

                foreach (Impl.Texture texture in data.data)
                    // Check if the pointer points to our texture
                    if (texture == spriteToCopy.texture)
                        // The texture is now used at multiple places
                        newSprite.texture = spriteToCopy.texture;
                        newSprite.sprite  = new Sprite(spriteToCopy.sprite);

            Internal.Output("TGUI warning: Can't copy texture that wasn't loaded by TextureManager.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the sprite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sprite">The sprite that should be removed</param>
        /// When no other sprite is using the same image then the image will be removed from memory.
        public void RemoveTexture(Impl.Sprite sprite)
            // Ignore already removed sprites
            if (sprite.texture == null)

            // Loop all our textures to check which one it is
            foreach (var pair in m_ImageMap)
                ImageMapData data = pair.Value;

                foreach (Impl.Texture texture in data.data)
                    // Check if the pointer points to our texture
                    if (texture == sprite.texture)
                        // If this was the only place where the texture is used then delete it
                        if (--(texture.users) == 0)
                            int usage = 0;
                            foreach (Impl.Texture t in data.data)
                                if (t.image == data.image)

                            // Remove the texture from the list, or even the whole image if it isn't used anywhere else
                            if (usage == 1)

                        // The pointer is now useless
                        sprite.texture = null;

//            Internal.Output("TGUI warning: Can't remove texture that wasn't loaded by TextureManager.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load another image/frame from a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The filename of the image that you want to use as next frame.</param>
        /// <param name="frameDuration">The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the frame will be displayed on the screen.
        /// When the duration is 0 then the animation will be blocked at that frame.</param>
        public void AddFrame(string filename, uint frameDuration)
            Impl.Sprite tempTexture = new Impl.Sprite();

            // Load the texture from the file
            Global.TextureManager.GetTexture(Global.ResourcePath + filename, tempTexture);

            // If this is the first frame then set it as the current displayed frame
            if (m_Textures.Count == 0)
                m_CurrentFrame = 0;

                // Remember the size of this image
                m_Size = new Vector2f(tempTexture.Size.X, tempTexture.Size.Y);

            // Add the texture
            tempTexture.sprite.Color = new Color(255, 255, 255, m_Opacity);

            // Store the frame duration
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the texture that is described by the value
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadTexture(int i, string folder, Impl.Sprite sprite)
            // The shortest string needs three character
            if (Values [i].Length < 2)
                throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                    + " doesn't contain a filename between quotes.");

            // The first character has to be a quote
            if (Values [i] [0] != '"')
                throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                    + " didn't begin with a double quote.");

            // There has to be another quote
            int index = Values [i].IndexOf('"', 1);

            if (index == -1)
                throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                    + " didn't contain an ending quote.");

            // There can't be more than two quotes
            int unexistingIndex = Values [i].IndexOf('"', index + 1);

            if (unexistingIndex != -1)
                throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                    + " contains more than two quotes.");

            // Check if there is still something behind the quotes
            IntRect rect = new IntRect();

            if (Values [i].Length > index + 1)
                // Drop the brackets
                if (Values [i] [index + 1] == '(' && Values [i] [Values [i].Length - 1] == ')')
                    string rectStr = Values [i].Substring(index + 2, Values [i].Length - index - 3);

                    // Extract the rect
                    string[] rectComponents = rectStr.Split(',');

                    // A rectangle has 4 components (left, top, right, height)
                    if (rectComponents.Length == 4)
                        rect = new IntRect(Convert.ToInt32(rectComponents [0]), Convert.ToInt32(rectComponents [1]),
                                           Convert.ToInt32(rectComponents [2]), Convert.ToInt32(rectComponents [3]));
                        throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                            + " contains brackets after the filename, but without four components split by commas.");
                else // The string doesn't begin and end with a bracket
                    throw new Exception("The value of property " + Properties[i] + " in section " + m_Section
                                        + " contains contains characters after the filename of which the first and last are not brackets.");

            // Try to load the strings between the quotes
            Global.TextureManager.GetTexture(folder + Values[i].Substring(1, index - 1), sprite, rect);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename of the image to load</param>
        /// <param name="sprite">The sprite object to store the loaded image</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Load only this part of the image.</param>
        /// The second time you call this function with the same filename, the previously loaded image will be reused.
        public void GetTexture(string filename, Impl.Sprite sprite, SFML.Graphics.IntRect rect = new SFML.Graphics.IntRect())
            // Look if we already had this image
            ImageMapData data;

            if (m_ImageMap.TryGetValue(filename, out data))
                // Loop all our textures to find the one containing the image
                foreach (Impl.Texture tex in data.data)
                    // Only reuse the texture when the exact same part of the image is used
                    if ((tex.rect.Left == rect.Left) && (tex.rect.Top == rect.Top) &&
                        (tex.rect.Width == rect.Width) && (tex.rect.Height == rect.Height))
                        // The texture is now used at multiple places

                        // We already have the texture, so pass the data
                        sprite.texture = tex;

                        // Set the texture in the sprite
                        sprite.sprite.Texture = tex.texture;
            else // The image doesn't exist yet
                data      = new ImageMapData();
                data.data = new List <Impl.Texture> ();

                m_ImageMap.Add(filename, data);

            // Add new data to the list
            Impl.Texture texture = new Impl.Texture();
            sprite.texture       = texture;
            sprite.texture.image = data.image;
            sprite.texture.rect  = rect;

            // Load the image
            if (Global.ResourceManager == null)
                sprite.texture.image = new SFML.Graphics.Image(filename);
                if (Global.ResourceManager.GetObject(filename) is byte[])
                    byte[]       raw = Global.ResourceManager.GetObject(filename) as byte[];
                    MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(raw);
                    sprite.texture.image = new SFML.Graphics.Image(mem);
                else if (Global.ResourceManager.GetObject(filename) is System.Drawing.Image)
                    System.Drawing.Image raw = Global.ResourceManager.GetObject(filename) as System.Drawing.Image;
                    MemoryStream         mem = new MemoryStream();

                    // Copy the image to the Stream
                    raw.Save(mem, raw.RawFormat);

                    // Copy stream into new memory stream - prevents an AccessViolationException
                    mem = new MemoryStream(mem.ToArray());

                    sprite.texture.image = new SFML.Graphics.Image(mem);

            // Create a texture from the image
            if ((rect.Left == 0) && (rect.Top == 0) && (rect.Width == 0) && (rect.Height == 0))
                sprite.texture.texture = new SFML.Graphics.Texture(sprite.texture.image);
                sprite.texture.texture = new SFML.Graphics.Texture(sprite.texture.image, rect);

            // Set the texture in the sprite
            sprite.sprite.Texture = sprite.texture.texture;

            // Set the other members of the data
            sprite.texture.filename = filename;
            sprite.texture.users    = 1;