private ImapCommandResult SelectExamineInternal(bool selectAsReadOnly,
                                                    string mailboxName,
                                                    ImapParenthesizedString selectParameters,
                                                    ImapCapability selectParametersCapabilityRequirement)


              var selectingMailbox = mailboxManager.GetExist(mailboxName);
              var selectingMailboxExists = (selectingMailbox != null);

              if (selectingMailboxExists) {
            if (selectedMailbox == selectingMailbox)
              return new ImapCommandResult(ImapCommandResultCode.RequestDone,
                                       "mailbox has already been selected");
            else if (selectingMailbox.IsUnselectable)
              throw new ImapProtocolViolationException("mailbox is not selectable or not existent");
              else {
            selectingMailbox = new ImapMailbox(mailboxName);

              using (var t = selectAsReadOnly
             ? (SelectTransactionBase)new ExamineTransaction(connection, selectingMailbox, selectParametersCapabilityRequirement)
             : (SelectTransactionBase)new SelectTransaction (connection, selectingMailbox, selectParametersCapabilityRequirement)) {
             * RFC 4466 - Collected Extensions to IMAP4 ABNF
             *    examine         = "EXAMINE" SP mailbox [select-params]
             *                      ;; modifies the original IMAP EXAMINE command
             *                      ;; to accept optional parameters
             *    select          = "SELECT" SP mailbox [select-params]
             *                      ;; modifies the original IMAP SELECT command to
             *                      ;; accept optional parameters
             *    select-params   = SP "(" select-param *(SP select-param) ")"
             *    select-param    = select-param-name [SP select-param-value]
             *                      ;; a parameter to SELECT may contain one or
             *                      ;; more atoms and/or strings and/or lists.
             *    select-param-name= tagged-ext-label
             *    select-param-value= tagged-ext-val
             *                      ;; This non-terminal shows recommended syntax
             *                      ;; for future extensions
            t.RequestArguments["mailbox name"] = new ImapMailboxNameString(mailboxName);

            // select-params
            if (selectParameters != null)
              t.RequestArguments["select parameters"] = selectParameters;

            if (ProcessTransaction(t).Succeeded) {
              if (selectingMailboxExists)
            selectedMailbox = selectingMailbox;
            selectedMailbox = mailboxManager.Add(selectingMailbox);

            else {
              selectedMailbox = null;

              if (state != ImapSessionState.NotConnected)


            return t.Result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestPreProcessTransactionSetLiteralOptionsLiteralNonSyncCapable()
            using (var session = Connect("LITERAL+")) {
            session.HandlesIncapableAsException = true;


            server.EnqueueResponse("+ continue\r\n"); server.EnqueueResponse(string.Empty);
            server.EnqueueResponse("0000 OK done\r\n");

            var arguments = new ImapParenthesizedString(new ImapString[] {
              new ImapLiteralString("literal1", Encoding.ASCII, ImapLiteralOptions.Synchronizing),
              new ImapLiteralString("literal2", Encoding.ASCII, ImapLiteralOptions.NonSynchronizing),
              new ImapLiteralString("literal3", Encoding.ASCII, ImapLiteralOptions.NonSynchronizingIfCapable),

            session.GenericCommand("X-TEST", arguments);

            Assert.AreEqual("0000 X-TEST (" +
                        "{8}\r\nliteral1 " +
                        "{8+}\r\nliteral2 " +
        private ImapCommandResult CreateInternal(CreateTransaction t, string mailboxName, ImapParenthesizedString createParams, out ImapMailbox createdMailbox)


               * 6.3.3. CREATE Command
               *       It is an error to attempt to create INBOX or a mailbox
               *       with a name that refers to an extant mailbox.
              if (ImapMailbox.IsNameInbox(mailboxName))
            throw new ImapProtocolViolationException("It is an error to attempt to create INBOX.");

              var existingMailbox = mailboxManager.GetExist(mailboxName);

              if (existingMailbox != null && !existingMailbox.Flags.Has(ImapMailboxFlag.NonExistent))
            throw new ImapProtocolViolationException(string.Format("It is an error to attempt to create a mailbox with a name that refers to an extent mailbox. (mailboxName: '{0}')", mailboxName));

              createdMailbox = null;

               * RFC 4466 - Collected Extensions to IMAP4 ABNF
               *    create          = "CREATE" SP mailbox
               *                      [create-params]
               *                      ;; Use of INBOX gives a NO error.
               *    create-params   = SP "(" create-param *( SP create-param) ")"
               *    create-param-name = tagged-ext-label
               *    create-param      = create-param-name [SP create-param-value]
               *    create-param-value= tagged-ext-val
               *                      ;; This non-terminal shows recommended syntax
               *                      ;; for future extensions.
              // mailbox name
              t.RequestArguments["mailbox name"] = new ImapMailboxNameString(mailboxName);

              // create-params
              if (createParams != null)
            t.RequestArguments["create parameters"] = createParams;

              if (ProcessTransaction(t).Succeeded) {
            if (existingMailbox == null)
              createdMailbox = mailboxManager.Add(new ImapMailbox(mailboxName));
              createdMailbox = mailboxManager.Rename(existingMailbox, mailboxName);
              else {

              return t.Result;