Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Element CreateImageSnippet(Element after, Resource res)
            int          newOrderNr = after.OrderNr + 1;
            ImageSnippet ns;

            // assume this is an image!
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(res.Content)) {
                var img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                using (var imgMs = new MemoryStream()) {
                    img.Save(imgMs, ImageFormat.Png);
                    ns = new ImageSnippet {
                        Name       = res.Name,        // remember the Name (will become the title once the user overwrites this
                        Content    = imgMs.ToArray(), // copy of image
                        Properties = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Encode(new ImageProperties {
                            OriginalWidth  = img.Width,
                            OriginalHeight = img.Height,
                            ImageWidth     = img.Width,
                            ImageHeight    = img.Height
                        MimeType = res.MimeType,
                        OrderNr  = newOrderNr
            ns.Parent = GetSection(after);
            this.ReorderLeafElementsAfterElement(ns, newOrderNr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Seed(EditorContext context)

            #region Author Portal

            #region create a sample
            Func <IEnumerable <XElement>, List <Element> > helper = null;
            var      currentChapter = String.Empty;
            var      chapterOrder   = 1;
            Document opus           = null;
            helper = nodes => {
                var ret     = new List <Element>();
                int orderNr = 1;
                foreach (var elm in nodes)
                    Element newElm = null;
                    # region Detect Element Type
                    switch (elm.Attribute("Type").Value.ToLower())
                    case "opus":
                        # region OPUS
                        // create opus
                        newElm = new Document {
                            Name = elm.Attribute("Name").Value
                        opus = (Document)newElm;
                        // this is an easy way to implement a workflow

                        # endregion
                    case "section":
                        # region SECTION
                        if (elm.FirstNode != null && elm.FirstNode.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Text)
                            newElm = new Section {
                                Content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((XText)elm.FirstNode).Value.Trim())
                            newElm = new Section {
                                Content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Empty Section")
                        if (elm.Attribute("Name") == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(elm.Attribute("Name").Value))
                            newElm.Name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(newElm.Content);
                            newElm.Name = elm.Attribute("Name").Value;
                            if (elm.FirstNode == null)
                                newElm.Content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(elm.Attribute("Name").Value);
                        // Detect Chapter Elements to store resources in subfolders
                        if (elm.Parent.Attribute("Type").Value == "Opus")
                            currentChapter = elm.Attribute("Name").Value;

                        # endregion
                    case "text":
                        # region TEXT
                        newElm = new TextSnippet {
                            Content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(elm.GetInnerXml()),
                            Name    = elm.Value.CleanUpString(15)

                        # endregion
                    case "image":
                        # region IMAGE
                        var imgpath = elm.Value.Trim();
                        Debug.Assert(Path.GetExtension(imgpath).Length > 0, "no extension " + imgpath);
                        // get and optionally create folder after chapter
                        var res = new Resource {
                            Name            = elm.Attribute("Name").Value,
                            OwnerDocument   = opus,
                            TypesOfResource = TypeOfResource.Content,
                            MimeType        = "image/" + Path.GetExtension(imgpath).Substring(1) // kick the leading "."
                        System.Drawing.Image img = null;
                        var localPath            = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location), "DemoContent", imgpath);
                        if (File.Exists(localPath))
                            var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(localPath);
                            res.Content = bytes;
                        newElm = new ImageSnippet {
                            Content  = res.Content,
                            Name     = res.Name,
                            Title    = res.Name,
                            MimeType = res.MimeType
                        var imgprops = new ImageProperties();
                        if (elm.Attribute("Width") == null || elm.Attribute("Height") == null)
                            if (img != null)
                                imgprops.ImageWidth  = imgprops.OriginalWidth = img.Width;
                                imgprops.ImageHeight = imgprops.OriginalHeight = img.Height;
                                imgprops.ImageWidth  = imgprops.OriginalWidth = 100;
                                imgprops.ImageHeight = imgprops.OriginalHeight = 100;
                            imgprops.ImageWidth  = imgprops.OriginalWidth = Convert.ToInt32(elm.Attribute("Width").GetNullSafeValue());
                            imgprops.ImageHeight = imgprops.OriginalHeight = Convert.ToInt32(elm.Attribute("Height").GetNullSafeValue());
                        ((ImageSnippet)newElm).Properties = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(imgprops);

                        # endregion
                    case "listing":
                        # region LISTING
                        newElm = new ListingSnippet {
                            Content         = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(elm.Value.Trim()), //.Replace("\n", " "); - Causes problems with Listing widget. All data is displayed in one line
                            Name            = elm.Attribute("Name") == null ? "Listing" : elm.Attribute("Name").Value,
                            Title           = elm.Attribute("Name") == null ? "Listing" : elm.Attribute("Name").Value,
                            Language        = elm.Attribute("Language") == null ? "" : elm.Attribute("Language").Value,
                            SyntaxHighlight = elm.Attribute("Highlight") == null ? true : Boolean.Parse(elm.Attribute("Highlight").Value),
                            LineNumbers     = elm.Attribute("LineNumbers") == null ? true : Boolean.Parse(elm.Attribute("LineNumbers").Value)
                        # endregion
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public dynamic InsertSnippet(int documentId, int chapterId, int id, string type, string variation, string data)
            var          level          = 0;
            var          opus           = ProjectManager.Instance.GetOpus(documentId, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
            var          chapter        = EditorManager.Instance.GetElement(chapterId) as Snippet;
            var          currentElement = EditorManager.Instance.GetElement(id > 0 ? id : chapterId);
            JsonBehavior json;
            var          changeElements = new List <JsonBehavior>();
            Snippet      ns;

            switch (type.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "chapter":
                ns   = EditorManager.Instance.CreateChapterSnippet(documentId, currentElement);
                json = ns.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorServiceWrapperAttribute), true).OfType <EditorServiceWrapperAttribute>().Single().GetJson(opus, chapter, ns as Snippet);

            case "section":
                level = 3; // opus == 1, chapter == 2
                goto case "insertsection";

            case "subsection":
                level = 4;
                goto case "insertsection";

            case "subsubsection":
                level = 5;
                goto case "insertsection";

            case "subsubsubsection":
                level = 6;
                goto case "insertsection";

            case "insertsection":
                ns = EditorManager.Instance.CreateSectionSnippet(documentId, currentElement, level);
                //json = (EditorServiceWrapper)Attribute.("Section", typeof(EditorServiceWrapper));
                //typeof(EditorServiceWrapper).GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorServiceWrapper), true).OfType.Where(e=>e.
                //var snippet = ns as Snippet;
                json           = (ns).GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorServiceWrapperAttribute), true).OfType <EditorServiceWrapperAttribute>().Single().GetJson(opus, chapter, ns);
                changeElements = EditorManager.Instance.ConvertElementToJsonSnippet(opus, chapter, EditorManager.Instance.GetSectionsAfterLevel(ns, level));

            case "text":
                ns   = EditorManager.Instance.CreateTextSnippet(documentId, currentElement);
                json = (ns).GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorServiceWrapperAttribute), true).OfType <EditorServiceWrapperAttribute>().First().GetJson(opus, chapter, ns);

            case "img":
                # region Image
                var resId = Convert.ToInt32(data); // resId is from resources, we need to pull this from blob storage first and save to element
                if (resId != 0)
                    // 1. Retrieve Res, 2. read blob, 3. put in content (hard copy of everything)
                    var res = ProjectManager.Instance.GetResource(resId) as ResourceFile;
                    if (res != null)
                        ns   = EditorManager.Instance.CreateImageSnippet(documentId, currentElement, res);
                        json = (ns).GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorServiceWrapperAttribute), true).OfType <EditorServiceWrapperAttribute>().First().GetJson(opus, chapter, ns);
                        ns   = new ImageSnippet();
                        json = null;
                    ns   = new ImageSnippet();
                    json = null;

                # endregion