Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Export
        private void Button_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                FolderBrowserDialog folderDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
                if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    UpdateStatus("No output folder selected", SystemIcons.Error);

                UpdateStatus("Preparing to export", 0, InputFiles.Count * 3);
                foreach (string file in InputFiles)
                    // import
                    UpdateStatus($"Loading {file}", true);
                    using (ImageMagick.MagickImage img = new ImageMagick.MagickImage(file))
                        // convert
                        UpdateStatus($"Converting {file}", true);
                        if (checkBox_Resize.Checked)
                            img.Resize((int)numericUpDown_ResizeX.Value, (int)numericUpDown_ResizeY.Value);

                        if (checkBox_AlphaMask.Checked)
                            ImageMagick.IPixelCollection pixels = img.GetPixels();
                            int width  = img.Width;
                            int height = img.Height;
                            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                    ImageMagick.MagickColor pixelColor = pixels[x, y].ToColor();
                                    pixels[x, y].Set(new ushort[] { pixelColor.A, pixelColor.A, pixelColor.A, ushort.MaxValue });

                        // export
                        string exportPath = $@"{folderDialog.SelectedPath}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{Path.GetFileName(file)}";
                        if (checkBox_ChangeFormat.Checked && comboBox_ExportFormat.SelectedItem != null)
                            exportPath = Path.ChangeExtension(exportPath, (comboBox_ExportFormat.SelectedItem as FormatComboBoxItem).Extension());
                        UpdateStatus($"Exporting \"{file}\"", true);

                UpdateStatus($"Exported {InputFiles.Count} files", 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                UpdateStatus(ex.Message, SystemIcons.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public FixtureRendererConfiguration2(string name)
            Name         = name;
            Renderer     = FixtureRenderererType.Shaded;
            Color        = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#FFF");
            Transparency = 0;

            HasLight    = true;
            LightMin    = 0.6;
            LightMax    = 1.0;
            LightVector = new SharpDX.Vector3(1f, 1f, -1f);

            HasShadow          = true;
            ShadowColor        = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#000");
            ShadowOffsetX      = 0;
            ShadowOffsetY      = 0;
            ShadowSize         = 1.0;
            ShadowTransparency = 75;
        public FixtureRendererConfiguration2(string name)
            Name = name;
            Renderer = FixtureRenderererType.Shaded;
            Color = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#FFF");
            Transparency = 0;

            HasLight = true;
            LightMin = 0.6;
            LightMax = 1.0;
            LightVector = new SharpDX.Vector3(1f, 1f, -1f);

            HasShadow = true;
            ShadowColor = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#000");
            ShadowOffsetX = 0;
            ShadowOffsetY = 0;
            ShadowSize = 1.0;
            ShadowTransparency = 75;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void GenerateCanvas()
            if (ProcessedPolygons.Count() == 0) return;

            var vectors = ProcessedPolygons.SelectMany(p => p.Vectors);
            double minX = vectors.Min(p => p.X);
            double maxX = vectors.Max(p => p.X);
            double minY = vectors.Min(p => p.Y);
            double maxY = vectors.Max(p => p.Y);

            // Get the canvas size
            double minXProduct = (minX < 0) ? minX * -1 : minX;
            double maxXProduct = (maxX < 0) ? maxX * -1 : maxX;
            double minYProduct = (minY < 0) ? minY * -1 : minY;
            double maxYProduct = (maxY < 0) ? maxY * -1 : maxY;
            CanvasWidth = Convert.ToInt32((minXProduct < maxXProduct) ? maxXProduct * 2f : minXProduct * 2f);
            CanvasHeight = Convert.ToInt32((minYProduct < maxYProduct) ? maxYProduct * 2f : minYProduct * 2f);

            // Contains all polygons
            List<DrawableElement> drawlist = new List<DrawableElement>();

            foreach (Polygon poly in ProcessedPolygons)
                Vector3 n = Vector3.Normalize(GetNormal(poly.P1, poly.P2, poly.P3));

                // backface cull
                if (n[2] < 0) continue;

                // shade
                double ndotl = RendererConf.LightVector[0] * n[0] + RendererConf.LightVector[1] * n[1] + RendererConf.LightVector[2] * n[2];
                if (ndotl > 0) ndotl = 0;

                // Lightning must be between 0 and 1, its multiplied with RGB and that must return a ushort
                double lighting = RendererConf.LightMin - (RendererConf.LightMax - RendererConf.LightMin) * ndotl;
                if (lighting < 0) lighting = 0;
                else if (lighting > 1) lighting = 1;

                List<ImageMagick.Coordinate> coordinates = new List<ImageMagick.Coordinate>();
                foreach (Vector3 vector in poly.Vectors)
                    coordinates.Add(new ImageMagick.Coordinate(CanvasWidth / 2 + vector.X, CanvasHeight / 2 - vector.Y));

                // We want to draw the vectors in z-order
                double maxZ = poly.Vectors.Max(p => p.Z);
                drawlist.Add(new DrawableElement(maxZ, lighting, coordinates));

            DrawableElements = drawlist.OrderBy(o => o.order);
            CanvasX = Convert.ToInt32(ZoneConf.ZoneCoordinateToMapCoordinate(FixtureRow.X) - CanvasWidth / 2d);
            CanvasY = Convert.ToInt32(ZoneConf.ZoneCoordinateToMapCoordinate(FixtureRow.Y) - CanvasHeight / 2d);
            ModelColor = RendererConf.Color;
            ModelTransparency = RendererConf.Transparency;