Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void ReceiveKeyHook(Keys key)
     if (key == Keys.Subtract && !ImageDraw.IsRunning)
         ImageDraw.onDrawEnd += ImageDrawEnd;
         ImageDraw.StartDrawing(imageData, int.Parse(VJumpBox.Text), int.Parse(ThreadSleepBox.Text));
     if (key == Keys.Multiply && !this.Visible && ImageDraw.IsRunning)
         ImageDraw.IsPaused = !ImageDraw.IsPaused;
     if (key == Keys.Divide && !this.Visible)
         ImageDraw.onDrawEnd -= ImageDrawEnd;
         KeyHook.onKeyHooked -= ReceiveKeyHook;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GenerateCard()
            //Get the info to create the business card
            string fullname     = "";
            string jobtitle     = "";
            string addressline1 = "";
            string addressline2 = "";
            string phone        = "";
            string email        = "";
            string logoFile     = "";
            string layout       = "Left";
            Color  cardColor    = lblCardColor.BackColor;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFullName.Text))
                fullname = txtFullName.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtJobTitle.Text))
                jobtitle = txtJobTitle.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAddressLine1.Text))
                addressline1 = txtAddressLine1.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAddressLine2.Text))
                addressline2 = txtAddressLine2.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhone.Text))
                phone = txtPhone.Text;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text))
                email = txtEmail.Text;
            if (this.btnLogo.Tag != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.btnLogo.Tag.ToString()))
                logoFile = this.btnLogo.Tag.ToString();
            if (rbRight.Checked)
                layout = "Right";

            //Create an instance of ImageDraw
            ImageDraw imgDraw = new ImageDraw();

            //Basic settings for Business Card
            imgDraw.Canvas.AutoSize = false;
            imgDraw.ImageFormat     = ImageDrawFormat.Png;
            //Set business card size
            imgDraw.Canvas.Width  = 400;
            imgDraw.Canvas.Height = 250;

            //Create main decorative shape element
            RectangleShapeElement rect1 = new RectangleShapeElement();

            rect1.X      = 10;
            rect1.Y      = 10;
            rect1.Width  = 380;
            rect1.Height = 230;

            rect1.Roundness   = 20;
            rect1.StrokeWidth = 0;
            //Set background
            rect1.Fill.BackgroundColor = cardColor;
            //Add element to output image

            //Create top decorative shape element
            RectangleShapeElement rect2 = new RectangleShapeElement();

            rect2.X                    = 20;
            rect2.Y                    = 20;
            rect2.Width                = 360;
            rect2.Height               = 170;
            rect2.Roundness            = 10;
            rect2.StrokeWidth          = 0;
            rect2.Fill.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
            //Add element to output image

            //Create bottom decorative shape element
            RectangleShapeElement rect3 = new RectangleShapeElement();

            rect3.X           = 30;
            rect3.Y           = 130;
            rect3.Width       = 340;
            rect3.Height      = 100;
            rect3.Roundness   = 10;
            rect3.StrokeWidth = 1;
            rect3.StrokeFill.BackgroundColor = cardColor;
            rect3.Fill.BackgroundColor       = Color.White;
            //Add element to output image

            //Create an ImageElement to wrap the user logo
            if (logoFile.Length > 0 && System.IO.File.Exists(logoFile))
                ImageElement imgElemLogo = new ImageElement();
                //Get user logo from disk
                imgElemLogo.Source     = ImageSource.File;
                imgElemLogo.SourceFile = logoFile;
                //Logo Layout
                if (layout == "Right")
                    imgElemLogo.X = 40;
                    imgElemLogo.Y = 40;
                    imgElemLogo.X = 400 - (50 + 40); //Canvas Width - (Logo Width + X Margin)
                    imgElemLogo.Y = 40;
                //Apply Resize logo
                Resize resizeLogo = new Resize();
                resizeLogo.Width           = 50;
                resizeLogo.LockAspectRatio = LockAspectRatio.WidthBased;
                //Add element to output image

            //Create TextElement objects for each fields

            //Full Name TextElement
            if (fullname.Length > 0)
                TextElement txtElemName = new TextElement();
                txtElemName.AutoSize    = false;
                txtElemName.Font.Name   = "Arial";
                txtElemName.Font.Size   = 14f;
                txtElemName.Font.Unit   = FontUnit.Point;
                txtElemName.Font.Bold   = true;
                txtElemName.ForeColor   = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                txtElemName.Text        = fullname;
                txtElemName.TextQuality = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                txtElemName.X           = 40;
                txtElemName.Y           = 40;
                txtElemName.Width       = 320;
                txtElemName.Height      = 20;
                if (layout == "Left")
                    txtElemName.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
                    txtElemName.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                //Add element to output image

            //Job Title TextElement
            if (jobtitle.Length > 0)
                TextElement txtElemJob = new TextElement();
                txtElemJob.AutoSize    = false;
                txtElemJob.Font.Name   = "Arial";
                txtElemJob.Font.Size   = 10f;
                txtElemJob.Font.Unit   = FontUnit.Point;
                txtElemJob.ForeColor   = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                txtElemJob.Text        = jobtitle;
                txtElemJob.TextQuality = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                txtElemJob.X           = 40;
                txtElemJob.Y           = 64;
                txtElemJob.Width       = 320;
                txtElemJob.Height      = 14;
                if (layout == "Left")
                    txtElemJob.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
                    txtElemJob.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                //Add element to output image

            //Address Lines TextElement
            if (addressline1.Length > 0)
                TextElement txtElemAddress = new TextElement();
                txtElemAddress.AutoSize    = false;
                txtElemAddress.Font.Name   = "Times New Roman";
                txtElemAddress.Font.Italic = true;
                txtElemAddress.Font.Size   = 11f;
                txtElemAddress.Font.Unit   = FontUnit.Point;
                txtElemAddress.ForeColor   = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                txtElemAddress.Text        = addressline1 + "\n" + addressline2;
                txtElemAddress.TextQuality = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                txtElemAddress.X           = 40;
                txtElemAddress.Y           = 130;
                txtElemAddress.Width       = 160;
                txtElemAddress.Height      = 50;
                if (layout == "Left")
                    txtElemAddress.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
                    txtElemAddress.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                //Add element to output image

            //Phone and Email TextElement
            if (phone.Length > 0 || email.Length > 0)
                TextElement txtElemPhone = new TextElement();
                txtElemPhone.AutoSize    = false;
                txtElemPhone.Font.Name   = "Georgia";
                txtElemPhone.Font.Size   = 10f;
                txtElemPhone.Font.Unit   = FontUnit.Point;
                txtElemPhone.ForeColor   = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                txtElemPhone.Text        = "Phone: " + phone + "\n" + email;
                txtElemPhone.TextQuality = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                txtElemPhone.X           = 200;
                txtElemPhone.Y           = 180;
                txtElemPhone.Width       = 160;
                txtElemPhone.Height      = 50;
                if (layout == "Right")
                    txtElemPhone.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
                    txtElemPhone.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                //Add element to output image

            //generate image card and preview it
            picCardPreview.Image = imgDraw.GetOutputImage();