Ejemplo n.º 1
            public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                if (point.ImageID != _currentID)
                    _currentID = point.ImageID;
                    if (point.Image.IsIntegral || DecisionTree <ImageDataPoint <float>, float[]> .IsBuilding)
                        _integralImage = new FloatArrayHandler(point.Image.RawArray, true);
                        _integralImage = IntegralImage.ComputeFloat <FloatArrayHandler>(point.Image);
                int row    = point.Row;
                int column = point.Column;
                IMultichannelImage <float> image = point.Image;
                float sum = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        sum += _integralImage.ComputeRectangleSum(row, column, _channels[i], _rectangles[i]);
                        sum -= _integralImage.ComputeRectangleSum(row, column, _channels[i], _rectangles[i]);
                Debug.Assert(!float.IsNaN(sum), "Rectangle sum is NaN!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Filter Bank Image.  The input image is run through the provided filter banks and their responses are concatenated together to form the channels of the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input image</param>
        /// <param name="filterBanks">The filter banks to apply</param>
        /// <returns>The image</returns>
        public static unsafe FilterBankImage Create(IMultichannelImage <float> input, params FilterBank[] filterBanks)
            FilterBankImage image = new FilterBankImage();

            image.SetDimensions(input.Rows, input.Columns, filterBanks.Sum(o => o.DescriptorLength));
            fixed(float *dataSrc = image.RawArray)
                float *dataPtr = dataSrc;

                for (short r = 0; r < input.Rows; r++)
                    for (short c = 0; c < input.Columns; c++)
                        ImageDataPoint <float> point = new ImageDataPoint <float>(input, r, c, 0);
                        foreach (var fb in filterBanks)
                            float[] values = fb.Compute(point);
                            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++, dataPtr++)
                                *dataPtr = values[i];

Ejemplo n.º 3
            public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                int   row    = point.Row;
                int   column = point.Column;
                float value1 = GetValue1(row, column, point);
                float value2 = GetValue2(row, column, point);

                if (value2 == 0)
                    value2 = Decider <ImageDataPoint <float>, float[]> .DIRICHLET_PRIOR;
                float val = value1 / value2;

                if (_absoluteValue)
                    val = Math.Abs(val);
                if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(val) || float.IsNaN(val) || float.IsPositiveInfinity(val))
                    throw new Exception("invalid feature value!");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the filter bank at the provided point.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">Desired location</param>
 /// <returns>Filter response</returns>
 public virtual float[] Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
     float[] desc = new float[_filters.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < desc.Length; i++)
         desc[i] = _filters[i].Compute(point);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            protected float GetValue2(int row, int column, ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                row    += _row2;
                column += _column2;
                IMultichannelImage <float> image = point.Image;

                fixValue(ref row, 0, image.Rows);
                fixValue(ref column, 0, image.Columns);
                return(image.RawArray[row, column, _channel2]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Example of applying ONNX transform on in-memory images.
        public static void Example()
            // Download the squeeznet image model from ONNX model zoo, version 1.2
            // https://github.com/onnx/models/tree/master/squeezenet or use
            // Microsoft.ML.Onnx.TestModels nuget.
            // It's a multiclass classifier. It consumes an input "data_0" and produces
            // an output "softmaxout_1".
            var modelPath = @"squeezenet\00000001\model.onnx";

            // Create ML pipeline to score the data using OnnxScoringEstimator
            var mlContext = new MLContext();

            // Create in-memory data points. Its Image/Scores field is the input/output of the used ONNX model.
            var dataPoints = new ImageDataPoint[]
                new ImageDataPoint(Color.Red),
                new ImageDataPoint(Color.Green)

            // Convert training data to IDataView, the general data type used in ML.NET.
            var dataView = mlContext.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataPoints);

            // Create a ML.NET pipeline which contains two steps. First, ExtractPixle is used to convert the 224x224 image to a 3x224x224 float tensor.
            // Then the float tensor is fed into a ONNX model with an input called "data_0" and an output called "softmaxout_1". Note that "data_0" and
            // "softmaxout_1" are model input and output names stored in the used ONNX model file. Users may need to inspect their own models to
            // get the right input and output column names.
            var pipeline = mlContext.Transforms.ExtractPixels("data_0", "Image")                              // Map column "Image" to column "data_0"
                           .Append(mlContext.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel("softmaxout_1", "data_0", modelPath)); // Map column "data_0" to column "softmaxout_1"
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            var onnx  = model.Transform(dataView);

            // Convert IDataView back to IEnumerable<ImageDataPoint> so that user can inspect the output, column "softmaxout_1", of the ONNX transform.
            // Note that Column "softmaxout_1" would be stored in ImageDataPont.Scores because the added attributed [ColumnName("softmaxout_1")]
            // tells that ImageDataPont.Scores is equivalent to column "softmaxout_1".
            var transformedDataPoints = mlContext.Data.CreateEnumerable <ImageDataPoint>(onnx, false).ToList();

            // The scores are probabilities of all possible classes, so they should all be positive.
            foreach (var dataPoint in transformedDataPoints)
                var firstClassProb = dataPoint.Scores.First();
                var lastClassProb  = dataPoint.Scores.Last();
                Console.WriteLine($"The probability of being the first class is {firstClassProb * 100}%.");
                Console.WriteLine($"The probability of being the last class is {lastClassProb * 100}%.");

            // Expected output:
            //  The probability of being the first class is 0.002542659%.
            //  The probability of being the last class is 0.0292684%.
            //  The probability of being the first class is 0.02258059%.
            //  The probability of being the last class is 0.394428%.
Ejemplo n.º 7
            public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                float[,,] data = point.Image.RawArray;
                int   rows    = data.GetLength(0);
                int   columns = data.GetLength(1);
                int   row     = point.Row;
                int   column  = point.Column;
                float sum     = 0;

                foreach (Part part in _parts)
                    sum += part.Compute(data, row, column, rows, columns);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void OnnxModelInMemoryImage()
            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))

            // Path of ONNX model. It's a multiclass classifier. It consumes an input "data_0" and produces an output "softmaxout_1".
            var modelFile = "squeezenet/00000001/model.onnx";

            // Create in-memory data points. Its Image/Scores field is the input/output of the used ONNX model.
            var dataPoints = new ImageDataPoint[]
                new ImageDataPoint(Color.Red),
                new ImageDataPoint(Color.Green)

            // Convert training data to IDataView, the general data type used in ML.NET.
            var dataView = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(dataPoints);

            // Create a ML.NET pipeline which contains two steps. First, ExtractPixle is used to convert the 224x224 image to a 3x224x224 float tensor.
            // Then the float tensor is fed into a ONNX model with an input called "data_0" and an output called "softmaxout_1". Note that "data_0" and
            // "softmaxout_1" are model input and output names stored in the used ONNX model file. Users may need to inspect their own models to
            // get the right input and output column names.
            var pipeline = ML.Transforms.ExtractPixels("data_0", "Image")                              // Map column "Image" to column "data_0"
                           .Append(ML.Transforms.ApplyOnnxModel("softmaxout_1", "data_0", modelFile)); // Map column "data_0" to column "softmaxout_1"
            var model = pipeline.Fit(dataView);
            var onnx  = model.Transform(dataView);

            // Convert IDataView back to IEnumerable<ImageDataPoint> so that user can inspect the output, column "softmaxout_1", of the ONNX transform.
            // Note that Column "softmaxout_1" would be stored in ImageDataPont.Scores because the added attributed [ColumnName("softmaxout_1")]
            // tells that ImageDataPont.Scores is equivalent to column "softmaxout_1".
            var transformedDataPoints = ML.Data.CreateEnumerable <ImageDataPoint>(onnx, false).ToList();

            // The scores are probabilities of all possible classes, so they should all be positive.
            foreach (var dataPoint in transformedDataPoints)
                foreach (var score in dataPoint.Scores)
                    Assert.True(score > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
            public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                if (point.ImageID != _currentID)
                    _currentID = point.ImageID;
                    if (point.Image.IsIntegral || DecisionTree <ImageDataPoint <float>, float[]> .IsBuilding)
                        _integralImage = point.Image;
                        _integralImage = IntegralImage.ComputeFloat <FloatArrayHandler>(point.Image);
                int   row    = point.Row;
                int   column = point.Column;
                float sum    = _integralImage.ComputeRectangleSum(row, column, _channel, _rect);

                Debug.Assert(!float.IsNaN(sum), "Rectangle sum is NaN");
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
                int row    = point.Row + _row;
                int column = point.Column + _column;
                IMultichannelImage <float> image = point.Image;

                fixValue(ref row, 0, image.Rows);
                fixValue(ref column, 0, image.Columns);

                float val = image.RawArray[row, column, _channel];

                if (_useLog)
                    val = Math.Abs(val);
                    val = Math.Max(val, Decider <ImageDataPoint <float>, float[]> .DIRICHLET_PRIOR);
                    val = (float)Math.Log(val);
                if (_useAbsoluteValue)
                    val = Math.Abs(val);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestGrayScaleInMemory()
            // Create an image list.
            var images = new List <ImageDataPoint>()
                new ImageDataPoint(10, 10, Color.Blue), new ImageDataPoint(10, 10, Color.Red)

            // Convert the list of data points to an IDataView object, which is consumable by ML.NET API.
            var data = ML.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(images);

            // Convert image to gray scale.
            var pipeline = ML.Transforms.ConvertToGrayscale("GrayImage", "Image");

            // Fit the model.
            var model = pipeline.Fit(data);

            // Test path: image files -> IDataView -> Enumerable of Bitmaps.
            var transformedData = model.Transform(data);

            // Load images in DataView back to Enumerable.
            var transformedDataPoints = ML.Data.CreateEnumerable <ImageDataPoint>(transformedData, false);

            foreach (var dataPoint in transformedDataPoints)
                var image     = dataPoint.Image;
                var grayImage = dataPoint.GrayImage;


                Assert.Equal(image.Width, grayImage.Width);
                Assert.Equal(image.Height, grayImage.Height);

                for (int x = 0; x < grayImage.Width; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < grayImage.Height; ++y)
                        var pixel = grayImage.GetPixel(x, y);
                        // greyscale image has same values for R, G and B.
                        Assert.True(pixel.R == pixel.G && pixel.G == pixel.B);

            var engine                 = ML.Model.CreatePredictionEngine <ImageDataPoint, ImageDataPoint>(model);
            var singleImage            = new ImageDataPoint(17, 36, Color.Pink);
            var transformedSingleImage = engine.Predict(singleImage);

            Assert.Equal(singleImage.Image.Height, transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.Height);
            Assert.Equal(singleImage.Image.Width, transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.Width);

            for (int x = 0; x < transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.Width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.Height; ++y)
                    var pixel = transformedSingleImage.GrayImage.GetPixel(x, y);
                    // greyscale image has same values for R, G and B.
                    Assert.True(pixel.R == pixel.G && pixel.G == pixel.B);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes filter by multiplying the filter values against the patch values.  If the patch or filter
 /// sizes do not match up, the two will be centered on each other and computation done on overlapping
 /// indices.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">Point to use when computing filter</param>
 /// <returns>Filter response for the desired sample</returns>
 public unsafe float Compute(ImageDataPoint <float> point)
     return(compute(point.Row, point.Column, point.Image));