Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal void Copy(Image sourceImage, Image destinationImage, uint width, uint height)
            var transferBuffers = this.BeginSingleTimeCommand(this.transferCommandPool);

            ImageSubresourceLayers subresource = new ImageSubresourceLayers
                AspectMask     = ImageAspectFlags.Color,
                BaseArrayLayer = 0,
                LayerCount     = 1,
                MipLevel       = 0

            ImageCopy region = new ImageCopy
                DestinationSubresource = subresource,
                SourceSubresource      = subresource,
                SourceOffset           = new Offset3D(),
                DestinationOffset      = new Offset3D(),
                Extent = new Extent3D
                    Width  = width,
                    Height = height,
                    Depth  = 1

            transferBuffers[0].CopyImage(sourceImage, ImageLayout.TransferSourceOptimal, destinationImage, ImageLayout.TransferDestinationOptimal, region);

            this.EndSingleTimeCommand(transferBuffers, this.transferCommandPool, this.transferQueue);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestFromSourceToDestination(string resourcePath)
            // Load source image
            using Bitmap sourceBitmap = TestImage.FromResource(resourcePath) as Bitmap;


            // Create blank bitmap
            using Bitmap copyBitmap = new(sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height, sourceBitmap.PixelFormat);

            // Crop region of image
            ImageCopy.FromSourceToDestination(sourceBitmap, copyBitmap);

            // Check size
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceBitmap.Width, copyBitmap.Width);
            Assert.AreEqual(sourceBitmap.Height, copyBitmap.Height);

            // Get bytes for each image
            byte[] sourceBytes = ImageBytes.FromImage(sourceBitmap);
            byte[] copiedBytes = ImageBytes.FromImage(copyBitmap);

            // Compare to ensure correct copy matches
            int limit = System.Math.Min(sourceBytes.Length, copiedBytes.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(sourceBytes[i], copiedBytes[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void CmdCopyImage(Image srcImage, ImageLayout srcImageLayout, Image dstImage, ImageLayout dstImageLayout, ImageCopy?pRegion)
     unsafe {
         ImageCopy  valpRegion = pRegion ?? default(ImageCopy);
         ImageCopy *ptrpRegion = pRegion != null ? &valpRegion : (ImageCopy *)IntPtr.Zero;
         Interop.NativeMethods.vkCmdCopyImage(this.m, srcImage != null ? srcImage.m : default(UInt64), srcImageLayout, dstImage != null ? dstImage.m : default(UInt64), dstImageLayout, (UInt32)(pRegion != null ? 1 : 0), ptrpRegion);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CopyTest()
            var finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + (@"\config\log4net.config"));

            ImageCopy imageCopy = new ImageCopy();

            imageCopy.SourcePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\TestFiles\\Images\\";
            imageCopy.TargetPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\TestFiles\\TargetImages\\";
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void lv_Patient_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ListViewItem lvi = lv_Patient.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
            if (lvi == null) return;
            if (lvi.ImageIndex != 1) return;

            BWorkList bwk = new BWorkList();
            MWorkList mwk = (MWorkList)bwk.GetModel(lvi.Tag.ToString());

            BReport brt = new BReport();
            MReport mrt = (MReport)brt.GetModel(lvi.Tag.ToString());

            ImageCopy ic = new ImageCopy();
            string saveDir = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\temp";
            List<ImgObj> arrayImg = ic.LoadImages(mwk, saveDir);
            frmReportEdit frmRE = new frmReportEdit();
            frmRE.initForm(mwk, mrt,ILL.GetConfig.RS_OpenWord);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Initalized the context values to local variables
        protected void InitValue(CodeActivityContext context)

                this.strCellRange = CellRange.Get(context);

                this.dblChartLeft   = Size.Left;
                this.dblChartTop    = Size.Top;
                this.dblChartWidth  = Size.Width;
                this.dblChartHeight = Size.Height;
                this.strChartTitle  = ChartTitle.Get(context);
                this.strImagecopy   = ImageCopy.Get(context);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("InitValue" + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public unsafe void CopyImage(Image sourceImage, ImageLayout sourceImageLayout, Image destinationImage, ImageLayout destinationImageLayout, uint regionCount, ImageCopy* regions)
     vkCmdCopyImage(this, sourceImage, sourceImageLayout, destinationImage, destinationImageLayout, regionCount, regions);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal static unsafe extern void vkCmdCopyImage(CommandBuffer commandBuffer, Image sourceImage, ImageLayout sourceImageLayout, Image destinationImage, ImageLayout destinationImageLayout, uint regionCount, ImageCopy* regions);