Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void EndBoarder()
            Vector2 size = new Vector2(ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().X, ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos().Y - _startPos.Y);
            ImDrawListPtr wdl = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList();

            Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[6];
            pts[0] = new Vector2(_startPos.X + 2, _startPos.Y);
            pts[1] = _startPos;                                                   //top left
            pts[2] = new Vector2(_startPos.X, _startPos.Y + size.Y);              //bottom left
            pts[3] = new Vector2(_startPos.X + size.X + 3, _startPos.Y + size.Y); //bottom right
            pts[4] = new Vector2(_startPos.X + size.X + 3, _startPos.Y);
            pts[5] = new Vector2(_startPos.X + _labelSize.X + 3, _startPos.Y);
            wdl.AddPolyline(ref pts[0], pts.Length, _colour, false, 1.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * public static void Begin(string id, ref int selected, string[] list)
         * {
         *  Begin(id, list, ref selected, ImGui.GetColorU32(ImGuiCol.Border));
         * }
         * public static void Begin(string id, string[] list, ref int selected, ImGuiCol colorIdx)
         * {
         *  Begin(id, list, ref selected, ImGui.GetColorU32(colorIdx));
         * }
        public static void End(Vector2 sizeRight)
            ImGui.Unindent(_dentMulitpier * _nestIndex);
            var state  = _states[_nestIndex];
            var winpos = ImGui.GetCursorPos();

            var rgnSize = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail();

            var scpos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos();


            state._xright = state._xcentr + sizeRight.X;

            float boty = Math.Max(state._ybot, state._ytop + sizeRight.Y); //is the list bigger, or the items drawn after it.

            ImDrawListPtr wdl = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList();

            Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[9];
            pts[0] = new Vector2(state._xleft, state._yctr1);   //topleft of the selected item
            pts[1] = new Vector2(state._xleft, state._yctr2);   //botomleft of the selected item
            pts[2] = new Vector2(state._xcentr, state._yctr2);  //bottom rigth of selected item
            pts[3] = new Vector2(state._xcentr, boty);          //bottom left of rh colomn
            pts[4] = new Vector2(state._xright, boty);          //bottom Right
            pts[5] = new Vector2(state._xright, state._ytop);   //top righht
            pts[6] = new Vector2(state._xcentr, state._ytop);   //top mid
            pts[7] = new Vector2(state._xcentr, state._yctr1);  //selected top right
            pts[8] = pts[0];                                    //selected top left

            wdl.AddPolyline(ref pts[0], pts.Length, state._colour, false, 1.0f);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void End(float width)
            ImGui.Unindent(_dentMulitpier * _nestIndex);
            var pos = ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos();

            _size[_nestIndex] = new Vector2(width, pos.Y - _startPos[_nestIndex].Y);
            ImDrawListPtr wdl = ImGui.GetWindowDrawList();

            float by = _startPos[_nestIndex].Y + _size[_nestIndex].Y + _dentMulitpier - _dentMulitpier * _nestIndex;
            float rx = _startPos[_nestIndex].X + _size[_nestIndex].X - _dentMulitpier * _nestIndex;

            Vector2[] pts = new Vector2[6];
            pts[0] = new Vector2(_startPos[_nestIndex].X + _dentMulitpier, _startPos[_nestIndex].Y);
            pts[1] = _startPos[_nestIndex];                    //top left
            pts[2] = new Vector2(_startPos[_nestIndex].X, by); //bottom left
            pts[3] = new Vector2(rx, by);                      //bottom right
            pts[4] = new Vector2(rx, _startPos[_nestIndex].Y); //top right
            pts[5] = new Vector2(_startPos[_nestIndex].X + _labelSize[_nestIndex].X + _dentMulitpier, _startPos[_nestIndex].Y);
            wdl.AddPolyline(ref pts[0], pts.Length, _colour[_nestIndex], false, 1.0f);
