public void IndentityTupleLoadFromFile()
            // rule DTO
            var car = new CarDTO
                Make = "Ford",
                Year = 2010,
                Model = "Expedition",
                AskingPrice = 10000.0000m,
                SellingPrice = 9000.0000m

            var salesperson = new SalesPersonDTO
                State = "PA",
                IsManager = true,
                MaximumDiscount = 1000.0000m

            // Load all rules applied to the user type.
            var re = new IdentityTupleRuleEngine();
            var xd = new XmlDocument();
            re.LoadRulesFromElementList<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO>(xd, "/rules/rule");
            IClaimsPrincipal id = new ClaimsPrincipal(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal);
            Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO, IClaimsPrincipal,bool> fordSaleApproverWithSalesPersonInfo = re.GetRule<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO>("FordSaleApproverSalesPerson").Compile();
            Assert.AreEqual(true, fordSaleApproverWithSalesPersonInfo(car, salesperson,id));
        public void IdentityTupleBasicOperatorTest()
            // rule DTO
            var car = new CarDTO
                Make = "Ford",
                Year = 2010,
                Model = "Expedition",
                AskingPrice = 10000.0000m,
                SellingPrice = 9000.0000m

            var salesperson = new SalesPersonDTO
                State = "PA",
                IsManager = true,
                MaximumDiscount = 1000.0000m

            // programatic mix in of claims rule and rule against the DTO for Car and SalesPerson
            var carRule1 = new Rule("Year", "2010", "GreaterThanOrEqual","CarDTO");
            var claimRule = new Rule("@User", "S-1-5-21-2493390151-660934664-2262481224-513", "");
            var salePersonRule1 = new Rule("State", "PA", "Equals","SalesPersonDTO");
            var salePersonRule2 = new Rule("IsManager", "true", "Equals", "SalesPersonDTO");

            var re = new IdentityTupleRuleEngine();

            // build Some Expressions
            Expression<Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO,IClaimsPrincipal, bool>> carRule1Expression = re.GetExpression<CarDTO,SalesPersonDTO>(carRule1);
            Expression<Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO, IClaimsPrincipal, bool>> claimRuleExpression = re.GetExpression<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO>(claimRule);
            Expression<Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO, IClaimsPrincipal, bool>> sp1Expression = re.GetExpression<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO>(salePersonRule1);
            Expression<Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO, IClaimsPrincipal, bool>> sp2Expression = re.GetExpression<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO>(salePersonRule2);

            Expression<Func<CarDTO, SalesPersonDTO, IClaimsPrincipal, bool>> coumpoundExpr =

            IClaimsPrincipal id = new ClaimsPrincipal(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, coumpoundExpr.Compile()(car,salesperson,id));