Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void LegalIdentifiersPassValidation(string identifier)
            var parameter           = "someIdentity";
            var errorCode           = "someError";
            var errorDescription    = "error description";
            var requestBody         = "REQUEST BODY CONTENT";
            var mockLogger          = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var mockDependencyScope = new Mock <IDependencyScope>();
            var httpConfiguration   = new HttpConfiguration();
            var routeData           = new HttpRouteData(new HttpRoute());
            var request             = new HttpRequestMessage();
            var values = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { parameter, identifier }
            var identityValidator = new IdentifierRouteConstraint(errorCode, errorDescription);

            mockDependencyScope.Setup(scope => scope.GetService(It.Is <Type>(type => type == typeof(ILogger))))

            mockLogger.Setup(logger => logger.ForContext(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))

            request.Content = new StringContent(requestBody);
            request.Properties.Add(HttpPropertyKeys.DependencyScope, mockDependencyScope.Object);

            Action actionUnderTest = () => identityValidator.Match(request, Mock.Of <IHttpRoute>(), parameter, values, HttpRouteDirection.UriResolution);

            actionUnderTest.ShouldNotThrow("because the constraint was not violated");
        public void WhenConstructedWithGenericTypeShort_ItShouldUseShortRouteConstraint(object routeValue, bool expectedResult)
            // Arrange
            var routeConstraint = new IdentifierRouteConstraint <short>();

            var routeValues = RouteValueDictionary.FromArray(new[]
                new KeyValuePair <string, object>("id", routeValue),

            // Act
            var result = routeConstraint.Match(null, null, "id", routeValues, RouteDirection.IncomingRequest);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ValidationIsNotPerformedWhenParameterIsNotPresent()
            var parameter         = "someIdentity";
            var errorCode         = "someError";
            var errorDescription  = "error description";
            var httpConfiguration = new HttpConfiguration();
            var routeData         = new HttpRouteData(new HttpRoute());
            var request           = new HttpRequestMessage();
            var values            = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "Not My Parameter", "Not My Value" }
            var identityValidator = new IdentifierRouteConstraint(errorCode, errorDescription);


            Action actionUnderTest = () => identityValidator.Match(request, Mock.Of <IHttpRoute>(), parameter, values, HttpRouteDirection.UriResolution);

            actionUnderTest.ShouldNotThrow("because the parameter to check the constraint against was not present");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task IdentifiersWithBadCharactersFailValidationAndAreLogged(string identifier)
            var parameter           = "someIdentity";
            var errorCode           = "someError";
            var errorDescription    = "error description";
            var requestBody         = "REQUEST BODY CONTENT";
            var mockLogger          = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var mockDependencyScope = new Mock <IDependencyScope>();
            var httpConfiguration   = new HttpConfiguration();
            var routeData           = new HttpRouteData(new HttpRoute());
            var request             = new HttpRequestMessage();
            var values = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { parameter, identifier }
            var identityValidator = new IdentifierRouteConstraint(errorCode, errorDescription);

            mockDependencyScope.Setup(scope => scope.GetService(It.Is <Type>(type => type == typeof(ILogger))))

            mockLogger.Setup(logger => logger.ForContext(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))

            request.Content = new StringContent(requestBody);
            request.Properties.Add(HttpPropertyKeys.DependencyScope, mockDependencyScope.Object);

            var response = default(HttpResponseMessage);

            Action actionUnderTest = () =>
                    identityValidator.Match(request, Mock.Of <IHttpRoute>(), parameter, values, HttpRouteDirection.UriResolution);

                catch (HttpResponseException ex)
                    response = ex.Response;

            actionUnderTest.ShouldThrow <HttpResponseException>("because the constraint was violated");

            response.Should().NotBeNull("because the failed validation should set a response");
            response.StatusCode.Should().Be(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "because a failed validation should be considered a BadRequest");
            response.Content.Should().NotBeNull("because there should have been an error set returned for context");

            var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ErrorSet>();

            responseContent.Should().NotBeNull("because the content body should be an error set");
            responseContent.Errors.Should().NotBeNull("because the error set should contain errors");

            var errors = responseContent.Errors.ToList();

            errors.Count.Should().Be(1, "because a single error should be present");
            errors[0].Code.Should().Be(errorCode, "because the provided error code should be used for the failure response");
            errors[0].Description.Should().Be(errorDescription, "because the provided error description should be used for the failure response");

            mockLogger.Verify(logger => logger.Information(It.IsAny <string>(),
                                                           It.Is <HttpStatusCode>(code => code == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest),
                                                           It.Is <string>(parameterName => parameterName == parameter),
                                                           It.Is <Uri>(uri => uri == request.RequestUri),
                                                           It.Is <ErrorSet>(set => set == responseContent)),
                              Times.Once, "The route parameter validation failure should have been logged");