Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all occurrences of transparent identifiers
        /// </summary>
        void RemoveTransparentIdentifierReferences(AstNode node, Dictionary <string, object> fromOrLetIdentifiers)
            foreach (AstNode child in node.Children)
                RemoveTransparentIdentifierReferences(child, fromOrLetIdentifiers);
            MemberReferenceExpression mre = node as MemberReferenceExpression;

            if (mre != null)
                IdentifierExpression ident = mre.Target as IdentifierExpression;
                if (ident != null && IsTransparentIdentifier(ident.Identifier))
                    IdentifierExpression newIdent = new IdentifierExpression(mre.MemberName);
                    newIdent.RemoveAnnotations <Semantics.MemberResolveResult>();                    // remove the reference to the property of the anonymous type
                    if (fromOrLetIdentifiers.TryGetValue(mre.MemberName, out var annotation))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static IdentifierExpression Create(string identifier, object annotation, bool addAnnotationToExpr = false)
            var ide = new IdentifierExpression(identifier);

            if (annotation != null)
                if (addAnnotationToExpr)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddNamedArgument(this NRefactory.CSharp.Attribute attribute, ModuleDef module, Type attrType, Type fieldType, string fieldName, Expression argument)
            var ide = new IdentifierExpression(fieldName);

            if (module != null)
                TypeSig sig = module.CorLibTypes.GetCorLibTypeSig(module.Import(fieldType));
                if (sig == null)
                    var typeRef = module.CorLibTypes.GetTypeRef(fieldType.Namespace, fieldType.Name);
                    sig = fieldType.IsValueType ? (TypeSig) new ValueTypeSig(typeRef) : new ClassSig(typeRef);
                var fr = new MemberRefUser(module, fieldName, new FieldSig(sig), module.CorLibTypes.GetTypeRef(attrType.Namespace, attrType.Name));

            attribute.Arguments.Add(new AssignmentExpression(ide, argument));
		AstNode TransformByteCode(ILExpression byteCode)
			object operand = byteCode.Operand;
			AstType operandAsTypeRef = AstBuilder.ConvertType(operand as ITypeDefOrRef);

			List<Expression> args = new List<Expression>();
			foreach(ILExpression arg in byteCode.Arguments) {
			Expression arg1 = args.Count >= 1 ? args[0] : null;
			Expression arg2 = args.Count >= 2 ? args[1] : null;
			Expression arg3 = args.Count >= 3 ? args[2] : null;
			switch (byteCode.Code) {
					#region Arithmetic
				case ILCode.Add:
				case ILCode.Add_Ovf:
				case ILCode.Add_Ovf_Un:
						BinaryOperatorExpression boe;
						if (byteCode.InferredType is PtrSig) {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
							if (byteCode.Arguments[0].ExpectedType is PtrSig ||
								byteCode.Arguments[1].ExpectedType is PtrSig) {
						} else {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
						boe.AddAnnotation(byteCode.Code == ILCode.Add ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return boe;
				case ILCode.Sub:
				case ILCode.Sub_Ovf:
				case ILCode.Sub_Ovf_Un:
						BinaryOperatorExpression boe;
						if (byteCode.InferredType is PtrSig) {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract, arg2);
							if (byteCode.Arguments[0].ExpectedType is PtrSig) {
						} else {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract, arg2);
						boe.AddAnnotation(byteCode.Code == ILCode.Sub ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return boe;
					case ILCode.Div:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Divide, arg2);
					case ILCode.Div_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Divide, arg2);
					case ILCode.Mul:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Mul_Ovf:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Mul_Ovf_Un: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Rem:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Modulus, arg2);
					case ILCode.Rem_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Modulus, arg2);
					case ILCode.And:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd, arg2);
					case ILCode.Or:         return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.Xor:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ExclusiveOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shl:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftLeft, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shr:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shr_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight, arg2);
					case ILCode.Neg:        return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Minus, arg1).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Not:        return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitNot, arg1);
				case ILCode.PostIncrement:
				case ILCode.PostIncrement_Ovf:
				case ILCode.PostIncrement_Ovf_Un:
						if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
							arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
						var uoe = new UnaryOperatorExpression(
							(int)byteCode.Operand > 0 ? UnaryOperatorType.PostIncrement : UnaryOperatorType.PostDecrement, arg1);
						uoe.AddAnnotation((byteCode.Code == ILCode.PostIncrement) ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return uoe;
					#region Arrays
					case ILCode.Newarr: {
						var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
						ace.Type = operandAsTypeRef;
						ComposedType ct = operandAsTypeRef as ComposedType;
						if (ct != null) {
							// change "new (int[,])[10] to new int[10][,]"
						if (byteCode.Code == ILCode.InitArray) {
							ace.Initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
						} else {
						return ace;
					case ILCode.InitArray: {
						var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
						ace.Type = operandAsTypeRef;
						ComposedType ct = operandAsTypeRef as ComposedType;
						var arrayType = (ArraySigBase)((ITypeDefOrRef)operand).ToTypeSig(); ;
						if (ct != null)
							// change "new (int[,])[10] to new int[10][,]"
							ace.Initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
						var newArgs = new List<Expression>();
						if (arrayType is ArraySig)
							foreach (var size in arrayType.GetSizes().Skip(1).Reverse())
								int length = (int)size;
								for (int j = 0; j < args.Count; j += length)
									var child = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
									child.Elements.AddRange(args.GetRange(j, length));
								var temp = args;
								args = newArgs;
								newArgs = temp;
						return ace;
					case ILCode.Ldlen: return arg1.Member("Length").WithAnnotation(GetArrayLengthRef());
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I1:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I2:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I8:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U1:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U2:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_R4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_R8:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_Ref:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_Any:
					return arg1.Indexer(arg2);
				case ILCode.Ldelema:
					return MakeRef(arg1.Indexer(arg2));
				case ILCode.Stelem_I:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I1:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I2:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I4:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I8:
				case ILCode.Stelem_R4:
				case ILCode.Stelem_R8:
				case ILCode.Stelem_Ref:
				case ILCode.Stelem_Any:
					return new AssignmentExpression(arg1.Indexer(arg2), arg3);
				case ILCode.CompoundAssignment:
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						var boe = cast != null ? (BinaryOperatorExpression)cast.Expression : arg1 as BinaryOperatorExpression;
						// AssignmentExpression doesn't support overloaded operators so they have to be processed to BinaryOperatorExpression
						if (boe == null) {
							var tmp = new ParenthesizedExpression(arg1);
							boe = (BinaryOperatorExpression)tmp.Expression;
						var assignment = new AssignmentExpression {
							Left = boe.Left.Detach(),
							Operator = ReplaceMethodCallsWithOperators.GetAssignmentOperatorForBinaryOperator(boe.Operator),
							Right = boe.Right.Detach()
						// We do not mark the resulting assignment as RestoreOriginalAssignOperatorAnnotation, because
						// the operator cannot be translated back to the expanded form (as the left-hand expression
						// would be evaluated twice, and might have side-effects)
						if (cast != null) {
							cast.Expression = assignment;
							return cast;
						} else {
							return assignment;
					#region Comparison
					case ILCode.Ceq: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Equality, arg2);
					case ILCode.Cne: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.InEquality, arg2);
					case ILCode.Cgt: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan, arg2);
					case ILCode.Cgt_Un: {
						// can also mean Inequality, when used with object references
						var arg1Type = byteCode.Arguments[0].InferredType;
						if (arg1Type != null && !arg1Type.IsValueType) goto case ILCode.Cne;

						// when comparing signed integral values using Cgt_Un with 0
						// the Ast should actually contain InEquality since "(uint)a > 0u" is identical to "a != 0"
						if (arg1Type.IsSignedIntegralType())
							var p = arg2 as PrimitiveExpression;
							if (p != null && p.Value.IsZero()) goto case ILCode.Cne;

						goto case ILCode.Cgt;
					case ILCode.Cle_Un: {
						// can also mean Equality, when used with object references
						var arg1Type = byteCode.Arguments[0].InferredType;
						if (arg1Type != null && !arg1Type.IsValueType) goto case ILCode.Ceq;

						// when comparing signed integral values using Cle_Un with 0
						// the Ast should actually contain Equality since "(uint)a <= 0u" is identical to "a == 0"
						if (arg1Type.IsSignedIntegralType())
							var p = arg2 as PrimitiveExpression;
							if (p != null && p.Value.IsZero()) goto case ILCode.Ceq;

						goto case ILCode.Cle;
					case ILCode.Cle: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual, arg2);
				case ILCode.Cge_Un:
					case ILCode.Cge: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual, arg2);
				case ILCode.Clt_Un:
					case ILCode.Clt:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.LessThan, arg2);
					#region Logical
					case ILCode.LogicNot:   return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Not, arg1);
					case ILCode.LogicAnd:   return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ConditionalAnd, arg2);
					case ILCode.LogicOr:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ConditionalOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.TernaryOp:  return new ConditionalExpression() { Condition = arg1, TrueExpression = arg2, FalseExpression = arg3 };
					case ILCode.NullCoalescing: 	return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.NullCoalescing, arg2);
					#region Branch
					case ILCode.Br:         return new GotoStatement(((ILLabel)byteCode.Operand).Name);
				case ILCode.Brtrue:
					return new IfElseStatement() {
						Condition = arg1,
						TrueStatement = new BlockStatement() {
							new GotoStatement(((ILLabel)byteCode.Operand).Name)
					case ILCode.LoopOrSwitchBreak: return new BreakStatement();
					case ILCode.LoopContinue:      return new ContinueStatement();
					#region Conversions
				case ILCode.Conv_I1:
				case ILCode.Conv_I2:
				case ILCode.Conv_I4:
				case ILCode.Conv_I8:
				case ILCode.Conv_U1:
				case ILCode.Conv_U2:
				case ILCode.Conv_U4:
				case ILCode.Conv_U8:
				case ILCode.Conv_I:
				case ILCode.Conv_U:
						// conversion was handled by Convert() function using the info from type analysis
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						if (cast != null) {
						return arg1;
				case ILCode.Conv_R4:
				case ILCode.Conv_R8:
				case ILCode.Conv_R_Un: // TODO
					return arg1;
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I1:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I2:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I4:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I8:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U1:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U2:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U4:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U8:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U_Un:
						// conversion was handled by Convert() function using the info from type analysis
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						if (cast != null) {
						return arg1;
				case ILCode.Unbox_Any:
					// unboxing does not require a cast if the argument was an isinst instruction
					if (arg1 is AsExpression && byteCode.Arguments[0].Code == ILCode.Isinst && TypeAnalysis.IsSameType(operand as ITypeDefOrRef, byteCode.Arguments[0].Operand as ITypeDefOrRef))
						return arg1;
						goto case ILCode.Castclass;
				case ILCode.Castclass:
					if ((byteCode.Arguments[0].InferredType != null && byteCode.Arguments[0].InferredType.IsGenericParameter) || ((ITypeDefOrRef)operand).TryGetGenericSig() != null)
						return arg1.CastTo(new PrimitiveType("object").WithAnnotation(context.CurrentModule.CorLibTypes.Object.ToTypeDefOrRef())).CastTo(operandAsTypeRef);
						return arg1.CastTo(operandAsTypeRef);
				case ILCode.Isinst:
					return arg1.CastAs(operandAsTypeRef);
				case ILCode.Box:
					return arg1;
				case ILCode.Unbox:
					return MakeRef(arg1.CastTo(operandAsTypeRef));
					#region Indirect
				case ILCode.Ldind_Ref:
				case ILCode.Ldobj:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						return ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
						return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Dereference, arg1);
				case ILCode.Stind_Ref:
				case ILCode.Stobj:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						return new AssignmentExpression(((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach(), arg2);
						return new AssignmentExpression(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Dereference, arg1), arg2);
				case ILCode.Arglist:
					return new UndocumentedExpression { UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.ArgListAccess };
					case ILCode.Break:    return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Call:
				case ILCode.CallGetter:
				case ILCode.CallSetter:
					return TransformCall(false, byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Callvirt:
				case ILCode.CallvirtGetter:
				case ILCode.CallvirtSetter:
					return TransformCall(true, byteCode,  args);
					case ILCode.Ldftn: {
						IMethod method = (IMethod)operand;
						var expr = new IdentifierExpression(method.Name);
						return new IdentifierExpression("ldftn").Invoke(expr)
							.WithAnnotation(new DelegateConstruction.Annotation(false));
					case ILCode.Ldvirtftn: {
						IMethod method = (IMethod)operand;
						var expr = new IdentifierExpression(method.Name);
						return new IdentifierExpression("ldvirtftn").Invoke(expr)
							.WithAnnotation(new DelegateConstruction.Annotation(true));
					case ILCode.Calli:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Ckfinite:    return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Constrained: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Cpblk:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Cpobj:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Dup:         return arg1;
					case ILCode.Endfilter:
						return new ReturnStatement { Expression = arg1 };
					case ILCode.Endfinally:  return null;
					case ILCode.Initblk:     return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Initobj:      return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.DefaultValue:
					return MakeDefaultValue(((ITypeDefOrRef)operand).ToTypeSig());
					case ILCode.Jmp: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Ldc_I4:
					return AstBuilder.MakePrimitive((int)operand, byteCode.InferredType);
				case ILCode.Ldc_I8:
					return AstBuilder.MakePrimitive((long)operand, byteCode.InferredType);
				case ILCode.Ldc_R4:
				case ILCode.Ldc_R8:
				case ILCode.Ldc_Decimal:
					return new PrimitiveExpression(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldfld:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return arg1.Member(((IField)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldsfld:
					return AstBuilder.ConvertType(((IField)operand).DeclaringType)
				case ILCode.Stfld:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return new AssignmentExpression(arg1.Member(((IField)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand), arg2);
				case ILCode.Stsfld:
					return new AssignmentExpression(
				case ILCode.Ldflda:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return MakeRef(arg1.Member(((IField)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand));
				case ILCode.Ldsflda:
					return MakeRef(
					case ILCode.Ldloc: {
						ILVariable v = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (!v.IsParameter)
						Expression expr;
						if (v.IsParameter && v.OriginalParameter.IsHiddenThisParameter)
							expr = new ThisReferenceExpression();
							expr = new IdentifierExpression(((ILVariable)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand);
						return v.IsParameter && v.Type is ByRefSig ? MakeRef(expr) : expr;
					case ILCode.Ldloca: {
						ILVariable v = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (v.IsParameter && v.OriginalParameter.IsHiddenThisParameter)
							return MakeRef(new ThisReferenceExpression());
						if (!v.IsParameter)
						return MakeRef(new IdentifierExpression(((ILVariable)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand));
					case ILCode.Ldnull: return new NullReferenceExpression();
					case ILCode.Ldstr:  return new PrimitiveExpression(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldtoken:
					if (operand is ITypeDefOrRef) {
						return AstBuilder.CreateTypeOfExpression(((ITypeDefOrRef)operand).ToTypeSig()).Member("TypeHandle").WithAnnotation(GetTypeHandleRef());
					} else {
						Expression referencedEntity;
						string loadName;
						string handleName;
						MemberRef memberRef;
						if (dnlibExtensions.IsField(operand)) {
							loadName = "fieldof";
							handleName = "FieldHandle";
							memberRef = GetFieldHandleRef();
							IField fr = (IField)operand;
							referencedEntity = AstBuilder.ConvertType(fr.DeclaringType).Member(fr.Name).WithAnnotation(fr);
						} else if (dnlibExtensions.IsMethod(operand)) {
							loadName = "methodof";
							handleName = "MethodHandle";
							memberRef = GetMethodHandleRef();
							IMethod mr = (IMethod)operand;
							var methodParameters = mr.MethodSig.Params.Select(p => new TypeReferenceExpression(AstBuilder.ConvertType(p)));
							referencedEntity = AstBuilder.ConvertType(mr.DeclaringType).Invoke(mr.Name, methodParameters).WithAnnotation(mr);
						} else {
							loadName = "ldtoken";
							handleName = "Handle";
							memberRef = null;
							referencedEntity = new IdentifierExpression(FormatByteCodeOperand(byteCode.Operand));
						return new IdentifierExpression(loadName).Invoke(referencedEntity).WithAnnotation(new LdTokenAnnotation()).Member(handleName);
					case ILCode.Leave:    return new GotoStatement() { Label = ((ILLabel)operand).Name };
				case ILCode.Localloc:
						PtrSig ptrType = byteCode.InferredType as PtrSig;
						TypeSig type;
						if (ptrType != null) {
							type = ptrType.Next;
						} else {
							type = typeSystem.Byte;
						return new StackAllocExpression {
							Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(type),
							CountExpression = arg1
				case ILCode.Mkrefany:
						DirectionExpression dir = arg1 as DirectionExpression;
						if (dir != null) {
							return new UndocumentedExpression {
								UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.MakeRef,
								Arguments = { dir.Expression.Detach() }
						} else {
							return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Refanytype:
					return new UndocumentedExpression {
						UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.RefType,
						Arguments = { arg1 }
				case ILCode.Refanyval:
					return MakeRef(
						new UndocumentedExpression {
							UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.RefValue,
							Arguments = { arg1, new TypeReferenceExpression(operandAsTypeRef) }
					case ILCode.Newobj: {
						ITypeDefOrRef declaringType = ((IMethod)operand).DeclaringType;
						if (declaringType.TryGetArraySig() != null) {
							ComposedType ct = AstBuilder.ConvertType(declaringType) as ComposedType;
							if (ct != null && ct.ArraySpecifiers.Count >= 1) {
								var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
								ace.Type = ct;
								return ace;
						if (declaringType.IsAnonymousType()) {
							MethodDef ctor = ((IMethod)operand).ResolveMethodDef();
							if (ctor != null) {
								AnonymousTypeCreateExpression atce = new AnonymousTypeCreateExpression();
								if (CanInferAnonymousTypePropertyNamesFromArguments(args, ctor.Parameters)) {
								} else {
									for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
											new NamedExpression {
												Name = ctor.Parameters[i].Name,
												Expression = args[i]
								return atce;
						var oce = new ObjectCreateExpression();
						oce.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(declaringType);
						return oce.WithAnnotation(operand);
					case ILCode.Nop: return null;
					case ILCode.Pop: return arg1;
					case ILCode.Readonly: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Ret:
					if (methodDef.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void") {
						return new ReturnStatement { Expression = arg1 };
					} else {
						return new ReturnStatement();
					case ILCode.Rethrow: return new ThrowStatement();
					case ILCode.Sizeof:  return new SizeOfExpression { Type = operandAsTypeRef };
					case ILCode.Stloc: {
						ILVariable locVar = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (!locVar.IsParameter)
						return new AssignmentExpression(new IdentifierExpression(locVar.Name).WithAnnotation(locVar), arg1);
					case ILCode.Switch: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Tail: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Throw: return new ThrowStatement { Expression = arg1 };
					case ILCode.Unaligned: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Volatile: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.YieldBreak:
					return new YieldBreakStatement();
				case ILCode.YieldReturn:
					return new YieldReturnStatement { Expression = arg1 };
				case ILCode.InitObject:
				case ILCode.InitCollection:
						ArrayInitializerExpression initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
						for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) {
							Match m = objectInitializerPattern.Match(args[i]);
							if (m.Success) {
								MemberReferenceExpression mre = m.Get<MemberReferenceExpression>("left").Single();
								var exp = new NamedExpression {
									Name = mre.MemberName,
									Expression = m.Get<Expression>("right").Single().Detach()
							} else {
								m = collectionInitializerPattern.Match(args[i]);
								if (m.Success) {
									if (m.Get("arg").Count() == 1) {
									} else {
										ArrayInitializerExpression argList = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
										foreach (var expr in m.Get<Expression>("arg")) {
								} else {
						ObjectCreateExpression oce = arg1 as ObjectCreateExpression;
						DefaultValueExpression dve = arg1 as DefaultValueExpression;
						if (oce != null) {
							oce.Initializer = initializer;
							return oce;
						} else if (dve != null) {
							oce = new ObjectCreateExpression(dve.Type.Detach());
							oce.Initializer = initializer;
							return oce;
						} else {
							return new AssignmentExpression(arg1, initializer);
				case ILCode.InitializedObject:
					return new InitializedObjectExpression();
				case ILCode.Wrap:
					return arg1.WithAnnotation(PushNegation.LiftedOperatorAnnotation);
				case ILCode.AddressOf:
					return MakeRef(arg1);
				case ILCode.ExpressionTreeParameterDeclarations:
					args[args.Count - 1].AddAnnotation(new ParameterDeclarationAnnotation(byteCode));
					return args[args.Count - 1];
				case ILCode.Await:
					return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Await, UnpackDirectionExpression(arg1));
				case ILCode.NullableOf:
				case ILCode.ValueOf: 
					return arg1;
					throw new Exception("Unknown OpCode: " + byteCode.Code);
		AstNode TransformByteCode(ILExpression byteCode)
			object operand = byteCode.Operand;
			AstType operandAsTypeRef = AstBuilder.ConvertType(operand as Cecil.TypeReference);

			var args = new List<Expression>();
			foreach(ILExpression arg in byteCode.Arguments) {
			Expression arg1 = args.Count >= 1 ? args[0] : null;
            Expression arg2 = args.Count >= 2 ? args[1] : null;
            Expression arg3 = args.Count >= 3 ? args[2] : null;
			switch (byteCode.Code) {
					#region Arithmetic
				case ILCode.Add:
				case ILCode.Add_Ovf:
				case ILCode.Add_Ovf_Un:
						BinaryOperatorExpression boe;
						if (byteCode.InferredType is PointerType) {
							if (byteCode.Arguments[0].ExpectedType is PointerType) {
								arg2 = DivideBySize(arg2, ((PointerType)byteCode.InferredType).ElementType);
								boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
							} else if (byteCode.Arguments[1].ExpectedType is PointerType) {
								arg1 = DivideBySize(arg1, ((PointerType)byteCode.InferredType).ElementType);
								boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
							} else {
								boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
						} else {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Add, arg2);
						boe.AddAnnotation(byteCode.Code == ILCode.Add ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return boe;
				case ILCode.Sub:
				case ILCode.Sub_Ovf:
				case ILCode.Sub_Ovf_Un:
						BinaryOperatorExpression boe;
						if (byteCode.InferredType is PointerType) {
							if (byteCode.Arguments[0].ExpectedType is PointerType) {
								arg2 = DivideBySize(arg2, ((PointerType)byteCode.InferredType).ElementType);
								boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract, arg2);
							} else {
								boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract, arg2);
						} else {
							boe = new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Subtract, arg2);
						boe.AddAnnotation(byteCode.Code == ILCode.Sub ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return boe;
					case ILCode.Div:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Divide, arg2);
					case ILCode.Div_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Divide, arg2);
					case ILCode.Mul:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Mul_Ovf:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Mul_Ovf_Un: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Multiply, arg2).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Rem:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Modulus, arg2);
					case ILCode.Rem_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Modulus, arg2);
					case ILCode.And:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd, arg2);
					case ILCode.Or:         return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.Xor:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ExclusiveOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shl:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftLeft, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shr:        return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight, arg2);
					case ILCode.Shr_Un:     return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight, arg2);
					case ILCode.Neg:        return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Minus, arg1).WithAnnotation(AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation);
					case ILCode.Not:        return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitNot, arg1);
				case ILCode.PostIncrement:
				case ILCode.PostIncrement_Ovf:
				case ILCode.PostIncrement_Ovf_Un:
						if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
							arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
						var uoe = new UnaryOperatorExpression(
							(int)byteCode.Operand > 0 ? UnaryOperatorType.PostIncrement : UnaryOperatorType.PostDecrement, arg1);
						uoe.AddAnnotation((byteCode.Code == ILCode.PostIncrement) ? AddCheckedBlocks.UncheckedAnnotation : AddCheckedBlocks.CheckedAnnotation);
						return uoe;
					#region Arrays
					case ILCode.Newarr: {
						var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
						ace.Type = operandAsTypeRef;
						ComposedType ct = operandAsTypeRef as ComposedType;
						if (ct != null) {
							// change "new (int[,])[10] to new int[10][,]"
						if (byteCode.Code == ILCode.InitArray) {
							ace.Initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
						} else {
						return ace;
					case ILCode.InitArray: {
						var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
						ace.Type = operandAsTypeRef;
						ComposedType ct = operandAsTypeRef as ComposedType;
						var arrayType = (ArrayType) operand;
						if (ct != null)
							// change "new (int[,])[10] to new int[10][,]"
							ace.Initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
							var first = ace.AdditionalArraySpecifiers.First();
							ace.Arguments.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(0, first.Dimensions).Select(i => (Expression)new EmptyExpression()));
						var newArgs = new List<Expression>();
						foreach (var arrayDimension in arrayType.Dimensions.Skip(1).Reverse())
							int length = (int)arrayDimension.UpperBound - (arrayDimension.LowerBound ?? 0);

							for (int j = 0; j < args.Count; j += length)
								var child = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
								child.Elements.AddRange(args.GetRange(j, length));
							var temp = args;
							args = newArgs;
							newArgs = temp;
						return ace;
				case ILCode.Ldlen: return arg1.Member("Length");
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I1:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I2:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_I8:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U1:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U2:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_U4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_R4:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_R8:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_Ref:
				case ILCode.Ldelem_Any:
					return arg1.Indexer(arg2);
				case ILCode.Ldelema:
					return MakeRef(arg1.Indexer(arg2));
				case ILCode.Stelem_I:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I1:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I2:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I4:
				case ILCode.Stelem_I8:
				case ILCode.Stelem_R4:
				case ILCode.Stelem_R8:
				case ILCode.Stelem_Ref:
				case ILCode.Stelem_Any:
					return new AssignmentExpression(arg1.Indexer(arg2), arg3);
				case ILCode.CompoundAssignment:
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						BinaryOperatorExpression boe = (BinaryOperatorExpression)(cast != null ? cast.Expression : arg1);
						var assignment = new AssignmentExpression {
							Left = boe.Left.Detach(),
							Operator = ReplaceMethodCallsWithOperators.GetAssignmentOperatorForBinaryOperator(boe.Operator),
							Right = boe.Right.Detach()
						// We do not mark the resulting assignment as RestoreOriginalAssignOperatorAnnotation, because
						// the operator cannot be translated back to the expanded form (as the left-hand expression
						// would be evaluated twice, and might have side-effects)
						if (cast != null) {
							cast.Expression = assignment;
							return cast;
						} else {
							return assignment;
					#region Comparison
					case ILCode.Ceq: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.Equality, arg2);
					case ILCode.Cgt: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan, arg2);
					case ILCode.Cgt_Un: {
						// can also mean Inequality, when used with object references
						TypeReference arg1Type = byteCode.Arguments[0].InferredType;
						if (arg1Type != null && !arg1Type.IsValueType)
							return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.InEquality, arg2);
							return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan, arg2);
					case ILCode.Clt:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.LessThan, arg2);
					case ILCode.Clt_Un: return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.LessThan, arg2);
					#region Logical
					case ILCode.LogicNot:   return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Not, arg1);
					case ILCode.LogicAnd:   return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ConditionalAnd, arg2);
					case ILCode.LogicOr:    return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.ConditionalOr, arg2);
					case ILCode.TernaryOp:  return new ConditionalExpression() { Condition = arg1, TrueExpression = arg2, FalseExpression = arg3 };
					case ILCode.NullCoalescing: 	return new BinaryOperatorExpression(arg1, BinaryOperatorType.NullCoalescing, arg2);
					#region Branch
					case ILCode.Br:         return new GotoStatement(((ILLabel)byteCode.Operand).Name);
				case ILCode.Brtrue:
					return new IfElseStatement() {
						Condition = arg1,
						TrueStatement = new BlockStatement() {
							new GotoStatement(((ILLabel)byteCode.Operand).Name)
					case ILCode.LoopOrSwitchBreak: return new BreakStatement();
					case ILCode.LoopContinue:      return new ContinueStatement();
					#region Conversions
				case ILCode.Conv_I1:
				case ILCode.Conv_I2:
				case ILCode.Conv_I4:
				case ILCode.Conv_I8:
				case ILCode.Conv_U1:
				case ILCode.Conv_U2:
				case ILCode.Conv_U4:
				case ILCode.Conv_U8:
				case ILCode.Conv_I:
				case ILCode.Conv_U:
						// conversion was handled by Convert() function using the info from type analysis
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						if (cast != null) {
						return arg1;
				case ILCode.Conv_R4:
				case ILCode.Conv_R8:
				case ILCode.Conv_R_Un: // TODO
					return arg1;
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I1:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I2:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I4:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I8:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U1:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U2:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U4:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U8:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I1_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I2_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I4_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I8_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U1_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U2_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U4_Un:
				case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U8_Un:
						// conversion was handled by Convert() function using the info from type analysis
						CastExpression cast = arg1 as CastExpression;
						if (cast != null) {
						return arg1;
					case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I:     return arg1.CastTo(typeof(IntPtr)); // TODO
					case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U:     return arg1.CastTo(typeof(UIntPtr));
					case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_I_Un:  return arg1.CastTo(typeof(IntPtr));
					case ILCode.Conv_Ovf_U_Un:  return arg1.CastTo(typeof(UIntPtr));
					case ILCode.Castclass:      return arg1.CastTo(operandAsTypeRef);
				case ILCode.Unbox_Any:
					// unboxing does not require a cast if the argument was an isinst instruction
					if (arg1 is AsExpression && byteCode.Arguments[0].Code == ILCode.Isinst && TypeAnalysis.IsSameType(operand as TypeReference, byteCode.Arguments[0].Operand as TypeReference))
						return arg1;
						return arg1.CastTo(operandAsTypeRef);
				case ILCode.Isinst:
					return arg1.CastAs(operandAsTypeRef);
				case ILCode.Box:
					return arg1;
				case ILCode.Unbox:
					return MakeRef(arg1.CastTo(operandAsTypeRef));
					#region Indirect
				case ILCode.Ldind_Ref:
				case ILCode.Ldobj:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						return ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
						return new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Dereference, arg1);
				case ILCode.Stind_Ref:
				case ILCode.Stobj:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						return new AssignmentExpression(((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach(), arg2);
						return new AssignmentExpression(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Dereference, arg1), arg2);
				case ILCode.Arglist:
					return new UndocumentedExpression { UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.ArgListAccess };
					case ILCode.Break:    return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Call:
				case ILCode.CallGetter:
				case ILCode.CallSetter:
					return TransformCall(false, byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Callvirt:
				case ILCode.CallvirtGetter:
				case ILCode.CallvirtSetter:
					return TransformCall(true, byteCode,  args);
					case ILCode.Ldftn: {
						Cecil.MethodReference cecilMethod = ((MethodReference)operand);
						var expr = new IdentifierExpression(cecilMethod.Name);
						return new IdentifierExpression("ldftn").Invoke(expr)
							.WithAnnotation(new Transforms.DelegateConstruction.Annotation(false));
					case ILCode.Ldvirtftn: {
						Cecil.MethodReference cecilMethod = ((MethodReference)operand);
						var expr = new IdentifierExpression(cecilMethod.Name);
						return new IdentifierExpression("ldvirtftn").Invoke(expr)
							.WithAnnotation(new Transforms.DelegateConstruction.Annotation(true));
					case ILCode.Calli:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Ckfinite:    return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Constrained: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Cpblk:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Cpobj:       return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Dup:         return arg1;
					case ILCode.Endfilter:   return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Endfinally:  return null;
					case ILCode.Initblk:     return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Initobj:      return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.DefaultValue:
					return MakeDefaultValue((TypeReference)operand);
					case ILCode.Jmp: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Ldc_I4:
					return AstBuilder.MakePrimitive((int)operand, byteCode.InferredType);
				case ILCode.Ldc_I8:
					return AstBuilder.MakePrimitive((long)operand, byteCode.InferredType);
				case ILCode.Ldc_R4:
				case ILCode.Ldc_R8:
				case ILCode.Ldc_Decimal:
					return new PrimitiveExpression(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldfld:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return arg1.Member(((FieldReference) operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldsfld:
					return AstBuilder.ConvertType(((FieldReference)operand).DeclaringType)
				case ILCode.Stfld:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return new AssignmentExpression(arg1.Member(((FieldReference) operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand), arg2);
				case ILCode.Stsfld:
					return new AssignmentExpression(
				case ILCode.Ldflda:
					if (arg1 is DirectionExpression)
						arg1 = ((DirectionExpression)arg1).Expression.Detach();
					return MakeRef(arg1.Member(((FieldReference) operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand));
				case ILCode.Ldsflda:
					return MakeRef(
					case ILCode.Ldloc: {
						ILVariable v = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (!v.IsParameter)
						Expression expr;
						if (v.IsParameter && v.OriginalParameter.Index < 0)
							expr = new ThisReferenceExpression();
							expr = new IdentifierExpression(((ILVariable)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand);
						return v.IsParameter && v.Type is ByReferenceType ? MakeRef(expr) : expr;
					case ILCode.Ldloca: {
						ILVariable v = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (v.IsParameter && v.OriginalParameter.Index < 0)
							return MakeRef(new ThisReferenceExpression());
						if (!v.IsParameter)
						return MakeRef(new IdentifierExpression(((ILVariable)operand).Name).WithAnnotation(operand));
					case ILCode.Ldnull: return new NullReferenceExpression();
					case ILCode.Ldstr:  return new PrimitiveExpression(operand);
				case ILCode.Ldtoken:
					if (operand is Cecil.TypeReference) {
						return AstBuilder.CreateTypeOfExpression((TypeReference)operand).Member("TypeHandle");
					} else {
						return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Leave:    return new GotoStatement() { Label = ((ILLabel)operand).Name };
				case ILCode.Localloc:
						PointerType ptrType = byteCode.InferredType as PointerType;
						TypeReference type;
						if (ptrType != null) {
							type = ptrType.ElementType;
						} else {
							type = typeSystem.Byte;
						return new StackAllocExpression {
							Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(type),
							CountExpression = DivideBySize(arg1, type)
				case ILCode.Mkrefany:
						DirectionExpression dir = arg1 as DirectionExpression;
						if (dir != null) {
							return new UndocumentedExpression {
								UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.MakeRef,
								Arguments = { dir.Expression.Detach() }
						} else {
							return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Refanytype:
					return new UndocumentedExpression {
						UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.RefType,
						Arguments = { arg1 }
				case ILCode.Refanyval:
					return MakeRef(
						new UndocumentedExpression {
							UndocumentedExpressionType = UndocumentedExpressionType.RefValue,
							Arguments = { arg1, new TypeReferenceExpression(operandAsTypeRef) }
					case ILCode.Newobj: {
						Cecil.TypeReference declaringType = ((MethodReference)operand).DeclaringType;
						if (declaringType is ArrayType) {
							ComposedType ct = AstBuilder.ConvertType((ArrayType)declaringType) as ComposedType;
							if (ct != null && ct.ArraySpecifiers.Count >= 1) {
								var ace = new ArrayCreateExpression();
								ace.Type = ct;
								return ace;
						var oce = new ObjectCreateExpression();
						if (declaringType.IsAnonymousType()) {
							MethodDefinition ctor = ((MethodReference)operand).Resolve();
							if (methodDef != null) {
								oce.Initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
								for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
										new NamedArgumentExpression {
											Identifier = ctor.Parameters[i].Name,
											Expression = args[i]
							return oce;
						oce.Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(declaringType);
						return oce.WithAnnotation(operand);
					case ILCode.No: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Nop: return null;
					case ILCode.Pop: return arg1;
					case ILCode.Readonly: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.Ret:
					if (methodDef.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void") {
						return new ReturnStatement { Expression = arg1 };
					} else {
						return new ReturnStatement();
					case ILCode.Rethrow: return new ThrowStatement();
					case ILCode.Sizeof:  return new SizeOfExpression { Type = operandAsTypeRef };
					case ILCode.Stloc: {
						ILVariable locVar = (ILVariable)operand;
						if (!locVar.IsParameter)
						return new AssignmentExpression(new IdentifierExpression(locVar.Name).WithAnnotation(locVar), arg1);
					case ILCode.Switch: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Tail: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Throw: return new ThrowStatement { Expression = arg1 };
					case ILCode.Unaligned: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
					case ILCode.Volatile: return InlineAssembly(byteCode, args);
				case ILCode.YieldBreak:
					return new YieldBreakStatement();
				case ILCode.YieldReturn:
					return new YieldStatement { Expression = arg1 };
				case ILCode.InitObject:
				case ILCode.InitCollection:
						ArrayInitializerExpression initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
						for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) {
							Match m = objectInitializerPattern.Match(args[i]);
							if (m.Success) {
								MemberReferenceExpression mre = m.Get<MemberReferenceExpression>("left").Single();
									new NamedArgumentExpression {
										Identifier = mre.MemberName,
										Expression = m.Get<Expression>("right").Single().Detach()
							} else {
								m = collectionInitializerPattern.Match(args[i]);
								if (m.Success) {
									if (m.Get("arg").Count() == 1) {
									} else {
										ArrayInitializerExpression argList = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
										foreach (var expr in m.Get<Expression>("arg")) {
								} else {
						ObjectCreateExpression oce = arg1 as ObjectCreateExpression;
						DefaultValueExpression dve = arg1 as DefaultValueExpression;
						if (oce != null) {
							oce.Initializer = initializer;
							return oce;
						} else if (dve != null) {
							oce = new ObjectCreateExpression(dve.Type.Detach());
							oce.Initializer = initializer;
							return oce;
						} else {
							return new AssignmentExpression(arg1, initializer);
				case ILCode.InitializedObject:
					return new InitializedObjectExpression();
				case ILCode.AddressOf:
					return MakeRef(arg1);
					throw new Exception("Unknown OpCode: " + byteCode.Code);