Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void CreateTimerBars()
     tbPool      = new TimerBarPool();
     text        = new TextTimerBar("LABEL", "TEXT");
     progressBar = new BarTimerBar("PROGRESS");
     checkpoints = new CheckpointsTimerBar("CHECKPOINTS", 4);
     icons       = new IconsTimerBar("ICONS");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void Main()
            // create the pool that handles drawing the timer bars
            pool = new TimerBarPool();

            // timer bar that shows the player health as a progress bar and is highlighted in red when the player is damaged
            BarTimerBar healthTB = new BarTimerBar("HEALTH");

            // timer bar that shows the player speed
            TextTimerBar speedTB = new TextTimerBar("SPEED", "0 km/h");

            // timer bar that shows the time of day
            TextTimerBar clockTB = new TextTimerBar("CLOCK", "00:00:00");

            // use monospace font for the time text
            clockTB.TextStyle = clockTB.TextStyle.With(font: TextFont.ChaletLondonFixedWidthNumbers);

            // timer bar that shows the player equipped weapon as an icon
            IconsTimerBar weaponTB = new IconsTimerBar("WEAPON");

            weaponTB.Icons.Add(new TimerBarIcon("commonmenu", "arrowleft")
                Size    = new SizeF(TimerBarIcon.DefaultSize.Width * 0.825f, TimerBarIcon.DefaultSize.Height * 0.825f),
                Spacing = TimerBarIcon.DefaultSpacing * 2.75f
            weaponTB.Icons.Add(new TimerBarIcon("mpkillquota", "weapon_unarmed"));

            // timer bar that shows the wanted level as checkpoints
            Color checkpointsColor            = HudColor.Gold.GetColor();
            CheckpointsTimerBar wantedLevelTB = new CheckpointsTimerBar("WANTED", 5)
                Accent = checkpointsColor

            foreach (TimerBarCheckpoint cp in wantedLevelTB.Checkpoints)
                cp.Color = checkpointsColor;

            // add all the timer bars to the pool
            pool.Add(healthTB, speedTB, clockTB, weaponTB, wantedLevelTB);

            // start the fiber which will handle drawing the timer bars

            // continue with the plugin...
            Game.Console.Print($"  {healthTB.Label}: shows the player health.");
            Game.Console.Print($"  {speedTB.Label}: shows the player speed in kilometers per hour");
            Game.Console.Print($"  {clockTB.Label}: shows the current time of day");
            Game.Console.Print($"  {weaponTB.Label}: shows the type of the weapon currently equipped");
            Game.Console.Print($"  {wantedLevelTB.Label}: shows the player wanted level.");

            float       lastHealth   = 0.0f;
            float       healthDamage = 0.0f;
            const float HealthDamageIndicatorDuration = 2.0f; // seconds

            while (true)

                Ped playerPed = Game.LocalPlayer.Character;

                // update speedometer timer bar
                    int speed = MathHelper.ConvertMetersPerSecondToKilometersPerHourRounded(playerPed.Speed);
                    speedTB.Text = $"{speed} km/h";

                // update clock timer bar
                    clockTB.Text = World.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                // update health timer bar
                    float health             = (float)(playerPed.Health - 100) / (playerPed.MaxHealth - 100);
                    bool  hasReceivedDamaged = health < lastHealth;
                    lastHealth = health;

                    healthTB.Percentage = health;

                    healthTB.ForegroundColor = (health < 0.25 ? HudColor.RadarDamage : HudColor.RadarHealth).GetColor();
                    healthTB.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(120, healthTB.ForegroundColor);

                    if (healthDamage > 0.0f)
                        // set highlight and fade it out
                        healthTB.Highlight = Color.FromArgb((int)(healthDamage * 255), HudColor.RadarDamage.GetColor());
                        healthDamage      -= (1.0f / HealthDamageIndicatorDuration) * Game.FrameTime;
                        healthTB.Highlight = null;

                        if (hasReceivedDamaged)
                            healthDamage = 1.0f;

                // update weapon timer bar
                    // choose a new texture based on the equipped weapon
                    var tex = playerPed.CurrentVehicle.Exists() ?
                              ("mpcarhud", "transport_car_icon", 1.1f, 1.1f) :
                              playerPed.Inventory.EquippedWeapon switch
                        null => ("mpkillquota", "weapon_unarmed", 2.75f, 1.25f),
                        var w => NativeFunction.Natives.GetWeapontypeGroup <uint>(w.Asset.Hash) switch
                            0x18D5FA97u /* group_pistol  */ => ("mpkillquota", "weapon_pistol", 2.75f, 1.25f),
                            0x33431399u /* group_shotgun */ => ("mpkillquota", "weapon_shotgun_pump", 2.7f, 1.3f),
                            _ => ("mpkillquota", "weapon_rifle_carbine", 2.75f, 1.25f)

                    var icon = weaponTB.Icons[1];
                    icon.TextureDictionary = tex.Item1;
                    icon.TextureName       = tex.Item2;
                    var s = TimerBarIcon.DefaultSize;
                    icon.Size = new SizeF(s.Width * tex.Item3, s.Height * tex.Item4);

                // update wanted level timer bar
                    int level = Game.LocalPlayer.WantedLevel;
                    for (int i = 0; i < wantedLevelTB.Checkpoints.Count; i++)
                        wantedLevelTB.Checkpoints[i].State        = i < level ? TimerBarCheckpointState.Completed : TimerBarCheckpointState.InProgress;
                        wantedLevelTB.Checkpoints[i].IsCrossedOut = i < level - 1;