void AssignVorticity(float fMagnitude, uint numVortonsMax, IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution)
        Vector3             vDimensions = vorticityDistribution.GetDomainSize(); // length of each side of grid box
        Vector3             vCenter     = (vorticityDistribution).GetCenter();   // Center of vorticity distribution
        Vector3             vMin        = (vCenter - 0.5f * vDimensions);        // Minimum corner of box containing vortons
        Vector3             vMax        = (vMin + vDimensions);                  // Maximum corner of box containing vortons
        UniformGridGeometry skeleton    = new UniformGridGeometry(numVortonsMax, vMin, vMax, true);

        // number of grid cells in each direction of virtual uniform grid
        int[] numCells = { (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(0))
                           ,                 (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(1))
                           ,                 (int)Mathf.Max(1, skeleton.GetNumCells(2)) };

        // Total number of cells should be as close to numVortonsMax as possible without going over.
        // Worst case allowable difference would be numVortonsMax=7 and numCells in each direction is 1 which yields a ratio of 1/7.
        // But in typical situations, the user would like expect total number of virtual cells to be closer to numVortonsMax than that.
        // E.g. if numVortonsMax=8^3=512 somehow yielded numCells[0]=numCells[1]=numCells[2]=7 then the ratio would be 343/512~=0.67.
        while (numCells[0] * numCells[1] * numCells[2] > numVortonsMax)
        {   // Number of cells is excessive.
            // This can happen when the trial number of cells in any direction is less than 1 -- then the other two will likely be too large.
            numCells[0] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[0] / 2);
            numCells[1] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[1] / 2);
            numCells[2] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[2] / 2);

        float[] oneOverN     = { 1.0f / (float)(numCells[0]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[1]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[2]) };
        Vector3 gridCellSize = new Vector3(vDimensions.x * oneOverN[0], vDimensions.y * oneOverN[1], vDimensions.z * oneOverN[2]);
        float   vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y * gridCellSize.z, 1.0f / 3.0f) * 0.5f;

        if (0.0f == vDimensions.z)
        {   // z size is zero, so domain is 2D.
            vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y, 0.5f) * 0.5f;
        Vector3 vNoise = (0.0f * gridCellSize);

        // Iterate through each point in a uniform grid.
        // If probe position is inside vortex core, add a vorton there.
        // This loop could be rewritten such that it only visits points inside the core,
        // but this loop structure can readily be reused for a wide variety of configurations.
        Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // vorton position

        int[] index = new int[3];                         // index of each position visited

        for (index[2] = 0; index[2] < numCells[2]; ++index[2])
        {   // For each z-coordinate...
            position.z = ((float)(index[2]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.z + vMin.z;
            for (index[1] = 0; index[1] < numCells[1]; ++index[1])
            {   // For each y-coordinate...
                position.y = ((float)(index[1]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.y + vMin.y;
                for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < numCells[0]; ++index[0])
                {   // For each x-coordinate...
                    position.x = ((float)(index[0]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.x + vMin.x;
                    position  += Random.Range(-1, 1) * (vNoise);
                    Vector3 vorticity = Vector3.zero;
                    vorticityDistribution.AssignVorticity(ref vorticity, position, vCenter);
                    Vorton vorton = new Vorton(position, vorticity * fMagnitude, vortonRadius);
                    if (vorticity.sqrMagnitude > global.GlobalVar.sTiny)
                    {   // Vorticity is significantly non-zero.
    void AssignVorticity(float fMagnitude, uint numVortonsMax, IVorticityDistribution vorticityDistribution)
        Vector3 vDimensions = vorticityDistribution.GetDomainSize(); // length of each side of grid box
        Vector3 vCenter = (vorticityDistribution).GetCenter(); // Center of vorticity distribution
        Vector3 vMin = (vCenter - 0.5f * vDimensions) ; // Minimum corner of box containing vortons
        Vector3 vMax = (vMin + vDimensions) ; // Maximum corner of box containing vortons
        UniformGridGeometry skeleton = new UniformGridGeometry(numVortonsMax, vMin, vMax, true ) ;
        // number of grid cells in each direction of virtual uniform grid
        int[] numCells = {   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(0))
                         ,   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(1))
                         ,   (int)Mathf.Max( 1 , skeleton.GetNumCells(2)) };

        // Total number of cells should be as close to numVortonsMax as possible without going over.
        // Worst case allowable difference would be numVortonsMax=7 and numCells in each direction is 1 which yields a ratio of 1/7.
        // But in typical situations, the user would like expect total number of virtual cells to be closer to numVortonsMax than that.
        // E.g. if numVortonsMax=8^3=512 somehow yielded numCells[0]=numCells[1]=numCells[2]=7 then the ratio would be 343/512~=0.67.
        while (numCells[0] * numCells[1] * numCells[2] > numVortonsMax)
        {   // Number of cells is excessive.
            // This can happen when the trial number of cells in any direction is less than 1 -- then the other two will likely be too large.
            numCells[0] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[0] / 2);
            numCells[1] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[1] / 2);
            numCells[2] = (int)Mathf.Max(1, numCells[2] / 2);

        float[] oneOverN = { 1.0f / (float)(numCells[0]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[1]), 1.0f / (float)(numCells[2]) };
        Vector3 gridCellSize = new Vector3(vDimensions.x * oneOverN[0] , vDimensions.y * oneOverN[1], vDimensions.z * oneOverN[2] ) ;
        float vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y * gridCellSize.z, 1.0f / 3.0f) * 0.5f;
        if (0.0f == vDimensions.z)
        {   // z size is zero, so domain is 2D.
            vortonRadius = Mathf.Pow(gridCellSize.x * gridCellSize.y, 0.5f) * 0.5f;
        Vector3 vNoise = (0.0f * gridCellSize) ;

        // Iterate through each point in a uniform grid.
        // If probe position is inside vortex core, add a vorton there.
        // This loop could be rewritten such that it only visits points inside the core,
        // but this loop structure can readily be reused for a wide variety of configurations.
        Vector3 position = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // vorton position
        int[] index = new int[3]; // index of each position visited

        for (index[2] = 0; index[2] < numCells[2]; ++index[2])
        {   // For each z-coordinate...
            position.z = ((float)(index[2]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.z + vMin.z;
            for (index[1] = 0; index[1] < numCells[1]; ++index[1])
            {   // For each y-coordinate...
                position.y = ((float)(index[1]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.y + vMin.y;
                for (index[0] = 0; index[0] < numCells[0]; ++index[0])
                {   // For each x-coordinate...
                    position.x = ((float)(index[0]) + 0.25f) * gridCellSize.x + vMin.x;
                    position += Random.Range(-1, 1) * (vNoise);
                    Vector3 vorticity = Vector3.zero;
                    vorticityDistribution.AssignVorticity(ref vorticity, position, vCenter);
                    Vorton vorton = new Vorton(position, vorticity * fMagnitude, vortonRadius);
                    if (vorticity.sqrMagnitude > global.GlobalVar.sTiny)
                    {   // Vorticity is significantly non-zero.