Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
     stack.Push(new Frame(actor, this, GetAttitude(actor, Owner) ?? Attitude)
         TargetIfAny = Owner
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            var f = (EquipmentFrame)frame;

            switch (f.ToPerform)
            case EquipmentActionToPerform.None:

            case EquipmentActionToPerform.PutOn:
                if (f.PerformedBy.CanEquip(f.Item, out string reason))
                    f.Item.IsEquipped = true;
                    ShowNarrative(ui, f.PerformedBy, "Equip failed", $"You struggle to equip {f.Item} but find it just won't fit ({reason})", null, stack.Round);


            case EquipmentActionToPerform.TakeOff:
                f.Item.IsEquipped = false;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnPop(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            base.OnPop(world, ui, stack, frame);

            if (!(frame.TargetIfAny is IActor))

            //if the target is me then I might get angry
            if (frame.TargetIfAny == Owner)
                IDoCare(world, ui, frame, stack, frame.Attitude);
                //is the target one of my friends?
                double howMuchICare = world.Relationships.Where(r => r.AppliesTo((IActor)Owner, (IActor)frame.TargetIfAny))
                                      .Sum(r => r.Attitude);

                //Your hurting one of my friends, im unhappy
                if (howMuchICare > 0.0001)
                    IDoCare(world, ui, frame, stack, frame.Attitude);

                //your hurting my enemies, I'm happy!
                if (howMuchICare < 0.001)
                    IDoCare(world, ui, frame, stack, -0.5 * frame.Attitude);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private bool RunStack(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui)
            //If the action decided not to push after all (e.g. UI cancel or decision not to push)
            if (this.Count == 0)
                return(false); //initial action was aborted
            //check all behaviours to see if they want to respond (by pushing actions etc)
            foreach (IBehaviour responder in Behaviours.ToArray())  //ToArray needed because they can self destruct at this time!
                responder.OnPush(world, ui, this, Peek());

            //run all tasks that are not pending cancellation
            while (Count > 0)
                Frame current = Pop();

                if (!current.Cancelled)
                    current.Action.Pop(world, ui, this, current);

                    foreach (IBehaviour responder in Behaviours.ToArray())
                        responder.OnPop(world, ui, this, current);


Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnPush(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            base.OnPush(world, ui, stack, frame);

            var coerceFrame = Coerced.CoercedFrame;

            //if the coerced frame has had all it's decisions made and is about to be pushed onto the stack
            if (ReferenceEquals(frame.Action, coerceFrame.CoerceAction))
                var args = new NegotiationSystemArgs(world, ui, coerceFrame.PerformedBy.GetFinalStats()[Stat.Coerce],
                                                     coerceFrame.PerformedBy, coerceFrame.TargetIfAny, stack.Round);

                //the final frame that is being pushed is what we are proposing they do
                args.Proposed = frame;

                //Check with the negotiation system to see if the actor is still willing to go ahead
                //with the action as configured

                //if not then cancel
                if (!args.Willing)
                    var narrative = new Narrative(coerceFrame.PerformedBy, "Coerce Failed",
                                                  $"{coerceFrame.TargetIfAny} refused to perform action",
                                                  $"{coerceFrame.PerformedBy} failed to coerce {coerceFrame.TargetIfAny} - {args.WillingReason}", stack.Round);


                    frame.Cancelled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
     _toForbid.Cancelled = true;
     ui.Log.Info(new LogEntry(
                     $"{frame.PerformedBy} prevented {_toForbid.PerformedBy} from performing action {_toForbid.Action.Name}",
                     stack.Round, _toForbid.PerformedBy));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public virtual void Kill(IInjured injured, IUserinterface ui, Guid round, string diedOf)
     if (injured.Owner is IActor a)
         a.Kill(ui, round, diedOf);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void RunRound(IUserinterface ui, IAction playerAction)
            if (Player.Dead)
                ui.ShowMessage("Dead", "Alas you are too dead to do that");

            //get fresh round logs

            var stack     = new ActionStack();
            var actionRun = stack.RunStack(this, ui, playerAction, Player, GetAllBehaviours());

            if (actionRun)
                RunNpcActions(stack, ui);

                foreach (IBehaviour b in GetAllBehaviours())
                    b.OnRoundEnding(this, ui, stack.Round);

                var results = GetPlayerVisibleLogResults(ui).ToArray();
                if (results.Any())
                    ui.ShowMessage("Round Results", string.Join("\n", results));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
     if (Owner != null)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
     //ask actor to pick a direction
     if (actor.Decide <Direction>(ui, "LeaveAction Direction", null, out var direction, GetLeaveDirections(actor), 0))
         stack.Push(new LeaveFrame(actor, this, direction, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public CoerceFrame(IActor performedBy, CoerceAction action, Npc toCoerce, IAction coerceAction,
                    IUserinterface ui, INegotiationSystem negotiationSystem, double attitude) : base(performedBy, action, attitude)
     TargetIfAny       = toCoerce;
     CoerceAction      = coerceAction;
     UserInterface     = ui;
     NegotiationSystem = negotiationSystem;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world1, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            var f     = (DialogueFrame)frame;
            var world = frame.PerformedBy.CurrentLocation.World;

            //apply the dialogue system
            world.Dialogue.Apply(new SystemArgs(world, ui, 0, f.PerformedBy, f.DialogueTarget, stack.Round));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the <paramref name="frameToRun"/> and evaluates all responders
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">Where the action is happening</param>
        /// <param name="ui">When decisions require user input, this handles it</param>
        /// <param name="frameToRun">The initial action frame (to go on bottom of stack)</param>
        /// <param name="responders">All valid responders</param>
        public bool RunStack(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, Frame frameToRun, IEnumerable <IBehaviour> responders)
            Behaviours = responders?.ToArray() ?? new IBehaviour[0];


            return(RunStack(world, ui));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public SystemArgs(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, double intensity, IActor aggressorIfAny, IHasStats recipient, Guid round)
     World          = world;
     Intensity      = intensity;
     AggressorIfAny = aggressorIfAny;
     Recipient      = recipient;
     Round          = round;
     UserInterface  = ui;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Override to your action once it is confirmed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        /// <param name="ui"></param>
        /// <param name="stack"></param>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        public virtual void Pop(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            foreach (var e in Effect)
                e.Apply(new ActionFrameSystemArgs(this, world, ui, stack, frame));

            PopImpl(world, ui, stack, frame);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            var f = (HealFrame)frame;

            if (f.TargetIfAny.Adjectives.Contains(f.Injury))
                f.Injury.Heal(ui, stack.Round);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnRoundEnding(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, Guid round)
            var inj = (IInjured)Owner;

            if (inj.InjurySystem.HasFatalInjuries(inj, out string reason))
                inj.InjurySystem.Kill(inj, ui, round, reason);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
            var chosen = PrimeWithTarget;

            if (chosen != null || actor.Decide(ui, "Pick Up", null, out chosen, GetTargets(actor).Cast <IItem>().ToArray(), 0))
                stack.Push(new PickUpFrame(actor, this, chosen, actor.CurrentLocation, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the <paramref name="firstAction"/> and evaluates all responders.
        /// This overload shortcuts decision making and allows arbitrary action frames
        /// to run even when the <paramref name="performer"/> could not normally pick them
        /// (so be careful using it).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">Where the action is happening</param>
        /// <param name="ui">When decisions require user input, this handles it</param>
        /// <param name="firstAction">The initial action (to go on bottom of stack)</param>
        /// <param name="performer">Who is attempting <paramref name="firstAction"/></param>
        /// <param name="responders">All valid responders</param>
        public bool RunStack(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, IAction firstAction, IActor performer, IEnumerable <IBehaviour> responders)
            Behaviours = responders?.ToArray() ?? new IBehaviour[0];

            //and run push event on the action
            firstAction.Push(world, ui, this, performer);

            return(RunStack(world, ui));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void Setup()
     _light          = new Light();
     _output         = new Output();
     _cookcontroller = new Cookcontroller();
     _display        = new Display();
     _powertube      = new Powertube();
     _timer          = new Timer();
     _userinterface  = new Userinterface();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            var f = frame;

            //if we still have the item we should drop it
            if (f.PerformedBy.Items.Contains(f.TargetIfAny))
                ((IItem)f.TargetIfAny).Drop(ui, f.PerformedBy, stack.Round);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override void OnRoundEnding(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, Guid round)

            if (RoundsSeen.Count >= RoundsBeforeRemoval)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
     if (Owner is IItem toGive || actor.Decide(ui, "Give", "Select an item to give", out toGive, GetTargets(actor).Cast <IItem>().ToArray(), -10))
         if (actor.Decide(ui, "To whom", $"Select who to give {toGive}", out IActor toGiveTo, actor.GetCurrentLocationSiblings(false), 10))
             stack.Push(new GiveFrame(actor, this, toGive, toGiveTo, GetItemWorthInAttitude(actor, toGive, toGiveTo)));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Wanderer.Actors.IActor actor)
     if (ui.GetChoice("Destroy the world", null, out bool chosen, new [] { true, false }))
         if (chosen)
             stack.Push(new Frame(actor, this, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override void PopImpl(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            var f = (CoerceFrame)frame;

            PrimeWithTarget = null;
            ((Npc)f.TargetIfAny).NextAction = f;
            f.TargetIfAny.Adjectives.Add(new Coerced(f));

            ui.Log.Info(new LogEntry($"{f.PerformedBy} coerced {f.TargetIfAny} to perform {f.CoerceAction.Name}", stack.Round, frame.PerformedBy));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override void OnPush(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame)
            // For testing the condition
            var args = new ActionFrameSystemArgs(frame.PerformedBy, world, ui, stack, frame);

            foreach (var matchingFrame in stack.Where(a => a.Action is T && Condition.IsMet(world, args)).ToArray())
                var a = new ForbidAction(matchingFrame);
                a.Push(world, ui, stack, (IActor)Owner);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public ActionFrameSystemArgs(IHasStats source, IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, Frame frame) :
            base(source, world, ui, frame.PerformedBy, frame.TargetIfAny ?? frame.PerformedBy, stack.Round)
            Stack = stack;
            Frame = frame;

            if (Action == null)
                Action = frame.Action;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public override void Push(IWorld world, IUserinterface ui, ActionStack stack, IActor actor)
     if (ValidatePick(actor, Owner, out string reason))
         stack.Push(new DialogueFrame(actor, this, Owner, 0));
         ui.ShowMessage("Not Possible", reason);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void Kill(IUserinterface ui, Guid round, string reason)
            //although you might get double dead in a round.  Only show the message once
            if (!Dead)
                var narrative = new Narrative(this, "Dead",
                                              $"You have tragically met your end.  Don't worry, many of your comrades will benefit from you sacrifice (at breakfast tomorrow).", $"You died of {reason}", round);
                narrative.Show(ui, true);

            Dead = true;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public override bool Decide <T>(IUserinterface ui, string title, string body, out T chosen, T[] options, double attitude)
            if (Dead)
                chosen = default;

            //if we are being asked to pick an action and we have a coercion
            if (typeof(IAction).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)) && NextAction != null)
                //if it is the first time we are being asked what to do (action) after coercion
                if (!NextAction.Chosen)
                    //pick the coerced act
                    chosen            = (T)NextAction.CoerceAction;
                    NextAction.Chosen = true; //and mark that we are not going to pick it again

                //we have already attempted the coerced action, clear it
                NextAction = null;

            //if we are mid coercion we must let the coercer pick targets.
            //when picking targets the coercer should know the Attitude (how kind)
            //the action they are forcing is (in order to pick a good target)
            if (NextAction != null)
                return(NextAction.PerformedBy.Decide(ui, title, body, out chosen,
                                                     options, NextAction.Attitude));

            List <T> narrowOptions = new List <T>(options);

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(IActor))
                narrowOptions = DecideActor(narrowOptions.OfType <IActor>(), attitude).Cast <T>().ToList();

            //If there are no options pick null return false
            if (!narrowOptions.Any())
                chosen = default;

            //pick random option
            chosen = narrowOptions[CurrentLocation.World.R.Next(0, narrowOptions.Count)];

            //if picked option was default (e.g. None Enums) return false