Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static List <TimesSold> FilterMatch(IUserSettingsView settings, int rptNumber, int minSold, int daysBack, int?minPrice, int?maxPrice, bool?activeStatusOnly, bool?isSellerVariation, string itemID)
            DateTime ModTimeTo   = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
            DateTime ModTimeFrom = ModTimeTo.AddDays(-daysBack);

            itemID = (itemID == "null") ? null : itemID;
            var x = _repository.GetSalesData(rptNumber, ModTimeFrom, settings.StoreID, itemID);

            // filter by min and max price
            if (minPrice.HasValue)
                x = x.Where(p => p.Price >= minPrice);
            if (maxPrice.HasValue)
                x = x.Where(p => p.Price <= maxPrice);
            x = x.Where(p => p.SoldQty >= minSold);
            if (activeStatusOnly.HasValue)
                if (activeStatusOnly.Value)
                    x = x.Where(p => p.ListingStatus == "Active");
            if (isSellerVariation.HasValue)
                if (isSellerVariation.Value)
                    x = x.Where(p => !p.IsSellerVariation.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static eBayAPIInterfaceService eBayServiceCall(IUserSettingsView settings, string CallName, string siteID)
            string endpoint = "https://api.ebay.com/wsapi";
            //string siteId = "0";
            string appId   = settings.AppID;
            string devId   = settings.DevID;
            string certId  = settings.CertID;
            string version = "965";
            // Build the request URL
            string requestURL = endpoint
                                + "?callname=" + CallName
                                + "&siteid=" + siteID
                                + "&appid=" + appId
                                + "&version=" + version
                                + "&routing=default";

            eBayAPIInterfaceService service = new eBayAPIInterfaceService();

            // Assign the request URL to the service locator.
            service.Url = requestURL;
            // Set credentials
            service.RequesterCredentials = new CustomSecurityHeaderType();
            service.RequesterCredentials.eBayAuthToken        = settings.Token;
            service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials          = new UserIdPasswordType();
            service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.AppId    = appId;
            service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.DevId    = devId;
            service.RequesterCredentials.Credentials.AuthCert = certId;
 protected override void Context()
     _view                  = A.Fake <IUserSettingsView>();
     _skinManager           = A.Fake <ISkinManager>();
     _userSettingsPersistor = A.Fake <IUserSettingsPersistor>();
     _dialogCreator         = A.Fake <IDialogCreator>();
     _configuration         = A.Fake <IPKSimConfiguration>();
     _userSettings          = A.Fake <IUserSettings>();
     _speciesRepostiory     = A.Fake <ISpeciesRepository>();
     sut = new UserSettingsPresenter(_view, _userSettings, _skinManager, _userSettingsPersistor, _dialogCreator, _configuration, _speciesRepostiory);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public UserSettingsPresenter(
            IUserSettingsView view,
            ITranslator translator,
            IGlobalSettingsRepository globalSettingsRepository,
            IResourceHandler resourceHandler,
            HttpContextBase context)
            if (view == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("view");
            if (translator == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("translator");
            if (globalSettingsRepository == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("globalSettingsRepository");
            if (resourceHandler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceHandler");
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            _view = view;
            _translator = translator;
            _globalSettingsRepository = globalSettingsRepository;
            _resourceHandler = resourceHandler;
            _context = context;
            _log = Log.For(this);

            _view.LoadUserSettings += HandleLoadSettings;
            _view.SaveUserSettings += HandleSaveSettings;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public UserSettingsPresenter(
            IUserSettingsView view,
            ITranslator translator,
            IGlobalSettingsRepository globalSettingsRepository,
            IResourceHandler resourceHandler,
            HttpContextBase context)
            if (view == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("view");
            if (translator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("translator");
            if (globalSettingsRepository == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("globalSettingsRepository");
            if (resourceHandler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceHandler");
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            _view       = view;
            _translator = translator;
            _globalSettingsRepository = globalSettingsRepository;
            _resourceHandler          = resourceHandler;
            _context = context;
            _log     = Log.For(this);

            _view.LoadUserSettings += HandleLoadSettings;
            _view.SaveUserSettings += HandleSaveSettings;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// This is where a SellerListing record is created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="rptNumber"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <string> StoreToListing(IUserSettingsView settings, int storeID)
            string ret           = "Copied 0 records.";
            int    copiedRecords = 0;

                var recs = _repository.Context.UpdateToListing.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.StoreID == storeID && p.ToListing).ToList();
                foreach (var updateToList in recs)
                    var oh = _repository.Context.OrderHistory.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.ItemID == updateToList.ItemID).SingleOrDefault();

                    var ohObj = _repository.Context.OrderHistory.AsNoTracking().Include("ItemSpecifics").AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.ItemID == updateToList.ItemID).SingleOrDefault();

                    var    UPC         = ohObj.ItemSpecifics.Where(p => p.ItemName == "UPC").Select(q => q.ItemValue).FirstOrDefault();
                    var    MPN         = ohObj.ItemSpecifics.Where(p => p.ItemName == "MPN").Select(q => q.ItemValue).FirstOrDefault();
                    string foundResult = _repository.ProdIDExists(UPC, MPN, storeID);
                    if (foundResult == null)
                        var listing = new Listing();
                        listing.ItemID       = ohObj.ItemID;
                        listing.ListingTitle = ohObj.Title;
                        if (ohObj.ProposePrice.HasValue)
                            listing.ListingPrice = ohObj.ProposePrice.Value;
                        var supplierItem = _repository.GetSupplierItem(oh.SupplierItemID.Value);
                        listing.SupplierID   = supplierItem.ID;
                        listing.Profit       = 0;
                        listing.ProfitMargin = 0;
                        listing.StoreID      = storeID;
                        var descr = supplierItem.Description;
                        listing.Description = descr;
                        var upc = _repository.Context.OrderHistoryItemSpecifics.AsNoTracking().Where(i => i.SellerItemID == ohObj.ItemID && i.ItemName == "UPC").SingleOrDefault();
                        if (upc != null)
                            listing.UPC = upc.ItemValue;

                        // MPN may have been collected twice - which one to use?  For now, pick first one.
                        var mpn = _repository.Context.OrderHistoryItemSpecifics.AsNoTracking().Where(i => i.SellerItemID == ohObj.ItemID && i.ItemName == "MPN").FirstOrDefault();
                        if (mpn != null)
                            listing.MPN = mpn.ItemValue;
                        var si = await eBayUtility.ebayAPIs.GetSingleItem(settings, listing.ItemID, true);

                        listing.PrimaryCategoryID   = si.PrimaryCategoryID;
                        listing.PrimaryCategoryName = si.PrimaryCategoryName;

                        if (_repository.GetSellerListing(ohObj.ItemID) == null)
                            var sellerListing = new SellerListing();
                            sellerListing.ItemID              = ohObj.ItemID;
                            sellerListing.Title               = ohObj.Title;
                            sellerListing.Seller              = si.Seller;
                            sellerListing.PrimaryCategoryID   = si.PrimaryCategoryID;
                            sellerListing.PrimaryCategoryName = si.PrimaryCategoryName;
                            sellerListing.Description         = si.Description;
                            sellerListing.ListingStatus       = si.ListingStatus;
                            sellerListing.EbayURL             = si.EbayURL;
                            sellerListing.PictureURL          = si.PictureURL;
                            sellerListing.SellerPrice         = si.SellerPrice;
                            sellerListing.Updated             = DateTime.Now;
                            sellerListing.ItemSpecifics       = _repository.CopyFromOrderHistory(ohObj.ItemSpecifics);
                            //listing.SellerListing = sellerListing;
                        await _repository.ListingSaveAsync(settings, listing, true);

                        var obj = new UpdateToListing()
                            StoreID = storeID, ItemID = ohObj.ItemID
                        await _repository.UpdateToListingRemove(obj);

                        ret = "Copied records: " + copiedRecords.ToString();
            catch (Exception exc)
                ret = dsutil.DSUtil.ErrMsg("StoreToListing", exc);
                dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, ret, "admin");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on filtering a seller's sales, try to match a prodID with a prodID on walmart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="rptNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="minSold"></param>
        /// <param name="daysBack"></param>
        /// <param name="minPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="maxPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="activeStatusOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="nonVariation"></param>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <param name="pctProfit"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UPCMatch(IUserSettingsView settings, int rptNumber, int minSold, int daysBack, int?minPrice, int?maxPrice, bool?activeStatusOnly, bool?isSellerVariation, string itemID, double pctProfit, decimal wmShipping, decimal wmFreeShippingMin, double eBayPct, int imgLimit)
            string loopItemID = null;

                var mv = new ModelViewTimesSold();
                mv.TimesSoldRpt = FilterMatch(settings, rptNumber, minSold, daysBack, minPrice, maxPrice, activeStatusOnly, isSellerVariation, itemID);

                foreach (var row in mv.TimesSoldRpt)
                    loopItemID = row.ItemID;
                    bool tryAgain = false;
                    WalmartSearchProdIDResponse response;
                    //var walitem = new SupplierItem();
                    ISupplierItem walitem;
                    if (row.SellerUPC != null)
                        response = wallib.wmUtility.SearchProdID(row.SellerUPC);
                        if (response.Count == 1)
                            walitem = await wallib.wmUtility.GetDetail(response.URL, imgLimit, false);

                            // If can't get supplier pics, not much point in posting.
                            // Can happen when not matching correctly on something like an eBook or giftcard where walmart
                            // is not providing "standard" images. (error is logged in GetDetail()).
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(walitem.SupplierPicURL))
                                walitem.UPC     = row.SellerUPC;
                                walitem.Updated = DateTime.Now;
                                _repository.SupplierItemUpdateByProdID(row.SellerUPC, "", walitem as SupplierItem,

                                var oh = new OrderHistory();
                                oh.ItemID         = row.ItemID;
                                oh.MatchCount     = response.Count;
                                oh.MatchType      = 1;
                                oh.SourceID       = walitem.SourceID;
                                oh.SupplierItemID = walitem.ID;
                                if (walitem.SupplierPrice.HasValue)
                                    var p = wallib.wmUtility.wmNewPrice(walitem.SupplierPrice.Value, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct);
                                    oh.ProposePrice = p.ProposePrice;
                                    _repository.OrderHistoryUpdate(oh, "ProposePrice", "MatchType", "MatchCount", "SourceID", "SupplierItemID");
                                    _repository.OrderHistoryUpdate(oh, "MatchType", "MatchCount", "SourceID", "SupplierItemID");
                            tryAgain = true;
                        tryAgain = true;
                    if (tryAgain)
                        if (row.SellerMPN != null)
                            response = wallib.wmUtility.SearchProdID(row.SellerMPN);
                            if (response.Count == 1)
                                walitem = await wallib.wmUtility.GetDetail(response.URL, imgLimit, false);

                                // If can't get supplier pics, not much point in posting.
                                // Can happen when not matching correctly on something like an eBook or giftcard where walmart
                                // is not providing "standard" images. (error is logged in GetDetail()).
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(walitem.SupplierPicURL))
                                    walitem.MPN     = row.SellerMPN;
                                    walitem.Updated = DateTime.Now;
                                    _repository.SupplierItemUpdateByProdID("", row.SellerMPN, walitem as SupplierItem,

                                    // now update the ebay seller item specific UPC
                                    // but walmart doesn't always give a UPC
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(walitem.UPC))
                                        var itemSpecific = new OrderHistoryItemSpecific();
                                        itemSpecific.SellerItemID = row.ItemID;
                                        itemSpecific.ItemName     = "UPC";
                                        itemSpecific.ItemValue    = walitem.UPC;
                                        itemSpecific.Flags        = true;

                                    if (walitem.SupplierPrice.HasValue)
                                        var oh = new OrderHistory();
                                        oh.ItemID = row.ItemID;
                                        var p = wallib.wmUtility.wmNewPrice(walitem.SupplierPrice.Value, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct);
                                        oh.ProposePrice   = p.ProposePrice;
                                        oh.MatchCount     = response.Count;
                                        oh.MatchType      = 1;
                                        oh.SourceID       = walitem.SourceID;
                                        oh.SupplierItemID = walitem.ID;
                                        _repository.OrderHistoryUpdate(oh, "ProposePrice", "MatchType", "MatchCount", "SourceID", "SupplierItemID");
            catch (Exception exc)
                string msgItemID = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loopItemID)) ? "ItemID: " + loopItemID : "";
                string header    = "UPCMatch RptNumber: " + rptNumber.ToString() + " " + msgItemID;
                string msg       = dsutil.DSUtil.ErrMsg(header, exc);
                dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, msg, "");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Are we calculating for just one seller or all active?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <param name="rptNumber">Pass either rptNumber or storeID.</param>
        /// <param name="minSold"></param>
        /// <param name="daysBack"></param>
        /// <param name="minPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="maxPrice"></param>
        /// <param name="activeStatusOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="isSellerVariation"></param>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <param name="pctProfit"></param>
        /// <param name="storeID">Pass storeID to run all sellers in store.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <string> CalculateMatch(IUserSettingsView settings, int rptNumber, int minSold, int daysBack, int?minPrice, int?maxPrice, bool?activeStatusOnly, bool?isSellerVariation, string itemID, double pctProfit, int storeID, decimal wmShipping, decimal wmFreeShippingMin, double eBayPct, int imgLimit, string supplierTag)
            string ret = null;

                var sh = new SearchHistory();
                if (rptNumber > 0 && storeID > 0)
                    ret = "Invalid call to FillMatch.";
                    dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, ret, "");
                else if (rptNumber > 0) // Called from Display Scans - run a single reportID
                    sh.ID             = rptNumber;
                    sh.CalculateMatch = DateTime.Now;
                    _repository.SearchHistoryUpdate(sh, "CalculateMatch");

                    await UPCMatch(settings, rptNumber, minSold, daysBack, minPrice, maxPrice, activeStatusOnly, isSellerVariation, itemID, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct, imgLimit);

                    // 03.17.2020 currently not happy with accuracy
                    //await SearchEngineMatch(settings, rptNumber, minSold, daysBack, minPrice, maxPrice, activeStatusOnly, isSellerVariation, itemID, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct, imgLimit, supplierTag);
                else if (storeID > 0)   // Used by CalculateMatch console app to run entire store
                    var  sellers = _repository.GetSellers();
                    bool runScan = false;
                    foreach (var seller in sellers)

                        runScan = false;
                        var sellerProfile = await _repository.SellerProfileGet(seller.Seller);

                        if (sellerProfile == null)
                            runScan = true;
                            if (sellerProfile.Active)
                                runScan = true;
                        if (runScan)
                            int?latest           = _repository.LatestRptNumber(seller.Seller);
                            var tgtSearchHistory = seller.SearchHistory.Where(p => p.ID == latest).SingleOrDefault();
                            if (tgtSearchHistory != null)
                                if (tgtSearchHistory.CalculateMatch == null || tgtSearchHistory.CalculateMatch < tgtSearchHistory.Updated)
                                    sh.CalculateMatch = DateTime.Now;
                                    sh.Updated        = DateTime.Now;
                                    sh.ID             = tgtSearchHistory.ID;
                                    _repository.SearchHistoryUpdate(sh, "CalculateMatch", "Updated");

                                    await UPCMatch(settings, tgtSearchHistory.ID, minSold, daysBack, minPrice, maxPrice, activeStatusOnly, isSellerVariation, itemID, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct, imgLimit);

                                    //await SearchEngineMatch(settings, rptNumber, minSold, daysBack, minPrice, maxPrice, activeStatusOnly, isSellerVariation, itemID, pctProfit, wmShipping, wmFreeShippingMin, eBayPct, imgLimit, supplierTag);

                                    dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, seller.Seller + ": Ran FillMatch", "");
                    ret = "Invalid call to FillMatch.";
                    dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, ret, "");
            catch (Exception exc)
                ret = dsutil.DSUtil.ErrMsg("CalculateMatch", exc);
                dsutil.DSUtil.WriteFile(_logfile, ret, "admin");