Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that a connection to IB is established.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tws">The instance to check the connection for.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token to check to cancel the task.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ConnectionException">If a connection cannot be
        /// established.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="TaskCanceledException">If the task is canceled before
        /// completion.</exception>
        private static async Task CheckConnection(
            ITwsControllerBase tws, CancellationToken token)
                await tws.EnsureConnectedAsync(token);
            catch (TimeoutException e)
                if (tws.Connected)
                    await tws.DisconnectAsync();
                throw new ConnectionException(
                          "Timed out waiting for connection to establish", e);
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                if (tws.Connected)
                    await tws.DisconnectAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (tws.Connected)
                    await tws.DisconnectAsync();
                throw new ConnectionException(e.Message, e);

                await tws.RequestPositions();
            catch (TaskCanceledException e)
                if (tws.Connected)
                    await tws.DisconnectAsync();
                throw new ConnectionException(
                          "Timed out waiting for response from establish", e);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (tws.Connected)
                    await tws.DisconnectAsync();
                throw new ConnectionException(e.Message, e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task HistoricalDataController_Should_RetrieveHistoricalData()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            var queryTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6);

            // Call
            List <HistoricalDataEventArgs> historicalDataEvents = await twsController.GetHistoricalDataAsync(contract, queryTime, TwsDuration.OneMonth, TwsBarSizeSetting.OneDay, TwsHistoricalDataRequestType.Midpoint);

            // Assert

            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task ContractDetailsController_Should_ReturnValidContractAsync()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            // Call
            List <ContractDetails> contractDetails = await twsController.GetContractAsync(contract);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task AccountUpdatesController_Should_ReturnInformation()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Call
            string accountId = "DU1052488";
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, string> accountUpdates = twsController.GetAccountDetailsAsync(accountId).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_PlaceTwoOrdersSuccessfully()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "MKT",
                TotalQuantity = 1

            // Call the API
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            var firstOrderAcknowledgedTask = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            var secondOrderAcknowledgedTask = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            Task.WaitAll(firstOrderAcknowledgedTask, secondOrderAcknowledgedTask);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task PositionsController_Should_ReturnAListOfPositions()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Create a position
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "MKT",
                TotalQuantity = 1

            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool successfullyPlaced = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            Thread.Sleep(1000); // TWS takes some time to put the order in the portfolio. Wait for it.

            // Call
            List <PositionStatusEventArgs> positionStatusEvents = twsController.RequestPositions().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            // Assert
            PositionStatusEventArgs searchedPositions = positionStatusEvents.Where(eventArgs => eventArgs.Contract.Symbol == contract.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();


            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task TwsExecutionController_Should_ReturnOpenOrdersTwice()
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Create a position
            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock;
            contract.Symbol      = "MSFT";
            contract.Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart;
            contract.Currency    = TwsCurrency.Usd;
            contract.PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island;

            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "LMT",
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 1,

            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool successfullyPlaced = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            Thread.Sleep(1000); // TWS takes some time to put the order in the portfolio. Wait for it.

            var openOrders = await twsController.RequestOpenOrders();



            var openOrders2 = await twsController.RequestOpenOrders();


            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task CancelOrder_Should_CancelOrder()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "LMT",
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 1,

            // Place an order
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool orderAcknowledged = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);


            // Call the API
            bool cancelationAcknowledged = await twsController.CancelOrderAsync(orderId);

            // Assert

            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task Should_GetOptionsContracts()
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType  = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol   = "MSFT",
                Exchange = TwsExchange.Smart,

            // Get the contract details of the STOCK so that you can find the underlying security ID, required for the security definitions call.
            var contractDetails = await twsController.GetContractAsync(contract);

            var securityDefinitions = await twsController.RequestSecurityDefinitionOptionParameters("MSFT", "", "STK", contractDetails.First().Contract.ConId);


            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();

            ////// If you want, you can request the contract details from this info or get historical data for it
            ////Contract option = new Contract()
            ////    SecType = TwsContractSecType.Option,
            ////    Symbol = "MSFT",
            ////    Exchange = "SMART",
            ////    Strike = 150,
            ////    LastTradeDateOrContractMonth = securityDefinitions[0].Expirations.First(), // March 27, 20
            ////    Right = "C",
            ////    Multiplier = securityDefinitions[0].Multiplier,
            ////    Currency = TwsCurrency.Usd,

            ////var optionContractDetails = await twsContractDetailsController.GetContractAsync(option);
            ////var queryTime = DateTime.Now;
            ////List<HistoricalDataEventArgs> historicalDataEvents = await twsHistoricalDataController.GetHistoricalDataAsync(option, queryTime, TwsDuration.OneMonth, TwsBarSizeSetting.OneMinute, TwsHistoricalDataRequestType.Trades);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task Should_PlaceOrder()
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Create a position
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "MSFT",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,

            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "MKT",
                TotalQuantity = 1

            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool successfullyPlaced = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            Thread.Sleep(1000); // TWS takes some time to put the order in the portfolio. Wait for it.

            // Call
            List <ExecutionDetailsEventArgs> executionDetailEvents = await twsController.RequestExecutions();

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_HandleErrorCallback()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock;
            contract.Symbol      = "MSFT";
            contract.Exchange    = TwsExchange.Island;
            contract.PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island;

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order()
                Action        = TwsOrderActions.Buy,
                OrderType     = "PEG MID",
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 200,
                AuxPrice      = 0,

            // Call the API
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            Action orderFunc = () => twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            // Assert
            orderFunc.Should().Throw <TwsException>();

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_PlaceOrderSuccessfully2()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract
                SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock,
                Symbol      = "GRWG",
                Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart,
                PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island,
                Currency    = TwsCurrency.Usd,

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "MKT",
                TotalQuantity = 1

            // Call the API
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool successfullyPlaced = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_PlaceOrderSuccessfully()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", 7462, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.SecType    = TwsContractSecType.Future;
            contract.Symbol     = TwsSymbol.Dax;
            contract.Exchange   = TwsExchange.Dtb;
            contract.Currency   = TwsCurrency.Eur;
            contract.Multiplier = "25";
            contract.LastTradeDateOrContractMonth = "202009";

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order
                Action        = "BUY",
                OrderType     = "MKT",
                TotalQuantity = 1

            // Call the API
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            bool successfullyPlaced = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task ContractDetailsController_Should_ReturnValidForexContractAsync()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.Symbol   = "EUR";
            contract.SecType  = "CASH";
            contract.Currency = "GBP";
            contract.Exchange = "IDEALPRO";

            // Call
            List <ContractDetails> contractDetails = twsController.GetContractAsync(contract).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_PlacePegToMidpointOrder()
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock;
            contract.Symbol      = "MSFT";
            contract.Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart;
            contract.PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island;

            // Initialize the order
            Order order = new Order()
                Action        = TwsOrderActions.Buy,
                OrderType     = "REL",
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 166,
                AuxPrice      = 0.1,

            // Call the API
            int orderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            var orderAck = await twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(orderId, contract, order);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public async Task OrderPlacementController_Should_PlaceBracketOrder()
            // Setup
            TwsObjectFactory   twsObjectFactory = new TwsObjectFactory("localhost", TestConstants.Port, 1);
            ITwsControllerBase twsController    = twsObjectFactory.TwsControllerBase;

            await twsController.EnsureConnectedAsync();

            // Initialize the contract
            Contract contract = new Contract();

            contract.SecType     = TwsContractSecType.Stock;
            contract.Symbol      = "MSFT";
            contract.Exchange    = TwsExchange.Smart;
            contract.PrimaryExch = TwsExchange.Island;

            int entryOrderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            var takeProfitOrderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            var stopOrderId = await twsController.GetNextValidIdAsync();

            // Initialize the order
            Order entryOrder = new Order()
                Action        = TwsOrderActions.Buy,
                OrderType     = TwsOrderType.Market,
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                Transmit      = false

            Order takeProfit = new Order()
                Action        = TwsOrderActions.Sell,
                OrderType     = TwsOrderType.Limit,
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                LmtPrice      = 190,
                ParentId      = entryOrderId,
                Transmit      = false,

            Order stopLoss = new Order()
                Action        = TwsOrderActions.Sell,
                OrderType     = TwsOrderType.StopLoss,
                TotalQuantity = 1,
                AuxPrice      = 100,
                ParentId      = entryOrderId,
                Transmit      = true,

            // Call the API
            var entryOrderAckTask      = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(entryOrderId, contract, entryOrder);
            var takeProfitOrderAckTask = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(takeProfitOrderId, contract, takeProfit);
            var stopOrderAckTask       = twsController.PlaceOrderAsync(stopOrderId, contract, stopLoss);

            Task.WaitAll(entryOrderAckTask, takeProfitOrderAckTask, stopOrderAckTask);

            // Assert

            // Tear down
            await twsController.DisconnectAsync();