Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AddCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve)
            if (iTrimmedCurve.Geometry is Line)
                dxfCurves.Add(new DxfLine(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));

            if (iTrimmedCurve.Geometry is Circle)
                if (iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span == 2 * Math.PI)
                    dxfCurves.Add(new DxfCircle(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));
                    dxfCurves.Add(new DxfArc(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));


            IList <Point> points = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.GetPolyline(iTrimmedCurve.Bounds);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
                dxfCurves.Add(new DxfLine(CurveSegment.Create(points[i], points[i + 1]), textWriter));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static MeshPrimitive GetCircularTabMesh(Point p0, Point p1, Direction normal, double angle, bool isMale)
        Circle circle = GetCircularTabCircle(p0, p1, normal, angle, isMale);

        double centerParam = Math.PI / 2;

        if (!isMale)
            angle       *= -1;
            centerParam += Math.PI;

        ITrimmedCurve circleSegment = CurveSegment.Create(circle, Interval.Create(centerParam - angle / 2, centerParam + angle / 2));
        IList <Point> points        = circleSegment.GetPolyline();

        Debug.Assert(points.Count > 3, "Not enough points for tab faceting.");

        var facets = new List <Facet>();

        for (int i = 1; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
            facets.Add(new Facet(0, i, i + 1));

        return(MeshPrimitive.Create(points, normal, facets));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Body CreateSphericalSegment(Point tangent, Direction normal, double radius, double halfWidth, double thickness)
            Point center = tangent + normal * radius;

            radius = Math.Abs(radius);
            Plane        plane       = Plane.Create(Frame.Create(center, normal, normal.ArbitraryPerpendicular));
            Circle       circle      = Circle.Create(plane.Frame, radius);
            CurveSegment circleCurve = CurveSegment.Create(circle, Interval.Create(0, Math.Asin(halfWidth / radius)));

            Point rearCenter = tangent - normal * thickness;
            Point rearUpper  = rearCenter + plane.Frame.DirY * halfWidth;

            var profile = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();

            profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(rearCenter, tangent));
            profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(rearCenter, rearUpper));
            profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(rearUpper, circleCurve.EndPoint));

            foreach (ITrimmedCurve curve in profile)
                DesignCurve.Create(Window.ActiveWindow.Scene as Part, curve);

            ITrimmedCurve path = CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(Frame.Create(tangent, normal), 1));

            return(Body.SweepProfile(plane, profile, new ITrimmedCurve[] { path }));
//			return Body.CreatePlanarBody(plane, new ITrimmedCurve[] { CurveSegment.Create(circle) });
//			return ShapeHelper.CreateCircle(plane.Frame, radius * 2, Window.ActiveWindow.Scene as Part).Shape.Copy();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static IList <ITrimmedCurve> AsPolygon(this IList <Point> points)
            var profile = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve = null;
                if (i < points.Count - 1)
                    iTrimmedCurve = CurveSegment.Create(points[i], points[i + 1]);
                    iTrimmedCurve = CurveSegment.Create(points[i], points[0]);

                if (iTrimmedCurve == null) // if points are the same, the curve is null


            if (profile.Count == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            base.OnExecute(command, context, buttonRect);

            ICollection <IDesignEdge> designEdges               = Window.ActiveWindow.ActiveContext.GetSelection <IDesignEdge>();
            List <ITrimmedCurve>      trimmedCurves             = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();
            Dictionary <ITrimmedCurve, IDesignEdge> curveToEdge = new Dictionary <ITrimmedCurve, IDesignEdge>();

            foreach (IDesignEdge designEdge in designEdges)
                ITrimmedCurve trimmedCurve = designEdge.Shape;
                curveToEdge[trimmedCurve] = designEdge;

            TrimmedCurveChain curveChain = new TrimmedCurveChain(trimmedCurves);

            Point startPoint = curveChain.Curves[0].StartPoint;
            Point startTail  = startPoint + GetAverageNormal(startPoint, curveToEdge[curveChain.Curves[0].TrimmedCurve]) * edgeOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < curveChain.Curves.Count; i++)
                Point endPoint = curveChain.Curves[i].EndPoint;
                Point endTail  = endPoint + GetAverageNormal(endPoint, curveToEdge[curveChain.Curves[i].TrimmedCurve]) * edgeOffset;

                if (i != curveChain.Curves.Count - 1)
                    endTail = new Point[] { endTail, endPoint + GetAverageNormal(endPoint, curveToEdge[curveChain.Curves[i + 1].TrimmedCurve]) * edgeOffset }
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> OffsetChainInward(this ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> curves, Face face, double distance, OffsetCornerType offsetCornerType)
            if (!(face.Geometry is Plane))
                throw new ArgumentException("Face must be planar");

            Plane plane = (Plane)face.Geometry;

            ITrimmedCurve firstEdge = curves.First();

            ITrimmedCurve[] otherEdges = curves.Skip(1).ToArray();

            ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> offsetCurves = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);

            if (offsetCurves.Count == 0)
                return(new ITrimmedCurve[0]);

            if (face.ContainsPoint(offsetCurves.First().StartPoint) ^ distance > 0)

            offsetCurves = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, -distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);
            if (offsetCurves.Count == 0)
                return(new ITrimmedCurve[0]);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void CreateDashes(ITrimmedCurve curve, Part part, double dashMinSize, Layer dashLayer)
            double length = curve.Length;
            int    count  = (int)Math.Floor(length / dashMinSize / 2) * 2;

            if (curve.StartPoint != curve.EndPoint)             // odd number when not closed curve

            double lastParam = curve.Bounds.Start;
            double param;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (curve.Geometry.TryOffsetParam(lastParam, length / count, out param))
                    if (i % 2 == 1)
                        DesignCurve dash = DesignCurve.Create(part, CurveSegment.Create(curve.Geometry, Interval.Create(lastParam, param)));
                        dash.Layer = dashLayer;

                    lastParam = param;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            if (excelWorksheet == null)
                excelWorksheet = new ExcelWorksheet();

            Window activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;

            List <ITrimmedCurve> iTrimmedCurves = new List <ITrimmedCurve>(activeWindow.GetAllSelectedITrimmedCurves());

            if (iTrimmedCurves.Count != 2)

            ITrimmedCurve curveA = iTrimmedCurves[0];
            ITrimmedCurve curveB = iTrimmedCurves[1];

            var intersections = new List <IntPoint <CurveEvaluation, CurveEvaluation> >(curveA.IntersectCurve(curveB));

            CurveEvaluation evalA = curveA.ProjectPoint(intersections[0].Point);
            CurveEvaluation evalB = curveB.ProjectPoint(intersections[0].Point);

            double angle = Math.Acos(Vector.Dot(evalA.Tangent.UnitVector, evalB.Tangent.UnitVector));

            excelWorksheet.SetCell(row++, 1, angle * 180 / Math.PI);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static ICollection <Face> OffsetFaceEdgesInward(this Face face, double distance, OffsetCornerType offsetCornerType)
            if (!(face.Geometry is Plane))
                throw new ArgumentException("Face must be planar");

            Plane plane = (Plane)face.Geometry;

            ITrimmedCurve[] curves    = face.Edges.ToArray();
            ITrimmedCurve   firstEdge = curves.First();

            ITrimmedCurve[] otherEdges = curves.Skip(1).ToArray();

            ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> offsetCurves = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);

            if (offsetCurves.Count == 0)

            if (face.ContainsPoint(offsetCurves.First().StartPoint) ^ distance > 0)
                return(DoInWriteBlock <ICollection <Face> >(() => Body.CreatePlanarBody(plane, offsetCurves).SeparatePieces().Select(b => b.Faces.First()).ToList()));

            offsetCurves = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, -distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);
            if (offsetCurves.Count == 0)

            return(Body.CreatePlanarBody(plane, offsetCurves).SeparatePieces().Select(b => b.Faces.First()).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override Body GetCappingBody()
            Point startOuter  = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point endOuter    = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point startKnee   = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + BevelKneeRatio) * GearData.Module);
            Point endKnee     = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + BevelKneeRatio) * GearData.Module);
            Point startCenter = Axis.ProjectPoint(startKnee).Point;
            Point endCenter   = Axis.ProjectPoint(endKnee).Point;

            IList <ITrimmedCurve> cappingProfile = new Point[] { startCenter, startKnee, startOuter, endOuter, endKnee, endCenter }.AsPolygon();
            IList <ITrimmedCurve> revolvePath = new ITrimmedCurve[] { CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(StartFrame, 1)) };

            Body cappingBody = null;

            try {
                cappingBody = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.PlaneZX, cappingProfile, revolvePath);
            catch {
                foreach (ITrimmedCurve curve in cappingProfile)
                    DesignCurve.Create(Part, curve);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static Body CreateCable(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double diameter)
            double radius = diameter / 2;
            CurveEvaluation curveEvaluation = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start);
            Point startPoint = curveEvaluation.Point;
            Direction dirZ = curveEvaluation.Tangent;
            Direction dirX = dirZ.ArbitraryPerpendicular;
            Direction dirY = Direction.Cross(dirZ, dirX);

            Frame profileFrame = Frame.Create(startPoint, dirX, dirY);
            Circle profileCircle = Circle.Create(profileFrame, radius);

            IList<ITrimmedCurve> profile = new List<ITrimmedCurve>();

            IList<ITrimmedCurve> path = new List<ITrimmedCurve>();

            Body body = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.Create(profileFrame), profile, path);
            if (body == null) {
                Debug.Fail("Sweep failed.");
                return null;

            return body;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static CurveSegment CreateHelixAroundCurve(this ITrimmedCurve curveSegment, double turns, double radius, double pointCount)
            var points = new List <Point>();

            Direction lastNormal = curveSegment.Geometry.Evaluate(curveSegment.Bounds.Start).Tangent.ArbitraryPerpendicular;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                double ratio = (double)i / pointCount;
                double param = curveSegment.Bounds.Start + ratio * curveSegment.Bounds.Span;

                CurveEvaluation curveEval = curveSegment.Geometry.Evaluate(param);
                Direction       normal    = Direction.Cross(Direction.Cross(curveEval.Tangent, lastNormal), curveEval.Tangent);
                if (normal.IsZero)
                    normal = lastNormal;

                Point  point    = curveEval.Point;
                Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotation(Line.Create(point, curveEval.Tangent), 2 * Math.PI * turns * ratio);
                point += radius * normal;
                point  = rotation * point;

                lastNormal = normal;

            return(CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, 0.000001)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static Body CreateCable(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double diameter)
            double          radius          = diameter / 2;
            CurveEvaluation curveEvaluation = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start);
            Point           startPoint      = curveEvaluation.Point;
            Direction       dirZ            = curveEvaluation.Tangent;
            Direction       dirX            = dirZ.ArbitraryPerpendicular;
            Direction       dirY            = Direction.Cross(dirZ, dirX);

            Frame  profileFrame  = Frame.Create(startPoint, dirX, dirY);
            Circle profileCircle = Circle.Create(profileFrame, radius);

            IList <ITrimmedCurve> profile = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            IList <ITrimmedCurve> path = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            Body body = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.Create(profileFrame), profile, path);

            if (body == null)
                Debug.Fail("Sweep failed.");

Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            Matrix trans =
                Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector.Create(0, 0, -Depth * param + Depth / 2)) *
                Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, HelixRotations * (param - 0.5));

Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static NurbsCurve GetFirstNurbsCurveFromPart(Part part)
            List <DesignCurve> curves    = new List <DesignCurve>(part.Curves);
            ITrimmedCurve      testCurve = curves[0].Shape;

            Debug.Assert(testCurve.Geometry is NurbsCurve);
            return(testCurve.Geometry as NurbsCurve);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> OffsetTowards(this ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> curves, Point point, Plane plane, double distance)
            ITrimmedCurve firstCurve = curves.First();

            ITrimmedCurve[] otherCurves = curves.Skip(1).ToArray();

            bool isLeft = Vector.Dot(Vector.Cross(firstCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(0).Tangent.UnitVector, point - firstCurve.StartPoint), plane.Frame.DirZ.UnitVector) >= 0;

            return(firstCurve.OffsetChain(plane, (isLeft ? -1 : 1) * distance, otherCurves, OffsetCornerType.NaturalExtension));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static DesignBody CreateCable(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double diameter, IPart part)
            Body body = CreateCable(iTrimmedCurve, diameter);

            if (part == null)
                part = Window.ActiveWindow.ActiveContext.ActivePart;

            DesignBody desBodyMaster = DesignBody.Create(part.Master, "Sweep", body);
            return desBodyMaster;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            Part  mainPart = Window.ActiveWindow.Scene as Part;
            Layer layer    = NoteHelper.CreateOrGetLayer(mainPart.Document, "Convex Hull", Color.DarkTurquoise);

            foreach (Part part in mainPart.Components.Select(c => c.Content.Master).Where(p => p.Bodies.Count > 0))
                foreach (Body body in part.Bodies.Select(b => b.Shape))
                    foreach (Face face in body.Faces)
                        foreach (Loop loop in face.Loops.Where(l => l.IsOuter))
                            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                            foreach (Fin fin in loop.Fins)
                                bool wasPreviousLine = false;
                                Line line            = fin.Edge.Geometry as Line;
                                if (line != null)
                                    if (!wasPreviousLine)

                                    wasPreviousLine = true;

                                Circle circle = fin.Edge.Geometry as Circle;
                                if (circle != null && fin.Edge.Bounds.Span < Math.PI)

                                ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve = fin.Edge;
                                double        mid           = (iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start + iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.End) / 2;

                            foreach (ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve in points.CreatePolyline())
                                DesignCurve desCurve = DesignCurve.Create(part, iTrimmedCurve);
                                desCurve.Layer = layer;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static DesignBody CreateCable(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double diameter, IPart part)
            Body body = CreateCable(iTrimmedCurve, diameter);

            if (part == null)
                part = Window.ActiveWindow.ActiveContext.ActivePart;

            DesignBody desBodyMaster = DesignBody.Create(part.Master, "Sweep", body);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        static void CreateShotNearPoint(Point point, double height, double radius)
            Window        activeWindow = Window.ActiveWindow;
            Line          rayLine      = Line.Create(point, activeWindow.Projection.Inverse * Direction.DirZ);
            ITrimmedCurve rayCurve     = CurveSegment.Create(rayLine, Interval.Create(1000, -1000));

            //DesignCurve.Create(activeWindow.Scene as Part, rayCurve);	// draws the ray as a design object

            var intersectionList = new List <IntPoint <SurfaceEvaluation, CurveEvaluation> >();

            foreach (IDesignBody designBody in (activeWindow.Scene as Part).Bodies)
                foreach (IDesignFace designFace in designBody.Faces)

            Point? closePoint = null;
            double closeParam = Double.MinValue;

            foreach (IntPoint <SurfaceEvaluation, CurveEvaluation> intersection in intersectionList)
                if (intersection.EvaluationB.Param > closeParam)
                    closeParam = intersection.EvaluationB.Param;
                    closePoint = intersection.Point;

            if (closePoint == null)

            DesignBody toolBody = ShapeHelper.CreateSphere(closePoint.Value, radius, activeWindow.Scene as Part);              //TBD why doesn't this work on spacklePart?

            //Frame? frame = GetFrameFromPoint(designFace, point);
            //if (frame == null)
            //    return;

            //Body body = CreateCylinder(point, frame.Value.DirX, frame.Value.DirY, radius, height);
            //DesignBody toolBody = AddInHelper.CreateSphere(frame.Value.Origin, radius, spacklePart);

            // TBD XXX Fix for v5
            //if (spackleMode == SpackleMode.Add)
            //    targetBody.Unite(new IDesignBody[] { toolBody });
            //else if (spackleMode == SpackleMode.Cut)
            //    targetBody.Subtract(new IDesignBody[] { toolBody });
        public TrimmedCurveChain(ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> curveCollection)
            Queue <ITrimmedCurve> curveQueue = new Queue <ITrimmedCurve>(curveCollection);

            orientedCurves.Add(new OrientedTrimmedCurve(curveQueue.Dequeue(), false));
            ITrimmedCurve trimmedCurve = null;
            int           failCount    = curveQueue.Count;

            while (curveQueue.Count > 0)
                trimmedCurve = curveQueue.Dequeue();

                if (trimmedCurve.StartPoint == orientedCurves[orientedCurves.Count - 1].EndPoint)
                    orientedCurves.Add(new OrientedTrimmedCurve(trimmedCurve, false));
                    failCount = curveQueue.Count;

                if (trimmedCurve.EndPoint == orientedCurves[orientedCurves.Count - 1].EndPoint)
                    orientedCurves.Add(new OrientedTrimmedCurve(trimmedCurve, true));
                    failCount = curveQueue.Count;

                if (trimmedCurve.StartPoint == orientedCurves[0].StartPoint)
                    orientedCurves.Insert(0, new OrientedTrimmedCurve(trimmedCurve, true));
                    failCount = curveQueue.Count;

                if (trimmedCurve.EndPoint == orientedCurves[0].StartPoint)
                    orientedCurves.Insert(0, new OrientedTrimmedCurve(trimmedCurve, false));
                    failCount = curveQueue.Count;

                if (failCount-- < 0)
                    Application.ReportStatus("Can't seem to sort curves.", StatusMessageType.Warning, null);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected override void OnExecute(Command command, ExecutionContext context, System.Drawing.Rectangle buttonRect)
            base.OnExecute(command, context, buttonRect);

            List <ITrimmedCurve> iTrimmedCurves = new List <ITrimmedCurve>(activeWindow.GetAllSelectedITrimmedCurves());
            List <ITrimmedCurve> uniqueCurves   = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            foreach (ITrimmedCurve candidate in iTrimmedCurves)
                ITrimmedCurve notUnique = null;
                foreach (ITrimmedCurve uniqueCurve in uniqueCurves)
                    if (candidate.IsCoincident(uniqueCurve))
                        notUnique = uniqueCurve;

                if (notUnique != null)


            // Old crappy way
            //Dictionary<ITrimmedCurve, bool> uniqueCurves = new Dictionary<ITrimmedCurve, bool>(new ITrimmedCurveComparer());

            //foreach (ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve in iTrimmedCurves) {
            //    if (!uniqueCurves.ContainsKey(iTrimmedCurve))
            //        uniqueCurves.Add(iTrimmedCurve, false);
            //    else
            //        uniqueCurves[iTrimmedCurve] = !uniqueCurves[iTrimmedCurve];

            //foreach (ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve in uniqueCurves.Keys) {

            foreach (ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve in uniqueCurves)
                DesignCurve.Create(part, iTrimmedCurve);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static Body CreateRevolvedCurve(Line axis, ITrimmedCurve curve)
            Point point = curve.Geometry.Evaluate(curve.Bounds.Middle()).Point;

            Debug.Assert(Accuracy.LengthIsPositive((axis.ProjectPoint(point).Point - point).Magnitude));

            Plane plane   = null;
            bool  success = AddInHelper.TryCreatePlaneFromPoints(new Point[] {
            }, out plane);

            Debug.Assert(success, "Could not create plane through points.");

            Point axisStart = axis.ProjectPoint(curve.StartPoint).Point;
            Point axisEnd   = axis.ProjectPoint(curve.EndPoint).Point;

            var profile = new List <ITrimmedCurve>();


            if (axisStart != curve.StartPoint)
                profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisStart, curve.StartPoint));

            if (axisEnd != curve.EndPoint)
                profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisEnd, curve.EndPoint));

            profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisStart, axisEnd));

            try {
                Body body = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.PlaneZX, profile, new ITrimmedCurve[] {
                    CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(Frame.World, 1))

                body.DeleteFaces(body.Faces.Where(f => f.Geometry is Plane).ToArray(), RepairAction.None);
            catch {
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static IList <ITrimmedCurve> CreatePolyline(params Point[] points)
            Debug.Assert(points != null);

            var nSegments = points.Length - 1;

            Debug.Assert(nSegments > 0);

            var segments = new ITrimmedCurve[nSegments];

            for (var i = 0; i < nSegments; i++)
                segments[i] = CurveSegment.Create(points[i], points[i + 1]);

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static bool AreEndPointsOnFace(this ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, Face face)
            if ((iTrimmedCurve.GetBoundingBox(Matrix.Identity) & face.GetBoundingBox(Matrix.Identity)).IsEmpty)

            if (iTrimmedCurve.StartPoint != face.ProjectPoint(iTrimmedCurve.StartPoint).Point)

            if (iTrimmedCurve.EndPoint != face.ProjectPoint(iTrimmedCurve.EndPoint).Point)

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void AddCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve)
            if (iTrimmedCurve.Geometry is Line) {
                dxfCurves.Add(new DxfLine(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));

            if (iTrimmedCurve.Geometry is Circle) {
                if (iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span == 2 * Math.PI)
                    dxfCurves.Add(new DxfCircle(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));
                    dxfCurves.Add(new DxfArc(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter));


            IList<Point> points = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.GetPolyline(iTrimmedCurve.Bounds);
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
                dxfCurves.Add(new DxfLine(CurveSegment.Create(points[i], points[i + 1]), textWriter));
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public static Body CreateCircularTab(Point p0, Point p1, Direction normal, double angle, bool isMale)
        Circle circle = GetCircularTabCircle(p0, p1, normal, angle, isMale);

        double centerParam = Math.PI / 2;

        if (!isMale)
            angle       *= -1;
            centerParam += Math.PI;

        ITrimmedCurve circleSegment = CurveSegment.Create(circle, Interval.Create(centerParam - angle / 2, centerParam + angle / 2));
        ITrimmedCurve lineSegment   = CurveSegment.Create(p0, p1);

        //DesignCurve.Create(Window.ActiveWindow.Scene as Part, circleSegment);
        //DesignCurve.Create(Window.ActiveWindow.Scene as Part, lineSegment);

        return(Body.CreatePlanarBody(Plane.Create(circle.Frame), new ITrimmedCurve[] { circleSegment, lineSegment }));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static IList <Point> TessellateCurve(this ITrimmedCurve curve, double spacing)
            double length = curve.Length;

            int count = (int)Math.Ceiling(length / spacing);

            double param    = Math.Min(curve.Bounds.Start, curve.Bounds.End);
            double endParam = Math.Max(curve.Bounds.Start, curve.Bounds.End);

            length = endParam - param;

            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                points.Add(curve.Geometry.Evaluate(param + (double)i * length / count).Point);

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> OffsetChainInward(this ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> curves, Plane plane, double distance, OffsetCornerType offsetCornerType)
            ITrimmedCurve firstEdge = curves.First();

            ITrimmedCurve[] otherEdges = curves.Skip(1).ToArray();

            ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> offsetCurvesA = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);
            ICollection <ITrimmedCurve> offsetCurvesB = firstEdge.OffsetChain(plane, -distance, otherEdges, offsetCornerType);

            if (offsetCurvesA.Count == 0 || offsetCurvesB.Count == 0)
                return(new ITrimmedCurve[0]);

            if (offsetCurvesA.Select(c => c.Length).Sum() < offsetCurvesB.Select(c => c.Length).Sum())
Ejemplo n.º 30
            public override void WriteXml(Matrix documentTrans)
                Debug.Assert(this.ellipse != null);
                ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedEllipse = CurveSegment.Create(this.ellipse).ProjectToPlane(Plane.PlaneXY);
                Ellipse       ellipse         = iTrimmedEllipse.Geometry as Ellipse;

                Debug.Assert(ellipse != null);

                double x = Vector.Dot(ellipse.Frame.DirX.UnitVector, Direction.DirX.UnitVector);
                double y = Vector.Dot(ellipse.Frame.DirX.UnitVector, Direction.DirY.UnitVector);

                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("transform", string.Format("translate({0} {1}) rotate({2})",
                                                                          documentTrans.Scale * ellipse.Frame.Origin.X + documentTrans.Translation.X,
                                                                          documentTrans.Scale * ellipse.Frame.Origin.Y + documentTrans.Translation.Y,
                                                                          Math.Atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI

                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("rx", (documentTrans.Scale * ellipse.MajorRadius).ToString());
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("ry", (documentTrans.Scale * ellipse.MinorRadius).ToString());
                StyleAttributes(strokeColor, fillColor, strokeWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            int numPoints = 10000;

            Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, HelixRotations * param);

            Point[] points       = new Point[numPoints + 1];
            Frame   profileFrame = Frame.Create(StartPoint + (EndPoint - StartPoint) * param, StartFrame.DirX, StartFrame.DirY);
            Cone    profileCone  = Cone.Create(profileFrame, (StartDiameter + (EndDiameter - StartDiameter) * param) / 2, Math.PI / 2 - Alpha);

            for (int j = 0; j <= numPoints; j++)
                double t             = iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start + iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span * (double)j / numPoints;
                Vector pointVector   = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(t).Point.Vector;
                double angle         = Circle.Create(Frame.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX, -Direction.DirY), GearData.PitchRadius).ProjectPoint(pointVector.GetPoint()).Param;
                double startDistance = pointVector.Magnitude - StartDiameter / 2;
                double endDistance   = pointVector.Magnitude * EndScale - EndDiameter / 2;
                double distance      = startDistance + (endDistance - startDistance) * param;
                points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, distance);

            return(CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, Accuracy.LinearResolution)).CreateTransformedCopy(trans));
Ejemplo n.º 32
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            int numPoints = 10000;

            Point[] points = new Point[numPoints + 1];

            double paramZ       = StartZ + (EndZ - StartZ) * param;
            Frame  profileFrame = Frame.Create(StartPoint + (EndPoint - StartPoint) * param, StartFrame.DirX, StartFrame.DirY);
            Cone   profileCone  = GetConeAtParameter(paramZ);
            double radius       = profileCone.Radius;
            ICollection <IntPoint <SurfaceEvaluation, CurveEvaluation> > intersections = profileCone.IntersectCurve(TangentLine);
            Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, intersections.OrderBy(i => Math.Abs(i.Point.Z)).First().EvaluationA.Param.U);

            //		profileCone.Print(Part);

            //		double scale = (radius / A) / Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle);

            for (int j = 0; j <= numPoints; j++)
                double t           = iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start + iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span * (double)j / numPoints;
                Vector pointVector = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(t).Point.Vector;
                double angle       = -Circle.Create(Frame.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX, Direction.DirY), GearData.PitchRadius).ProjectPoint(pointVector.GetPoint()).Param;
                double distance    = (pointVector.Magnitude - A) * radius / A;             // *Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle);

                //		points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, (distance - A) / Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle));
                points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, distance);
            try {
                return(CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, Accuracy.LinearResolution)).CreateTransformedCopy(trans));
            catch {

Ejemplo n.º 33
        protected override Body GetCappingBody()
            Point startOuter = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point endOuter = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point startKnee = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + BevelKneeRatio) * GearData.Module);
            Point endKnee = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + BevelKneeRatio) * GearData.Module);
            Point startCenter = Axis.ProjectPoint(startKnee).Point;
            Point endCenter = Axis.ProjectPoint(endKnee).Point;

            IList<ITrimmedCurve> cappingProfile = new Point[] { startCenter, startKnee, startOuter, endOuter, endKnee, endCenter }.AsPolygon();
            IList<ITrimmedCurve> revolvePath = new ITrimmedCurve[] { CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(StartFrame, 1)) };

            Body cappingBody = null;
            try {
                cappingBody = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.PlaneZX, cappingProfile, revolvePath);
            catch {
                foreach (ITrimmedCurve curve in cappingProfile)
                    DesignCurve.Create(Part, curve);

            return cappingBody;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            Matrix trans =
                        Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector.Create(0, 0, -Depth * param + Depth / 2)) *
                        Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, HelixRotations * (param - 0.5));

            return iTrimmedCurve.CreateTransformedCopy(trans);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public static void Print(this ITrimmedCurve curve, Part part = null)
     DesignCurve.Create(part ?? MainPart, curve);
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public DxfLine(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, TextWriter textWriter)
     : base(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter)
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public DxfCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, TextWriter textWriter)
     this.iTrimmedCurve = iTrimmedCurve;
     this.textWriter = textWriter;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public DxfCircle(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, TextWriter textWriter)
     : base(iTrimmedCurve, textWriter)
     circle = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry as Circle;
     Debug.Assert(circle != null);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            int numPoints = 10000;

            Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, HelixRotations * param);

            Point[] points = new Point[numPoints + 1];
            Frame profileFrame = Frame.Create(StartPoint + (EndPoint - StartPoint) * param, StartFrame.DirX, StartFrame.DirY);
            Cone profileCone = Cone.Create(profileFrame, (StartDiameter + (EndDiameter - StartDiameter) * param) / 2, Math.PI / 2 - Alpha);

            for (int j = 0; j <= numPoints; j++) {
                double t = iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start + iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span * (double) j / numPoints;
                Vector pointVector = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(t).Point.Vector;
                double angle = Circle.Create(Frame.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX, -Direction.DirY), GearData.PitchRadius).ProjectPoint(pointVector.GetPoint()).Param;
                double startDistance = pointVector.Magnitude - StartDiameter / 2;
                double endDistance = pointVector.Magnitude * EndScale - EndDiameter / 2;
                double distance = startDistance + (endDistance - startDistance) * param;
                points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, distance);

            return CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, Accuracy.LinearResolution)).CreateTransformedCopy(trans);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        public static Body CreateRevolvedCurve(Line axis, ITrimmedCurve curve)
            Point point = curve.Geometry.Evaluate(curve.Bounds.Middle()).Point;
            Debug.Assert(Accuracy.LengthIsPositive((axis.ProjectPoint(point).Point - point).Magnitude));

            Plane plane = null;
            bool success = AddInHelper.TryCreatePlaneFromPoints(new Point[]{
            }, out plane);

            Debug.Assert(success, "Could not create plane through points.");

            Point axisStart = axis.ProjectPoint(curve.StartPoint).Point;
            Point axisEnd = axis.ProjectPoint(curve.EndPoint).Point;

            var profile = new List<ITrimmedCurve>();

            if (axisStart != curve.StartPoint)
                profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisStart, curve.StartPoint));

            if (axisEnd != curve.EndPoint)
                profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisEnd, curve.EndPoint));

            profile.Add(CurveSegment.Create(axisStart, axisEnd));

            try {
                Body body = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.PlaneZX, profile, new ITrimmedCurve[] {
                    CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(Frame.World, 1))

                body.DeleteFaces(body.Faces.Where(f => f.Geometry is Plane).ToArray(), RepairAction.None);
                return body;
            catch {
                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 41
 protected abstract ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param);
Ejemplo n.º 42
        protected override Body GetCappingBody()
            Point startOuter = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point endOuter = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, GearData.AddendumRadius * internalGearODScale);
            Point startKnee = StartCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + HypoidKneeRatio) * GearData.Module * StartCone.Radius / A);
            Point endKnee = EndCone.WrapPoint(0, -(1 + HypoidKneeRatio) * GearData.Module * EndCone.Radius / A);
            Point startCenter = Axis.ProjectPoint(startKnee).Point;
            Point endCenter = Axis.ProjectPoint(endKnee).Point;

            CurveSegment startLine = CurveSegment.Create(startKnee, startOuter);
            CurveSegment endLine = CurveSegment.Create(endKnee, endOuter);
            ICollection<IntPoint<CurveEvaluation, CurveEvaluation>> intersections = startLine.IntersectCurve(endLine);

            IList<ITrimmedCurve> cappingProfile;
            if (intersections.Count > 0) {
                Point middlePoint = intersections.First().Point;
                cappingProfile = new Point[] { startCenter, startKnee, middlePoint, endKnee, endCenter }.AsPolygon();
                cappingProfile = new Point[] { startCenter, startKnee, startOuter, endOuter, endKnee, endCenter }.AsPolygon();

            IList<ITrimmedCurve> revolvePath = new ITrimmedCurve[] { CurveSegment.Create(Circle.Create(StartFrame, 1)) };

            Body cappingBody = null;
            try {
                cappingBody = Body.SweepProfile(Plane.PlaneZX, cappingProfile, revolvePath);
            catch {
                foreach (ITrimmedCurve curve in cappingProfile)
                    DesignCurve.Create(Part, curve);

            return cappingBody;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        protected override ITrimmedCurve GetTransformedProfileCurve(ITrimmedCurve iTrimmedCurve, double param)
            int numPoints = 10000;
            Point[] points = new Point[numPoints + 1];

            double paramZ = StartZ + (EndZ - StartZ) * param;
            Frame profileFrame = Frame.Create(StartPoint + (EndPoint - StartPoint) * param, StartFrame.DirX, StartFrame.DirY);
            Cone profileCone = GetConeAtParameter(paramZ);
            double radius = profileCone.Radius;
            ICollection<IntPoint<SurfaceEvaluation, CurveEvaluation>> intersections = profileCone.IntersectCurve(TangentLine);
            Matrix trans = Matrix.CreateRotation(Axis, intersections.OrderBy(i => Math.Abs(i.Point.Z)).First().EvaluationA.Param.U);
            //		profileCone.Print(Part);

            //		double scale = (radius / A) / Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle);

            for (int j = 0; j <= numPoints; j++) {
                double t = iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Start + iTrimmedCurve.Bounds.Span * (double) j / numPoints;
                Vector pointVector = iTrimmedCurve.Geometry.Evaluate(t).Point.Vector;
                double angle = -Circle.Create(Frame.Create(Point.Origin, Direction.DirX, Direction.DirY), GearData.PitchRadius).ProjectPoint(pointVector.GetPoint()).Param;
                double distance = (pointVector.Magnitude - A) * radius / A;// *Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle);

                //		points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, (distance - A) / Math.Sin(profileCone.HalfAngle));
                points[j] = profileCone.WrapPoint(angle, distance);
            try {
                return CurveSegment.Create(NurbsCurve.CreateThroughPoints(false, points, Accuracy.LinearResolution)).CreateTransformedCopy(trans);
            catch {

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public static void CreateDashes(ITrimmedCurve curve, Part part, double dashMinSize, Layer dashLayer)
            double length = curve.Length;
            int count = (int) Math.Floor(length / dashMinSize / 2) * 2;
            if (curve.StartPoint != curve.EndPoint) // odd number when not closed curve

            double lastParam = curve.Bounds.Start;
            double param;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                if (curve.Geometry.TryOffsetParam(lastParam, length / count, out param)) {
                    if (i % 2 == 1) {
                        DesignCurve dash = DesignCurve.Create(part, CurveSegment.Create(curve.Geometry, Interval.Create(lastParam, param)));
                        dash.Layer = dashLayer;

                    lastParam = param;