Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected static bool EqualsCore(object t1, object t2, ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     if ((t1 == null) || (t2 == null))
         return false;
     if (adaptor.GetType(t1) != adaptor.GetType(t2))
         return false;
     if (!adaptor.GetText(t1).Equals(adaptor.GetText(t2)))
         return false;
     int childCount = adaptor.GetChildCount(t1);
     int num2 = adaptor.GetChildCount(t2);
     if (childCount != num2)
         return false;
     for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
         object child = adaptor.GetChild(t1, i);
         object obj3 = adaptor.GetChild(t2, i);
         if (!EqualsCore(child, obj3, adaptor))
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public TreePatternParser( TreePatternLexer tokenizer, TreeWizard wizard, ITreeAdaptor adaptor )
     this.tokenizer = tokenizer;
     this.wizard = wizard;
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
     ttype = tokenizer.NextToken(); // kickstart
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// The worker for <see cref="InContext(TreeParser, string)"/>. It's <see langword="static"/> and full of
        /// parameters for testing purposes.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool InContext(
            ITreeAdaptor adaptor,
            string[] tokenNames,
            object t,
            string context)
            if (Regex.IsMatch(context, DotDot))
                // don't allow "..", must be "..."
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid syntax: ..");

            if (Regex.IsMatch(context, DoubleEtc))
                // don't allow double "..."
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid syntax: ... ...");

            context = context.Replace("...", " ... "); // ensure spaces around ...
            context = context.Trim();
            string[] nodes = context.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int ni = nodes.Length - 1;
            t = adaptor.GetParent(t);
            while (ni >= 0 && t != null)
                if (nodes[ni].Equals("..."))
                    // walk upwards until we see nodes[ni-1] then continue walking
                    if (ni == 0)
                        // ... at start is no-op
                        return true;

                    string goal = nodes[ni - 1];
                    object ancestor = GetAncestor(adaptor, tokenNames, t, goal);
                    if (ancestor == null)
                        return false;

                    t = ancestor;

                string name = tokenNames[adaptor.GetType(t)];
                if (!name.Equals(nodes[ni]))
                    //System.Console.Error.WriteLine("not matched: " + nodes[ni] + " at " + t);
                    return false;

                // advance to parent and to previous element in context node list
                t = adaptor.GetParent(t);

            if (t == null && ni >= 0)
                return false; // at root but more nodes to match
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public TreeRewriter( ITreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state )
     : base( input, state )
     originalAdaptor = input.TreeAdaptor;
     originalTokenStream = input.TokenStream;
     topdown_func = () => Topdown();
     bottomup_func = () => Bottomup();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public TreeViewModel(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree)
            if (adaptor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("adaptor");
            if (tree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tree");

            _adaptor = adaptor;
            _tree = tree;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Private interface
        private static string Concatenate_Depth2_Subtree_Name( ITreeAdaptor tree_adapter, object node )
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append( tree_adapter.GetText( node ) );

            for ( int i = 0; i < tree_adapter.GetChildCount( node ); i++ )
                object child_node = tree_adapter.GetChild( node, i );
                builder.Append( tree_adapter.GetText( child_node ) );

            return builder.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public TreeVisualizerViewModel(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree, ITokenStream tokenStream, string sourceText)
            if (adaptor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("adaptor");
            if (tree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tree");

            _adaptor = adaptor;
            _tree = tree;
            _tokenStream = tokenStream;
            _sourceText = sourceText;

            object root = adaptor.Nil();
            adaptor.AddChild(root, tree);
            _treeViewModel = new TreeViewModel(_adaptor, root);
 public TreeRewriter(ITreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) : base(input, state)
     Func<IAstRuleReturnScope> func = null;
     Func<IAstRuleReturnScope> func2 = null;
     this.originalAdaptor = input.TreeAdaptor;
     this.originalTokenStream = input.TokenStream;
     if (func == null)
         func = () => this.Topdown();
     this.topdown_func = func;
     if (func2 == null)
         func2 = () => this.Bottomup();
     this.bottomup_func = func2;
 protected virtual IEnumerable<string> DefineNodes(object tree, ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     if (tree != null)
         int childCount = adaptor.GetChildCount(tree);
         if (childCount != 0)
             yield return this.GetNodeText(adaptor, tree);
             for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                 object child = adaptor.GetChild(tree, i);
                 yield return this.GetNodeText(adaptor, child);
                 foreach (string iteratorVariable3 in this.DefineNodes(child, adaptor))
                     yield return iteratorVariable3;
 protected virtual IEnumerable<string> DefineEdges(object tree, ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     if (tree != null)
         int childCount = adaptor.GetChildCount(tree);
         if (childCount != 0)
             string iteratorVariable1 = "n" + this.GetNodeNumber(tree);
             string text = adaptor.GetText(tree);
             for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                 object child = adaptor.GetChild(tree, i);
                 string iteratorVariable5 = adaptor.GetText(child);
                 string iteratorVariable6 = "n" + this.GetNodeNumber(child);
                 yield return string.Format("  {0} -> {1} // \"{2}\" -> \"{3}\"", new object[] { iteratorVariable1, iteratorVariable6, this.FixString(text), this.FixString(iteratorVariable5) });
                 foreach (string iteratorVariable7 in this.DefineEdges(child, adaptor))
                     yield return iteratorVariable7;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public TreeWizard( ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string[] tokenNames )
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
     this.tokenNameToTypeMap = ComputeTokenTypes( tokenNames );
		/// <summary>Create a stream with one element</summary>
		public RewriteRuleNodeStream(
			ITreeAdaptor adaptor,
			string elementDescription,
			object oneElement
		) : base(adaptor, elementDescription, oneElement) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public TreeWizard( ITreeAdaptor adaptor )
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public CommonTreeNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree, int initialBufferSize) 
			this.root = tree;
			this.adaptor = adaptor;
			nodes = new ArrayList(initialBufferSize);
			down = adaptor.Create(Token.DOWN, "DOWN");
			up = adaptor.Create(Token.UP, "UP");
			eof = adaptor.Create(Token.EOF, "EOF");
 partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     adaptor = new ParseAdaptor(this.parseTreeContainer);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 // Implement this function in your helper file to use a custom tree adaptor
 partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref ITreeAdaptor adaptor);
 /** <summary>Create a stream with one element</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleElementStream( ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, object oneElement )
     : this( adaptor, elementDescription )
     Add( oneElement );
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /** Generate DOT (graphviz) for a whole tree not just a node.
         *  For example, 3+4*5 should generate:
         * digraph {
         *   node [shape=plaintext, fixedsize=true, fontsize=11, fontname="Courier",
         *         width=.4, height=.2];
         *   edge [arrowsize=.7]
         *   "+"->3
         *   "+"->"*"
         *   "*"->4
         *   "*"->5
         * }
         * Takes a Tree interface object.
        public virtual string ToDot(object tree, ITreeAdaptor adaptor) {
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (string line in HeaderLines)

            nodeNumber = 0;
            var nodes = DefineNodes(tree, adaptor);
            nodeNumber = 0;
            var edges = DefineEdges(tree, adaptor);

            foreach (var s in nodes)


            foreach (var s in edges)


            return builder.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public TreeVisitor(ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
 public BufferedTreeNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree)
     : this(adaptor, tree, DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /** <summary>
  *  Compare t1 and t2; return true if token types/text, structure match exactly.
  *  The trees are examined in their entirety so that (A B) does not match
  *  (A B C) nor (A (B C)).
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  TODO: allow them to pass in a comparator
  *  TODO: have a version that is nonstatic so it can use instance adaptor
  *  I cannot rely on the tree node's equals() implementation as I make
  *  no constraints at all on the node types nor interface etc...
  *  </remarks>
 public static bool Equals(object t1, object t2, ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     return(EqualsCore(t1, t2, adaptor));
        protected virtual void ExtractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(IIntStream input)
            ITokenStreamInformation streamInformation = input as ITokenStreamInformation;

            if (streamInformation != null)
                IToken lastToken     = streamInformation.LastToken;
                IToken lastRealToken = streamInformation.LastRealToken;
                if (lastRealToken != null)
                    this._token = lastRealToken;
                    this._line  = lastRealToken.Line;
                    this._charPositionInLine  = lastRealToken.CharPositionInLine;
                    this._approximateLineInfo = lastRealToken.Equals(lastToken);
                ITreeNodeStream nodes = (ITreeNodeStream)input;
                this._node = nodes.LT(1);
                ITreeAdaptor adaptor = nodes.TreeAdaptor;
                IToken       payload = adaptor.GetToken(_node);
                if (payload != null)
                    this._token = payload;
                    if (payload.Line <= 0)
                        // imaginary node; no line/pos info; scan backwards
                        int    i         = -1;
                        object priorNode = nodes.LT(i);
                        while (priorNode != null)
                            IToken priorPayload = adaptor.GetToken(priorNode);
                            if (priorPayload != null && priorPayload.Line > 0)
                                // we found the most recent real line / pos info
                                this._line = priorPayload.Line;
                                this._charPositionInLine  = priorPayload.CharPositionInLine;
                                this._approximateLineInfo = true;
                            priorNode = nodes.LT(i);
                    else     // node created from real token
                        this._line = payload.Line;
                        this._charPositionInLine = payload.CharPositionInLine;
                else if (this._node is Tree.ITree)
                    this._line = ((Tree.ITree) this._node).Line;
                    this._charPositionInLine = ((Tree.ITree) this._node).CharPositionInLine;
                    if (this._node is CommonTree)
                        this._token = ((CommonTree)this._node).Token;
                    int    type = adaptor.GetType(this._node);
                    string text = adaptor.GetText(this._node);
                    this._token = new CommonToken(type, text);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     adaptor = new grammar_Adaptor(this);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     adaptor = new OurTreeAdaptor();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected static bool _Equals( object t1, object t2, ITreeAdaptor adaptor )
     // make sure both are non-null
     if ( t1 == null || t2 == null )
         return false;
     // check roots
     if ( adaptor.GetType( t1 ) != adaptor.GetType( t2 ) )
         return false;
     if ( !adaptor.GetText( t1 ).Equals( adaptor.GetText( t2 ) ) )
         return false;
     // check children
     int n1 = adaptor.GetChildCount( t1 );
     int n2 = adaptor.GetChildCount( t2 );
     if ( n1 != n2 )
         return false;
     for ( int i = 0; i < n1; i++ )
         object child1 = adaptor.GetChild( t1, i );
         object child2 = adaptor.GetChild( t2, i );
         if ( !_Equals( child1, child2, adaptor ) )
             return false;
     return true;
 /** <summary>Create a stream, but feed off an existing list</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleElementStream( ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, IList elements )
     : this( adaptor, elementDescription )
     this.singleElement = null;
     this.elements = elements;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        protected virtual string GetNodeText(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object t)
            string text = adaptor.GetText(t);

            return(string.Format("  {0} [label=\"{1}\"];", (object)("n" + (object)this.GetNodeNumber(t)), (object)this.FixString(text)));
        public TreeListViewModel(ITreeAdaptor treeAdaptor)
            _treeAdaptor = treeAdaptor;

Ejemplo n.º 29
 public TreeFilter(ITreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state)
     : base(input, state)
     originalAdaptor     = input.TreeAdaptor;
     originalTokenStream = input.TokenStream;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public RewriteRuleNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription)
     : base(adaptor, elementDescription)
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected virtual void ExtractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(ITreeNodeStream input)
            this._node = input.LT(1);

            object positionNode = null;
            IPositionTrackingStream positionTrackingStream = input as IPositionTrackingStream;

            if (positionTrackingStream != null)
                positionNode = positionTrackingStream.GetKnownPositionElement(false);
                if (positionNode == null)
                    positionNode = positionTrackingStream.GetKnownPositionElement(true);
                    this._approximateLineInfo = positionNode != null;

            ITokenStreamInformation streamInformation = input as ITokenStreamInformation;

            if (streamInformation != null)
                IToken lastToken     = streamInformation.LastToken;
                IToken lastRealToken = streamInformation.LastRealToken;
                if (lastRealToken != null)
                    this._token = lastRealToken;
                    this._line  = lastRealToken.Line;
                    this._charPositionInLine  = lastRealToken.CharPositionInLine;
                    this._approximateLineInfo = lastRealToken.Equals(lastToken);
                ITreeAdaptor adaptor = input.TreeAdaptor;
                IToken       payload = adaptor.GetToken(positionNode ?? _node);
                if (payload != null)
                    this._token = payload;
                    if (payload.Line <= 0)
                        // imaginary node; no line/pos info; scan backwards
                        int    i         = -1;
                        object priorNode = input.LT(i);
                        while (priorNode != null)
                            IToken priorPayload = adaptor.GetToken(priorNode);
                            if (priorPayload != null && priorPayload.Line > 0)
                                // we found the most recent real line / pos info
                                this._line = priorPayload.Line;
                                this._charPositionInLine  = priorPayload.CharPositionInLine;
                                this._approximateLineInfo = true;

                                priorNode = input.LT(i);
                            catch (NotSupportedException)
                                priorNode = null;
                        // node created from real token
                        this._line = payload.Line;
                        this._charPositionInLine = payload.CharPositionInLine;
                else if (this._node is Tree.ITree)
                    this._line = ((Tree.ITree) this._node).Line;
                    this._charPositionInLine = ((Tree.ITree) this._node).CharPositionInLine;
                    if (this._node is CommonTree)
                        this._token = ((CommonTree)this._node).Token;
                    int    type = adaptor.GetType(this._node);
                    string text = adaptor.GetText(this._node);
                    this._token = new CommonToken(type, text);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /** <summary>Create a stream with one element</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, object oneElement)
     : base(adaptor, elementDescription, oneElement)
 public UnBufferedTreeNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree)
     this.root = tree;
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
     down = adaptor.Create(Token.DOWN, "DOWN");
     up = adaptor.Create(Token.UP, "UP");
     eof = adaptor.Create(Token.EOF, "EOF");
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /** <summary>Create a stream, but feed off an existing list</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, IList elements)
     : base(adaptor, elementDescription, elements)
 public RewriteRuleElementStream( ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription )
     this.elementDescription = elementDescription;
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
Ejemplo n.º 36
 public ReadOnlyTreeVisitor(ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
Ejemplo n.º 37
		public CommonTreeNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree) 
			: this(adaptor, tree, DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    // Construction

    public NadirTreePatternMatcher(ITreeNodeStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) : base(input, state)
        originalAdaptor     = (ITreeAdaptor)input.TreeAdaptor;
        originalTokenStream = input.TokenStream;
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public CommonTreeNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, object tree)
     this._root    = tree;
     this._adaptor = adaptor;
     this._it      = new TreeIterator(adaptor, this._root);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// The worker for <see cref="InContext(TreeParser, string)"/>. It's <see langword="static"/> and full of
        /// parameters for testing purposes.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool InContext(
            ITreeAdaptor adaptor,
            string[] tokenNames,
            object t,
            string context)
            if (Regex.IsMatch(context, DotDot))
                // don't allow "..", must be "..."
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid syntax: ..");

            if (Regex.IsMatch(context, DoubleEtc))
                // don't allow double "..."
                throw new ArgumentException("invalid syntax: ... ...");

            context = context.Replace("...", " ... "); // ensure spaces around ...
            context = context.Trim();
            string[] nodes = context.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            int      ni    = nodes.Length - 1;

            t = adaptor.GetParent(t);
            while (ni >= 0 && t != null)
                if (nodes[ni].Equals("..."))
                    // walk upwards until we see nodes[ni-1] then continue walking
                    if (ni == 0)
                        // ... at start is no-op

                    string goal     = nodes[ni - 1];
                    object ancestor = GetAncestor(adaptor, tokenNames, t, goal);
                    if (ancestor == null)

                    t = ancestor;

                string name = tokenNames[adaptor.GetType(t)];
                if (!name.Equals(nodes[ni]))
                    //System.Console.Error.WriteLine("not matched: " + nodes[ni] + " at " + t);

                // advance to parent and to previous element in context node list
                t = adaptor.GetParent(t);

            if (t == null && ni >= 0)
                return(false); // at root but more nodes to match
Ejemplo n.º 41
 public RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, IList elements)            : base(adaptor, elementDescription, elements) { }
Ejemplo n.º 42
 /** <summary>Create a stream, but feed off an existing list</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleElementStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, IList elements)
     : this(adaptor, elementDescription)
     this.singleElement = null;
     this.elements      = elements;
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public ModifiableTreeVisitor(ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public RewriteRuleElementStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription)
     this.elementDescription = elementDescription;
     this.adaptor            = adaptor;
		public RewriteRuleNodeStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription)
			: base(adaptor, elementDescription) {
Ejemplo n.º 46
 /** <summary>Create a stream with one element</summary> */
 public RewriteRuleElementStream(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string elementDescription, object oneElement)
     : this(adaptor, elementDescription)
		/// <summary>Create a stream, but feed off an existing list</summary>
		public RewriteRuleNodeStream(
			ITreeAdaptor adaptor,
			string elementDescription,
            IList<object> elements
		) : base(adaptor, elementDescription, elements) {
Ejemplo n.º 48
 public TreeWizard(ITreeAdaptor adaptor)
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
Ejemplo n.º 49
 public TreeWizard( ITreeAdaptor adaptor, IDictionary<string, int> tokenNameToTypeMap )
     this.adaptor = adaptor;
     this.tokenNameToTypeMap = tokenNameToTypeMap;
Ejemplo n.º 50
 public TreeWizard(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, IDictionary <string, int> tokenNameToTypeMap)
     this.adaptor            = adaptor;
     this.tokenNameToTypeMap = tokenNameToTypeMap;
Ejemplo n.º 51
 /** <summary>
  *  Compare t1 and t2; return true if token types/text, structure match exactly.
  *  The trees are examined in their entirety so that (A B) does not match
  *  (A B C) nor (A (B C)). 
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  TODO: allow them to pass in a comparator
  *  TODO: have a version that is nonstatic so it can use instance adaptor
  *  I cannot rely on the tree node's equals() implementation as I make
  *  no constraints at all on the node types nor interface etc... 
  *  </remarks>
 public static bool Equals( object t1, object t2, ITreeAdaptor adaptor )
     return _Equals( t1, t2, adaptor );
Ejemplo n.º 52
 public TreeWizard(ITreeAdaptor adaptor, string[] tokenNames)
     this.adaptor            = adaptor;
     this.tokenNameToTypeMap = ComputeTokenTypes(tokenNames);
Ejemplo n.º 53
	// Implement this function in your helper file to use a custom tree adaptor
	partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref ITreeAdaptor adaptor);
Ejemplo n.º 54
        protected virtual void ExtractInformationFromTreeNodeStream(ITreeNodeStream input)
            this._node = input.LT(1);
            ITokenStreamInformation streamInformation = input as ITokenStreamInformation;

            if (streamInformation != null)
                IToken lastToken     = streamInformation.LastToken;
                IToken lastRealToken = streamInformation.LastRealToken;
                if (lastRealToken == null)
                this._token = lastRealToken;
                this._line  = lastRealToken.Line;
                this._charPositionInLine  = lastRealToken.CharPositionInLine;
                this._approximateLineInfo = lastRealToken.Equals((object)lastToken);
                ITreeAdaptor treeAdaptor = input.TreeAdaptor;
                IToken       token1      = treeAdaptor.GetToken(this._node);
                if (token1 != null)
                    this._token = token1;
                    if (token1.Line <= 0)
                        int    k = -1;
                        object t = input.LT(k);
                        while (t != null)
                            IToken token2 = treeAdaptor.GetToken(t);
                            if (token2 != null && token2.Line > 0)
                                this._line = token2.Line;
                                this._charPositionInLine  = token2.CharPositionInLine;
                                this._approximateLineInfo = true;
                                t = input.LT(k);
                            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                                t = (object)null;
                        this._line = token1.Line;
                        this._charPositionInLine = token1.CharPositionInLine;
                else if (this._node is ITree)
                    this._line = ((ITree)this._node).Line;
                    this._charPositionInLine = ((ITree)this._node).CharPositionInLine;
                    if (!(this._node is CommonTree))
                    this._token = ((CommonTree)this._node).Token;
                    this._token = (IToken) new CommonToken(treeAdaptor.GetType(this._node), treeAdaptor.GetText(this._node));