Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="widget"></param>
 public DropdownScreen(IDropdown <T> widget) : base("Dropdown")
     TransitionObject   = new WipeTransitionObject(TransitionWipeType.None);
     Transition.OnTime  = 0f;
     Transition.OffTime = 0f;
     DropdownWidget     = widget;
     CoverOtherScreens  = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper draws a translucent black sprite, used for fading specific areas
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawRect(Color color, Rectangle rect, IScreenTransition screen, ITransitionObject transition, Texture2D tex)
            //set the transition location
            rect.Location = transition.Position(screen, rect);

            //draw the filled background
            DrawRect(screen.AlphaColor(color), rect, tex);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void LoadContent()

            _stack = new StackLayout()
                Alignment  = StackAlignment.Top,
                Position   = Point.Zero,
                Horizontal = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                Vertical   = VerticalAlignment.Top,

            //add each menu item below this
            foreach (var menuItem in ContextMenuItems)
                CreateButton(menuItem, _stack);

            //figure out if we should do left or right
            var horiz = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

            if ((_clickPos.X + _stack.Rect.Width) > Resolution.ScreenArea.Right)
                horiz = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            //figure out if we should do top or bottom
            var vert = VerticalAlignment.Top;

            if ((_clickPos.Y + _stack.Rect.Height) > Resolution.ScreenArea.Bottom)
                vert = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

                foreach (var item in _stack.Items)
                    var transitionable = item as ITransitionable;
                    if (null != transitionable)
                        transitionable.TransitionObject = new WipeTransitionObject(TransitionWipeType.PopBottom);

            //create the scroll layout
            _layout = new ScrollLayout()
                Position         = _clickPos.ToPoint(),
                Horizontal       = horiz,
                Vertical         = vert,
                TransitionObject = new WipeTransitionObject(vert == VerticalAlignment.Top ? TransitionWipeType.PopTop : TransitionWipeType.PopBottom),
                Size             = new Vector2(_stack.Rect.Width, _stack.Rect.Height)

            //set the transition object for this layout so the background will follow correctly
            TransitionObject = new WipeTransitionObject(vert == VerticalAlignment.Top ? TransitionWipeType.PopTop : TransitionWipeType.PopBottom);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public ScrollLayout()
     TransitionObject        = new WipeTransitionObject(StyleSheet.Transition);
     DrawVerticalScrollBar   = false;
     DrawHorizontalScrollBar = false;
     DrawScrollbars    = false;
     ShowScrollBars    = true;
     CurrentlyDragging = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="widget"></param>
 public NumPadScreen(INumEdit widget, bool allowDecimal = true, bool allowNegative = true) : base("NumPad")
     TransitionObject   = new WipeTransitionObject(TransitionWipeType.None);
     Transition.OnTime  = 0f;
     Transition.OffTime = 0f;
     NumEditWidget      = widget;
     CoverOtherScreens  = false;
     AllowDecimal       = allowDecimal;
     AllowNegative      = allowNegative;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawRect(Color color, Rectangle rect, IScreenTransition screen, ITransitionObject transition)
            //get the color for the background & border
            color.A = (byte)(color.A * screen.Alpha);

            //set the transition location
            rect.Location = transition.Position(screen, rect);

            //draw the filled background
            DrawRect(screen.AlphaColor(color), rect);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public ScrollLayout(ScrollLayout inst) : base(inst)
     _scrollPos              = new Vector2(inst._scrollPos.X, inst._scrollPos.Y);
     _renderTarget           = inst._renderTarget;
     TransitionObject        = inst.TransitionObject;
     _minScroll              = new Vector2(inst._minScroll.X, inst._minScroll.Y);
     _maxScroll              = new Vector2(inst._maxScroll.X, inst._maxScroll.Y);
     _verticalScrollBar      = new Rectangle(inst._verticalScrollBar.Location, inst._verticalScrollBar.Size);
     _horizScrollBar         = new Rectangle(inst._horizScrollBar.Location, inst._horizScrollBar.Size);
     DrawVerticalScrollBar   = inst.DrawVerticalScrollBar;
     DrawHorizontalScrollBar = inst.DrawHorizontalScrollBar;
     DrawScrollbars          = inst.DrawScrollbars;
     TransitionObject        = inst.TransitionObject;
     ShowScrollBars          = inst.ShowScrollBars;
     CurrentlyDragging       = inst.CurrentlyDragging;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void DrawOutline(Color color, Rectangle rect, IScreenTransition screen, ITransitionObject transition, float lineWidth = 5f)
            //set the transition location
            rect.Location = transition.Position(screen, rect);

            //draw the button outline
            DrawOutline(screen.AlphaColor(color), rect, lineWidth);