Ejemplo n.º 1
    //This method is called when a player clicks on the IAP Promo
    //A developer will add the hooks to their purchasing system here to complete the purchase
    public void Purchase(string productID, ITransactionListener listener, IDictionary <string, object> extras)
        // When ThirdPartyPurchasing succeeds:
        listener.OnTransactionComplete(new TransactionDetails
            currency      = "USD",
            price         = 1.99m,
            productId     = "100bronzeCoins",
            transactionId = "", //Transaction ID from successful puchase
            receipt       =
                "{\n\"data\": \"{\\\"Store\\\":\\\"fake\\\",\\\"TransactionID\\\":\\\"ce7bb1ca-bd34-4ffb-bdee-83d2784336d8\\\",\\\"Payload\\\":\\\"{ \\\\\\\"this\\\\\\\": \\\\\\\"is a fake receipt\\\\\\\" }\\\"}\"\n}"

        //When ThirdPartyPurchasing fails:
        //Fill in appropriate details from Purchasing system
        listener.OnTransactionError(new TransactionErrorDetails
            transactionError       = TransactionError.NetworkError,
            exceptionMessage       = "Test exception message",
            store                  = Store.GooglePlay,
            storeSpecificErrorCode = "Example: Google Play lost connection",