public override void OnPrimaryClickOverlay()
            if (IsCursorInPanel())
            if (SelectedNodeId != 0)

            TrafficLightSimulationManager tlsMan  = TrafficLightSimulationManager.Instance;
            TrafficPriorityManager        prioMan = TrafficPriorityManager.Instance;

            ITrafficLightSimulation sim = tlsMan.GetNodeSimulation(HoveredNodeId);

            if (sim == null || !sim.IsTimedLight())
                if ((Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[HoveredNodeId].m_flags & NetNode.Flags.TrafficLights) == NetNode.Flags.None)
                    TrafficLightManager.Instance.AddTrafficLight(HoveredNodeId, ref Singleton <NetManager> .instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[HoveredNodeId]);

                SelectedNodeId = HoveredNodeId;

                sim = tlsMan.AddNodeToSimulation(SelectedNodeId);

                /*for (var s = 0; s < 8; s++) {
                 *      var segment = Singleton<NetManager>.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[SelectedNodeId].GetSegment(s);
                 *      if (segment != 0 && !TrafficPriority.IsPrioritySegment(SelectedNodeId, segment)) {
                 *              TrafficPriority.AddPrioritySegment(SelectedNodeId, segment, SegmentEnd.PriorityType.None);
                 *      }
                 * }*/
        public List <Configuration.TimedTrafficLights> SaveData(ref bool success)
            List <Configuration.TimedTrafficLights> ret = new List <Configuration.TimedTrafficLights>();

            for (uint nodeId = 0; nodeId < NetManager.MAX_NODE_COUNT; ++nodeId)
                try {
                    ITrafficLightSimulation sim = GetNodeSimulation((ushort)nodeId);
                    if (sim == null || !sim.IsTimedLight())

                    Log._Debug($"Going to save timed light at node {nodeId}.");

                    var timedNode = sim.TimedLight;

                    Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights = new Configuration.TimedTrafficLights();

                    cnfTimedLights.nodeId    = timedNode.NodeId;
                    cnfTimedLights.nodeGroup = new List <ushort>(timedNode.NodeGroup);
                    cnfTimedLights.started   = timedNode.IsStarted();
                    int stepIndex = timedNode.CurrentStep;
                    if (timedNode.IsStarted() && timedNode.GetStep(timedNode.CurrentStep).IsInEndTransition())
                        // if in end transition save the next step
                        stepIndex = (stepIndex + 1) % timedNode.NumSteps();
                    cnfTimedLights.currentStep = stepIndex;
                    cnfTimedLights.timedSteps  = new List <Configuration.TimedTrafficLightsStep>();

                    for (var j = 0; j < timedNode.NumSteps(); j++)
                        Log._Debug($"Saving timed light step {j} at node {nodeId}.");
                        ITimedTrafficLightsStep timedStep = timedNode.GetStep(j);
                        Configuration.TimedTrafficLightsStep cnfTimedStep = new Configuration.TimedTrafficLightsStep();

                        cnfTimedStep.minTime         = timedStep.MinTime;
                        cnfTimedStep.maxTime         = timedStep.MaxTime;
                        cnfTimedStep.changeMetric    = (int)timedStep.ChangeMetric;
                        cnfTimedStep.waitFlowBalance = timedStep.WaitFlowBalance;
                        cnfTimedStep.segmentLights   = new Dictionary <ushort, Configuration.CustomSegmentLights>();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, ICustomSegmentLights> e in timedStep.CustomSegmentLights)
                            Log._Debug($"Saving timed light step {j}, segment {e.Key} at node {nodeId}.");

                            ICustomSegmentLights segLights = e.Value;
                            Configuration.CustomSegmentLights cnfSegLights = new Configuration.CustomSegmentLights();

                            ushort lightsNodeId = segLights.NodeId;
                            if (lightsNodeId == 0 || lightsNodeId != timedNode.NodeId)
                                Log.Warning($"Inconsistency detected: Timed traffic light @ node {timedNode.NodeId} contains custom traffic lights for the invalid segment ({segLights.SegmentId}) at step {j}: nId={lightsNodeId}");

                            cnfSegLights.nodeId               = lightsNodeId;               // TODO not needed
                            cnfSegLights.segmentId            = segLights.SegmentId;        // TODO not needed
                            cnfSegLights.customLights         = new Dictionary <ExtVehicleType, Configuration.CustomSegmentLight>();
                            cnfSegLights.pedestrianLightState = segLights.PedestrianLightState;
                            cnfSegLights.manualPedestrianMode = segLights.ManualPedestrianMode;

                            cnfTimedStep.segmentLights.Add(e.Key, cnfSegLights);

                            Log._Debug($"Saving pedestrian light @ seg. {e.Key}, step {j}: {cnfSegLights.pedestrianLightState} {cnfSegLights.manualPedestrianMode}");

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ExtVehicleType, ICustomSegmentLight> e2 in segLights.CustomLights)
                                Log._Debug($"Saving timed light step {j}, segment {e.Key}, vehicleType {e2.Key} at node {nodeId}.");

                                ICustomSegmentLight segLight = e2.Value;
                                Configuration.CustomSegmentLight cnfSegLight = new Configuration.CustomSegmentLight();
                                cnfSegLights.customLights.Add(e2.Key, cnfSegLight);

                                cnfSegLight.nodeId      = lightsNodeId;                            // TODO not needed
                                cnfSegLight.segmentId   = segLights.SegmentId;                     // TODO not needed
                                cnfSegLight.currentMode = (int)segLight.CurrentMode;
                                cnfSegLight.leftLight   = segLight.LightLeft;
                                cnfSegLight.mainLight   = segLight.LightMain;
                                cnfSegLight.rightLight  = segLight.LightRight;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.Error($"Exception occurred while saving timed traffic light @ {nodeId}: {e.ToString()}");
                    success = false;
        public bool LoadData(List <Configuration.TimedTrafficLights> data)
            bool success = true;

            Log.Info($"Loading {data.Count} timed traffic lights (new method)");

            TrafficLightManager tlm = TrafficLightManager.Instance;

            HashSet <ushort> nodesWithSimulation = new HashSet <ushort>();

            foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights in data)

            Dictionary <ushort, ushort>         masterNodeIdBySlaveNodeId = new Dictionary <ushort, ushort>();
            Dictionary <ushort, List <ushort> > nodeGroupByMasterNodeId   = new Dictionary <ushort, List <ushort> >();

            foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights in data)
                try {
                    // TODO most of this should not be necessary at all if the classes around TimedTrafficLights class were properly designed
                    List <ushort> currentNodeGroup = cnfTimedLights.nodeGroup.Distinct().ToList();                    // enforce uniqueness of node ids
                    if (!currentNodeGroup.Contains(cnfTimedLights.nodeId))
                    // remove any nodes that are not configured to have a simulation
                    currentNodeGroup = new List <ushort>(currentNodeGroup.Intersect(nodesWithSimulation));

                    // remove invalid nodes from the group; find if any of the nodes in the group is already a master node
                    ushort masterNodeId     = 0;
                    int    foundMasterNodes = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < currentNodeGroup.Count;)
                        ushort nodeId = currentNodeGroup[i];
                        if (!Services.NetService.IsNodeValid(currentNodeGroup[i]))
                        else if (nodeGroupByMasterNodeId.ContainsKey(nodeId))
                            // this is a known master node
                            if (foundMasterNodes > 0)
                                // we already found another master node. ignore this node.
                            // we found the first master node
                            masterNodeId = nodeId;

                    if (masterNodeId == 0)
                        // no master node defined yet, set the first node as a master node
                        masterNodeId = currentNodeGroup[0];

                    // ensure the master node is the first node in the list (TimedTrafficLights depends on this at the moment...)
                    currentNodeGroup.Insert(0, masterNodeId);

                    // update the saved node group and master-slave info
                    nodeGroupByMasterNodeId[masterNodeId] = currentNodeGroup;
                    foreach (ushort nodeId in currentNodeGroup)
                        masterNodeIdBySlaveNodeId[nodeId] = masterNodeId;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.Warning($"Error building timed traffic light group for TimedNode {cnfTimedLights.nodeId} (NodeGroup: {string.Join(", ", cnfTimedLights.nodeGroup.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}): " + e.ToString());
                    success = false;

            foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights in data)
                try {
                    if (!masterNodeIdBySlaveNodeId.ContainsKey(cnfTimedLights.nodeId))
                    ushort        masterNodeId = masterNodeIdBySlaveNodeId[cnfTimedLights.nodeId];
                    List <ushort> nodeGroup    = nodeGroupByMasterNodeId[masterNodeId];

                    Log._Debug($"Adding timed light at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}. NodeGroup: {string.Join(", ", nodeGroup.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}");

                    ITrafficLightSimulation sim = AddNodeToSimulation(cnfTimedLights.nodeId);
                    var timedNode = sim.TimedLight;

                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLightsStep cnfTimedStep in cnfTimedLights.timedSteps)
                        Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                        ITimedTrafficLightsStep step = timedNode.AddStep(cnfTimedStep.minTime, cnfTimedStep.maxTime, (TrafficLight.StepChangeMetric)cnfTimedStep.changeMetric, cnfTimedStep.waitFlowBalance);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, Configuration.CustomSegmentLights> e in cnfTimedStep.segmentLights)
                            if (!Services.NetService.IsSegmentValid(e.Key))
                            e.Value.nodeId = cnfTimedLights.nodeId;

                            Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j}, segment {e.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                            ICustomSegmentLights lights = null;
                            if (!step.CustomSegmentLights.TryGetValue(e.Key, out lights))
                                Log._Debug($"No segment lights found at timed step {j} for segment {e.Key}, node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                            Configuration.CustomSegmentLights cnfLights = e.Value;

                            Log._Debug($"Loading pedestrian light @ seg. {e.Key}, step {j}: {cnfLights.pedestrianLightState} {cnfLights.manualPedestrianMode}");

                            lights.ManualPedestrianMode = cnfLights.manualPedestrianMode;
                            lights.PedestrianLightState = cnfLights.pedestrianLightState;

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ExtVehicleType, Configuration.CustomSegmentLight> e2 in cnfLights.customLights)
                                Log._Debug($"Loading timed step {j}, segment {e.Key}, vehicleType {e2.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                ICustomSegmentLight light = null;
                                if (!lights.CustomLights.TryGetValue(e2.Key, out light))
                                    Log._Debug($"No segment light found for timed step {j}, segment {e.Key}, vehicleType {e2.Key} at node {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}");
                                Configuration.CustomSegmentLight cnfLight = e2.Value;

                                light.InternalCurrentMode = (TrafficLight.LightMode)cnfLight.currentMode;                                 // TODO improve & remove
                                light.SetStates(cnfLight.mainLight, cnfLight.leftLight, cnfLight.rightLight, false);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore, as it's probably corrupt save data. it'll be culled on next save
                    Log.Warning("Error loading data from TimedNode (new method): " + e.ToString());
                    success = false;

            foreach (Configuration.TimedTrafficLights cnfTimedLights in data)
                try {
                    ITrafficLightSimulation sim = GetNodeSimulation(cnfTimedLights.nodeId);
                    if (sim == null || sim.TimedLight == null)

                    var timedNode = sim.TimedLight;

                    if (cnfTimedLights.started)
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.Warning($"Error starting timed light @ {cnfTimedLights.nodeId}: " + e.ToString());
                    success = false;
