Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SelectionCardViewModel(
            ITyreInformation tyreInformation,
            ITrackInformation trackInformation,
            ResultsService resultsService)
            var location = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

            // Get the Location of the data directory relative to the execution location of the app
            // this is where the TyresXML.xml and TrackDegradationCoefficients.txt are located.

            var dataLocation  = Path.Combine(location, @"..\..\..\..\..\Data");
            var tyreInfoFile  = Path.Combine(dataLocation, "TyresXML.xml");
            var trackInfoFile = Path.Combine(dataLocation, "TrackDegradationCoefficients.txt");

            // Read in the data from the above files.
            // If this isn't working for some reason just hardcode the path in the function calls below
            // to wherever the files are located on your local machine.
            var tyreInfo  = tyreInformation.GetTyreData(tyreInfoFile);
            var trackInfo = trackInformation.GetTrackData(trackInfoFile);

            FrontLeft           = new TyreComboBoxViewModel(resultsService, TyrePlacement.FrontLeft, tyreInfo);
            FrontRight          = new TyreComboBoxViewModel(resultsService, TyrePlacement.FrontRight, tyreInfo);
            RearLeft            = new TyreComboBoxViewModel(resultsService, TyrePlacement.RearLeft, tyreInfo);
            RearRight           = new TyreComboBoxViewModel(resultsService, TyrePlacement.RearRight, tyreInfo);
            TrackSelector       = new TrackSelectorComboBoxViewModel(resultsService, trackInfo);
            TemperatureSelector = new TemperatureSelectorViewModel(resultsService);