static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = new WildAnimalFactory(); IDog wildDog = wildAnimalFactory.GetDog(); wildDog.Speak(); wildDog.Action(); ITiger wildTiger = wildAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); wildTiger.Speak(); wildTiger.Action(); Console.WriteLine("**********"); IAnimalFactory petAnimalFactory = new PetAnimalFactory(); IDog petDog = petAnimalFactory.GetDog(); petDog.Speak(); petDog.Action(); ITiger petTiger = petAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); petTiger.Speak(); petTiger.Action(); }
static void Run() { Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); //Making a wild dog through WildAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = new WildAnimalFactory(); IDog wildDog = wildAnimalFactory.GetDog(); wildDog.Speak(); wildDog.Action(); //Making a wild tiger through WildAnimalFactory ITiger wildTiger = wildAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); wildTiger.Speak(); wildTiger.Action(); Console.WriteLine("******************"); //Making a pet dog through PetAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory petAnimalFactory = new PetAnimalFactory(); IDog petDog = petAnimalFactory.GetDog(); petDog.Speak(); petDog.Action(); //Making a pet tiger through PetAnimalFactory ITiger petTiger = petAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); petTiger.Speak(); petTiger.Action(); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern***\n"); IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = new WildAnimalFactory(); IDog wilDog = wildAnimalFactory.GetDog(); wilDog.Speak(); wilDog.Action(); ITiger wildTiger = wildAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); wildTiger.Speak(); wildTiger.Action(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Abstract Factory Pattern"); //making a wild dog and a wild tiger with WildAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory animalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory(AnimalType.Wild); IDog dog = animalFactory.GetDog(); ITiger tiger = animalFactory.GetTiger(); dog.AboutMe(); tiger.AboutMe(); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------"); //making a pet dog and a pet tiger with PetAnimalFactory animalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory(AnimalType.Pet); dog = animalFactory.GetDog(); tiger = animalFactory.GetTiger(); dog.AboutMe(); tiger.AboutMe(); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo.***\n"); //Making a wild dog and wild tiger through WildAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory animalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory("wild"); IDog dog = animalFactory.GetDog(); ITiger tiger = animalFactory.GetTiger(); dog.AboutMe(); tiger.AboutMe(); Console.WriteLine("******************"); //Making a pet dog and pet tiger through PetAnimalFactory now. animalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory("pet"); dog = animalFactory.GetDog(); tiger = animalFactory.GetTiger(); dog.AboutMe(); tiger.AboutMe(); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Creational Patterns Console.WriteLine("Creational Patterns"); #region Singleton Console.WriteLine("***Singleton Pattern Demo***\n"); Console.WriteLine("Trying to create instance s1."); Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance; Console.WriteLine("Trying to create instance s2."); Singleton s2 = Singleton.Instance; if (s1 == s2) { Console.WriteLine("Only one instance exists."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Different instances exists."); } #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Prototype Console.WriteLine("***Prototype Pattern Demo***\n"); //Base or Original BasicCar nano_base = new Nano("Green Nano") { Price = 100000 }; BasicCar ford_base = new Ford("FordYellow") { Price = 500000 }; BasicCar bc1; //Nano bc1 = nano_base.Clone(); bc1.Price = nano_base.Price + BasicCar.SetPrice(); Console.WriteLine($"Car is {bc1.ModelName}, and price is {bc1.Price}"); //Ford bc1 = ford_base.Clone(); bc1.Price = ford_base.Price + BasicCar.SetPrice(); Console.WriteLine($"Car is {bc1.ModelName}, and price is {bc1.Price}"); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Buuilder Console.WriteLine("***Builder Pattern Demo***"); Director director = new Director(); IBuilder b1 = new Car("Ford"); IBuilder b2 = new MotorCycle("Honda"); //Mking Car director.Construct(b1); Product p1 = b1.GetVehicle(); p1.Show(); //Making Motorcycle director.Construct(b2); Product p2 = b2.GetVehicle(); p2.Show(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Factory Method Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); // Creating a Tiger Factory AnimalFactory tigerFactory = new TigerFactory(); // Creating a tiger using the Factory Method IAnimal aTiger = tigerFactory.CreateAnimal(); aTiger.AboutMe(); aTiger.Action(); // Creating a DogFactory AnimalFactory dogFactory = new DogFactory(); // Creating a dog using the Factory Method IAnimal aDog = dogFactory.CreateAnimal(); aDog.AboutMe(); aDog.Action(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Abstract Factory Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); //Making a wild dog through WildAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = new WildAnimalFactory(); IDog wildDog = wildAnimalFactory.GetDog(); wildDog.Speak(); wildDog.Action(); //Making a wild tiger through WildAnimalFactory ITiger wildTiger = wildAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); wildTiger.Speak(); wildTiger.Action(); Console.WriteLine("******************"); //Making a pet dog through PetAnimalFactory IAnimalFactory petAnimalFactory = new PetAnimalFactory(); IDog petDog = petAnimalFactory.GetDog(); petDog.Speak(); petDog.Action(); //Making a pet tiger through PetAnimalFactory ITiger petTiger = petAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); petTiger.Speak(); petTiger.Action(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); //Structural Patterns Console.WriteLine("Structural Patterns"); #region Proxy Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Proxy Pattern Demo***"); Proxy px = new Proxy(); px.DoSomeWork(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Decorator Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Decorator Pattern Simulation***"); ConcreteComponent cc = new ConcreteComponent(); ConcreteDecoratorEx1 decorator1 = new ConcreteDecoratorEx1(); decorator1.SetTheComponent(cc); decorator1.MakeHouse(); ConcreteDecoratorEx2 decorator2 = new ConcreteDecoratorEx2(); //Adding results from decorator1 decorator2.SetTheComponent(decorator1); decorator2.MakeHouse(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Adapter Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Adapter Pattern Demo***\n"); CalculatorAdapter cal = new CalculatorAdapter(); Triangle t = new Triangle(20, 10); Console.WriteLine($"Area of Triangle is {cal.GetArea(t)} square unit"); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Facade Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Facade Pattern Demo***"); RobotFacade robotFacade1 = new RobotFacade(); // Creating Robots robotFacade1.ConstructMilanoRobot(); RobotFacade robotFacade2 = new RobotFacade(); // Creating Robots robotFacade2.ConstructRobonautRobot(); robotFacade1.DestroyMilanoRobot(); //Destroying Robots robotFacade2.DestroyRobonautRobot(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Flyweight Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Flyweight Pattern Demo***"); RobotFactory myFactory = new RobotFactory(); IRobot shape = myFactory.GetRobotFromFactory("Small"); shape.Print(); //Creating small robots for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { shape = myFactory.GetRobotFromFactory("Small"); shape.Print(); } int numOfDistinctRobots = myFactory.TotalObjectsCreated; Console.WriteLine($"Number of distinct robot objects is {numOfDistinctRobots}"); //Creating large robots for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { shape = myFactory.GetRobotFromFactory("Large"); shape.Print(); } numOfDistinctRobots = myFactory.TotalObjectsCreated; Console.WriteLine($"Distinct robot objects created till now {numOfDistinctRobots}"); #endregion Console.WriteLine("###########################"); #region Composite Pattern #region Mathematics department Console.WriteLine("***Composite Pattern***"); //2 Lecturers work in Mathematics department Employee mathLecturer1 = new Employee { Name = "M. Joy", Dept = "Mathematics", Designation = "Lecturer" }; Employee mathLecturer2 = new Employee { Name = "M. Ronny", Dept = "Mathematics", Designation = "Lecturer" }; //The college has Head of Department in Mathematics CompositeEmployee hodMaths = new CompositeEmployee { Name = "Mrs. S. Das", Dept = "Maths", Designation = "HOD-Maths" }; //Lecturers of Mathematics directly perort to HOD-Maths hodMaths.AddEmpployee(mathLecturer1); hodMaths.AddEmpployee(mathLecturer2); #endregion #region Computer Science department //3 lecturers work in Computer Sc. department Employee cseLecturer1 = new Employee { Name = "C. Sam", Dept = "Computer Sciense", Designation = "Lecturer" }; Employee cseLecturer2 = new Employee { Name = "C. Jones", Dept = "Computer Sciense", Designation = "Lecturer" }; Employee cseLecturer3 = new Employee { Name = "C. Marium", Dept = "Computer Sciense", Designation = "Lecturer" }; //The College has a Head of Department in Computer science CompositeEmployee hodCompSc = new CompositeEmployee { Name = "Mr. V. Sarcar", Dept = "Computer Sc.", Designation = "HOD-Computer Sc." }; //Lecturers of Computer Sc. directly reports to HOD-CSE hodCompSc.AddEmpployee(cseLecturer1); hodCompSc.AddEmpployee(cseLecturer2); hodCompSc.AddEmpployee(cseLecturer3); #endregion #region Top level management //College Principial CompositeEmployee principal = new CompositeEmployee { Name = "Dr.S.Som", Dept = "Planning-Supervising-Managing", Designation = "Principal" }; //Mead of Department of Math and Computer Sciense apply to Principal principal.AddEmpployee(hodMaths); principal.AddEmpployee(hodCompSc); #endregion Console.WriteLine("Details of a Principal are these: "); principal.DisplayDetails(); Console.WriteLine("Details of HOD object are these: "); hodCompSc.DisplayDetails(); Console.WriteLine("Details of individual employee are these: "); mathLecturer1.DisplayDetails(); //Lecturer leaves hodCompSc.RemoveEmployee(cseLecturer2); Console.WriteLine("After resignstion there are only these leecturers"); principal.DisplayDetails(); #endregion }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region Singleton //Console.WriteLine("***Singleton Pattern Demo***"); //Console.WriteLine("Trying to create instance s1."); //Singleton s1 = Singleton.Instance; //Singleton s2 = Singleton.Instance; //if (s1 == s2) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Only on instance exists."); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Different instances exist."); //} #endregion #region Prototype //Console.WriteLine("***Prototype Pattern Demo***\n"); //BasicCar nano_base = new Nano("Green Nano") { Price = 100000 }; //BasicCar ford_base = new Ford("Ford Yellow") { Price = 500000 }; //BasicCar bc1; ////Nano //bc1 = nano_base.Clone(); //bc1.Price = nano_base.Price + BasicCar.SetPrice(); //Console.WriteLine($"Car is:{bc1.ModelName},and it's price is Rs.{bc1.Price}"); ////Ford //bc1 = ford_base.Clone(); //bc1.Price = ford_base.Price + BasicCar.SetPrice(); //Console.WriteLine($"Car is:{bc1.ModelName},and it's price is Rs.{bc1.Price}"); #endregion #region BuiderPattern //Console.WriteLine("***Builder Pattern Demo***\n"); //Director director = new Director(); //IBuilder b1 = new Car("Ford"); //director.Construct(b1); //Product p1 = b1.GetVehicle(); //p1.Show(); #endregion #region FactoryMethodPattern Console.WriteLine("***Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); //Creating a Tiger Factory DesignPattern.FactoryMethodPattern.IAnimalFactory tigerFactory = new TigerFactory(); //Createing a tiger using the factory method IAnimal aTiger = tigerFactory.MakeAnimal(); //aTiger.Speak(); //aTiger.Action(); FactoryMethodPattern.IAnimalFactory dogFactory = new DogFactory(); IAnimal aDog = dogFactory.CreateAnimal(); aDog.Speak(); aDog.Action(); #endregion #region Simple Factory //Console.WriteLine("*** Simple Factory Pattern Demo***\n"); //IAnimal preferredType = null; //ISimpleFactory simpleFactory = new SimpleFactory(); //preferredType = simpleFactory.CreateAnimal(); //preferredType.Speak(); //preferredType.Action(); #endregion #region AbstractFactory Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo***"); DesignPattern.AbstractFactoryPattern.IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = new WildAnimalFactory(); IDog wildDog = wildAnimalFactory.GetDog(); wildDog.Speak(); wildDog.Action(); ITiger wildTiger = wildAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); wildTiger.Speak(); wildTiger.Action(); Console.WriteLine("below is create pet animal "); AbstractFactoryPattern.IAnimalFactory petAnimalFactory = new PetAnimalFactory(); IDog petDog = petAnimalFactory.GetDog(); petDog.Speak(); petDog.Action(); ITiger petTiger = petAnimalFactory.GetTiger(); petTiger.Speak(); petTiger.Action(); #endregion #region Proxy Pattern Console.WriteLine("***Proxy Pattern Demo***\n"); Proxy px = new Proxy(); px.DoSomeWork(); ICar car = new ProxyCar(new Driver(15)); car.DriveCar(); car = new ProxyCar(new Driver(25)); car.DriveCar(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("***Decorator pattern Demo...\n"); ConcreteComponent cc = new ConcreteComponent(); ConcreteDecoratorEx1 decoratorEx1 = new ConcreteDecoratorEx1(cc); // decoratorEx1.SetTheComponent(cc); decoratorEx1.MakeHouse(); #region Adapter Pattern CalculatorAdapter cal = new CalculatorAdapter(); Triangle t = new Triangle(20, 10); Console.WriteLine($"Area of Triangle is:{cal.GetArea(t)} Square unit"); Rect r = new Rect(20, 10); Console.WriteLine($"Area of Rectangle is :{r.CalculateAreaOfRectangle()}"); Triangle t0 = new Triangle(20, 10); Console.WriteLine($"Area of Triangle is :{t0.CalculateAreaOfTriangle()} Square unit."); RectInterface adapter = new TriangleAdapter(t0); Console.WriteLine($"Area of Triangle using the triangle adapter is :{adapter.CalculateAreaOfRectangle()} square unit"); #endregion Console.WriteLine("***Flyweight Pattern Demo***"); RobotFactory factory = new RobotFactory(); IRobot shape = factory.GetRobotFromFactory("Small"); shape.Print(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { shape = factory.GetRobotFromFactory("Small"); shape.Print(); } int NumOfDistinctRobots = factory.TotalObjectsCreated; Console.WriteLine($"Now,there has {NumOfDistinctRobots} Robots."); Console.WriteLine("***Composite Pattern Demo***"); CompositeEmployee Principal = new CompositeEmployee("Derily(Principal)", "Planning-Supervising-Managing"); CompositeEmployee hodMaths = new CompositeEmployee("Mrs.S.Das(HOD-Maths)", "Maths"); CompositeEmployee hodCompSc = new CompositeEmployee("Mr. V.Sarcar(HOD-CSE)", "Computer Sc."); Employee mathTeacher1 = new Employee("Math Teacher-1", "Maths"); Employee mathTeacher2 = new Employee("Math Teacher-2", "Maths"); Employee cseTeacher1 = new Employee("CSE Teacher-1", "Computer Sc."); Employee cseTeacher2 = new Employee("CSE Teacher-2", "Computer Sc."); Employee cseTeacher3 = new Employee("CSE Teacher-3", "Computer Sc."); hodMaths.Add(mathTeacher1); hodMaths.Add(mathTeacher2); hodCompSc.Add(cseTeacher1); hodCompSc.Add(cseTeacher2); hodCompSc.Add(cseTeacher3); Principal.Add(hodMaths); Principal.Add(hodCompSc); Console.WriteLine("\n Testing the structure of a Principal object"); Principal.PrintStructures(); Console.Read(); }