Ejemplo n.º 1
        //to be modified

        public OvLine(Canvas canvas, ITextSnapshotLine itv, float bzCurvArea, OvCollection parent)
            _bzCurvArea = bzCurvArea;

            lnNumber = itv.LineNumber;
            lnStart = 0.0f;
            lnTextStart = (float)Find1stChar(itv);
            //if (lnNumber == 65) System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("%%%                 REGEX: " + lnTextStart ); 
            lnEnd = (float)itv.Length;
            lnHeight = 1.0f;
            lnLength = itv.Length;
            lnColor = new System.Windows.Media.Color();                    //get the color of the textview
            lnFocus = false;

            myCanvas = canvas;
            myPath = new Path();
            myParent = parent;

            IsSeleted = false;

            this.myPath.MouseEnter += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(myPath_MouseEnter);
            this.myPath.MouseLeftButtonDown += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(myPath_MouseLeftButtonDown);
            this.myPath.MouseLeave += new System.Windows.Input.MouseEventHandler(myPath_MouseLeave);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int PerformMove(IWpfTextView view, ITextSnapshotLine lineToSwap, int insertPosition)
            var insertedText = lineToSwap.GetTextIncludingLineBreak();

            if(insertPosition == view.TextSnapshot.Length)
                // We don't want ot move the line break if the insert position is the last character of the
                // document but also the first character of the line (i.e. an empty line at the end of the document)
                var lineUnderInsertPosition = view.TextSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(insertPosition);
                if (lineUnderInsertPosition.Length > 0)
                    // Move the line break to the start of the text to insert
                    insertedText = (Environment.NewLine + insertedText).Substring(0, insertedText.Length);

            using (var edit = view.TextBuffer.CreateEdit())
                edit.Delete(lineToSwap.Start, lineToSwap.LengthIncludingLineBreak);
                edit.Insert(insertPosition, insertedText);

            return -lineToSwap.LengthIncludingLineBreak;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
            // get point at the subject buffer
            var mappingPoint = _view.BufferGraph.CreateMappingPoint(line.Start, PointTrackingMode.Negative);

            // TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5281): Remove try-catch.
            SnapshotPoint? point = null;
                point = mappingPoint.GetInsertionPoint(b => b.ContentType.IsOfType(_contentType.TypeName));
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                // Suppress this to work around DevDiv #144964.
                // Note: Other callers might be affected, but this is the narrowest workaround for the observed problems.
                // A fix is already being reviewed, so a broader change is not required.
                return null;

            if (!point.HasValue)
                return null;

            // Currently, interactive smart indenter returns indentation based
            // solely on subject buffer's information and doesn't consider spaces
            // in interactive window itself. Note: This means the ITextBuffer passed
            // to ISmartIndent.GetDesiredIndentation is not this.view.TextBuffer.
            return _indenter.GetDesiredIndentation(point.Value.GetContainingLine());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 int? ISmartIndent.GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
     var snap = _textView.TextSnapshot;
     // get all of the previous lines
     var lines = snap.Lines.Reverse().Skip(snap.LineCount - line.LineNumber);
     foreach (ITextSnapshotLine prevLine in lines)
         var text = prevLine.GetText();
         if (text.All(c2 => System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(c2)))
         var toks = Utils.LexString(text).ToList();
         if (toks.Last().Type == RustLexer.RustLexer.LBRACE)
             return prevLine.GetText().TakeWhile(c2 => c2 == ' ').Count() + 4;
         else if (toks.Any(tok => tok.Type == RustLexer.RustLexer.RBRACE))
             return prevLine.GetText().TakeWhile(c2 => c2 == ' ').Count();
     // otherwise, there are no lines ending in braces before us.
     return null;
 public IEnumerable<TextLineCheckerError> CheckLine(ITextSnapshotLine line)
     if (_chromiumSourceFiles.ApplyCodingStyle(_fileSystem, line)) {
     int indent = 0;
     var fragment = line.GetFragment(line.Start, line.End, TextLineFragment.Options.Default);
     foreach (var point in fragment.GetPoints()) {
       if (WhitespaceCharacters.IndexOf(point.GetChar()) >= 0) {
     // continue as long as we find whitespaces
       } else if (GetMarker(line, fragment, point) != null) {
     if (indent % 2 == 0) // even indentation is not ok
       var marker = GetMarker(line, fragment, point);
       yield return new TextLineCheckerError {
         Span = new SnapshotSpan(point, marker.Length),
         Message =
           string.Format("Accessor \"{0}\" should always be indented 1 character less than rest of class body.",
       } else {
     // Stop at the first non-whitespace character.
     yield break;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private async Task<int?> GetDesiredIndentationAsync(ITextSnapshotLine lineToBeIndented, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (lineToBeIndented == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(@"line");

            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SmartIndentation_Start, cancellationToken))
                var document = lineToBeIndented.Snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
                if (document == null)
                    return null;

                var service = document.GetLanguageService<IIndentationService>();
                if (service == null)
                    return null;

                var result = await service.GetDesiredIndentationAsync(document, lineToBeIndented.LineNumber, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (result == null)
                    return null;

                return result.Value.GetIndentation(_textView, lineToBeIndented);
            protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfLine(ITextSnapshotLine lineToMatch, int addedSpaces)
                var firstNonWhitespace = lineToMatch.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition();
                firstNonWhitespace = firstNonWhitespace ?? lineToMatch.End.Position;

                return GetIndentationOfPosition(new SnapshotPoint(lineToMatch.Snapshot, firstNonWhitespace.Value), addedSpaces);
		protected override void Modify(ITextEdit edit, ITextSnapshotLine line)
			if (line.GetText().StartsWith("#"))
				edit.Delete(line.Start, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the desired indentation
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="textView">Text view</param>
		/// <param name="smartIndentationService">Smart indentation service</param>
		/// <param name="line">Line</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextView textView, ISmartIndentationService smartIndentationService, ITextSnapshotLine line) {
			if (textView == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textView));
			if (smartIndentationService == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(smartIndentationService));
			if (line == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(line));

			var indentStyle = textView.Options.GetIndentStyle();
			switch (indentStyle) {
			case IndentStyle.None:
				return 0;

			case IndentStyle.Block:
				return GetDesiredBlockIndentation(textView, line);

			case IndentStyle.Smart:
				var indentSize = smartIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(textView, line);
				Debug.Assert(indentSize == null || indentSize.Value >= 0);
				return indentSize;

				Debug.Fail($"Invalid {nameof(IndentStyle)}: {indentStyle}");
				return null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine lineToBeIndented, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (lineToBeIndented == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(@"line");

            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.SmartIndentation_Start, cancellationToken))
                var document = lineToBeIndented.Snapshot.GetOpenDocumentInCurrentContextWithChanges();
                var syncService = document?.GetLanguageService<ISynchronousIndentationService>();

                if (syncService != null)
                    var result = syncService.GetDesiredIndentation(document, lineToBeIndented.LineNumber, cancellationToken);
                    return result?.GetIndentation(_textView, lineToBeIndented);

                var asyncService = document?.GetLanguageService<IIndentationService>();
                if (asyncService != null)
                    var result = asyncService.GetDesiredIndentation(document, lineToBeIndented.LineBreakLength, cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
                    return result?.GetIndentation(_textView, lineToBeIndented);

                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public virtual int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
                vsIndentStyle indentStyle = IndentStyle;
                if (indentStyle == vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleNone)
                    return 0;

                int? result = null;

                if (indentStyle == vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleSmart)
                    result = GetSmartIndentation(line);

                if (result == null)
                    result = GetFallbackIndentation(line);

                return result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Throwing an exception from here will crash the IDE.
                if (ErrorHandler.IsCriticalException(ex))

                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
            // If we're on the first line, we can't really do anything clever.
            if (line.LineNumber == 0)
                return 0;

            var snapshot = line.Snapshot;

            // Walk up previous lines trying to find the first non-blank one.
            var previousNonBlankLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(line.LineNumber - 1);
            while (previousNonBlankLine.LineNumber >= 1 && previousNonBlankLine.GetText().Trim().Length == 0)
                previousNonBlankLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(previousNonBlankLine.LineNumber - 1);

            // If we didn't find an actual non-blank line, we can't really do anything clever.
            if (previousNonBlankLine.GetText().Trim() == "")
                return 0;

            var previousLineText = previousNonBlankLine.GetText();
            var previousLineIndent = previousLineText.Replace("\t", new string(' ', tabSize)).TakeWhile(char.IsWhiteSpace).Count();

            // If we started a block on the previous line; then add indent.
            if (previousLineText.TrimEnd().EndsWith("{"))
                return previousLineIndent + tabSize;
                return previousLineIndent;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
     if (JToolsPackage.Instance.LangPrefs.IndentMode == vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleSmart) {
         return AutoIndent.GetLineIndentation(line, _textView);
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private int? DoSmartIndent(ITextSnapshotLine line)
     var syntaxTree = line.Snapshot.GetSyntaxTree(CancellationToken.None);
     var root = syntaxTree.Root;
     var lineStartPosition = line.Start.Position;
     var indent = FindTotalParentChainIndent(root, lineStartPosition, 0);
     return indent;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal static int? GetLineIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line, ITextView textView)
            var options = textView.Options;

            ITextSnapshotLine baseline;
            string baselineText;
            SkipPreceedingBlankLines(line, out baselineText, out baseline);

            ITextBuffer targetBuffer = textView.TextBuffer;
            if (!targetBuffer.ContentType.IsOfType(JCoreConstants.ContentType)) {
                var match = textView.BufferGraph.MapDownToFirstMatch(line.Start, PointTrackingMode.Positive, JContentTypePrediciate, PositionAffinity.Successor);
                if (match == null) {
                    return 0;
                targetBuffer = match.Value.Snapshot.TextBuffer;

            var classifier = targetBuffer.GetJClassifier();
            if (classifier == null) {
                // workaround debugger canvas bug - they wire our auto-indent provider up to a C# buffer
                // (they query MEF for extensions by hand and filter incorrectly) and we don't have a J classifier.
                // So now the user's auto-indent is broken in C# but returning null is better than crashing.
                return null;

            var desiredIndentation = CalculateIndentation(baselineText, baseline, options, classifier, textView);

            var caretLine = textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.GetContainingLine();
            // VS will get the white space when the user is moving the cursor or when the user is doing an edit which
            // introduces a new line.  When the user is moving the cursor the caret line differs from the line
            // we're querying.  When editing the lines are the same and so we want to account for the white space of
            // non-blank lines.  An alternate strategy here would be to watch for the edit and fix things up after
            // the fact which is what would happen pre-Dev10 when the language would not get queried for non-blank lines
            // (and is therefore what C# and other languages are doing).
            if (caretLine.LineNumber == line.LineNumber) {
                var lineText = caretLine.GetText();
                int indentationUpdate = 0;
                for (int i = textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.Position - caretLine.Start; i < lineText.Length; i++) {
                    if (lineText[i] == ' ') {
                    } else if (lineText[i] == '\t') {
                        indentationUpdate += textView.Options.GetIndentSize();
                    } else {
                        if (indentationUpdate > desiredIndentation) {
                            // we would dedent this line (e.g. there's a return on the previous line) but the user is
                            // hitting enter with a statement to the right of the caret and they're in the middle of white space.
                            // So we need to instead just maintain the existing indentation level.
                            desiredIndentation = Math.Max(GetIndentation(baselineText, options.GetTabSize()) - indentationUpdate, 0);
                        } else {
                            desiredIndentation -= indentationUpdate;

            return desiredIndentation;
Ejemplo n.º 16

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line snapshot</param>
        /// <param name="state">The starting state</param>
        /// <param name="naturalTextSpans">The collection of natural text spans</param>
        public LineProgress(ITextSnapshotLine line, State state, List<SnapshotSpan> naturalTextSpans)
            _snapshotLine = line;
            _lineText = line.GetText();
            _linePosition = 0;
            _naturalTextSpans = naturalTextSpans;

            this.State = state;
    private string GetMarker(ITextSnapshotLine line, TextLineFragment fragment, SnapshotPoint point) {
      string[] markers = {

      return markers
        .Where(marker => fragment.GetText(point - line.Start, marker.Length) == marker)
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextView textView, ITextSnapshotLine line) {
			if (textView == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textView));
			if (line == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(line));

			var smartIndent = textView.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(typeof(SmartIndentationService), () => new Helper(this, textView).SmartIndent);
			return smartIndent.GetDesiredIndentation(line);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected override bool ShouldUseSmartTokenFormatterInsteadOfIndenter(
     IEnumerable<IFormattingRule> formattingRules,
     SyntaxNode root,
     ITextSnapshotLine line,
     OptionSet optionSet,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     return ShouldUseSmartTokenFormatterInsteadOfIndenter(formattingRules, (CompilationUnitSyntax)root, line, optionSet, cancellationToken);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal static bool CommentLine(ITextSnapshotLine line) {
            string lineText = line.GetText();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lineText)) {
                int leadingWsLength = lineText.Length - lineText.TrimStart().Length;
                line.Snapshot.TextBuffer.Insert(line.Start + leadingWsLength, "#");
                return true;

            return false;
 private ITextSnapshotLine GetSelectionEndLine(ITextSnapshotLine selectionStartLine, IWpfTextView textView)
     var selectionEndLine = textView.Selection.End.Position.GetContainingLine();
     // if the selection ends exactly at the beginning of a new line (ie line select), we do not comment out the last line
     if (selectionStartLine.LineNumber != selectionEndLine.LineNumber && selectionEndLine.Start.Equals(textView.Selection.End.Position))
         selectionEndLine = selectionEndLine.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(selectionEndLine.LineNumber - 1);
     return selectionEndLine;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        // From https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/e39a3aeb1185ef0b349cad96a105969423065eac/src/EditorFeatures/Core/Shared/Extensions/ITextViewExtensions.cs#L278
        public static int? GetDesiredIndentation(this ITextView textView, ISmartIndentationService smartIndentService, ITextSnapshotLine line)
            var pointInView = textView.BufferGraph.MapUpToSnapshot(line.Start, PointTrackingMode.Positive, PositionAffinity.Successor, textView.TextSnapshot);

            if (!pointInView.HasValue)
                return null;

            var lineInView = textView.TextSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(pointInView.Value.Position);
            return smartIndentService.GetDesiredIndentation(textView, lineInView);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
         return GetDesiredIndentationImp(line);
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line, IndentStyle indentStyle) {
            if (line != null) {
                if (indentStyle == IndentStyle.Block) {
                    return GetBlockIndent(line);
                } else if (indentStyle == IndentStyle.Smart) {
                    return GetSmartIndent(line);

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
		static SnapshotPoint GetStartSpanBefore(ITextSnapshotLine line, int column, WordKind kind) {
			int position = line.Start.Position + column;
			var snapshot = line.Snapshot;
			for (;;) {
				if (position == line.Start.Position)
					return line.Start;
				if (GetWordKind(snapshot[position]) != kind)
					return new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, position + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
		static SnapshotPoint GetEndSpanAfter(ITextSnapshotLine line, int column, WordKind kind) {
			int position = line.Start.Position + column;
			var snapshot = line.Snapshot;
			for (;;) {
				if (position + 1 >= line.End.Position)
					return new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, line.End.Position);
				if (GetWordKind(snapshot[position]) != kind)
					return new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, position);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal static bool TryGetDirectorySpan(ITextSnapshotLine line, out SnapshotSpan span)
            var snapshot = line.Snapshot;
            if (line.Length > 0 && snapshot[line.End.Position - 1] == '/')
                span = new SnapshotSpan(line.Start, line.Length - 1);
                return true;

            span = default(SnapshotSpan);
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public ReverseExpressionParser(ITextSnapshot snapshot, ITextBuffer buffer, ITrackingSpan span)
            _snapshot = snapshot;
            _buffer = buffer;
            _span = span;

            var loc = span.GetSpan(snapshot);
            var line = _curLine = snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(loc.Start);

            var targetSpan = new Span(line.Start.Position, span.GetEndPoint(snapshot).Position - line.Start.Position);
            _tokens = Classifier.GetClassificationSpans(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, targetSpan));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public int? GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line) {
     switch (NodejsPackage.Instance.LangPrefs.IndentMode) {
         case VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleNone:
             return null;
         case VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleDefault:
             return DoBlockIndent(line);
         case VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.vsIndentStyle.vsIndentStyleSmart:
             return DoSmartIndent(line);
             return null;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private bool IsAllowedOverflow(ITextSnapshotLine line) {
   var keywords = new string[] {
   var text =
     line.GetFragment(line.Start.Position, line.Start.Position + 30, TextLineFragment.Options.Default)
   return keywords.Any(k => text.Contains(k));
            public AbstractIndenter(Document document, IEnumerable <IFormattingRule> rules, OptionSet optionSet, ITextSnapshotLine lineToBeIndented, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                this.OptionSet         = optionSet;
                this.Document          = SyntacticDocument.CreateAsync(document, cancellationToken).WaitAndGetResult(cancellationToken);
                this.LineToBeIndented  = lineToBeIndented;
                this.TabSize           = this.OptionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.TabSize, this.Document.Root.Language);
                this.CancellationToken = cancellationToken;

                this.Rules  = rules;
                this.Tree   = this.Document.SyntaxTree;
                this.Finder = new BottomUpBaseIndentationFinder(
                    new ChainedFormattingRules(this.Rules, OptionSet),
                    this.OptionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.IndentationSize, this.Document.Root.Language),
                    tokenStream: null,
                    lastToken: default(SyntaxToken));
Ejemplo n.º 32
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList <CompletionSet> completionSets)
            //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output(string.Format("INFO: {0}:AugmentCompletionSession", this.ToString()));

            if (_disposed)
            if (!Settings.Default.CodeCompletion_On)

            try {
                DateTime      time1        = DateTime.Now;
                ITextSnapshot snapshot     = this._buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                SnapshotPoint triggerPoint = (SnapshotPoint)session.GetTriggerPoint(snapshot);
                if (triggerPoint == null)
                ITextSnapshotLine line = triggerPoint.GetContainingLine();

                //1] check if current position is in a remark; if we are in a remark, no code completion
                if (triggerPoint.Position > 1)
                    char currentTypedChar = (triggerPoint - 1).GetChar();
                    //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: current char = "+ currentTypedChar);
                    if (!currentTypedChar.Equals('#'))   //TODO UGLY since the user can configure this starting character
                        int pos = triggerPoint.Position - line.Start;
                        if (AsmSourceTools.isInRemark(pos, line.GetText()))
                            //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: currently in a remark section");
                            // AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: not in a remark section");

                //2] find the start of the current keyword
                SnapshotPoint start = triggerPoint;
                while ((start > line.Start) && !AsmTools.AsmSourceTools.isSeparatorChar((start - 1).GetChar()))
                    start -= 1;

                //3] get the word that is currently being typed
                ITrackingSpan applicableTo   = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(new SnapshotSpan(start, triggerPoint), SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
                string        partialKeyword = applicableTo.GetText(snapshot);
                bool          useCapitals    = AsmDudeToolsStatic.isAllUpper(partialKeyword);

                SortedSet <Completion> completions = null;

                string   lineStr  = line.GetText();
                var      t        = AsmSourceTools.parseLine(lineStr);
                Mnemonic mnemonic = t.Item2;

                if (mnemonic == Mnemonic.UNKNOWN)
                    ISet <AsmTokenType> selected = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                        AsmTokenType.Directive, AsmTokenType.Jump, AsmTokenType.Misc, AsmTokenType.Mnemonic                                                       /*, AsmTokenType.Register */
                    completions = this.selectedCompletions(useCapitals, selected);
                else     // the current line contains a mnemonic
                    string previousKeyword = AsmDudeToolsStatic.getPreviousKeyword(line.Start, start);
                    //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: AsmCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; mnemonic=" + mnemonic+ "; previousKeyword="+ previousKeyword);

                    if (AsmSourceTools.isJump(AsmSourceTools.parseMnemonic(previousKeyword)))
                        //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: AsmCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; previous keyword is a jump mnemonic");
                        // previous keyword is jump (or call) mnemonic. Suggest "SHORT" or a label
                        completions = this.labelCompletions();
                        completions.Add(new Completion("SHORT", (useCapitals) ? "SHORT" : "short", null, this._icons[AsmTokenType.Misc], ""));
                        completions.Add(new Completion("NEAR", (useCapitals) ? "NEAR" : "near", null, this._icons[AsmTokenType.Misc], ""));
                    else if (previousKeyword.Equals("SHORT") || previousKeyword.Equals("NEAR"))
                        // previous keyword is SHORT. Suggest a label
                        completions = this.labelCompletions();
                        IList <Operand>         operands = AsmSourceTools.makeOperands(t.Item3);
                        ISet <AsmSignatureEnum> allowed  = new HashSet <AsmSignatureEnum>();
                        int commaCount = AsmSignature.countCommas(lineStr);
                        IList <AsmSignatureElement> allSignatures = this._asmDudeTools.mnemonicStore.getSignatures(mnemonic);

                        ISet <Arch> selectedArchitectures = AsmDudeToolsStatic.getArchSwithedOn();
                        foreach (AsmSignatureElement se in AsmSignatureHelpSource.constrainSignatures(allSignatures, operands, selectedArchitectures))
                            if (commaCount < se.operands.Count)
                                foreach (AsmSignatureEnum s in se.operands[commaCount])
                        completions = this.mnemonicOperandCompletions(useCapitals, allowed);
                //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output("INFO: AsmCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; nCompletions=" + completions.Count);

                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Tokens", "Tokens", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));

                AsmDudeToolsStatic.printSpeedWarning(time1, "Code Completion");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output(string.Format("ERROR: {0}:AugmentCompletionSession; e={1}", this.ToString(), e.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 33
 FSharpOption <int> IVimHost.GetNewLineIndent(ITextView textView, ITextSnapshotLine contextLine, ITextSnapshotLine newLine, IVimLocalSettings localSettings)
     return(GetNewLineIndent(textView, contextLine, newLine, localSettings));
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public static SnapshotPoint GetPointInLine(this ITextSnapshot snapshot, int line, int column)
            ITextSnapshotLine snapshotLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(line);

Ejemplo n.º 35
        private unsafe PooledStructEnumerable <TeXCommentBlockSpan> GenerateTexCommentBlocks(ITextSnapshot snapshot)
            var texCommentBlocks = blockListsPool.Get();

            Debug.Assert(texCommentBlocks.Count == 0);

            var contentName = snapshot.ContentType.TypeName;

            if (!CommentPrefixPerContentType.TryGetValue(contentName, out var commentPrefix) ||
                !TeXCommentPrefixPerContentType.TryGetValue(contentName, out var teXCommentPrefix))
                return(new PooledStructEnumerable <TeXCommentBlockSpan>(texCommentBlocks, blockListsPool));

            Debug.Assert(teXCommentPrefix.Length > commentPrefix.Length);
            Span <char> lineStartingCharactersBuffer = stackalloc char[teXCommentPrefix.Length];

            var atTexBlock                  = false;
            var texBlockSpanBuilder         = default(TeXCommentBlockSpanBuilder);
            ITextSnapshotLine lastBlockLine = null;

            foreach (var line in snapshot.Lines)
                var lineStartPos = line.Start.Position;
                var numberOfWhiteSpaceCharsOnStartOfLine = snapshot.NumberOfWhiteSpaceCharsOnStartOfLine(lineStartPos, line.Length);

                lineStartPos += numberOfWhiteSpaceCharsOnStartOfLine;
                var lineStartingCharacters = lineStartingCharactersBuffer.Slice(0, Math.Min(lineStartingCharactersBuffer.Length, line.End.Position - lineStartPos));  //line can be shorter than prefix that we are lookin for
                for (int pos = 0; pos < lineStartingCharacters.Length; pos++)
                    lineStartingCharacters[pos] = snapshot[lineStartPos + pos];

                if (atTexBlock)
                    if (lineStartingCharacters.StartsWith(teXCommentPrefix))
                        texCommentBlocks.Add(texBlockSpanBuilder.Build(snapshot));                                                                                                                               //end of current block
                        texBlockSpanBuilder = new TeXCommentBlockSpanBuilder(line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak, numberOfWhiteSpaceCharsOnStartOfLine, line, line.GetLineBreakText(), teXCommentPrefix, contentName); //start of new block
                        lastBlockLine       = line;
                    else if (lineStartingCharacters.StartsWith(commentPrefix))
                        //continuation of current block
                        lastBlockLine = line;
                        //end of current block
                        atTexBlock = false;
                else if (lineStartingCharacters.StartsWith(teXCommentPrefix))
                    //start of new block
                    atTexBlock          = true;
                    texBlockSpanBuilder = new TeXCommentBlockSpanBuilder(line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak, numberOfWhiteSpaceCharsOnStartOfLine, line, line.GetLineBreakText(), teXCommentPrefix, contentName);
                    lastBlockLine       = line;
            if (atTexBlock)

            return(new PooledStructEnumerable <TeXCommentBlockSpan>(texCommentBlocks, blockListsPool));
        private void AddSingleLineComments(SnapshotSpan span, List <TextChange> textChanges, List <ITrackingSpan> trackingSpans, ITextSnapshotLine firstLine, ITextSnapshotLine lastLine, CommentSelectionInfo commentInfo)
            // Select the entirety of the lines, so that another comment operation will add more
            // comments, not insert block comments.
            trackingSpans.Add(span.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(Span.FromBounds(firstLine.Start.Position, lastLine.End.Position), SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive));
            var indentToCommentAt = DetermineSmallestIndent(span, firstLine, lastLine);

            ApplySingleLineCommentToNonBlankLines(commentInfo, textChanges, firstLine, lastLine, indentToCommentAt);
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <IUrlTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            if (!enableLinks)
                yield break;

            ITextSnapshotLine line = null;

            foreach (var span in spans)
                int pos = span.Start;

                // We check full lines so make sure we don't re-check the same line again
                if (line != null && line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak.End.Position > pos)

                for (;;)
                    if (line != null && line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak.End.Position == pos)
                        if (line.Snapshot.LineCount == line.LineNumber + 1)
                        line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(line.LineNumber + 1);
                        Debug.Assert(line == null || pos > line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak.End.Position);
                        line = span.Snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(pos);

                    if (line.Length != 0 && line.Length <= maxLineLength)
                        var lineText  = line.GetText();
                        var uriFinder = new UriFinder(lineText);
                        for (;;)
                            var res = uriFinder.GetNext();
                            if (res == null)
                            Debug.Assert(res.Value.Length != 0);
                            if (res.Value.Length == 0)
                            int start = line.Start.Position + res.Value.Start;
                            int end   = start + res.Value.Length;
                            Debug.Assert(end <= line.Snapshot.Length);
                            if (end > line.Snapshot.Length)
                            var uriSpan = new SnapshotSpan(line.Snapshot, start, res.Value.Length);
                            var uri     = TryCreateUri(uriSpan.GetText());
                            if (uri == null)
                            yield return(new TagSpan <IUrlTag>(uriSpan, new UrlTag(uri)));

                    pos = line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak.End;
                    if (pos >= span.End)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public abstract int?GetDesiredIndentation(RazorSyntaxTree syntaxTree, ITextSnapshot syntaxTreeSnapshot, ITextSnapshotLine line, int indentSize, int tabSize);
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public LineTokenization(IEnumerable <TokenInfo> tokens, object state, ITextSnapshotLine line)
     Tokens = tokens.Select(t => new LineToken(t, line.EndIncludingLineBreak)).ToArray();
     State  = state;
     Line   = line.Snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(line.ExtentIncludingLineBreak, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeNegative);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        protected virtual int?GetSmartIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
            ITextSnapshot snapshot           = line.Snapshot;
            SnapshotPoint contextEndPosition = line.Start;
            SnapshotPoint endPosition        = line.EndIncludingLineBreak;
            SnapshotPoint endPositionOnLine  = line.End;

            IReferenceAnchors anchors  = FindNearestAnchors(contextEndPosition);
            IAnchor           previous = anchors.Previous;

            int     spanEnd = Math.Min(line.Snapshot.Length, endPosition.Position + 1);
            Span    span;
            IAnchor enclosing = anchors.Enclosing;

            if (enclosing != null)
                span = Span.FromBounds(enclosing.TrackingSpan.GetStartPoint(snapshot).Position, spanEnd);
            else if (previous != null)
                // at least for now, include the previous span due to the way error handling places bounds on an anchor
                span = Span.FromBounds(previous.TrackingSpan.GetStartPoint(snapshot).Position, spanEnd);
                span = Span.FromBounds(0, spanEnd);

            var diagnosticsPane = DiagnosticsPane;

            if (diagnosticsPane != null)
                diagnosticsPane.WriteLine(string.Format("Smart indent from anchor span: {0}", span));

            ITokenSource bufferTokenSource = GetTokenSource(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span));
            ITokenSource tokenSource       = new CodeCompletionTokenSource(bufferTokenSource, endPosition);
            ITokenStream tokenStream       = new CommonTokenStream(tokenSource);

            IDictionary <RuleContext, CaretReachedException> parseTrees = GetParseTrees(tokenStream, anchors);

            if (parseTrees == null)

            var indentLevels = new SortedDictionary <int, IList <KeyValuePair <RuleContext, CaretReachedException> > >();

            foreach (var parseTree in parseTrees)
                if (parseTree.Value == null)

                IParseTree firstNodeOnLine = FindFirstNodeAfterOffset(parseTree.Key, line.Start.Position);
                if (firstNodeOnLine == null)
                    firstNodeOnLine = parseTree.Value.FinalContext;

                if (firstNodeOnLine == null)

                int?indentationLevel = GetIndent(parseTree, firstNodeOnLine, line.Start);
                if (indentationLevel == null)

                IList <KeyValuePair <RuleContext, CaretReachedException> > indentList;
                if (!indentLevels.TryGetValue(indentationLevel.Value, out indentList))
                    indentList = new List <KeyValuePair <RuleContext, CaretReachedException> >();
                    indentLevels[indentationLevel.Value] = indentList;


            if (indentLevels.Count == 0)

            int indentLevel = indentLevels.First().Key;

            if (indentLevels.Count > 1)
                // TODO: resolve multiple possibilities

Ejemplo n.º 41
        public WpfTextViewLine(IBufferGraph bufferGraph, LinePartsCollection linePartsCollection, int linePartsIndex, int linePartsLength, int startColumn, int endColumn, ITextSnapshotLine bufferLine, SnapshotSpan span, ITextSnapshot visualSnapshot, TextLine textLine, double indentation, double virtualSpaceWidth)
            if (linePartsCollection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linePartsCollection));
            if (linePartsIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(linePartsIndex));
            if (linePartsLength < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(linePartsLength));
            if (linePartsIndex + linePartsLength > linePartsCollection.LineParts.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(linePartsLength));
            if (bufferLine == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bufferLine));
            if (span.Snapshot != bufferLine.Snapshot)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (textLine == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textLine));

            IsValid                  = true;
            this.linePartsIndex      = linePartsIndex;
            this.linePartsLength     = linePartsLength;
            this.bufferGraph         = bufferGraph ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bufferGraph));
            this.linePartsCollection = linePartsCollection;
            this.startColumn         = startColumn;
            this.endColumn           = endColumn;
            this.visualSnapshot      = visualSnapshot ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(visualSnapshot));
            textLines                = new ReadOnlyCollection <TextLine>(new[] { textLine });
            Debug.Assert(textLines.Count == 1);            // Assumed by all code accessing TextLine prop

            realTopSpace    = 0;
            realBottomSpace = 0;
            realBaseline    = TextLine.Baseline;
            double baseLineHeight = TextLine.TextHeight - TextLine.Baseline;
            var    lineParts      = linePartsCollection.LineParts;

            for (int i = 0; i < linePartsLength; i++)
                var adornmentElement = lineParts[linePartsIndex + i].AdornmentElement;
                if (adornmentElement == null)
                double adornmentBaseLineHeight = adornmentElement.TextHeight - adornmentElement.Baseline;
                if (adornmentBaseLineHeight > baseLineHeight)
                    baseLineHeight = adornmentBaseLineHeight;
                if (adornmentElement.Baseline > realBaseline)
                    realBaseline = adornmentElement.Baseline;
                if (adornmentElement.TopSpace > realTopSpace)
                    realTopSpace = adornmentElement.TopSpace;
                if (adornmentElement.BottomSpace > realBottomSpace)
                    realBottomSpace = adornmentElement.BottomSpace;
            realTextHeight = Math.Ceiling(baseLineHeight + realBaseline);

            isFirstTextViewLineForSnapshotLine = span.Start == bufferLine.Start;
            isLastTextViewLineForSnapshotLine  = span.End == bufferLine.EndIncludingLineBreak;
            IsLastVisualLine       = bufferLine.LineNumber + 1 == bufferLine.Snapshot.LineCount && IsLastTextViewLineForSnapshotLine;
            lineBreakLength        = isLastTextViewLineForSnapshotLine ? bufferLine.LineBreakLength : 0;
            this.virtualSpaceWidth = virtualSpaceWidth;
            textLeft  = indentation;
            textWidth = TextLine.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
            extentIncludingLineBreak = span;
            endOfLineWidth           = Math.Floor(realTextHeight * 0.58333333333333337);  // Same as VS
            width  = textWidth + (lineBreakLength == 0 ? 0 : endOfLineWidth);
            change = TextViewLineChange.NewOrReformatted;
Ejemplo n.º 42
 public int?GetDesiredIndentation(ITextSnapshotLine line)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 FSharpOption <int> IVimHost.GetNewLineIndent(ITextView textView, ITextSnapshotLine contextLine, ITextSnapshotLine newLine)
     return(GetNewLineIndent(textView, contextLine, newLine));
Ejemplo n.º 44
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <AsmTokenTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now;

            if (spans.Count == 0)
            { //there is no content in the buffer
                yield break;

            foreach (SnapshotSpan curSpan in spans)
                ITextSnapshotLine containingLine = curSpan.Start.GetContainingLine();

                string line_upcase = containingLine.GetText().ToUpperInvariant();
                List <(int beginPos, int length, bool isLabel)> pos = new List <(int beginPos, int length, bool isLabel)>(AsmSourceTools.SplitIntoKeywordPos(line_upcase));

                int offset    = containingLine.Start.Position;
                int nKeywords = pos.Count;

                #region Check if the current line is a line of source code
                if (IsSourceCode(line_upcase, pos))
                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span((0, line_upcase.Length, false), offset, curSpan), this.remark_));

                    continue; // go to the next line

                for (int k = 0; k < nKeywords; k++)
                    string asmToken = AsmSourceTools.Keyword(pos[k], line_upcase);
                    // keyword starts with a remark char
                    if (AsmSourceTools.IsRemarkChar(asmToken[0]))
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.remark_));


                    // keyword k is a label definition
                    if (pos[k].isLabel)
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.labelDef_));


                    AsmTokenType keywordType = this.asmDudeTools_.Get_Token_Type_Att(asmToken);
                    switch (keywordType)
                    case AsmTokenType.Jump:
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.jump_));

                        k++;         // goto the next word
                        if (k == nKeywords)
                            break;         // there are no next words

                        string asmToken2 = AsmSourceTools.Keyword(pos[k], line_upcase);
                        switch (asmToken2)
                        case "WORD":
                        case "DWORD":
                        case "QWORD":
                        case "SHORT":
                        case "NEAR":
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.misc_));

                            if (k == nKeywords)

                            string asmToken3 = AsmSourceTools.Keyword(pos[k], line_upcase);
                            switch (asmToken3)
                            case "PTR":
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.misc_));

                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.label_));


                            if (RegisterTools.IsRegister(asmToken2))
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.register_));
                            else if (AsmSourceTools.Evaluate_Constant(asmToken2, true).valid)
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.constant_));
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.label_));

                    case AsmTokenType.UNKNOWN:     // asmToken is not a known keyword, check if it is numerical
                        if (AsmSourceTools.Evaluate_Constant(asmToken, true).valid)
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.constant_));
                        else if (asmToken.StartsWith("$", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.constant_));
                        else if (asmToken.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) && asmToken.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.constant_));
                            //yield return new TagSpan<AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._UNKNOWN);

                    case AsmTokenType.Directive:
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.directive_));


                    case AsmTokenType.Mnemonic:
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.mnemonic_));


                    case AsmTokenType.Register:
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.register_));


                    default: break;
            AsmDudeToolsStatic.Print_Speed_Warning(time1, "NasmAttDisassemblyTokenTagger");
 protected abstract bool HasPreprocessorCharacter(ITextSnapshotLine currentLine);
Ejemplo n.º 46
                static bool StartsWithRegionTag(ITextSnapshotLine line)
                    var start = line.GetFirstNonWhitespacePosition();

                    return(start != null && line.StartsWith(start.Value, "#region", ignoreCase: true));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds edits to comment out each non-blank line, at the given indent.
        /// </summary>
        private void ApplySingleLineCommentToNonBlankLines(
            CommentSelectionInfo info, List <TextChange> textChanges, ITextSnapshotLine firstLine, ITextSnapshotLine lastLine, int indentToCommentAt)
            var snapshot = firstLine.Snapshot;

            for (var lineNumber = firstLine.LineNumber; lineNumber <= lastLine.LineNumber; ++lineNumber)
                var line = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber);
                if (!line.IsEmptyOrWhitespace())
                    InsertText(textChanges, line.Start + indentToCommentAt, info.SingleLineCommentString);
Ejemplo n.º 48
        public static void HandleAutoformat(ITextView textView, ICoreShell shell, char typedChar)
            var settings = shell.GetService <IREditorSettings>();

            if (!settings.AutoFormat || (!settings.FormatScope && typedChar == '}'))

            SnapshotPoint?rPoint = GetCaretPointInBuffer(textView);

            if (!rPoint.HasValue)

            var document = REditorDocument.FromTextBuffer(textView.TextBuffer);
            var ast      = document.EditorTree.AstRoot;

            // Make sure we are not formatting damaging the projected range in R Markdown
            // which looks like ```{r. 'r' should not separate from {.
            var host = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, document.TextBuffer, shell);

            if (host != null && !host.CanFormatLine(textView, document.TextBuffer, document.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(rPoint.Value)))

            // We don't want to auto-format inside strings
            if (ast.IsPositionInsideString(rPoint.Value.Position))

            ITextBuffer subjectBuffer = rPoint.Value.Snapshot.TextBuffer;

            if (typedChar.IsLineBreak())
                // Special case for hitting caret after } and before 'else'. We do want to format
                // the construct as '} else {' but if user types Enter after } and we auto-format
                // it will look as if the editor just eats the Enter. Instead, we will not be
                // autoformatting in this specific case. User can always format either the document
                // or select the block and reformat it.
                if (!IsBetweenCurlyAndElse(subjectBuffer, rPoint.Value.Position))
                    var scopeStatement = GetFormatScope(textView, subjectBuffer, ast);
                    // Do not format large scope blocks for performance reasons
                    if (scopeStatement != null && scopeStatement.Length < 200)
                        FormatOperations.FormatNode(textView, subjectBuffer, shell, scopeStatement);
                    else if (CanFormatLine(textView, subjectBuffer, -1))
                        FormatOperations.FormatViewLine(textView, subjectBuffer, -1, shell);
            else if (typedChar == ';')
                // Verify we are at the end of the string and not in a middle
                // of another string or inside a statement.
                ITextSnapshotLine line = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(rPoint.Value.Position);
                int    positionInLine  = rPoint.Value.Position - line.Start;
                string lineText        = line.GetText();
                if (positionInLine >= lineText.TrimEnd().Length)
                    FormatOperations.FormatViewLine(textView, subjectBuffer, 0, shell);
            else if (typedChar == '}')
                FormatOperations.FormatCurrentStatement(textView, subjectBuffer, shell, limitAtCaret: true, caretOffset: -1);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public override async void DoCommand(object sender, EventArgs args)
            var            activeView = CommonPackage.GetActiveTextView(_serviceProvider);
            var            project    = activeView.GetProjectAtCaret(_serviceProvider);
            var            analyzer   = activeView.GetAnalyzerAtCaret(_serviceProvider);
            ITextSelection selection  = activeView.Selection;
            ITextSnapshot  snapshot   = activeView.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            var            workspace  = _serviceProvider.GetWorkspace();

            IVsInteractiveWindow repl;

            try {
                repl = ExecuteInReplCommand.EnsureReplWindow(_serviceProvider, analyzer, project, workspace);
            } catch (MissingInterpreterException ex) {
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Strings.ProductTitle);

            string input;
            bool   focusRepl = false, alwaysSubmit = false;

            if (selection.StreamSelectionSpan.Length > 0)
                // Easy, just send the selection to the interactive window.
                input = activeView.Selection.StreamSelectionSpan.GetText();
                if (!input.EndsWithOrdinal("\n") && !input.EndsWithOrdinal("\r"))
                    input += activeView.Options.GetNewLineCharacter();
                focusRepl = true;
            else if (!activeView.Properties.ContainsProperty(_executedLastLine))
                // No selection, and we haven't hit the end of the file in line-by-line mode.
                // Send the current line, and then move the caret to the next non-blank line.
                ITextSnapshotLine targetLine = snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(selection.Start.Position);
                var targetSpan = targetLine.Extent;

                // If the line is inside a code cell, expand the target span to
                // contain the entire cell.
                var cellStart = CodeCellAnalysis.FindStartOfCell(targetLine);
                if (cellStart != null)
                    var cellEnd = CodeCellAnalysis.FindEndOfCell(cellStart, targetLine);
                    targetSpan   = new SnapshotSpan(cellStart.Start, cellEnd.End);
                    targetLine   = CodeCellAnalysis.FindEndOfCell(cellEnd, targetLine, includeWhitespace: true);
                    alwaysSubmit = true;
                input = targetSpan.GetText();

                bool moved = false;
                while (targetLine.LineNumber < snapshot.LineCount - 1)
                    targetLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(targetLine.LineNumber + 1);
                    // skip over blank lines, unless it's the last line, in which case we want to land on it no matter what
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetLine.GetText()) ||
                        targetLine.LineNumber == snapshot.LineCount - 1)
                        activeView.Caret.MoveTo(new SnapshotPoint(snapshot, targetLine.Start));
                        moved = true;

                if (!moved)
                    // There's no where for the caret to go, don't execute the line if
                    // we've already executed it.
                    activeView.Caret.PositionChanged        += Caret_PositionChanged;
                    activeView.Properties[_executedLastLine] = _executedLastLine;
            else if ((repl.InteractiveWindow.CurrentLanguageBuffer?.CurrentSnapshot.Length ?? 0) != 0)
                // We reached the end of the file but have some text buffered.  Execute it now.
                input = activeView.Options.GetNewLineCharacter();
                // We've hit the end of the current text view and executed everything
                input = null;

            if (input != null)

                var inputs = repl.InteractiveWindow.Properties.GetOrCreateSingletonProperty(
                    () => new InteractiveInputs(repl.InteractiveWindow, _serviceProvider, alwaysSubmit)

                await inputs.EnqueueAsync(input);

            // Take focus back if REPL window has stolen it and we're in line-by-line mode.
            if (!focusRepl && !activeView.HasAggregateFocus)
                var adapterService = _serviceProvider.GetComponentModel().GetService <VisualStudio.Editor.IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService>();
                var tv             = adapterService.GetViewAdapter(activeView);
        public static ITextSnapshotLine GetNonEmptyPreviousLine(ITextSnapshot snapshot, ITextSnapshotLine currentLine)
                var previousLine = snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(Math.Max(currentLine.LineNumber - 1, 0));

                // first line in the file
                if (previousLine.LineNumber == currentLine.LineNumber)

                if (previousLine.IsEmptyOrWhitespace())
                    // keep goes up until it find non empty previous line
                    currentLine = previousLine;

            }while (true);
        public override bool Indent()
            bool singleLineSelection = (GetStartPoint().LineNumber == GetEndPoint().LineNumber);
            bool entireLastLineSelected
                = (GetStartPoint().CurrentPosition != GetEndPoint().CurrentPosition&&
                   GetStartPoint().CurrentPosition == TextBuffer.GetEndPoint().StartOfLine&&
                   GetEndPoint().CurrentPosition == TextBuffer.GetEndPoint().EndOfLine);

            if (singleLineSelection && !entireLastLineSelected)
                TextPoint endPoint = GetEndPoint();
                if (!Delete())
                if (!endPoint.InsertIndent())
            else // indent the selected lines
                VirtualSnapshotPoint oldStartPoint = TextSelection.Start;
                VirtualSnapshotPoint oldEndPoint   = TextSelection.End;
                bool isReversed = TextSelection.IsReversed;

                ITextSnapshotLine startLine = AdvancedTextRange.Snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(oldStartPoint.Position);
                ITextSnapshotLine endLine   = AdvancedTextRange.Snapshot.GetLineFromPosition(oldEndPoint.Position);

                // If the selection span initially starts at the whitespace at the beginning of the line in the startLine or
                // ends at the whitespace at the beginning of the line in the endLine, restore selection and caret position,
                // *unless* the selection was in box mode.
                bool startAtStartLineWhitespace = oldStartPoint.Position <= _textView.GetTextPoint(startLine.Start).GetFirstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterOnLine().CurrentPosition;
                bool endAtEndLineWhitespace     = oldEndPoint.Position < _textView.GetTextPoint(endLine.Start).GetFirstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterOnLine().CurrentPosition;
                bool isBoxSelection             = AdvancedSelection.Mode == TextSelectionMode.Box;

                if (isBoxSelection)
                    if (!this.BoxIndent())
                    if (!TextRange.Indent())

                // Computing the new selection and caret position
                VirtualSnapshotPoint newStartPoint = TextSelection.Start;
                VirtualSnapshotPoint newEndPoint   = TextSelection.End;

                if (!isBoxSelection && (startAtStartLineWhitespace || endAtEndLineWhitespace))
                    // After indent selection span should start at the start of startLine and end at the start of endLine
                    if (startAtStartLineWhitespace)
                        newStartPoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(AdvancedTextRange.Snapshot, oldStartPoint.Position.Position);

                    if (endAtEndLineWhitespace && oldEndPoint.Position.Position != endLine.Start && endLine.Length != 0)
                        int insertedTextSize = _editorOptions.IsConvertTabsToSpacesEnabled() ? _editorOptions.GetTabSize() : 1;
                        newEndPoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(AdvancedTextRange.Snapshot, newEndPoint.Position.Position - insertedTextSize);

                    if (!isReversed)
                        TextSelection.Select(newStartPoint, newEndPoint);
                        TextSelection.Select(newEndPoint, newStartPoint);

                    TextView.AdvancedTextView.Caret.MoveTo(TextSelection.ActivePoint, PositionAffinity.Successor);
Ejemplo n.º 52
 internal static void GetLineAndColumn(this SnapshotPoint point, out ITextSnapshotLine line, out int column)
     line   = point.GetContainingLine();
     column = point.Position - line.Start.Position;
Ejemplo n.º 53
 private static ITextSnapshotLine GetPreviousLine(ITextSnapshotLine line)
     return(line.LineNumber > 0 ? line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(line.LineNumber - 1) : null);
 protected IndentationResult GetIndentationOfLine(ITextSnapshotLine lineToMatch)
     return(GetIndentationOfLine(lineToMatch, addedSpaces: 0));
Ejemplo n.º 55
        internal static bool FindMatchingOpenChar(SnapshotPoint startPoint, char open, char close, int maxLines, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan, bool forInsert = false)
            pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint, startPoint);

            ITextSnapshotLine line = startPoint.GetContainingLine();

            int lineNumber = line.LineNumber;
            int offset     = startPoint - line.Start - 1; //move the offset to the character before this one

            //if the offset is negative, move to the previous line
            if (offset < 0)
                if (lineNumber <= 0)
                line   = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(--lineNumber);
                offset = line.Length - 1;

            string lineText = line.GetText();

            int stopLineNumber = 0;

            if (maxLines > 0)
                stopLineNumber = Math.Max(stopLineNumber, lineNumber - maxLines);

            int closeCount = forInsert ? -1 : 0;

            while (true)
                // Walk the entire line
                while (offset >= 0)
                    char currentChar = lineText[offset];

                    if (currentChar == open)
                        if (closeCount > 0)
                        else // We've found the open character
                            pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(line.Start + offset, 1); //we just want the character itself
                    else if (currentChar == close)

                // Move to the previous line
                if (--lineNumber < stopLineNumber)

                line     = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber);
                lineText = line.GetText();
                offset   = line.Length - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 56
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <AsmTokenTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            DateTime time1 = DateTime.Now;

            if (spans.Count == 0)
            {  //there is no content in the buffer
                yield break;

            foreach (SnapshotSpan curSpan in spans)
                ITextSnapshotLine containingLine = curSpan.Start.GetContainingLine();

                string line = containingLine.GetText().ToUpper();
                var    pos  = new List <(int BeginPos, int Length, bool IsLabel)>(AsmSourceTools.SplitIntoKeywordPos(line));

                int offset    = containingLine.Start.Position;
                int nKeywords = pos.Count;

                for (int k = 0; k < nKeywords; k++)
                    string asmToken = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                    // keyword starts with a remark char
                    if (AsmSourceTools.IsRemarkChar(asmToken[0]))
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._remark));


                    // keyword k is a label definition
                    if (pos[k].IsLabel)
                        SnapshotSpan labelDefSpan = NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan);
                        //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("MasmTokenTagger:GetTags: found label " + asmToken +" at line "+containingLine.LineNumber);
                        if (asmToken.Equals("@@"))
                            // TODO: special MASM label, for the moment, ignore it, later: check whether it is used etc.
                            var v = this.Make_AsmTokenTag_LabelDef(containingLine.LineNumber);
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(labelDefSpan, v));

                    AsmTokenType keywordType = this._asmDudeTools.Get_Token_Type_Intel(asmToken);
                    switch (keywordType)
                    case AsmTokenType.Jump:
                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._jump));

                        k++;         // goto the next word
                        if (k == nKeywords)

                        string asmToken2 = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                        switch (asmToken2)
                        case "$":
                        case "@B":
                        case "@F":
                            // TODO: special MASM label, for the moment, ignore it, later: check whether it is used etc.

                        case "WORD":
                        case "DWORD":
                        case "QWORD":
                        case "SHORT":
                        case "NEAR":
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._misc));

                            if (k == nKeywords)
                            string asmToken3 = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                            switch (asmToken3)
                            case "$":
                            case "@B":
                            case "@F":
                                // TODO: special MASM label, for the moment, ignore it, later: check whether it is used etc.

                            case "PTR":
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._misc));


                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.Make_AsmTokenTag_Label(containingLine.LineNumber)));


                            if (RegisterTools.IsRegister(asmToken2))
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._register));
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.Make_AsmTokenTag_Label(containingLine.LineNumber)));

                    case AsmTokenType.UNKNOWN:     // asmToken is not a known keyword, check if it is numerical
                        if (AsmSourceTools.Evaluate_Constant(asmToken, true).Valid)
                        //if (AsmTools.AsmSourceTools.Parse_Constant(asmToken, true).Valid)
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._constant));
                        else if (asmToken.StartsWith("\"") && asmToken.EndsWith("\""))
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._constant));
                            bool isUnknown = true;

                            // do one word lookahead; see whether we can understand the current unknown word
                            if ((k + 1) < nKeywords)
                                string nextKeyword = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                                switch (nextKeyword)
                                case "PROC":
                                case "EQU":
                                case "LABEL":
                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k - 1], offset, curSpan), this._labelDef));

                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._directive));

                                    isUnknown = false;

                                case "PROTO":
                                {                 // a proto is considered a label definition but it should not clash with other label definitions
                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k - 1], offset, curSpan), this._labelDef_PROTO));

                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._directive));

                                    isUnknown = false;


                            // do one word look back; see whether we can understand the current unknown word
                            if (k > 0)
                                string previousKeyword = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k - 1], line);
                                switch (previousKeyword)
                                case "ALIAS":
                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._labelDef));

                                    isUnknown = false;

                                case "INCLUDE":
                                    yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._constant));

                                    isUnknown = false;


                            if (isUnknown)
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._UNKNOWN));

                    case AsmTokenType.Directive:
                        AssemblerEnum assember = this._asmDudeTools.Get_Assembler(asmToken);
                        if (assember.HasFlag(AssemblerEnum.MASM))         // this MASM token-tagger only tags MASM directives
                            yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._directive));

                            switch (asmToken)
                            case "INVOKE":
                                k++;                 // goto the next word
                                if (k == nKeywords)

                                string asmToken2 = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this.Make_AsmTokenTag_Label(containingLine.LineNumber)));


                            case "EXTRN":
                            case "EXTERN":
                                k++;                 // goto the next word
                                if (k == nKeywords)

                                string asmToken2 = NasmIntelTokenTagger.Keyword(pos[k], line);
                                yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), this._labelDef_PROTO));


                        yield return(new TagSpan <AsmTokenTag>(NasmIntelTokenTagger.New_Span(pos[k], offset, curSpan), new AsmTokenTag(keywordType)));

            AsmDudeToolsStatic.Print_Speed_Warning(time1, "MasmTokenTagger");
Ejemplo n.º 57
        public void AugmentCompletionSession(ICompletionSession session, IList <CompletionSet> completionSets)
            Contract.Requires(session != null);
            Contract.Requires(completionSets != null);

                //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO(string.Format(AsmDudeToolsStatic.CultureUI, "{0}:AugmentCompletionSession", this.ToString()));

                if (!Settings.Default.CodeCompletion_On)

                DateTime      time1        = DateTime.Now;
                ITextSnapshot snapshot     = this.buffer_.CurrentSnapshot;
                SnapshotPoint triggerPoint = (SnapshotPoint)session.GetTriggerPoint(snapshot);
                if (triggerPoint == null)
                ITextSnapshotLine line = triggerPoint.GetContainingLine();

                //1] check if current position is in a remark; if we are in a remark, no code completion
                if (triggerPoint.Position > 1)
                    char currentTypedChar = (triggerPoint - 1).GetChar();
                    //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: current char = "+ currentTypedChar);
                    if (!currentTypedChar.Equals('#'))
                    { //TODO UGLY since the user can configure this starting character
                        int pos = triggerPoint.Position - line.Start;
                        if (AsmSourceTools.IsInRemark(pos, line.GetText()))
                            //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: currently in a remark section");
                            // AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession: not in a remark section");

                //2] find the start of the current keyword
                SnapshotPoint start = triggerPoint;
                while ((start > line.Start) && !AsmSourceTools.IsSeparatorChar((start - 1).GetChar()))
                    start -= 1;

                //3] get the word that is currently being typed
                ITrackingSpan applicableTo   = snapshot.CreateTrackingSpan(new SnapshotSpan(start, triggerPoint), SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
                string        partialKeyword = applicableTo.GetText(snapshot);
                bool          useCapitals    = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Is_All_upcase(partialKeyword);

                string lineStr = line.GetText();
                (string label, Mnemonic mnemonic, string[] args, string remark)t = AsmSourceTools.ParseLine(lineStr);
                Mnemonic mnemonic = t.mnemonic;
                string   previousKeyword_upcase = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Get_Previous_Keyword(line.Start, start).ToUpperInvariant();

                //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO(string.Format(AsmDudeToolsStatic.CultureUI, "{0}:AugmentCompletionSession. lineStr=\"{1}\"; previousKeyword=\"{2}\"", this.ToString(), lineStr, previousKeyword));

                if (mnemonic == Mnemonic.NONE)
                    if (previousKeyword_upcase.Equals("INVOKE", StringComparison.Ordinal)) //TODO INVOKE is a MASM keyword not a NASM one...
                        // Suggest a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, false);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected1 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Directive, AsmTokenType.Jump, AsmTokenType.Misc, AsmTokenType.Mnemonic
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions1 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected1, true);
                            if (completions1.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("All", "All", applicableTo, completions1, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        if (false)
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected2 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Jump, AsmTokenType.Mnemonic
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions2 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected2, false);
                            if (completions2.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Instr", "Instr", applicableTo, completions2, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        if (false)
                            ISet <AsmTokenType> selected3 = new HashSet <AsmTokenType> {
                                AsmTokenType.Directive, AsmTokenType.Misc
                            IEnumerable <Completion> completions3 = this.Selected_Completions(useCapitals, selected3, true);
                            if (completions3.Any())
                                completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Directive", "Directive", applicableTo, completions3, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                { // the current line contains a mnemonic
                  //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; mnemonic=" + mnemonic+ "; previousKeyword="+ previousKeyword);

                    if (AsmSourceTools.IsJump(AsmSourceTools.ParseMnemonic(previousKeyword_upcase, true)))
                        //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("CodeCompletionSource:AugmentCompletionSession; previous keyword is a jump mnemonic");
                        // previous keyword is jump (or call) mnemonic. Suggest "SHORT" or a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, true);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                    else if (previousKeyword_upcase.Equals("SHORT", StringComparison.Ordinal) || previousKeyword_upcase.Equals("NEAR", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        // Suggest a label
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Label_Completions(useCapitals, false);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("Labels", "Labels", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                        IList <Operand>         operands = AsmSourceTools.MakeOperands(t.args);
                        ISet <AsmSignatureEnum> allowed  = new HashSet <AsmSignatureEnum>();
                        int commaCount = AsmSignature.Count_Commas(lineStr);
                        IEnumerable <AsmSignatureElement> allSignatures = this.asmDudeTools_.Mnemonic_Store.GetSignatures(mnemonic);

                        ISet <Arch> selectedArchitectures = AsmDudeToolsStatic.Get_Arch_Swithed_On();
                        foreach (AsmSignatureElement se in AsmSignatureHelpSource.Constrain_Signatures(allSignatures, operands, selectedArchitectures))
                            if (commaCount < se.Operands.Count)
                                foreach (AsmSignatureEnum s in se.Operands[commaCount])
                        IEnumerable <Completion> completions = this.Mnemonic_Operand_Completions(useCapitals, allowed, line.LineNumber);
                        if (completions.Any())
                            completionSets.Add(new CompletionSet("All", "All", applicableTo, completions, Enumerable.Empty <Completion>()));
                AsmDudeToolsStatic.Print_Speed_Warning(time1, "Code Completion");
            catch (Exception e)
                AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_ERROR(string.Format(AsmDudeToolsStatic.CultureUI, "{0}:AugmentCompletionSession; e={1}", this.ToString(), e.ToString()));
                public override LinePosition GetLinePosition(int position)
                    ITextSnapshotLine textLine = _text.EditorSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(position);

                    return(new LinePosition(textLine.LineNumber, position - textLine.Start));
Ejemplo n.º 59
 public virtual FSharpOption <int> GetNewLineIndent(ITextView textView, ITextSnapshotLine contextLine, ITextSnapshotLine newLine)
     return(FSharpOption <int> .None);
Ejemplo n.º 60
        public override FSharpOption <int> GetNewLineIndent(ITextView textView, ITextSnapshotLine contextLine, ITextSnapshotLine newLine)
            if (_vimApplicationSettings.UseEditorIndent)
                var indent = _smartIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(textView, newLine);
                if (indent.HasValue)
                    // If the user wanted editor indentation but the editor doesn't support indentation
                    // even though it proffers an indentation service then fall back to what auto
                    // indent would do if it were enabled (don't care if it actually is)
                    // Several editors like XAML offer the indentation service but don't actually
                    // provide information.  User clearly wants indent there since the editor indent
                    // is enabled.  Do a best effort and us Vim style indenting

            return(FSharpOption <int> .None);