Ejemplo n.º 1
 public WindowInfoObserver(
     ITextLogger textLogger = null,
     int dueTime            = 0,
     int periodMilliseconds = 1000)
     : base(textLogger, dueTime, periodMilliseconds)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void AddTextLogger(ITextLogger logger)
     lock (_autoFlushSync) { // pause auto flush while adding a new logger
Ejemplo n.º 3
                public static Nonbonded FromString(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element elem = Element.FromString(line, 1, 6);

                    //Debug.Assert(0  == elem.parms[0]); // "FE     0.010000   0.000000     0.650000" happens
                    if (!(0 == elem.parms[0]))
                        logger.Log(string.Format("Warning: Nonbonded params ({0}): 1st parameter should be in general == 0", line));
                    double epsilon = elem.parms[1];
                    double Rmin2   = elem.parms[2]; //Debug.Assert(Rmin2   > 0);

                    if (!(Rmin2 > 0))
                        logger.Log(string.Format("Error  : Nonbonded params ({0}): 3rd parameter (Rmin2) must be '> 0'", line));
                    double eps_14   = double.NaN;
                    double Rmin2_14 = double.NaN;

                    if (elem.parms.Length > 3)
                        HDebug.Assert(0 == elem.parms[3]);
                        eps_14   = elem.parms[4];
                        Rmin2_14 = elem.parms[5];    //Debug.Assert(Rmin2_14 > 0);
                        if (!(Rmin2_14 > 0))
                            logger.Log(string.Format("Error  : Nonbonded params ({0}): 6th parameter (Rmin2_14) must be '> 0'", line));
                    Nonbonded nonbonded = new Nonbonded(line, elem.types, epsilon, Rmin2, eps_14, Rmin2_14);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected ValueObserverBase(ITextLogger textLogger = null)
     this.ValueChangeEvent            = new EventContainer <ValueChangedEventArg <TValue> >(
         handler => this.ValueChange += handler,
         handler => this.ValueChange -= handler);
     this.TextLogger = textLogger;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public Nonbonded FindNonbonded(string type0, ITextLogger logger)
     if (_FindNonbonded.ContainsKey(type0) == false)
         Nonbonded found = null;
         foreach (Nonbonded nonbonded in nonbondeds)
             if (nonbonded.types[0] == type0)
                 if (found != null)
                     bool writelog = ((found.epsilon != nonbonded.epsilon) ||
                                      (found.Rmin2 != nonbonded.Rmin2) ||
                                      (found.eps_14 != nonbonded.eps_14) ||
                                      (found.Rmin2_14 != nonbonded.Rmin2_14));
                     if (writelog)
                         logger.Log(string.Format("Nonbonded params of {0}-(eps {1}, rmin2 {2}, esp_14 {3}, rmin2_14 {4}) is replaced to ({5}, {6}, {7}, {8})",
                                                  type0, found.epsilon, found.Rmin2, found.eps_14, found.Rmin2_14,
                                                  nonbonded.epsilon, nonbonded.Rmin2, nonbonded.eps_14, nonbonded.Rmin2_14));
                 found = nonbonded;
         HDebug.Assert(found != null);
         HDebug.AssertIf(double.IsNaN(found.Rmin2) == false, found.Rmin2 > 0);
         HDebug.AssertIf(double.IsNaN(found.Rmin2_14) == false, found.Rmin2_14 > 0);
         _FindNonbonded.Add(type0, found);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void RemoveHydrogens(ITextLogger logger)
     foreach (Atom atom in new List <Atom>(atoms.ToArray()))
         if (atom.IsHydrogen() == false)
         if (atom.Bonds.Count != 1)
             logger.Log("warning in removing hydrogen: {" + atom + "} has '!=1' number of bonded atom(s)");
         // isolate the atom, and remove it
         Atom bonded;
             List <Atom> bondeds = new List <Atom>(atom.Bonds[0].atoms);
             HDebug.Assert(bondeds.Count == 1);
             bonded = bondeds[0];
         // assign its partial charge and mass to its bonded heavy atom
         bonded.Charge += atom.Charge;
         bonded.Mass   += atom.Mass;
Ejemplo n.º 7
            public static Universe Build(string pdbpath, string toppath, ITextLogger logger)
                Pdb pdb = Pdb.FromFile(pdbpath);
                Top top = Top.FromFile(toppath);

                return(Build(pdb, top, logger));
Ejemplo n.º 8
                public static Bond FromString(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element elem = Element.FromString(line, 2, 2);
                    double  Kb   = elem.parms[0];
                    double  b0   = elem.parms[1];
                    Bond    bond = new Bond(line, elem.types, Kb, b0);

Ejemplo n.º 9
                public static Dihedral FromString(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element  elem     = Element.FromString(line, 4, 3);
                    double   Kchi     = elem.parms[0];
                    double   n        = elem.parms[1];
                    double   delta    = elem.parms[2] * Math.PI / 180.0;
                    Dihedral dihedral = new Dihedral(line, elem.types, Kchi, n, delta);

Ejemplo n.º 10
                public static Angle FromString(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element elem   = Element.FromString(line, 3, 4);
                    double  Ktheta = elem.parms[0];
                    double  Theta0 = elem.parms[1] * Math.PI / 180.0;
                    double  Kub    = (elem.parms.Length > 2) ? elem.parms[2] : 0; // double.NaN;
                    double  S0     = (elem.parms.Length > 3) ? elem.parms[3] : 0; // double.NaN;
                    Angle   angle  = new Angle(line, elem.types, Ktheta, Theta0, Kub, S0);

Ejemplo n.º 11
            public static Universe Build(IList <Tuple <Pdb, Namd.Psf> > lstPdbPsf, Namd.Prm prm, bool?ignore_neg_occupancy, IList <List <string> > lstLogger)
                ITextLogger[] llstLogger = new ITextLogger[lstLogger.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < lstLogger.Count; i++)
                    llstLogger[i] = new TextLogger(lstLogger[i]);
                var univ = Build(lstPdbPsf, prm, ignore_neg_occupancy, llstLogger);

Ejemplo n.º 12
            public static Prm FromFileXPlor(string filepath, ITextLogger logger)
                List <string> lines = new List <string>(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filepath));

                RemoveComments(ref lines);

                string[] keywards = CollectKeywards(lines);

                List <Bond>      bonds      = new List <Bond>();
                List <Angle>     angles     = new List <Angle>();
                List <Dihedral>  dihedrals  = new List <Dihedral>();
                List <Improper>  impropers  = new List <Improper>();
                List <Nonbonded> nonbondeds = new List <Nonbonded>();

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                    string line    = lines[i];
                    string keyward = line.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First().ToUpper();
                    line = line.Substring(keyward.Length);
                    switch (keyward)
                    case "REMARK": break;

                    case "SET": break;

                    case "BOND": bonds.Add(Bond.FromString(line, logger)); break;

                    case "ANGLE": angles.Add(Angle.FromString(line, logger)); break;

                    case "DIHE": dihedrals.Add(Dihedral.FromString(line, logger)); break;

                    case "IMPR": impropers.Add(Improper.FromString(line, logger)); break;

                    case "{*": break;                     // comment

                    case "NONBONDED": nonbondeds.Add(Nonbonded.FromStringXPlor(line, logger)); break;


                Prm prm = new Prm();

                prm.bonds      = bonds.ToArray();
                prm.angles     = angles.ToArray();
                prm.dihedrals  = dihedrals.ToArray();
                prm.impropers  = impropers.ToArray();
                prm.nonbondeds = nonbondeds.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 13
                public static Improper FromString(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element elem = Element.FromString(line, 4, 3);
                    double  Kpsi = elem.parms[0];

                    //Debug.Assert(elem.parms[1] == 0);
                    if (!(elem.parms[1] == 0))
                        logger.Log(string.Format("Warning: Improper params ({0}): first parameter should be '== 0'  in general", line));
                    double   psi0     = elem.parms[2] * Math.PI / 180.0;
                    Improper improper = new Improper(line, elem.types, Kpsi, psi0);

Ejemplo n.º 14
            public static Prm FromLinesXXX(IList <string> lines, ITextLogger logger)
                List <string> llines = new List <string>(lines);

                string[] header = FromFileXXX_CollectHeader(ref llines);
                //RemoveComments(ref lines);
                List <List <string> > liness = FromFileXXX_Regroup(ref llines);
                Prm prm = new Prm();

                prm.bonds      = FromFileXXX_CollectBonds(FromFileXXX_SelectLines(liness, "BONDS"), logger);
                prm.angles     = FromFileXXX_CollectAngles(FromFileXXX_SelectLines(liness, "ANGLES"), logger);
                prm.dihedrals  = FromFileXXX_CollectDihedrals(FromFileXXX_SelectLines(liness, "DIHEDRALS"), logger);
                prm.impropers  = FromFileXXX_CollectImpropers(FromFileXXX_SelectLines(liness, "IMPROPER"), logger);
                prm.nonbondeds = FromFileXXX_CollectNonbondeds(FromFileXXX_SelectLines(liness, "NONBONDED"), logger);

Ejemplo n.º 15
            public static Bond[] FromFileXXX_CollectBonds(List <string> lines, ITextLogger logger)
                RemoveComments(ref lines);
                HDebug.Assert(lines[0].ToUpper() == "BONDS");

                List <Bond> bonds = new List <Bond>();

                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line.ToUpper() == "BONDS")
                    bonds.Add(Bond.FromString(line, logger));

Ejemplo n.º 16
            public static Angle[] FromFileXXX_CollectAngles(List <string> lines, ITextLogger logger)
                RemoveComments(ref lines);
                HDebug.Assert(lines[0].ToUpper() == "ANGLES");

                List <Angle> angles = new List <Angle>();

                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line.ToUpper() == "ANGLES")
                    angles.Add(Angle.FromString(line, logger));

Ejemplo n.º 17
                public static Nonbonded FromStringXPlor(string line, ITextLogger logger)
                    Element elem    = Element.FromString(line, 1, 4);
                    double  epsilon = elem.parms[0];
                    double  Rmin2   = elem.parms[1]; //Debug.Assert(Rmin2   > 0);

                    if (!(Rmin2 > 0))
                        logger.Log(string.Format("Error  : Nonbonded params ({0}): 3rd parameter (Rmin2) must be '> 0'", line));
                    double eps_14   = elem.parms[2];
                    double Rmin2_14 = elem.parms[3]; //Debug.Assert(Rmin2_14 > 0);

                    if (!(Rmin2_14 > 0))
                        logger.Log(string.Format("Error  : Nonbonded params ({0}): 4th parameter (Rmin2_14) must be '> 0'", line));
                    Nonbonded nonbonded = new Nonbonded(line, elem.types, epsilon, Rmin2, eps_14, Rmin2_14);

Ejemplo n.º 18
            public Angle FindAngle(string type0, string type1, string type2, ITextLogger logger)
                string key = type0 + "-" + type1 + "-" + type2;

                if (_FindAngle.ContainsKey(key) == false)
                    Angle found         = null;
                    int   found_count_X = int.MaxValue;
                    foreach (Angle angle in angles)
                        int count_X = FindType(angle.types, type0, type1, type2);
                        if (count_X == -1)
                        if (count_X < found_count_X)
                            found         = angle;
                            found_count_X = count_X;
                            bool writelog = ((count_X != found_count_X) ||
                                             (found.Ktheta != angle.Ktheta) ||
                                             (found.Theta0 != angle.Theta0) ||
                                             (found.Kub != angle.Kub) ||
                                             (found.S0 != angle.S0));
                            if (writelog)
                                logger.Log(string.Format("Angle params of {0}-{1}-{2}-(Ktheta {3}, Theta0 {4}, Kub {5}, S0 {6}) is replaced to ({7}, {8}, {9}, {10})",
                                                         type0, type1, type2, found.Ktheta, found.Theta0, found.Kub, found.S0,
                                                         angle.Ktheta, angle.Theta0, angle.Kub, angle.S0));
                    HDebug.Assert(found != null);
                    _FindAngle.Add(key, found);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected PeriodicalObserver(
            ITextLogger textLogger = null,
            int dueTime            = 0,
            int periodMilliseconds = 1000)
            this.textLogger               = textLogger;
            this.dueTime                  = dueTime;
            this.periodMilliseconds       = periodMilliseconds;
            this.ObeservedEvent           = new ReferenceCountableEventContainer <T>(
                handler => this.Observed += handler,
                handler => this.Observed -= handler);

            this.timer = CreateTimer();
            this.DisposeActions.Add(() =>

Ejemplo n.º 20
            public Bond FindBond(string type0, string type1, ITextLogger logger)
                string key = type0 + "-" + type1;

                if (_FindBond.ContainsKey(key) == false)
                    Bond found         = null;
                    int  found_count_X = int.MaxValue;
                    foreach (Bond bond in bonds)
                        int count_X = FindType(bond.types, type0, type1);
                        if (count_X == -1)
                        if (count_X < found_count_X)
                            found         = bond;
                            found_count_X = count_X;
                            bool writelog = ((count_X != found_count_X) ||
                                             (found.Kb != bond.Kb) ||
                                             (found.b0 != bond.b0));
                            if (writelog)
                                logger.Log(string.Format("Bond params of {0}-{1}-(Kb {2}, b0 {3}) is replaced to ({4}, {5})",
                                                         type0, type1, found.Kb, found.b0,
                                                         bond.Kb, bond.b0));
                    HDebug.Assert(found != null);
                    _FindBond.Add(key, found);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void RemoveTextLogger(ITextLogger logger)
     lock (_autoFlushSync) { // pause auto flush while removing a logger
Ejemplo n.º 22
            public static Nonbonded[] FromFileXXX_CollectNonbondeds(List <string> lines, ITextLogger logger)
                RemoveComments(ref lines);
                HDebug.Assert(lines[0].Split(separator).First().ToUpper() == "NONBONDED");

                List <Nonbonded> nonbondeds = new List <Nonbonded>();
                bool             skip       = false;

                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line.Split(separator).First().ToUpper() == "NONBONDED")
                        skip = true; continue;
                    if (skip)
                        skip = false; continue;
                    nonbondeds.Add(Nonbonded.FromString(line, logger));

Ejemplo n.º 23
 public TextLogComposer(ITextLogger logger)
     this.logger       = logger;
     this.ScriptLogger = new RuleLogger(this);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public static Universe Build(Pdb pdb, Gromacs.Top top, ITextLogger logger)
     return(BuilderGromacs.Build(pdb, top, logger));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void AddTextLogger(ITextLogger logger)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void RemoveTextLogger(ITextLogger logger)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static ITextLogger Resolve(this ITextLogger textLogger)
     return(textLogger ?? new DefaultTextLogger());
Ejemplo n.º 28
            public static Universe Build(Pdb pdb, Gromacs.Top top, ITextLogger logger)
                Universe univ = new Universe();

                // atoms
                List <Top.Atom>          top_atoms         = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListAtom().SelectMatchToPdb(pdb.atoms);
                List <Top.Bond>          top_bonds         = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Bond>();
                List <Top.Pair>          top_pairs         = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Pair>(); ///Debug.ToDo("handle pairtype <= nbnd 1-4");
                List <Top.Angle>         top_angles        = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Angle>();
                List <Top.Dihedral>      top_dihedral      = top.elements.SelectSourceExtTop().ListType <Top.Dihedral>();
                List <Top.Atomtypes>     top_atomtypes     = top.elements.ListAtomtypes();
                List <Top.Bondtypes>     top_bondtypes     = top.elements.ListType <Top.Bondtypes>();
                List <Top.Angletypes>    top_angletypes    = top.elements.ListType <Top.Angletypes>();
                List <Top.Dihedraltypes> top_dihedraltypes = top.elements.ListType <Top.Dihedraltypes>();
                List <Top.Pairtypes>     top_pairtypes     = top.elements.ListType <Top.Pairtypes>();   ///Debug.ToDo("handle pairtype <= nbnd 1-4");

                    ///Debug.ToDo("handle here");
                    List <Top.LineElement> elems = new List <Top.LineElement>(top.elements);
                    foreach (var elem in top_atoms)
                    foreach (var elem in top_bonds)
                    foreach (var elem in top_pairs)
                    foreach (var elem in top_angles)
                    foreach (var elem in top_dihedral)
                    foreach (var elem in top_atomtypes)
                    foreach (var elem in top_bondtypes)
                    foreach (var elem in top_angletypes)
                    foreach (var elem in top_dihedraltypes)
                    foreach (var elem in top_pairtypes)
                    List <Top.LineElement> srcitp = new List <Top.LineElement>();
                    List <Top.LineElement> srctop = new List <Top.LineElement>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < elems.Count; i++)
                        if ((elems[i].source as string).EndsWith(".itp"))
                            srcitp.Add(elems[i]); elems[i] = null; continue;
                        if ((elems[i].source as string).EndsWith(".top"))
                            srctop.Add(elems[i]); elems[i] = null; continue;
                    elems = elems.HRemoveAllNull().ToList();
                    HDebug.Assert(elems.Count == 0);

                Atoms atoms = new Atoms(univ);

                HDebug.Assert(pdb.atoms.Length == top_atoms.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < top_atoms.Count; i++)
                    //Debug.Assert(psf.atoms[i].AtomId == pdb.atoms[i].serial);
                    //string type0 = psf.atoms[i].AtomType;
                    //Atom atom = new Atom(psf.atoms[i], prm.FindNonbonded(type0, logger), pdb.atoms[i]);
                    //atom.Coord = pdb.atoms[i].coord;
                    Gromacs.Top.Atom atom = top_atoms[i];
                    HDebug.Assert(i + 1 == atom.cgnr);
                    HDebug.Assert(atom.cgnr == pdb.atoms[i].serial);
                    //Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes atomtype = top_atomtypes[atom.type];
                    List <Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes> atomtypes = FindTypes(top_atomtypes, atom.type);
                    HDebug.Assert(atomtypes.Count == 1);
                    Gromacs.Top.Atomtypes atomtype = atomtypes.Last();
                    //Debug.Assert(atom.charge == atomtype.charge);
                    //Debug.Assert(atom.mass   == atomtype.mass  );
                    Atom uatom = new Atom(atom.cgnr, atom.atom, atom.type, pdb.atoms[i].element.Trim()
                                          , atom.resnr, atom.residu
                                          , atom.charge, atom.mass
                                          , atomtype.epsilon, atomtype.sigma
                                          , double.NaN, double.NaN
                                          , atom, atomtype
                    uatom.Coord = pdb.atoms[i].coord;

                // bonds
                Bonds bonds = new Bonds();

                for (int i = 0; i < top_bonds.Count; i++)
                    int idx0 = top_bonds[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType;
                    int idx1 = top_bonds[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType;
                    List <Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes> bondtypes = FindTypes(top_bondtypes, type0, type1);
                    //Debug.Assert(bondtypes.Count == 1);
                    Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes bondtype         = bondtypes.Last();
                    //Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes bondtype = top_bondtypes[Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes.GetStringKey(type0,type1)];
                    Bond bond = new Bond(atom0, atom1, bondtype.kb, bondtype.b0, bondtype);
                    atom0.Bonds.Add(bond); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter12.Add(atom1);
                    atom1.Bonds.Add(bond); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom1.Inter12.Add(atom0);

                // angles
                Angles angles = new Angles();

                for (int i = 0; i < top_angles.Count; i++)
                    int idx0 = top_angles[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType;
                    int idx1 = top_angles[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType;
                    int idx2 = top_angles[i].ak - 1; Atom atom2 = atoms[idx2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType;
                    List <Gromacs.Top.Angletypes> angletypes = FindTypes(top_angletypes, type0, type1, type2);
                    //Debug.Assert(angletypes.Count == 1);
                    Gromacs.Top.Angletypes angletype         = angletypes.Last();
                    //Gromacs.Top.Angletypes angletype = top_angletypes[Gromacs.Top.Bondtypes.GetStringKey(type0, type1, type2)];
                    Angle angle = new Angle(atom0, atom1, atom2
                                            , angletype.cth, angletype.th0, angletype.cub, angletype.ub0
                                            , angletype
                    atom0.Angles.Add(angle); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2);
                    atom1.Angles.Add(angle); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0);
                    atom2.Angles.Add(angle); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1);

                // dihedrals
                Dihedrals dihedrals = new Dihedrals();
                Impropers impropers = new Impropers();

                for (int i = 0; i < top_dihedral.Count; i++)
                    int idx0 = top_dihedral[i].ai - 1; Atom atom0 = atoms[idx0]; string type0 = atom0.AtomType;
                    int idx1 = top_dihedral[i].aj - 1; Atom atom1 = atoms[idx1]; string type1 = atom1.AtomType;
                    int idx2 = top_dihedral[i].ak - 1; Atom atom2 = atoms[idx2]; string type2 = atom2.AtomType;
                    int idx3 = top_dihedral[i].al - 1; Atom atom3 = atoms[idx3]; string type3 = atom3.AtomType;
                    int funct = top_dihedral[i].funct;
                    List <Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> dihedraltypes = FindTypes(top_dihedraltypes, type0, type1, type2, type3);
                        List <Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> ldihedraltypes = new List <Top.Dihedraltypes>(dihedraltypes);
                        // select funct matching to its query
                        for (int j = 0; j < ldihedraltypes.Count;)
                            if (ldihedraltypes[j].func == funct)
                        // if there are no matching query but improper, select the improper
                        if ((ldihedraltypes.Count == 0) && (dihedraltypes[0].func == 2))
                        dihedraltypes = new List <Top.Dihedraltypes>(ldihedraltypes);
                    //    // if dihedral(func==9) and improper(func==2) are mixed
                    //    // select only improper
                    //    bool has_func_2 = false;
                    //    for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; j++)
                    //        if(dihedraltypes[j].func == 2)
                    //            has_func_2 = true;
                    //    if(has_func_2)
                    //    {
                    //        for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; )
                    //        {
                    //            if(dihedraltypes[j].func == 2)
                    //                j++;
                    //            else
                    //                dihedraltypes.RemoveAt(j);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    if (dihedraltypes[0].func == 9)
                        // dihedral
                        for (int j = 1; j < dihedraltypes.Count; j++)
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].func == dihedraltypes[j].func);
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].i.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].i.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].j.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].j.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].k.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].k.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].l.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].l.Trim());
                        Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes dihedraltype = dihedraltypes.Last();
                        Dihedral dihedral = new Dihedral(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3
                                                         , dihedraltype.cp, dihedraltype.mult, dihedraltype.phi0
                                                         , dihedraltype
                        atom0.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3);
                        atom1.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0);
                        atom2.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1);
                        atom3.Dihedrals.Add(dihedral); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2);
                    if (dihedraltypes[0].func == 2)
                        // improper
                        for (int j = 1; j < dihedraltypes.Count; j++)
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].func == dihedraltypes[j].func);
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].i.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].i.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].j.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].j.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].k.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].k.Trim());
                            HDebug.Assert(dihedraltypes[0].l.Trim() == dihedraltypes[j].l.Trim());
                        Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes impropertype = dihedraltypes.Last();
                        Improper improper = new Improper(atom0, atom1, atom2, atom3
                                                         , impropertype.cp, impropertype.phi0
                                                         , impropertype
                        atom0.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom0.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom0.Inter123.Add(atom3);
                        atom1.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom1.Inter123.Add(atom2); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom1.Inter123.Add(atom0);
                        atom2.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom2.Inter123.Add(atom3); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom2.Inter123.Add(atom1);
                        atom3.Impropers.Add(improper); //atom3.Inter123.Add(atom0); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom1); atom3.Inter123.Add(atom2);

                    //Debug.Assert(dihedraltypes.Count == 1);
                    //for(int j=0; j<dihedraltypes.Count; j++)
                    //    if(dihedraltypes[j].func != 2)
                    //        dihedraltype = dihedraltypes[j];
                    //Debug.Assert(dihedraltype != null);
                    //List<Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes> dihedraltypes = top_dihedraltypes[Gromacs.Top.Dihedraltypes.GetStringKey(type0, type1, type2, type3)];

                // 1-4 interactions
                for (int i = 0; i < atoms.Count; i++)
                    HashSet <Atom> Inter14 = new HashSet <Atom>();
                    BuildInter1toN(atoms[i], 4, Inter14); // find all atoms for 1-4 interaction
                    Inter14.Remove(atoms[i]);             // remove self
                    foreach (Atom atom in atoms[i].Inter123)
                        Inter14.Remove(atom);             // remove all 1-2, 1-3 interactions
                    atoms[i].Inter14 = Inter14;
                Nonbonded14s nonbonded14s = new Nonbonded14s();


                //// nonbondeds
                //// do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions
                //Nonbondeds nonbondeds = new Nonbondeds();

                //Universe univ = new Universe();
                univ.pdb = pdb;
                univ.refs.Add("top", top);
                univ.atoms     = atoms;
                univ.bonds     = bonds;
                univ.angles    = angles;
                univ.dihedrals = dihedrals;
                univ.impropers = impropers;
                //univ.nonbondeds   = nonbondeds  ;  // do not make this list in advance, because it depends on the atom positions
                univ.nonbonded14s = nonbonded14s;

Ejemplo n.º 29
            public Dihedral[] FindDihedral(string type0, string type1, string type2, string type3, ITextLogger logger)
                string key = type0 + "-" + type1 + "-" + type2 + "-" + type3;

                if (_FindDihedral.ContainsKey(key) == false)
                    Dictionary <double, Tuple <int, Dihedral> > found = new Dictionary <double, Tuple <int, Dihedral> >();
                    //int      found_count_X = int.MaxValue;
                    foreach (Dihedral dihedral in dihedrals)
                        int count_X = FindType(dihedral.types, type0, type1, type2, type3);
                        if (count_X == -1)

                        /// http://www.charmm.org/documentation/c32b2/parmfile.html
                        // assign garbage dihedral
                        if (found.ContainsKey(dihedral.n) == false)
                            found.Add(dihedral.n, new Tuple <int, Dihedral>(int.MaxValue, null));
                        // if current "count of wildcards (X)" is smaller than alreayd assigned, replace existing one
                        if (count_X < found[dihedral.n].Item1)
                            found[dihedral.n] = new Tuple <int, Dihedral>(count_X, dihedral);

                        #region commented-out old code
                        //if(count_X < found_count_X)
                        //    found = dihedral;
                        //    found_count_X = count_X;
                        //    bool writelog = ((count_X     != found_count_X ) ||
                        //                     (found.Kchi  != dihedral.Kchi ) ||
                        //                     (found.n     != dihedral.n    ) ||
                        //                     (found.delta != dihedral.delta));
                        //    if(writelog && (logger!=null))
                        //    {
                        //        logger.Log(string.Format("Dihedral params of {0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-(Kchi {4}, n {5}, delta {6:G4}) is replaced to ({7}, {8}, {9:G4})",
                        //                                  type0, type1, type2, type3,    found.Kchi,    found.n,    found.delta,
                        //                                                              dihedral.Kchi, dihedral.n, dihedral.delta));
                        //    }
                    HDebug.Assert(found.Count != 0);
                    _FindDihedral.Add(key, found.Values.ToArray().HListItem2());
Ejemplo n.º 30
 protected ClassObserverBase(ITextLogger textLogger = null)
     : base(textLogger)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public TextLogComposer(ITextLogger logger)
     this.logger = logger;
     this.ScriptLogger = new RuleLogger(this);