public void Verify_Target_Test1_ValidateGlobalCoodinates()
            var snapper = new SnapperImageArray("map", snapperImageArray);
            var target  = new TargetImageArray("test1", targetArray, ' ');

            var expected = new Coordinate(5.5, 7.5);
            var actual   = ITargetImage.CalculateGlobalCoordinatesOfShapeCentroid(target, 4, 5);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Scan(ISnapperImage snapperImage, ITargetImage targetImage, int horizontalOffset,
             int verticalOffset, double minimumConfidenceInTargetPrecision)
     SnapperImage          = snapperImage;
     TargetImage           = targetImage;
     this.HorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;
     this.VerticalOffset   = verticalOffset;
     MinimumConfidenceInTargetPrecision = minimumConfidenceInTargetPrecision;
     CentroidGlobalCoordinates          = ITargetImage.CalculateGlobalCoordinatesOfShapeCentroid(TargetImage, HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset);
     TopLHCornerGlobalCoordinates       = new Coordinate(HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private List <Scan> GetListOfNonDuplicateTargets(ITargetImage targetImage)
            List <Scan> scansWithDuplicates = _rawScans.Where(scan => scan.TargetFound == true && scan.TargetImage.Name == targetImage.Name).ToList();

            int snapperImageRows    = SnapperImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(0);
            int snapperImageColumns = SnapperImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(1);

            int targetImageRows    = targetImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(0);
            int targetImageColumns = targetImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < snapperImageRows - targetImageRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < snapperImageColumns - targetImageColumns; j++)
                    //Get a subarray from the snapperimagearray and look for squares which contain global centroids.
                    var subArray = MultiDimensionalCharacterArrayHelpers.GetSubArrayFromArray
                                       (SnapperImage.GridRepresentation, targetImage.GridRepresentation, j, i);

                    //For each element in the subarray, look for any targets in targetsFound
                    List <Scan> potentialDuplicates = new List <Scan>();

                    for (int k = 0; k < targetImageRows; k++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < targetImageColumns; m++)
                            int globalX     = j + k;
                            int globalY     = i + m;
                            var globalCords = new Coordinate(globalX, globalY);

                            //Look for any targets within targetsFound with matching coordinates, if so add to potentialDuplicates.
                            Scan scan =
                                scansWithDuplicates.Where(x => x.TopLHCornerGlobalCoordinates.X == globalX && x.TopLHCornerGlobalCoordinates.Y == globalY).FirstOrDefault();;
                            if (scan != null)

                    if (potentialDuplicates.Count > 1)
                        potentialDuplicates = potentialDuplicates.OrderByDescending(x => x.ConfidenceInTargetDetection).ToList();
                        for (int n = 1; n < potentialDuplicates.Count; n++)

        public TargetImageArray(string name, char[,] array, char blankCharacter)
            this.Name = name;
            this.GridRepresentation = array;
                = ITargetImage.CalculateCoordinatesInsidePerimeterOfObject(this, blankCharacter);
            this.CentroidLocalCoordinates = CalculateLocalCoordinatesOfShapeCentroid(array);
            bool targetOK = ITargetImage.VerifyTargetHasADefinedShape(InternalShapeCoordinatesOfTarget);

            if (!targetOK)
                throw new Exception("Target is not defined by a particular shape - please check input and try again.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public TargetImageTextFile(string name, string filePath, char blankCharacter)
            this.Name               = name;
            this.FilePath           = filePath;
            this.GridRepresentation = ConvertTextFileInto2DArray(filePath).TrimArray(blankCharacter);
            this.InternalShapeCoordinatesOfTarget = ITargetImage.CalculateCoordinatesInsidePerimeterOfObject(this, blankCharacter);
            this.CentroidLocalCoordinates         = CalculateLocalCoordinatesOfShapeCentroid();

            bool targetOK = ITargetImage.VerifyTargetHasADefinedShape(InternalShapeCoordinatesOfTarget);

            if (!targetOK)
                throw new Exception("Target is not defined by a particular shape - please check input and try again.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void ScanForTarget(ITargetImage target)
            int snapperImageRows    = SnapperImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(0);
            int snapperImageColumns = SnapperImage.GridRepresentation.GetLength(1);

            int targetRows = target.GridRepresentation.GetLength(0);
            int targetCols = target.GridRepresentation.GetLength(1);

            int maximumHorizontalOffset = snapperImageColumns - targetCols;
            int maximumVerticalOffset   = snapperImageRows - targetRows;

            for (int i = 0; i <= maximumVerticalOffset; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= maximumHorizontalOffset; j++)
                    Scan s = new Scan(SnapperImage, target, j, i, MinimumConfidenceInTargetPrecision);