Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static FileInfoBase OrganisedLibraryTVShowFile(IFileSystem fileSystem, ITVShow tvShow)
            // Initalise empty name.
            var path = "";

            // Make clean extension.
            var extension = tvShow.File.Extension.Replace(".", "");

            if (tvShow.SeasonNumber.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (tvShow.Name))
                // If has SeasonNumber and has EpisodeName.
                path = string.Format ("{0}/Season {1}/{0} - S{1:D2}E{2:D2} - {3}.{4}", tvShow.TVShowName, tvShow.SeasonNumber, tvShow.EpisodeNumber, tvShow.Name, extension);
            else if (tvShow.SeasonNumber.HasValue && string.IsNullOrEmpty (tvShow.Name))
                // If has SeasonNumber and has NO EpisodeName.
                path = string.Format ("{0}/Season {1}/{0} - S{1:D2}E{2:D2}.{3}", tvShow.TVShowName, tvShow.SeasonNumber, tvShow.EpisodeNumber, extension);
            else if (!tvShow.SeasonNumber.HasValue && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (tvShow.Name))
                // If has NO SeasonNumber and has EpisodeName.
                path = string.Format ("{0}/{0} - E{1:D2} - {2}.{3}", tvShow.TVShowName, tvShow.EpisodeNumber, tvShow.Name, extension);
            else if (!tvShow.SeasonNumber.HasValue && string.IsNullOrEmpty (tvShow.Name))
                // If has NO SeasonNumber and has NO EpisodeName.
                path = string.Format ("{0}/{0} - E{1:D2}.{2}", tvShow.TVShowName, tvShow.EpisodeNumber, extension);

            // Get full file path and return FileInfo.
            var fullPath = fileSystem.Path.Combine (ResourceManager.TVShowLibrary.RootDirectory.FullName, path);
            return fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName (fullPath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public AddToLibrary(IFileSystem fileSystem, ITVShow tvShow, TextWriter stdOut=null, TextWriter stdErr=null)
            : base("AddToLibrary" + idCounter++, stdOut, stdErr)
            _action = () =>
                // Create new tvShow file.
                var newFile = OrganisedLibraryTVShowFile (fileSystem, tvShow);
                LogOutput("Library path {0}", newFile.FullName);

                // Check not moving to itself.
                if (tvShow.File.FullName == newFile.FullName)
                    LogOutput("Can not move to self.");

                // Create directory if it does not exist.
                if (!newFile.Directory.Exists)
                    LogOutput("Creating directory {0}", newFile.Directory.FullName);

                // Copy.
                LogOutput("Copying {0} to {1}", tvShow.File.FullName, newFile.Directory.FullName);
                tvShow.File.CopyTo(newFile.FullName, true);
        public RemuxEncodeMetadataAndAddToLibrary(IFileSystem fileSystem, ITVShow tvShow, bool deleteOriginal, TextWriter stdOut=null, TextWriter stdErr=null)
            : base("RemuxEncodeMetadataAndAddToLibrary" + idCounter++, stdOut, stdErr)
            _action = () =>
                // Create and set working area.
                var workingArea = fileSystem.DirectoryInfo.FromDirectoryName (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.GetTempPath (), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name), this.GetType().Name));
                if (!workingArea.Exists)
                    LogOutput("Creating working area at {0}.", workingArea.FullName);

                // Make working area file.
                var name = tvShow.File.Name.Replace(tvShow.File.Extension, "") + ".m4v";
                var workingAreaFile = fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(fileSystem.Path.Combine(workingArea.FullName, name));

                // Make working area tvShow.
                var workingAreaTVShow = new WorkingTVShow(tvShow, workingAreaFile);

                // Remux.
                var remuxTask = new Remux(fileSystem, tvShow.File, workingAreaFile, StdOut, StdErr);
                LogOutput("Starting remux sub-task {0}.", remuxTask.Id);
                remuxTask.StdOut = StdOut;
                remuxTask.StdErr = StdErr;

                // Encode.
                var encodeTask = new EncodeMetadata(fileSystem, workingAreaTVShow, StdOut, StdErr);
                LogOutput("Starting encoding sub-task {0}.", encodeTask.Id);
                encodeTask.StdOut = StdOut;
                encodeTask.StdErr = StdErr;

                // Add to library.
                var addToLibrary = new AddToLibrary(fileSystem, workingAreaTVShow, StdOut, StdErr);
                LogOutput("Starting add to library sub-task {0}.", addToLibrary.Id);
                addToLibrary.StdOut = StdOut;
                addToLibrary.StdErr = StdErr;

                // Delete working area tvShow file.
                LogOutput("Deleting working area file {0}.", workingAreaTVShow.File.Name);

                // If delete original.
                    LogOutput("Deleting original file {0}.", tvShow.File.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <ITVShow> GetTvShowDetailsAsync(string id, string language)
            ITVShow details = _nfoFactory.CreateTVShow();

            string url = $"http://my.scraper.url/search?id={id}&language={language}";

            string content = await GetPageContent(url);

            // TODO : parse your content to create to fill the details

 public WorkingTVShow(ITVShow tvShow, FileInfoBase file)
     File = file;
     Definition = tvShow.Definition;
     TVShowName = tvShow.TVShowName;
     SeasonNumber = tvShow.SeasonNumber;
     EpisodeNumber = tvShow.EpisodeNumber;
     Name = tvShow.Name;
     Description = tvShow.Description;
     Genres = tvShow.Genres;
     Cast = tvShow.Cast;
     Directors = tvShow.Directors;
     Screenwriters = tvShow.Screenwriters;
     ReleaseDate = tvShow.ReleaseDate;
     Network = tvShow.Network;
     Artwork = tvShow.Artwork;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <SearchResultEntity[]> SearchByIdAsync(string id, string language, bool getPicture)
            List <SearchResultEntity> result = new List <SearchResultEntity>();
            ITVShow detail = await GetTvShowDetailsAsync(id, language);

            if (detail != null)
                result.Add(new SearchResultEntity
                    Id       = detail.Id,
                    ItemType = ItemType.TVShow,
                    Title    = detail.Title,
                    Year     = detail.Premiered,

 public TVShowController(IConfiguration config, ITVShow tvShow)
     _config = config;
     _tvSHow = tvShow;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public EncodeMetadata(IFileSystem fileSystem, ITVShow tvShow, TextWriter stdOut=null, TextWriter stdErr=null)
            : base("EncodeMetadata" + idCounter++, stdOut, stdErr)
            _action = () =>
                // Create and set working area.
                var workingArea = fileSystem.DirectoryInfo.FromDirectoryName (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.Combine (fileSystem.Path.GetTempPath (), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name), this.GetType().Name));
                if (!workingArea.Exists)
                    LogOutput("Creating working area at {0}.", workingArea.FullName);

                // Make temp encoding file and artwork file.
                var workingAreaEncodingFile = fileSystem.FileInfo.FromFileName(fileSystem.Path.Combine(workingArea.FullName, tvShow.File.Name));
                var tempArtworkFile = tvShow.Artwork.ToFile(fileSystem);

                // Setup default arguments.
                var arguments = string.Format ("-source \"{0}\" -dest \"{1}\" ", tvShow.File.FullName, workingAreaEncodingFile.FullName);

                // Set metadata arguments.
                var metadataList = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
                metadataList ["Name"] = tvShow.Name;
                metadataList ["Artist"] = tvShow.TVShowName;
                metadataList ["Album"] = tvShow.TVShowName;
                metadataList ["Genre"] = string.Join (", ", tvShow.Genres);
                metadataList ["Release Date"] = tvShow.ReleaseDate.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd");
                metadataList ["Track #"] = string.Format ("{0}", tvShow.EpisodeNumber);
                metadataList ["TV Show"] = tvShow.TVShowName.ToString ();
                metadataList ["TV Episode #"] = tvShow.EpisodeNumber.ToString ();
                metadataList ["TV Network"] = tvShow.Network;
                metadataList ["TV Episode ID"] = string.Format("{0}{1:D2}", tvShow.SeasonNumber, tvShow.EpisodeNumber);
                metadataList ["TV Season"] = tvShow.SeasonNumber.ToString ();
                metadataList ["Description"] = tvShow.Description;
                metadataList ["Long Description"] = tvShow.Description;
                metadataList ["Cast"] = string.Join (", ", tvShow.Cast);
                metadataList ["Director"] = string.Join (", ", tvShow.Directors);
                metadataList ["Screenwriters"] = string.Join (", ", tvShow.Screenwriters);
                metadataList ["HD Video"] = ((int) tvShow.Definition).ToString();
                metadataList ["Media Kind"] = "TV Show";
                metadataList ["Artwork"] = tempArtworkFile.FullName;

                // Convert metadata arguments list to string.
                if (metadataList.Any ())
                    arguments += " -metadata ";
                    foreach (var metadata in metadataList)
                        arguments += string.Format ("\"{{{0}:{1}}}\"", metadata.Key, metadata.Value);

                // Encode.
                LogOutput("Encoding {0} to working area location {1}.", tvShow.File.FullName, workingAreaEncodingFile.FullName);
                if(External.Run(External.Application.SublerCLI, arguments, StdOut, StdErr).ExitCode!=0)
                    LogError("Encoding failed.");
                    LogOutput("Deleting temp artwork file {0}.", tempArtworkFile.FullName);

                // Delete temp artwork file.
                LogOutput("Deleting temp artwork file {0}.", tempArtworkFile.FullName);

                // Replace original file with newly created encoded file.
                LogOutput("Deleting original file {0}.", tvShow.File.FullName);

                LogOutput("Moving newly created encoded file {0} to orginal file location {1}.", workingAreaEncodingFile.FullName, tvShow.File.FullName);