public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; world = game.World; map = world.Map; game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.TreeFeller, onAxeSwing); }
private void ConsoleCommand(string str, ITMGame game, ITMPlayer player1, ITMPlayer player2, IOutputLog log) { str = str.ToLower(); string[] commands = str.Split(' '); if (commands.Length > 1) { switch (commands[1]) { case "help": log.WriteLine(QuickGatherHelp(commands)); break; case "toggleveinmine": log.WriteLine(ToggleVeinMining()); break; case "togglelumberjack": log.WriteLine(ToggleLumberJack()); break; case "toggleharvest": log.WriteLine(ToggleHarvesting()); break; case "saveconfig": log.WriteLine(SaveConfigs()); break; case "ver": log.WriteLine(GetVersion()); break; case "version": log.WriteLine(GetVersion()); break; default: log.WriteLine("Unknown Command use 'qg help' for more info"); break; } } else { log.WriteLine("Unknown Command use 'qg help' for help"); } }
void ITMPlugin.InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; game.World.ComponentPasted += OnComponentPasted; game.AddEventItemSwing(Item.DebugTool, Paste); game.AddEventItemSwing(Item.Wand, OverrideInput); }
public void RegisterEvents(ITMGame game) { foreach (Item item in this.Keys) { game.AddEventItemSwing(item, ItemSwingEvent); Logger.Log($"Registered {Globals1.ItemData[(int)item].IDString} swing event"); } }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; this.helper = new TMHelper(game); this.random = new Random(); game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.Dice, EventSwingItem); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { Game = game; World = game.World; Map = game.World.Map; game.AddNotification("GTA Mod: Activated", NotifyRecipient.Local); game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.TrainSpawner, OnTrainSpawnerSwing); game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.VehicleSpawner, OnVehicleSpawnerSwing); game.AddItemCustomSetup(Item.Rasta, Permissions.Admin); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; this.helper = new TMHelper(game); foreach (Block b in badBlocks) { game.AddEventBlockMined(b, this.EventBlockMined); game.AddEventBlockPlaced(b, this.EventBlockPlaced); } }
NewGuiMenu ITMPluginGUI.GetItemCustomSetupScreen(ITMGame game, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D p, Item itemID) { switch (itemID) { case Item.Rasta: return(new VehicleSetupScreen(game, player, p)); default: return(null); } }
public SimpleScreen(INewGuiMenuScreen screen, ITMGame game, ITMPlayer player) : base(screen, game, player) { if (data.TextBox == null) { // one time initialization of static data data.TextBox = "Some Text"; data.DataField = "Edit Me"; data.SliderValue = 0.5f; } }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { try { _InitializeGame(game); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogErr($"Failed to InitializeGame\n{e}"); throw new Exception("Failed to InitializeGame"); } }
private void _InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; setRegistry.RegisterEvents(game); game.AddConsoleCommand((cmd, g, player, player2, output) => { string[] args = cmd.Split(' '); Item item = itemDictionary.Get(args[1]); string idstring = Globals1.ItemData[(int)item].IDString; output.WriteLine($"{item}, {idstring}"); output.WriteLine($"[{idstring.Equals(args[1], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)}] {args[1]} == {idstring}"); }, "regtest", "", ""); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; //if (game.CurrentBiome == BiomeType.Grasslands && game.IsEasyDifficulty) //{ // OreProperties.AddOre(new OreProperty() { BlockID = Block.Diamond, DepositFrequency = 1000, DepositSize = 60, MaxDepth = 0.2f, MinDepth = 0 }); // OreProperties.AddOre(new OreProperty() { BlockID = Block.Ruby, DepositFrequency = 1000, DepositSize = 60, MaxDepth = 0.2f, MinDepth = 0 }); // OreProperties.AddOre(new OreProperty() { BlockID = Block.None, DepositFrequency = 1000000, DepositSize = 600, MaxDepth = 0.99f, MinDepth = 0 }); //} game.AddNotification("Craig Mod 1: Activated", NotifyRecipient.Local); }
ArcadeMachine ITMPluginArcade.GetArcadeMachine(int gameID, ITMGame game, ITMMap map, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D p, BlockFace face) { switch (gameID) { case 0: return(new TotalPongGame(game, map, player, p, face)); case 1: return(new TotalDefenderGame(game, map, player, p, face)); case 2: return(new TotalRoboGame(game, map, player, p, face)); } return(null); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; = game.World; = world.Map; // Preload sound effects so gameplay is not stuttered by load. pickSounds = new SoundEffect[4]; //pickSounds[0] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(ModPath + "357_reload1.wav"); //pickSounds[1] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(ModPath + "357_reload2.wav"); //pickSounds[2] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(ModPath + "357_reload3.wav"); //pickSounds[3] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(ModPath + "smg1_reload.wav"); game.AddNotification("Lockpick Activated", NotifyRecipient.Local); game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.Lockpick, OnLockpickSwing); }
void ITMPlugin.InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; entities = new Entity[500]; entityData = new EntityData[500]; entityActive = new bool[500]; spawnPoints = new List <Spawn>(100); entityCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; ++i) { entities[i] = new Entity(); entityData[i] = new EntityData(); entityActive[i] = false; } }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { lumberJackToolsCfg = new ConfigFile("LumberJack.cfg"); lumberJackBlocksCfg = new ConfigFile("LumberJackBlocks.cfg"); veinMineToolsCfg = new ConfigFile("VeinMine.cfg"); veinMineOresCfg = new ConfigFile("VeinMineBlocks.cfg"); harvestToolsCfg = new ConfigFile("Harvest.cfg"); FloodSearchList = new List <GlobalPoint3D>(); = game; world = game.World; map = world.Map; game.AddEventBlockMined(Block.None, MyAction); game.AddConsoleCommand(ConsoleCommand, "qg", "runs specified command", "Commands: ToggleVeinMine, ToggleLumberJack, ToggleHarvest"); if (!File.Exists(lumberJackToolsCfg.pathFileName)) { BuildDefaultLumberJackToolConfig(); } if (!File.Exists(lumberJackBlocksCfg.pathFileName)) { BuildDefaultLumberJackBlockConfig(); } if (!File.Exists(veinMineToolsCfg.pathFileName)) { BuildDefaultMiningToolsConfig(); } if (!File.Exists(veinMineOresCfg.pathFileName)) { BuildDefaultMiningBlocksConfig(); } if (!File.Exists(harvestToolsCfg.pathFileName)) { BuildDefaultHarvestToolConfig(); } LoadAllConfigs(); RetrieveConfigData(); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; = game.World; = world.Map; // Preload sound effects so gameplay is not stuttered by load. pickSounds = new SoundEffect[4]; pickSounds[0] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(FileSystem.RootPath + ModPath + "357_reload1.wav"); pickSounds[1] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(FileSystem.RootPath + ModPath + "357_reload2.wav"); pickSounds[2] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(FileSystem.RootPath + ModPath + "357_reload3.wav"); pickSounds[3] = game.AudioManager.LoadSoundEffectFromStream(FileSystem.RootPath + ModPath + "smg1_reload.wav"); game.AddNotification("Lockpick Activated", NotifyRecipient.Local); game.AddEventItemSwing(Items.Lockpick, OnLockpickSwing); game.AddConsoleCommand(CmdUnlock, "unlock", "Use lockpick on a Locked Door", "Use lockpick on a Locked Door\n\nunlock\n\nExamples:\nunlock -- unlock the door."); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { Game = game; Logger.Logged += Logged; _ScriptPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(FileSystem.RootPath, game.World.WorldPath), "Scripts"); if (!Directory.Exists(_ScriptPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_ScriptPath); } game.AddConsoleCommand((s, tmGame, arg3, arg4, arg5) => { Script _s = new Script(); _s.Globals["os"] = new OSAPI(arg5); try { _s.DoString(s.Substring(3)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e.ToString()); arg5.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }, "lua", "Runs Lua.", "Runs Lua from the console."); game.AddConsoleCommand((s, tmGame, arg3, arg4, arg5) => { string[] args = s.Split(' '); Script _s = new Script(); _s.Globals["os"] = new OSAPI(); try { _s.DoFile(Path.Combine(_ScriptPath, args[1])); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e.ToString()); arg5.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }, "dolua", "Runs Lua from a file.", "Runs lua from a file globally."); }
public VehicleSetupScreen(INewGuiMenuScreen screen, ITMGame game, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D p) : base(screen, game, player) { point = p; }
void ITMPlugin.InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { Logger.Logged += Logged; _game = game; }
ArcadeMachine ITMPluginArcade.GetArcadeMachine(int gameID, ITMGame game, ITMMap map, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D p, BlockFace face) { return(new BrickbreakerGame(game, map, player, p, face)); }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; game.AddNotification("Arcade Games: Activated", NotifyRecipient.Local); }
void CmdUnlock(string command, ITMGame game, ITMPlayer caller, ITMPlayer player, IOutputLog log) { OnLockpickSwing(Items.Lockpick, player.RightHand); }
public TMHelper(ITMGame game) { = game; }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { = game; = game.World; = game.World.Map; }
public TotalRoboGame(ITMGame game, ITMMap map, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D point, BlockFace face) : base(game, map, player, point, face) { }
public VehicleSetupScreen(ITMGame game, ITMPlayer player, GlobalPoint3D p) : base(game, player) { point = p; }
public void InitializeGame(ITMGame game) { }