/// <summary>
        /// Remove, Replace or Insert subtrees
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree">The symbolic expression tree</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The insertion point (ie, the parent node who will receive a new child)</param>
        /// <param name="oldChild">The subtree to be replaced</param>
        /// <param name="newChild">The replacement subtree</param>
        /// <param name="removeSubtree">Flag used to indicate if whole subtrees should be removed (default behavior), or just the subtree root</param>
        private void Modify(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent,
                            ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode oldChild, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newChild, bool removeSubtree = true)
            if (oldChild == null && newChild == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot deduce operation type from the arguments. Please provide non null operands.");
            if (oldChild == null)
                // insertion operation
                newChild.Parent = parent;
            else if (newChild == null)
                // removal operation
                if (!removeSubtree)
                    for (int i = oldChild.SubtreeCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        var subtree = oldChild.GetSubtree(i);
                // replacement operation
                var replacementIndex = parent.IndexOfSubtree(oldChild);
                parent.InsertSubtree(replacementIndex, newChild);
                newChild.Parent = parent;
                if (changedNodes.ContainsKey(oldChild))
                    changedNodes.Add(newChild, changedNodes[oldChild]); // so that on double click the original node is restored
                    changedNodes.Add(newChild, oldChild);
            treeState = IsValid(tree) ? TreeState.Valid : TreeState.Invalid;
            switch (treeState)
            case TreeState.Valid:
                this.grpViewHost.Enabled = true;

            case TreeState.Invalid:
                this.grpViewHost.Enabled = false;
 private void SwitchNode(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode oldBranch, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newBranch)
     for (int i = 0; i < root.SubtreeCount; i++)
         if (root.GetSubtree(i) == oldBranch)
             root.InsertSubtree(i, newBranch);
        private void SwitchNodeWithReplacementNode(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, int subTreeIndex)
            ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subTree = parent.GetSubtree(subTreeIndex);

            if (foldedNodes.ContainsKey(subTree))
                var replacementNode = foldedNodes[subTree];
                parent.InsertSubtree(subTreeIndex, replacementNode);
                // exchange key and value
                foldedNodes.Add(replacementNode, subTree);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected static ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode GenerateAndInsertNewSubtree(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, List <ISymbol> allowedSymbols, int childIndex, int maxLength, int maxDepth)
            var weights = allowedSymbols.Select(s => s.InitialFrequency).ToList();

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            var seedSymbol = allowedSymbols.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

            // replace the old node with the new node
            var seedNode = seedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
            if (seedNode.HasLocalParameters)
            parent.InsertSubtree(childIndex, seedNode);
            ProbabilisticTreeCreator.PTC2(random, seedNode, maxLength, maxDepth);
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove, Replace or Insert subtrees
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tree">The symbolic expression tree</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The insertion point (ie, the parent node who will receive a new child)</param>
 /// <param name="oldChild">The subtree to be replaced</param>
 /// <param name="newChild">The replacement subtree</param>
 /// <param name="removeSubtree">Flag used to indicate if whole subtrees should be removed (default behavior), or just the subtree root</param>
 private void Modify(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent,
   ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode oldChild, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newChild, bool removeSubtree = true) {
   if (oldChild == null && newChild == null)
     throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot deduce operation type from the arguments. Please provide non null operands.");
   if (oldChild == null) {
     // insertion operation
     newChild.Parent = parent;
   } else if (newChild == null) {
     // removal operation
     if (!removeSubtree) {
       for (int i = oldChild.SubtreeCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
         var subtree = oldChild.GetSubtree(i);
   } else {
     // replacement operation
     var replacementIndex = parent.IndexOfSubtree(oldChild);
     parent.InsertSubtree(replacementIndex, newChild);
     newChild.Parent = parent;
     if (changedNodes.ContainsKey(oldChild)) {
       changedNodes.Add(newChild, changedNodes[oldChild]); // so that on double click the original node is restored
     } else {
       changedNodes.Add(newChild, oldChild);
   treeState = IsValid(tree) ? TreeState.Valid : TreeState.Invalid;
   switch (treeState) {
     case TreeState.Valid:
       this.grpViewHost.Enabled = true;
     case TreeState.Invalid:
       this.grpViewHost.Enabled = false;
        private static void ReplaceWithMinimalTree(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent,
                                                   int childIndex)
            // determine possible symbols that will lead to the smallest possible tree
            var possibleSymbols = (from s in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, childIndex)
                                   where s.InitialFrequency > 0.0
                                   group s by parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(s) into g
                                   orderby g.Key
                                   select g).First().ToList();
            var weights = possibleSymbols.Select(x => x.InitialFrequency).ToList();

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
            var selectedSymbol = possibleSymbols.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

            var tree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
            if (tree.HasLocalParameters)
            parent.InsertSubtree(childIndex, tree);

            var topLevelNode = tree as SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode;
            if (topLevelNode != null)

            for (int i = 0; i < tree.Grammar.GetMinimumSubtreeCount(tree.Symbol); i++)
                // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
                var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
                // replace the just inserted dummy by recursive application
                ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, tree, i);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 1. find a mutation point
        /// 2. generate new random tree
        /// 3. calculate semantic of old and new subtree (or of the closest parent)
        /// 4. do mutation if semantically different
        /// 5. retry until a certain number of tries is reached
        /// if no mutation has happened, do random mutation
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReplaceSemanticallyDifferentBranch(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTree symbolicExpressionTree, ICFGPythonProblemData problemData, ItemArray <PythonStatementSemantic> semantics, PythonProcess pythonProcess, double timeout, int maxTreeLength, int maxTreeDepth, int maximumSemanticTries)
            if (semantics == null || semantics.Length == 0)
                ReplaceBranchManipulation.ReplaceRandomBranch(random, symbolicExpressionTree, maxTreeLength, maxTreeDepth);

            var    statementProductionNames = SemanticOperatorHelper.GetSemanticProductionNames(symbolicExpressionTree.Root.Grammar);
            var    variables        = problemData.Variables.GetVariableNames().ToList();
            string variableSettings = problemData.VariableSettings.Count == 0 ? String.Empty : String.Join(Environment.NewLine, problemData.VariableSettings.Select(x => x.Value));

            var allowedSymbols = new List <ISymbol>();
            // repeat until a fitting parent and child are found (MAX_TRIES times)
            int tries         = 0;
            int semanticTries = 0;

                #region find mutation point
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = symbolicExpressionTree.Root.IterateNodesPrefix().Skip(1).Where(n => n.SubtreeCount > 0).SelectRandom(random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                int childIndex = random.Next(parent.SubtreeCount);
                var child      = parent.GetSubtree(childIndex);
                int maxLength  = maxTreeLength - symbolicExpressionTree.Length + child.GetLength();
                int maxDepth   = maxTreeDepth - symbolicExpressionTree.Root.GetBranchLevel(child);

                foreach (var symbol in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, childIndex))
                    // check basic properties that the new symbol must have
                    if ((symbol.Name != child.Symbol.Name || symbol.MinimumArity > 0) &&
                        symbol.InitialFrequency > 0 &&
                        parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(symbol) <= maxDepth &&
                        parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(symbol) <= maxLength)

                #region check for semantic difference with a new random tree
                if (allowedSymbols.Count > 0)
                    if (semanticTries <= maximumSemanticTries)
                        // do semantic mutation
                        #region calculate original json output
                        ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode statement = SemanticOperatorHelper.GetStatementNode(child, statementProductionNames);
                        var statementPos0 = symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().ToList().IndexOf(statement);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(variableSettings))
                            variableSettings = SemanticOperatorHelper.SemanticToPythonVariableSettings(semantics.First(x => x.TreeNodePrefixPos == statementPos0).Before, problemData.Variables.GetVariableTypes());

                        var jsonOriginal = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);

                        var seedNode = GenerateAndInsertNewSubtree(random, parent, allowedSymbols, childIndex, maxLength, maxDepth);

                        #region calculate new json output
                        JObject jsonReplaced;
                        if (child == statement)
                            // child is executable, so is the new child
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(seedNode, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);

                        if (JToken.EqualityComparer.Equals(jsonOriginal, jsonReplaced))
                            // semantically equivalent. undo mutation
                            parent.InsertSubtree(childIndex, child);
                            Console.WriteLine("never happens?");

                        if (problemData.VariableSettings.Count == 0)
                            // reset variableSettings
                            variableSettings = String.Empty;
                        // do random mutation
                        GenerateAndInsertNewSubtree(random, parent, allowedSymbols, childIndex, maxLength, maxDepth);
            } while (tries < MAX_TRIES && allowedSymbols.Count == 0 && semanticTries <= maximumSemanticTries);
        public override void ReplaceBranch(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTree symbolicExpressionTree, ICFGPythonProblemData problemData, ItemArray <PythonStatementSemantic> semantics, PythonProcess pythonProcess, double timeout, int maxTreeLength, int maxTreeDepth, int maximumSemanticTries)
            if (semantics == null || semantics.Length == 0)
                ReplaceBranchManipulation.ReplaceRandomBranch(random, symbolicExpressionTree, maxTreeLength, maxTreeDepth);
                SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(NoSemantics);
                MutationTypeParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(RandomMutation);

            var    statementProductionNames = SemanticOperatorHelper.GetSemanticProductionNames(symbolicExpressionTree.Root.Grammar);
            var    variables        = problemData.Variables.GetVariableNames().ToList();
            string variableSettings = problemData.VariableSettings.Count == 0 ? String.Empty : String.Join(Environment.NewLine, problemData.VariableSettings.Select(x => x.Value));

            var allowedSymbols = new List <ISymbol>();
            // repeat until a fitting parent and child are found (MAX_TRIES times)
            int tries         = 0;
            int semanticTries = 0;

            List <JObject> saveOriginalSemantics = null;
            List <JObject> saveReplaceSemantics  = null;
            List <Tuple <ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, int> > possibleChildren = null; // Item1 = parent, Item2 = seedNode, Item3 = childIndex

            if (UsesAdditionalSemanticMeasure())
                saveOriginalSemantics = new List <JObject>(semanticTries);
                saveReplaceSemantics  = new List <JObject>(semanticTries);
                possibleChildren      = new List <Tuple <ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, int> >(semanticTries);
            bool success = false;

                #region find mutation point
#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = symbolicExpressionTree.Root.IterateNodesPrefix().Skip(1).Where(n => n.SubtreeCount > 0).SelectRandom(random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                int childIndex = random.Next(parent.SubtreeCount);
                var child      = parent.GetSubtree(childIndex);
                int maxLength  = maxTreeLength - symbolicExpressionTree.Length + child.GetLength();
                int maxDepth   = maxTreeDepth - symbolicExpressionTree.Root.GetBranchLevel(child);

                foreach (var symbol in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, childIndex))
                    // check basic properties that the new symbol must have
                    if ((symbol.Name != child.Symbol.Name || symbol.MinimumArity > 0) &&
                        symbol.InitialFrequency > 0 &&
                        parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(symbol) <= maxDepth &&
                        parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(symbol) <= maxLength)
                #region check for semantic difference with a new random tree
                if (allowedSymbols.Count > 0)
                    if (semanticTries <= maximumSemanticTries)
                        // do semantic mutation
                        #region calculate original json output
                        ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode statement = SemanticOperatorHelper.GetStatementNode(child, statementProductionNames);
                        var statementPos0 = symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().ToList().IndexOf(statement);
                        PythonStatementSemantic curSemantics = null;
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(variableSettings))
                            curSemantics     = semantics.First(x => x.TreeNodePrefixPos == statementPos0);
                            variableSettings = SemanticOperatorHelper.SemanticToPythonVariableSettings(curSemantics.Before, problemData.Variables.GetVariableTypes());

                        var jsonOriginal = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);

                        // compare jsonOriginal to semantic after! Maybe avoid additional evaluation.

                        var seedNode = GenerateAndInsertNewSubtree(random, parent, allowedSymbols, childIndex, maxLength, maxDepth);

                        #region calculate new json output
                        JObject jsonReplaced;
                        if (child == statement)
                            // child is executable, so is the new child
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(seedNode, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);

                        var exception = jsonOriginal["exception"] != null || jsonReplaced["exception"] != null;

                        if (exception)
                            if (jsonOriginal["exception"] != null)
                                MutationExceptionsParameter.ActualValue.Add(new StringValue(jsonOriginal["exception"].ToString()));
                            if (jsonReplaced["exception"] != null)
                                MutationExceptionsParameter.ActualValue.Add(new StringValue(jsonReplaced["exception"].ToString()));

                        if (curSemantics != null && !exception)
                            jsonOriginal = PythonSemanticComparer.ReplaceNotExecutedCases(jsonOriginal, curSemantics.Before, curSemantics.ExecutedCases);
                            jsonReplaced = PythonSemanticComparer.ReplaceNotExecutedCases(jsonReplaced, curSemantics.Before, curSemantics.ExecutedCases);

                            jsonOriginal = PythonSemanticComparer.ProduceDifference(jsonOriginal, curSemantics.Before);
                            jsonReplaced = PythonSemanticComparer.ProduceDifference(jsonReplaced, curSemantics.Before);

                        if (!exception && SemanticMeasure(jsonOriginal, jsonReplaced))
                            success = true;
                            SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(Different);
                            TypeSelectedForSimilarityParameter.ActualValue      = new StringValue("First Semantic");
                            MutationTypeParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(SemanticMutation);
                            // undo mutation
                            parent.InsertSubtree(childIndex, child);

                            if (!exception && UsesAdditionalSemanticMeasure())
                                possibleChildren.Add(new Tuple <ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, int>(parent, seedNode, childIndex));

                        if (problemData.VariableSettings.Count == 0)
                            // reset variableSettings
                            variableSettings = String.Empty;

                        #region try second semantic comparison
                        if (!success && semanticTries >= maximumSemanticTries && UsesAdditionalSemanticMeasure())
                            for (int index = 0; index < saveOriginalSemantics.Count; index++)
                                if (AdditionalSemanticMeasure(saveOriginalSemantics[index], saveReplaceSemantics[index]))
                                    var mutation = possibleChildren[index];
                                    mutation.Item1.InsertSubtree(mutation.Item3, mutation.Item2);
                                    success = true;
                                    SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(Different);
                                    TypeSelectedForSimilarityParameter.ActualValue      = new StringValue("Second Semantic");
                                    MutationTypeParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(SemanticMutation);
                        // do random mutation
                        #region calculate original json output
                        ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode statement = SemanticOperatorHelper.GetStatementNode(child, statementProductionNames);
                        var statementPos0 = symbolicExpressionTree.IterateNodesPrefix().ToList().IndexOf(statement);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(variableSettings))
                            variableSettings = SemanticOperatorHelper.SemanticToPythonVariableSettings(semantics.First(x => x.TreeNodePrefixPos == statementPos0).Before, problemData.Variables.GetVariableTypes());

                        var jsonOriginal = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);

                        var     seedNode = GenerateAndInsertNewSubtree(random, parent, allowedSymbols, childIndex, maxLength, maxDepth);
                        JObject jsonReplaced;
                        if (child == statement)
                            // child is executable, so is the new child
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(seedNode, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);
                            jsonReplaced = SemanticOperatorHelper.EvaluateStatementNode(statement, pythonProcess, random, problemData, variables, variableSettings, timeout);
                        if (JToken.EqualityComparer.Equals(jsonOriginal, jsonReplaced))
                            SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(Equvivalent);
                            SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(Different);
                        TypeSelectedForSimilarityParameter.ActualValue = new StringValue("Random Crossover; Reached Max Semantic Tries");
                        MutationTypeParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(RandomMutation);
                        success = true;
            } while (tries < MAX_TRIES && !success);

            NumberOfTriesParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(semanticTries);
            if (SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue == null)
                SemanticallyEquivalentMutationParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(NoMutation);
                TypeSelectedForSimilarityParameter.ActualValue      = new StringValue("No mutation");
                MutationTypeParameter.ActualValue = new IntValue(NoMutation);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private static void ReplaceWithMinimalTree(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, int childIndex) {
      // determine possible symbols that will lead to the smallest possible tree
      var possibleSymbols = (from s in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, childIndex)
                             where s.InitialFrequency > 0.0
                             group s by parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(s) into g
                             orderby g.Key
                             select g).First().ToList();
      var weights = possibleSymbols.Select(x => x.InitialFrequency).ToList();

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
      var selectedSymbol = possibleSymbols.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

      var newTreeNode = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
      if (newTreeNode.HasLocalParameters) newTreeNode.ResetLocalParameters(random);
      parent.InsertSubtree(childIndex, newTreeNode);

      var topLevelNode = newTreeNode as SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode;
      if (topLevelNode != null)

      for (int i = 0; i < newTreeNode.Grammar.GetMinimumSubtreeCount(newTreeNode.Symbol); i++) {
        // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
        var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
        // replace the just inserted dummy by recursive application
        ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, newTreeNode, i);
 private void SwitchNodeWithReplacementNode(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent, int subTreeIndex) {
   ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode subTree = parent.GetSubtree(subTreeIndex);
   if (foldedNodes.ContainsKey(subTree)) {
     var replacementNode = foldedNodes[subTree];
     parent.InsertSubtree(subTreeIndex, replacementNode);
     // exchange key and value 
     foldedNodes.Add(replacementNode, subTree);
        private static bool TryCreateFullTreeFromSeed(IRandom random, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root,
                                                      int targetLength, int maxDepth)
            List <TreeExtensionPoint> extensionPoints = new List <TreeExtensionPoint>();
            int currentLength = 0;
            int actualArity   = SampleArity(random, root, targetLength, maxDepth);

            if (actualArity < 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++)
                // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
                var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
                var x = new TreeExtensionPoint {
                    Parent = root, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = 0
                FillExtensionLengths(x, maxDepth);
            //necessary to use long data type as the extension point length could be int.MaxValue
            long minExtensionPointsLength = extensionPoints.Select(x => (long)x.MinimumExtensionLength).Sum();
            long maxExtensionPointsLength = extensionPoints.Select(x => (long)x.MaximumExtensionLength).Sum();

            // while there are pending extension points and we have not reached the limit of adding new extension points
            while (extensionPoints.Count > 0 && minExtensionPointsLength + currentLength <= targetLength)
                int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count);
                TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex];
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent;
                int argumentIndex  = nextExtension.ChildIndex;
                int extensionDepth = nextExtension.ExtensionPointDepth;

                if (parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(parent.Symbol) > maxDepth - extensionDepth)
                    ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, argumentIndex);
                    int insertedTreeLength = parent.GetSubtree(argumentIndex).GetLength();
                    currentLength            += insertedTreeLength;
                    minExtensionPointsLength -= insertedTreeLength;
                    maxExtensionPointsLength -= insertedTreeLength;
                    //remove currently chosen extension point from calculation
                    minExtensionPointsLength -= nextExtension.MinimumExtensionLength;
                    maxExtensionPointsLength -= nextExtension.MaximumExtensionLength;

                    var symbols = from s in parent.Grammar.GetAllowedChildSymbols(parent.Symbol, argumentIndex)
                                  where s.InitialFrequency > 0.0
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionDepth(s) <= maxDepth - extensionDepth
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMinimumExpressionLength(s) <= targetLength - currentLength - minExtensionPointsLength
                                  select s;
                    if (maxExtensionPointsLength < targetLength - currentLength)
                        symbols = from s in symbols
                                  where parent.Grammar.GetMaximumExpressionLength(s, maxDepth - extensionDepth) >= targetLength - currentLength - maxExtensionPointsLength
                                  select s;
                    var allowedSymbols = symbols.ToList();

                    if (allowedSymbols.Count == 0)
                    var weights = allowedSymbols.Select(x => x.InitialFrequency).ToList();

#pragma warning disable 612, 618
                    var selectedSymbol = allowedSymbols.SelectRandom(weights, random);
#pragma warning restore 612, 618

                    ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newTree = selectedSymbol.CreateTreeNode();
                    if (newTree.HasLocalParameters)
                    parent.InsertSubtree(argumentIndex, newTree);

                    var topLevelNode = newTree as SymbolicExpressionTreeTopLevelNode;
                    if (topLevelNode != null)

                    actualArity = SampleArity(random, newTree, targetLength - currentLength, maxDepth - extensionDepth);
                    if (actualArity < 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < actualArity; i++)
                        // insert a dummy sub-tree and add the pending extension to the list
                        var dummy = new SymbolicExpressionTreeNode();
                        var x = new TreeExtensionPoint {
                            Parent = newTree, ChildIndex = i, ExtensionPointDepth = extensionDepth + 1
                        FillExtensionLengths(x, maxDepth);
                        maxExtensionPointsLength += x.MaximumExtensionLength;
                        minExtensionPointsLength += x.MinimumExtensionLength;
            // fill all pending extension points
            while (extensionPoints.Count > 0)
                int randomIndex = random.Next(extensionPoints.Count);
                TreeExtensionPoint nextExtension = extensionPoints[randomIndex];
                ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode parent = nextExtension.Parent;
                int a = nextExtension.ChildIndex;
                ReplaceWithMinimalTree(random, root, parent, a);
 private void SwitchNode(ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode root, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode oldBranch, ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode newBranch) {
   for (int i = 0; i < root.SubtreeCount; i++) {
     if (root.GetSubtree(i) == oldBranch) {
       root.InsertSubtree(i, newBranch);